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. Z. <br /> . r <br /> , �t,� ' ����r�,-. <br /> . � • . . - :S;, . <br /> - '� 1S. Borrower's Rl�ht to Relnmtate. If Borrower meelb Certi� condUlons. Bo�rpwgr Shall hYve the ripht t0 h�w � <br /> �nforc�m�nt of thK S�curNy Inetnrment dltcontlnued at �ny time p►br to th�sarlier of: (�) ti dtya lor such other pKbd u �ppllcahM � � <br /> liw may �peCHy for relns�alflment) betore sq{e ol the Praperty pursuYnt to eny power ol 6aN canlAined In thig SeCUrity Inetrument; Or <br /> (b) entry of 4 Judpment onlprcfnp this SeCUrity In:ttniment. Thqae conditlons src� th�t E3orroxer: (n� paye Lender fl�l 6um9 whlCh then . <br /> would be due under thls SocurNy Intsirument and the Note as If no accokratbn had occu�red; (b) cursa any ddnuR of any other � <br /> covenant ar aprNrnenta; (0) pAys YII sxpene�6 hr.urr�d h enlorclnp thl� S�CUrky �n9t�umonL hcludln�, but not IknNad to, rNSOnabM � <br /> attomey6' fees; �nd (d) tekos suCh actbn a5 Lendnt mpy rBY80n11b1y►6qulr0 t0 YSBUr�i th�t t�l lf[�rf Ot IhIS S�CUrfty In6t�u�nYilt, Londers �`'- <br /> rlphts h the Propnrty end Borrqwsr'6 oblpatlon to pey the sum6 securod by thi� S�curity IntUumont 6hl��l Conthuo unchpnp�d. Upon� � _ <br /> ' reinstatement by Bortow�r, thlt SeCUr{ty In�trument �nd ihp oblfpatbns sacured hiraby shall rema� fuuy sMaCtiva as II no aCC�Mrallon i � <br /> hfld occuned. However,ihiS rlpht to rehelAtp BhAll not nppfy In the cese Of pCCe�eretbn und9r pprngrpph 17. t <br /> � 19. SiIC O} �lOtl; Cham�e of Loan Servicer. The NOte or A pohW� �terest h the Note (tOpathar with Ihis SacurRy w . <br /> ,. Instrument)may be Sold ona or mpre times without prior not�Ce to Borrpwer. A sale may rosul in e change In the entfty (known eb the� ��. <br /> ,�, 'LOen ServiCer") that co119CtS mpnthly ptlymdntS du9 under the Note and this SeCUrity Instrument. Thtro elso mey be one or more <br /> chanqea of the Loen Sorv�er unrelnted to a S��e ot tha Note. If there Is a chanqe of the Lo� Servicer, 8orrower will be piven wrftten '�� <br /> notfCe of the Chsnge in aCCardanGe wkh parapraph 14 above end eppl�eble law. Th6 nO1�Cewill stuto the name and address of the Q ��� ;• :- <br /> new Loan Serv�er and the addre8&to wh�h payments should be made. The not�Ce will alsoconteh any other Informatlon requked by� ,;b , <br /> applicnbie law. � _ <br /> 20. Haz�rdous Su6stsnces. Borrower sha11 not cause or permR the presence,use, disposal, storaye, or release of any ,;,:.,-"Y <br /> Hazardous Substances on or In the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor 811ow anyone elsa lo do,enythhq aHecting the Property that �� �.+.�- <br /> Is in vlolatbn of any Envkonmentai Law. The precedinp two sentences shau not apply to the presence, uae, or storape on the -� <br /> Property of smoil quantittas of Herardou6 Substances that are generaly recopnlzed to be eppoprlato to normel residential uses �nd to • — <br /> mainten�nce of the Property. , •- <br /> Borrower shaN promptly yfve Lender written notice of eny investfpatbn, clakn,demand, laxsuit or other actlon by any povemmental <br /> i or reputatory agenny or prlvate party InvoNing the Property and any Hazerdous Substance or Envkonmental Law oi whfch 9ortower has <br /> actuai knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notMied by any govemmental or regukttory author�j, [hat any �emoval or other remedlatian <br /> of 8ny Harardous Substance attecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all nBCessary remedial aCtbns h •`'" <br /> accordAnce wfth Envir�nmental Law. '���}~ <br /> ,: <br /> . . As used h thls parepraph 20, "Hetardous Substances" are Ihose sub&tanCes defin�d as toxk or harerdous subs4ances by ;;j��:•:; <br /> Envkonmontal Lsw end the (ollowhg substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxk potro�eum products, tox� pest�ides and ��;�•,' <br /> herbbides, volatile solvents, mnterials containing asbestos or formaldehyda, and radioaotive materials. As used in this paragraph 20, - � <br /> 'Environmental Law" menns fede►al laws and laws of the jurisd�tlon whe�e tha Prpporty is loceted that relete to health, salety or •� •. <br /> �• environmentai protectbn, ' � <br /> •..�.,;•. 'ua_�. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender turther covenent and agree ns follows: ' = <br /> � 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender ahell give naUce to Borrower p�ior to acceleratlon tollowin� t . ..r,f" — <br /> Borrower's breach of eny covenant ar egreement in this SecuNty Instrument (but not prlor to � �,;,:',��= <br /> ' ; ecceleration under paragraph 17 unless e Iiceble lew rovidea otherwise). The notice ahall eci ''' ` �� <br /> (e) the detault; (b) the ectton requtred to cure the default; (c) e dete, not leas than 3o daya ttom t i�i e -�--���y <br /> date the natice ia given to Borrower, by which the defautt muet be cured; and (d) thet fatlure W cure �::�'��`- <br /> the defeult on or betore the dete specified in the notice may result in acceleratton ot the sums '��?�z <br /> aecured by this Security Instrument snd sale of the Property. The notice ahall fu�ther Inform z�"� <br /> Borrower ot the rlpht to relnstate after scceleretion and the riqht to brinp a coun actlon to essert ths `" <br /> non-exlatence of a defwlt or eny other defenae of Borrower to sccele�etlon and sale. If the detault Is �,; <br /> not cu�ed on or betore the date apecified in the notice, Lender at its optidn may require immedlats - , <br /> payment in full oi ell suma secured by thia S�auriry Instrumer�t without further demand a�d msy <br /> invoke the power ot �ele snd eny other remediea permltted by appllceble law. Lender shall be _ <br /> entlQed to collect sll expensea incurred In pursuing the remedlea provided In thls perapraph 21, – <br /> inciudinp� but not 1lmited to, reasonable attorneys' feea end coats o1 title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is tnvoked, Trustee ahetl record e notice oi default In each county In which - <br /> any part of the Property Is located and ahall mell coptes of auch nottce In the manner preacrtbed by <br /> applicable law to Borrower and to the other peraona preacribed by eppliceble lew. After the time <br /> requlred by appliceble Iaw, Trustee shall give public notice of aale to the peraons end In the manner <br /> • preacribed by applicable lew. Trustee, wtthout demend on Borrower, ahall seq the Property et public —__ <br /> suctlon to the highest bidder at the timo and place and under the terma deslynated in the notice of <br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any orde� T�uatee determinea. Truatee msy postpone eale ot all - <br /> or any parcei ot the Property by publle announcement et the time end plece of any previoualy - ._ <br /> acheduled aale. Lender or its designee may purchase tha Property et eny aela :_. <br /> " � Upon recelpt of peyment of the price bid, Trustee ahell deltver to the purcheser Trustee'a deed -- <br /> conveyln� the Property. The rec7tels U the Trustee's deed shall be prlme facle evidence of the Vuth ;?a�',�;�:_. <br /> of the atetements made therein. Trustee ahall epply thc proceeds ot the sale In tha tollowln� order: �`� <br /> (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sate, fnciudiny the peyment of '� � ,�.-�.,-.;�� <br /> the Trustee'a feea ectuaily incurred, not to exceed 3 °k of the principal amount of the note �;�:,i;`�� :��� <br /> at the time of the decleration of default, end reesonabie ettorney'a fee�es permitted by law; (b) to all �`� ``�i�e '' ' <br /> aums aecured by thls Security Insuument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally � •'�t;. � <br /> entltled to IG . -� <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of ell Sums securod by thls Security Instrument,Lender shali request Trustee to reconvey _ <br /> the Proporty and shall surrender thls SeCUrity InSVumont and nll notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Insirument to Truste9. � <br /> Trustee shall reCOnvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons iegally entk�ed to it, Such pHrson or 4 , . <br /> persona Shail pay any recordatlon costs. � <br /> 23. Subttitute Truatee. Lender, at its optlon, may from t�me to time remove Truslee and eppoint a successor trustee to <br /> any Trustee nppolnted hereunder by an instrument recorded In the co��ty in whfch this Security Instrument Is recorded. Wkhout <br /> conveyanc9 of the Property, suCCOSSOr trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee horeln end by <br /> - aPPl�cab�e�aw. F ; ---__ __=- .- <br /> 24. RequCSt to� NotlCea. Borrower requosts that copies of the notiCeS of defaul end Sale bo Sent to Bonower'S eddress � <br /> whlCh Is the Property Addrees. <br /> Zb. Rtders to thfs Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower flnd recorded together with <br /> �. � thls SeCUrity Instrument,th0 Coven3nts end agreements of each such rider shall be incorporaled into and shall amend and supplement <br /> the CovBnentS dnd flgrpcimpntS o� this Security Instrument es if the rider(5)were a part of thiSSecunty Instrument. <br /> � , ' <br /> � � ' Form 902E 9/90 <br /> FtOYB.LM�(8�87) Poqe a oi 5 . <br /> I <br /> 503 <br />