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<br /> , : 97-� io6403
<br /> ` principal emount oi the Indebtedness secured by thls Deed oi Truat,not Including s�ma edvanced to protect the security of thle Deed of
<br /> .� i7ust,excoed the original princfpal amount stated hereln,or S 2 5,0(l0.00 __,whidiever is greater.
<br /> 18.Misc�ll�n�oua Provislons.
<br /> (a)Barrow�r Not R�las�d.Extenslon of the time for payment or modlflcation of amortizatton of the sums secured by thia
<br /> ' Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor In Interest oi Borrower shall not operat�ta release, in any manner,ihe Ilablli-
<br /> ty of the odglnal Borrower and Borrower's successors in Interest Lender shall not be requirod to cammence procQedings —
<br /> � agelnst such successor or refuse to extend time for peyment or otherwlse modlly amortfzation nf the sums secured by this —
<br /> Deed of Trust by reason nf any demands made by the original Borrower end Borrower's successore in inlerest.
<br /> .; (b)L�ndor's Povwrs.Without aHecting the Ilablllty�t eny othor person Ilable tor the payment of any obligatbn herei�men-
<br /> tioned,end without a(fecting the Ilen or charge of thls Deed oi Trust upon eny portion of the Property not then or thereto(ore
<br /> .;.� released as security for Ihe full amount of all unpald obllgatEons, Lender may,trom time to dme end wilhout notice(I) release �
<br /> any person so liable,(II)extend the meturity or aiter any o(the tarms of any such obllgations,(III)grant other indulgences,(ivj
<br /> �t,,Y;�y,�.[�� , re�ease orve ake or�reteases nt�ot er oe additlonaesecu ty�faeany obl gatbnLhee n mention d oP(v�make compositlans oe
<br /> • � a�:;�7;.l+i�lr� ProPe►tY.( ) y
<br /> t� other errangements with debtors in relation thereto. ,
<br /> . � (c)Forb�aranc�by L�nd�r Not a Waiv�r.Any forbearence by Lender in exercising eny nght or remedy hereunder, or oth-
<br /> erwise afforded by appliceble law,shall not be a waiver ol or preclude the exerclse ol Any such right or retnedy.The procure-
<br /> ment of Insurance or the payment ot texes or other Ilens a charges by Lender shell not be a wafver or Lenders ripht lo accekr- _
<br /> � ete lhe matu�ity of the Indebtedneas secured by thia De�ot Truat
<br /> (d)Succ�sson and Asst�ns�ound;Jolnt�nd 8�v�rw1 Llabllity;C�ptlons.The covenante and epreemenls hereln con- Y
<br /> � teined shall bind,and the righte hereunder shell Inure to,the reapeetive euccesscrr�e and ee�ipn�oi lender and Trusla. All _
<br /> ��: covanants end agreements oi Trustor sliali ba Jolnt nnd aevoral.The ceptiona and h�eadinge o4 lhe paregrpphn o1 tNe Ueod oi
<br /> Truat are for convanlence only end are not to be used to IMe�pret or define the provlsf�ns hereoi.
<br /> � � (e)R�qu��t for Notte�s.The partle�hereby request that e copy oi any nntice o}detault hereunder end a copy o1 eny notico
<br /> �, of aale hereunder tse melled to each party to thle Deed d Trust et the addreas eat torth ebove In the manner pre�cribed by
<br /> applicabla law.Except for eny olher nntice requlrod underappllceble IaN to bA Alven in another menner,eny notk:e provided for
<br /> In this Deed ot Trust shall be piven by mallfng such notice by certifled mall eddressed to the other parUea,et the eddreaa set
<br /> � forth ebove.Any noUce provided for In thla Deed of T�usl shall be etfective upon malling In the ma�Mr deslgnated hereln. Ii
<br /> Trustor is more than one person.notice sent to the addresa set iorth ebove shell be notice to all such persons.
<br /> (q insp�ctlon.I_ender may meke or cause to be maAe reeaonable enMee upo� and Inspectlons o(the Property,pravidad
<br /> "�� that Lender shall glve Trustor notice prior to any suGi Inspectlon speclfying reasonable cause therefor reiated to lenders Inter-
<br /> est in the Properly.
<br /> ' (g)Reconv�y�nc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reoonvey the
<br /> • Property and shell suRender this Deed oi Trust and al notes evidoncing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> .' " Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property,without warranty and without oharge to the person or persona legelly enGded
<br />- thereto.Trustor shali pay all costs of rec�rdation,if any.
<br /> � (h)P�rsonsl Prap�riy: S�cur{ty Agn�rt�nt As additionel security tor the payment of the Note,T�ustw hereby grants
<br /> � �� Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commerclal Code a securiry Interest in elt fixturas,equipment,and other personal property
<br /> ' used In connectbn with the real estate or Improvoments bcated theraon,and not otherw(se declared or deemed to be a part of
<br />- the reat estate secured hereby.Thls Instrument shall be construeci as a�ecuriry ngraemeni undnr�rini Cc,dv,ariu ii� Las�dss
<br /> ` ° shall have all the rights and remedles of a aecured party under said Code In additlon to the rights and remedies c�eated under
<br /> ti:� • .• ?. and accorded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed of 7rust;provided thet Lender's rights and remedles under th(s paragreph shall
<br />_�s,:.,;,,.•. .,, be cumulative with,and In no way a Iimftation on,Lendels �ights and remedles under any other secudry agreement signed by
<br />'= •;+`'` � • � Botrower or Trustor.
<br />°'_�� � (i)Llens e�d Encumbranc�s.Trustw hereby warr�nls and represents thet there Is no defeult under the provisbns oi eny
<br /> Mr:;.`,'�::�_ .: , mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchasa contract desuibing all or any part of tha Property, or other contract,insWment or
<br />�;�,,,:;j.�..;;;.,�,t ' agreement consGtuting e Ilen or encumbrance ageinst eq or art�peR of the Properiy(collectively, "Llens'),existing as of the
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and ell exlsting Llens remain unmodifled except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's writ-
<br />�t ;,;•., , �,�� ten diaclosure of Ilens and encumbrances provlded fa herein. Trustor shail tirnely pertorm ell of T�ustor's obligaUons,
<br /> �: .•:;�'.: Y „ covenants,representations and warrantfes under any andall sxtsting and future Uens,shall promptly taward to Lender copies
<br />;'..�. .�?l .
<br /> v � . � oi all notices oi default sent in connection with any and au exlating or future Liens, and shail not without Lender's prior tten
<br /> '�'Fi;-`'.;=�..-:'
<br />-a:�;a�. consent(n eny manner modify the provislons oi or allow eny future advances under any exlsting or future ilens.
<br />�*•�i"�' A Iication of Pa mRnb.Unless�therwise requUed by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder, induding without lim(taUon
<br /> rbr �
<br /> �:�.,;�:;, u) PP y
<br />=��;;�;p;,�_ paymente of pdnCipal and intorest, Insurence procoeds,condemnation proceeda and renta end profita,shail be epplied by
<br /> yt:�;�,r, •, Lender to the amounts due and owing irom Trustor end Borrower In auch order as Lender In its sole discretlon deems desir-
<br />--�t:.,,..,.. able.
<br /> = .�"�; (k)3�v�►abllfty.If any provislon ot thla Deed of Truat confllcts with appllcable I�w or Is declared invalid or othenvise unen-
<br /> _ �m;.,�„�,y,,; forceable,such conflict or Inveiidity shall not eftect tha olher provislons of this Deed of Trust or the Note whkh can be g(ven
<br /> ' ::•.�r_.�. effect without the conflictlng provislon,and to this end the provislons of this Deed of Trust end the Note are declared to be sev-
<br /> �;:"x.�.�;;.:, erabte.
<br />---•;c (q T�rms. The terma`Trustor and"E3cxrowe�'shalt lnclude both singuter and plural,and when the Trusta�and Barower are
<br /> �_;�T • the same person(s).those terms as used In thls Deed of Trust shall be Interchangeable.
<br />-;;�� ,, rt^: (m)Oovernlnq Law.This Deed of Trust shall be govemed by the laws oi the State of Nebraske.
<br /> _.;t:`,'rr!au+:x.
<br /> ---_ :�;;r.
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<br /> x•'
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �� Trustor has executed thls Deed of Trust as of the date written above.
<br /> , j.
<br /> v t
<br /> (Jp DORY) Trustor Trustor
<br /> :--�-_ - - , .
<br /> Truator Trustor
<br /> � � : ,; _.
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