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<br /> 'Prpceeds')In connflctlon wlth condemnatlon or othAr takinp of tha Property or part thereof, orfqr conveyance In Ileu of candemnation. ""�`�'"'=�"`•:..L^�=
<br /> 1 :_ :a 4,' "�A.-'-
<br /> Lender shell be ontiUod et Ila option ro commenae,appear in end pronecutA In Its own name eny actbn or proceedings,and shall alsa , }',,y h,ry,,
<br /> be entitled to make any compromise or snttlement in connection with such tt�kinp or damaga. In tF�e event any portion of the Property is
<br /> so teken or damagad,Lender shall heve the optlon In It�sole and absoluta diacretion, to apply ali such prnceeds, after doducting
<br /> therstrom ali costs and oxpenses incurred by it in connectlon wlth euch Proceeds,upan any Indebtednoss secured heraby and in such ,
<br /> � order as Lender may determtne,or to apply all auch Proceeda,aiter such deductlons,to the restoraUon of the Praperty upon 3uch con-
<br /> ditions as Lender may determine. Any applicatlon of Proceeds to indabtodnesa shall not extend or postpone the due date of any pay-
<br /> � ments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or herRUndar.Any unappllad funds shail be paid to Trustor. .7`� ,,�.
<br /> � 8 Performance by Lendar.Upan the occurrence of an Evont of Dc�fAUlt hereunder, or if any act is taken ar Iegai proceedfng , r;„
<br /> commenced which materlally affecls Lender's interest in tha Propedy, LendAr may in its own discreiion,but without obilgation to do so, R,��w':�
<br /> and without notice to or demand upon Trustor end without releasiag Trustor from eny obiigation, do any act which 7rustor has agreed �ti� k
<br /> �, ,,� ��.�..
<br /> � but failed to do and may eiso do any other act it deems nece�sery to prqtect the securiry hereof. Trustar shatl, immediately upon ,a�.. �t
<br /> �« '
<br /> � •, demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lendor all costs and expenses incurced and�ums expended by Lender in connection with the exer- ,f: �I,..
<br /> cise by Lender of the foregoing rights, togelher wiih interest thereon at the detault rate pravided in thF Note, whicfi sha11 be added lo ,S� _"J_�
<br /> � the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not incur any Ifebility bacause of anything ft may�dblp�12ws tord nancesnand regulations ;;�������,_""- -
<br /> `.'•� 9.H•azardous Material�. Tmstor shall keep the PropsR}�in compHance with all app � �
<br /> relating to Industrial hyglene or envlronmontel protection(collactively refeRed to herain as 'Env(ronmental Laws").Trustor shali keop ��g�%-��--,_ �
<br /> the Property free irom atl substances deemed to ba hazardoua or loxia under any Enviranmental Laws(collectively referred to herein ��="
<br /> as'Hazardous Meterials").Trustor hereby warrants end roprosents tc�Lander that there are no Hazardous Materfals on or under ihe =�_
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby egrees to Indemnity end hold harmlass Lendyr,lts dlr[3ctor3,offiCers,ernployees end agents,and any succes- —
<br /> sors to Lender's Interest,from end agalnst any end all clalms,damagea, losaes end Ila�tiesTHE FOREG ING WARRIINTIES AND �
<br /> use,disposel or transport of eny Hezerdoue Materlais on,under, Irom or ebout the Pro rty `
<br /> 10. Msipnm�nt of R�nb.Truetor her�by enolpns to Lender, end prents l.endar a tecudry Interest in,all present, (uture und _
<br /> nfter arlsing rente.Iseues nnd protite of lhA Property:provided that Truetor ehail,untll the occurrenee ot pn Event of Default,hareunder, �.i_�
<br /> � have the right ro collact end retaln such rents,Issuos and proflte as lhoy become due and payable.Upon tho qccurcence ot an Event of ,'`�.y_-_
<br /> � qnlault,l.ender may,elthor In peroon or by aQent,with or wlthout brinping any acllon or proce�ding,or by e recelv@r appolnted by a Y
<br /> �, court and wilhoul regard lo the adaquncy of Its securily,enter upon end teke poaseeslon ot the Property,or any paA thereof,In ita own ,,_
<br /> neme or In the nnmo of the Trustee, end do eny acts which It deems necessary or desirablo to preserve the value, marketability or °:;
<br /> ��, renteblilty oi the Proporty,or eny pert thereof or Interest therein,or lo Increaae the Income therefrom or prolect the security hereof end, ��,_.
<br /> wlth or without teking possesalon oi the Property,sue for or othenvlse collect the rei tse�s s�issue and profits, ess costs and expenst �_
<br /> due end unpald,by notffying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may epp y
<br /> �' es of operatlon end coliection including attomey's tees,to eny indebtedness secured harehy, atl In auch order as Lender may'��lon °
<br /> mine.The entoring upon and taking possession of the Property,lhe collection of such ronls, issues and profits,and the app
<br /> tnardcif n5 8iGt8S8td shal!naS cure or weiye any default or notice of default hereunder or invelidate any act done in response to sucF�
<br /> detauit or pursuant to such notice ot default and, notwithstending the continuanco In possesswn oi the propa�i�+oi iha r,allccllcr�.
<br /> receipt and appiicatlon ot rents, isaues or proftts,Truatee and Lender shall be entided to exercise every�ight provided for In eny ot the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occunence of any Event of Defeuit,Including without Ilmitetion Ihe right to exercise the power of eala.
<br /> Further,Lender's rights and remedles under this paragreph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitation on,Lender's rlghts end
<br /> �emedies under any asslgnment of leases and rents recorded agelnst the PropeRy.Lender,Trustee end the receiver shall be liable to
<br /> � accaunt onty for those rents actuauy received,
<br /> : . ;�i, �� 11.Ev�nts of Default.The folbwing shail constitute an Event ot Default under this Deed of Trust:
<br />_ (a)Fellure to pay any fnstc�llment of principal or Interest or any olher sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> '�'.�.�.;rr (b)A breach of or default under eny provlsion conteined in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> `��•�'�•:,+;�. •, other Ilen or encumb�ence upon the Property;
<br /> '•'`c'• ;:, (c)A w�it of exocution or ettechment or any simflar process shell be entered agalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br /> • .;�,,:`: the Proporly or eny portion thereof or interest therein;
<br />- � �. (d)Yhere shell be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an ection under any present a future federal,stete or other stetute,
<br />�' �- law or reguletlon relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for debtors;or the�e shan be appolnted any truatee,receiver or
<br /> " � . Ilquldetor of Trustor or Borcower or of all or any part oi the Property,or the rents,issues or proiits thereof,or Trustor or�orrower
<br /> ' shall make any generel asslgnment for the benefit of credflors;
<br /> � ,,y.;. t (e)The sele,transfer,lease, assignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any paA of or any Interest In the `
<br /> � • ,. '�.� Property,efther volunterlly or Invotuntarily,without the express written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shall be permit•
<br />�;'' +'� ' ted to execute a iease ot the Property that does not contein en optlan to purchase and the tertn oi whfch dues not exceed one
<br />-�::;.. � year, �'
<br /> - `''Y�`" `� (�Abandonment ot the Property:or
<br />��,i���5'.y.x~. .. -
<br />' . � .�. ,« (g)If Truator is not an indlvidual,the issuence,sala,transier,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more then(i e
<br /> ''" ' corpore8on)e total of percent of its Issued and outstanding stock, or(If a partnership)e total of pe�• _
<br /> ti' r,�,•� �`'-''� cent of partnership Interests,or(ii a llmited Ilability company)e totel of _ percent of the Ilmited Ilabllity compa• _
<br /> , ny interests or voting rights during the period this Deed oiTrust remains a Ilen on the property. _
<br /> ' ' 12.Rem�di�s;Accel�ratlon Upon Dsfault.In the event of any Event of Deteult Lender may,without notice except as roqulred =�
<br /> � .� ��ti by law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the same shall thereupon beeome due and payable with• �„,�.".�
<br /> � �,. �t��tF�tS'�.`
<br /> �;Y'•' , �•� out eny prasentment,demend,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: �„��VY��
<br /> �<<.;,� Y� (a)Oemand thet Truatee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted heretn,end Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's Inter- �; W.-
<br /> • i est in the Property M be sold end the proceeds to be disldbuled,ail In the manner provided in the Nebraske Trust Deeds Act; :�,:-::Y,____r...
<br /> . � (b) Exorcfse eny and a�l rights provided for in eny oi the Loan Instn.�ments ar by law upon cecuRence of any Event of y,��_=�_T
<br /> '' Defeult;and � --
<br /> `-�=-`r�
<br /> (c)Commence an actlon to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a recefver,or speciflcally enforce eny of the � .r___
<br /> �.�:>
<br /> covonants hereof. Y
<br /> � , ; No remedy hereln contened upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exclusive ot any other remedy hereln,In the Loan :�{A,•-
<br /> ' � Instruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumuiatfve,ahail be In addillon lo every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> �' In the Loan instrumenta or now or hereaRer existing at Iaw or in equlty or by statuto,and may be exsrcised concurrentiy,Indepondently
<br /> __ _ � _ or succeslvely. _ ,__ _,__,.„__...,,.....,,..e.,ee o.,w i p►,dpr mav at anv Ume end without cause appolnt a suc�
<br /> - —-----� 13.Trust�s. tne i rusiee may r�aiyn a�m�r.����a....,...,,,..........._..---•--- - -- -- -
<br /> chaser of the Prouperty,foeany losseor daemage unlesslQue onrecpkleasior wUlful misconduct'tand sha Id ot be r�equ ed o take any ection
<br /> in connectlon with the enforcement of this Deed ot Trust unless indemnifled,in writing, for ali costs,compensatlon or expenses which
<br /> may be assoclated therewith. In addition,Trustee may become a purcheser at any sale ot the Property Qudiclal or under tho power of
<br /> sale grented herefn); postpone the sale oi all or any porUon oi the Property,as provided by law; or seli the Property as e whole,or in
<br /> _ • separate parcels or lote at Tr�ustee's discretlon.
<br /> � 14.F�ea and Expenae�.in the event Tn�stee sells the Property by exercise of power of sale.Trustee shall be entitled to appry
<br /> . - any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs ond expenses af exercising power of sale,including ali Tn+steo'3 fees,end LendePs and
<br /> � • Trustee's attomoy's fees, ectually Incurced to extent permitted by epplicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right
<br /> ` provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be en�tled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actually incurced as
<br /> a result;5.Future Advanc aClUponWequestloflBorrowler,rLender mayaat meoptfoen.Smake additlonal ndtfuture dvances la d read-
<br /> vences to Borrower.Such edvances and readvances,with Interest lhereon,shell be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the
<br /> 3
<br />