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: ;. <br /> .,:.,.� _ <br /> �.,+s, .,,,. . , � <br /> - :'.:3�J:: ' . . <br /> ��.��.��M� ;7!•�t... . <br /> . .} '! ;. _:,_�°_.i�e: <br /> -;�.1-r�..un�.6.... <br /> 7, Prot�otlon of L�nd�r'� RIQht� 111 th� Prop�rty� �I Borrow�r hu� to pshorm tho Ceanont� md �prNnNnq . .P�:.,., , <br /> ConUfn�d In Ihb 6�outNy In�trumMil, or thW� h� wp��prOCMdfnq thtl m�y �pnMk;�ntly aM�CI 4Mder'6 riphtt fn th�Prop�rty(tu0h�a - :+V:�:>:,�,,, _ <br /> � proaNdlnp In b�nkruptoy, prob�l�, �o� cond�mn�tbn or IorhNun or to �n1orC� I�w� or rpuklib Lend�s aclbns m ydjnowd�DN Y�0 � - <br /> wh�tawr i� n�ce�ury !o Proteat Ih� v�lue of Ihs Prop�r1Y �nd l.ond�r'e rphl� �n th Q ProPenY• � reasontble eltorney's fe�e �nd � ' '°- <br /> ' any eum� Ncur�d by � INn whfoh h�� p�brRy over Ihla Security In�trument, eppearh In court,poY 9 ,I , <br /> sNNinp on lhe Prop�Ay to makp r�p�ke. ARhouph Lend�r may take acdan under lhls pirapr�ph 7, Lender do�a not h�ve to do 60, , �'�,. <br /> ..:.: <br /> Any amounte dlaburd�d by Lend�r und�r thls parepraph 7 shall bocome addRbnol dsbt of Borrower secured by thls Securky _.t.._ <br /> Inetrument. UnNsd Borrower and Lender aqrse to other terms o1 paYment, these emountt shall bear fnterest from the date of �, <br /> dlsburs�ment at the Nots nte and ehall be pay�bfe,wflh hterest,upon notico irom Lender to Borrower requesthp payment. � _ <br /> 8.Mort�aye Insurence. If Lender requked mortyaye hsurance aa a condkbn of moklnp the Ioan eecured by thls Seaurity A � . -- <br /> Inelrurnent, Borrow�r ahall pay the premiums roquired to maMtnin the mortgage Insurance h eNect. II,tor any reason, the morty�peQ� <br /> Insurancs covarap�requked by Lender lepses or ceases to be In eHeat, Bortower shtll pey the�e�^mQ the aoat to Barcowsr ofrthe""- � �.-^�'� ,T <br /> substentlalry equNolent to the mortpaye haurance prevbusly In eBect, at e cost substentlally equ , ;_�. <br /> • * mortyepe h6urance prevbusly In eNect, hom an eflernate mortgape insurer approved by Lender. If substentl�lly equbal6nt mortgap� • I .F �,r__ <br /> insuranCe CovOrape Is not avallable, Bonower shall pay to Lender eeCh month a sum equal to on�tweSth of the yeflriy mortgep '2, (J,;�,�. <br /> insurence premfum belnfl paid by Borrower when the hsurance coverage lapsed or ceased ro be in eflect. Lender wili accept, use and �,. .-3,�� <br /> reltVn these payments as a bss reserve M� ��au ot morigaye Insurance. Loss reserve payments may no Ionger be requked, at the ,• . � <br /> oplbn of Lender, H mortpaye Inaurance coverege (h the amount and tor the period thet Lender requires) provided by en hsurer y', ,t,'',;,•L._ <br /> approved by Lender egah becomes avafieble and is obtahed. Borrower shall pay the pramiums required to mafnta� mortgege _ <br /> Insurence In ettect, or to provide a loss reserve, untll the requlrement for mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written � >,��.�,.. <br /> t �.;�,} � apreament between Bortower and Lendar or applfCable Iaw. }• •�.' <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lender or ks egent may make reasonable entries upon and inspectbns of the Property. Lender shall pive �,,. : <br /> ,�,`1� 1.. h:�'��:, <br /> Borrower not�Ce et the lfine ot ar prbr to nn Inspectbn specilyinp reasonable cause for the hspectlon. :?,:,xt� <br /> :;'y <br /> 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any awe�d or ctakn for demages, dkect or consequentlei, tn connectlon wkh any ,.��.,�.,: <br /> • ' condemnatlon or other tak(ny o�any part ot tho Property, or for conveyance h Iieu ot condemnetion, ere hereby assigned and shall be 1� '�`?J��; <br /> � peld to Lender. Iled to the suma secured by this Securfty Instrument, ' ��, �.,'• <br /> In the event of a total takhg of the Property, the proceeds shall be epp �;'�;''{.;��� <br /> sr :.�,:. <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Bottower. In the event 01 n pArtial takhg of the Property in whfch tho fak mp et ,�,^ <br /> [ '+'`"r�- <br />.- , � F wlue of the Property Immediately before the takinp is equal to or greater then the amount of the sums secured by this Security i� <br /> i+ti'•m•: <br /> In6trument Mnmedlatey before the takinp, unless porrower and Lender otherwise a8ree in wrilhg, the sums sacured by thls 3eaurlty �.�, <br /> ; t. �`*-�.. <br /> � Instrument ahall be reduced by the amount of R�e proceeds mukiplfed by the tolluwing traclion: (a) the tatal amount of thfl sums <br /> '''`;� secured knmedlately before the taking, dNided by (b) the fak market value of the Property irnmodk�tery before the takinp. My bak�nc� <br /> ,,,•'�,: h wh�h tha feir mnrkat vaiva ot the Property irmm�dintely ;e;��'�_=-` __ <br /> shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of e partial takhg of Ihe Property 1ti��•�- <br /> , f��� I .���`-- <br /> betore the tak{nq IS Iess than the amount o1 the sums secured �mmedfately befare the takk►p,unle&s Borro�rer and l.ender othsrw se _ <br /> ,'�,,;} � �pree h wrkhp or unless app�ceble law otherwise provides, the proceeds shAll ba applied to t�e sums aecured by this Securily <br /> �,�_^���� <br /> - ;;, �,� � Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. .•.�__ <br /> - . - '' `,: , if ii�n�ruNert�r I�abandor.ed 4y acr.�war, or H.arier not�e by Lander to Bortowor that 2t�e condemnor offers to make an award or _ <br /> settle a cktM for damaqes, Bartower faus to respond to Lender withh 30 dayS after tha date tno �ot�ce is q�vnn, La�idar� aui::or� �1°i`" <br /> �" to colbct and appty the proceeds, at its optbn, ekher lo restorat�on or repalr of the Property or to the sums secured by this Securky <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due. _ <br /> Unlesa Lend�r and Bortower otherwise eyree In writinq, any appiicotlon of proceeds lo prhr,Ipai shall not extend or postpone the __ <br /> due date of the monthy payments referred to h pnrayraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe thn amount ot such paymente. <br />- 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbeerance By Lender Not a Weiver. Enenslon or �ne �rr,e ror payment or _. <br /> mod�iCatbn of�mortiratbn of tho cums secured by thls SeCUriry Inctrument pnnted by Lend�r to any succeasor h hterist of BorrowK <br /> � ehaA not OpKat�to nba8a tha Iiabiliry of lhe orfyhal Bortowsr or BortDwer'S euCCassore k�hterest. L�nd�r shltll not W nquirad t0 <br /> - commsna procNdfnps �pahat any suCCOSSOr in hterost or roh�ss to wctend tfms for p�Yment or otherwis�modily amortitatbn Of th� <br /> � sums socund by thia Securky Inetrum�nt by reason ot any dem�nd m�de by the orptntl Borrower or Borrowsr's suCC�tson h <br /> �. . htenst. My torbsuanco by lender h exxclslnq any rpht or remeGy shall not bs a waNSr ol or preck,de the axerciao of any tipht or <br />�. .. . nrt�dy. <br />_ ,,�, `: 12. Succesoors and Aasiqns Bound; Joint end Severai I_lebllity; Co-slqner�. The co�anance .nd <br /> �prNrrwnts of th{s S�curky Instrumsnt sh�u bind and benetN the succeasora nnd essqns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the <br /> • �± prqvfabm of p�npraph t7. Bortower's coven�nts and ayre�rt�enta sheN be Jptnt and sewral• MY BorrowYr who Co•elpns thls S�CUrity <br /> J Inabument but do�a not ax�cute ths Note: (a) IS Co•sb�hp thfs Seourity Instrument only to mortqaqe, prant, Bnd COnwy th�t <br />� Borrow�r'e htenst in th� Prop�rty under the terms of thls 3�curity Instrument; (b)Is not paraonally obiiqated to pay the sums s�ourod <br /> ' ,' by Ihis Sscurky Inetrumenh, end (c) ayrees that Lender and eny other Borrower may ayree to extend, modHy, forbear or mak� any <br /> , accommodatbnd wkh repard to terms of this 3ecurity Instrumenl or the Note wkhout thet BortowePs consent. <br /> � • - 13. Loan Charyes. If the loa� sxurod by this Security InstrumMt �s subJact to o�aw whbh e9ts maxMum ben oh�rpY�, <br /> - � ���� and that law fs finaly fnterpreted so that the �lo�est or otha loen charyea collected or to be coll9cted h connectbn wRh ths ban — <br />- � � exceed tho perm�ttod IMfts, then: (a) any such loan chnrqes shall be reduced by the amounl necessary ro reduce the oherye to th� _ <br />_ • � permitted IknR;and(b)eny sums akeady cailactod hom Borrower whbh exceeded permRled limks win be relundod to Borrowar. Lend�r -- - ^�^' <br /> � r may choose to make this refund by reducine thp �mcfpal owed under the Note or by mekinq a direct payment to Borrawer. If a �:,.�„_. <br /> � . retund reduces principal, the reduction will be tseeted es a partiai prepayment without any prepnyment charpe under the Note. � . a�° <br /> � ' �Vr.. <br /> 1 4. NO t I C CB. My notfce to Bottow�r n�ovided for In this Security Instrument shall be pMen by deYverinp R or by mailhp k by - .t ... _ <br /> - �� AddrosB or an ' �+���� •- <br /> ! fkst Clas6 mall unless appllcable law requ�s use of another method. The not�Ce shell be directed to the Property Y i,,b,.,.;;i•,;, � _ <br /> ;,s�1.;�•. . ;�•�>s.;: <br /> ' other address Bortower desiynates by notlCe to Lentler. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first Cless mell to Lender's Bddress .,,,:°�ry rJ_�, y- <br /> stated herein or eny other address Lender des�gnates by notiCe to Bortower. Any notiCe provided for in this Socurity Instrument shaN ,`�.����� <br /> � � bg deetned to havs bean pNen to Borcower or Lender when qiven as provkfed in this perag�eph. �?�'�'i°'� <br /> � I 16. Governing Lew; Severeblliry. This SoCUrky Instrumetit shsli be govemed by ipdoral Iaw end the law Ot tho �=;:;;4�'S`'`: <br /> � jurKdbtbn in whbh the Property Is bcated. In the event that eny provisbn or clause of thls Security Instrument or thn Note conlHCtS ;r,+�.^ <br /> - ' wNh eppl�abk law, such conflict shell not aNect other provisions of this Security InstNment or the Nole whfch can be pNen eM�Ct <br /> w�hout the Confifctiny provlsbn. To thls end the provlslons o�this Securfly Instrument flnd Ihe Note a�e declared t0 be severab�e. <br /> 16. Botrower'$ Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note end of thls Security lnstrument. , <br /> - _ _.._ .__—__ __ � ___.__ _. .�_ s.�..�.a. ... e�iwt �ntereat in Borrower. II all or pny part of the Property or any <br /> •- • ------ 7 I. �ranswr v� u�c r...p...y .. -- - ------ —-- <br /> intarest h R Is sold or trenslerred (or if a beneficfal fnterest h Bonower is sold or transienod and Borrower is not a n6tural personj <br /> wAhout Lenders prior wrRten consent,Lender may,at its option, requke �medlate payment in iull of all sums secured by thls SeCUrity <br /> � • InSUument. However,this oplion s�all not be exercised by Lender tt exercise Is prohibfled by tederal Iaw as of the date of thls SoCUrky <br /> Instrument. ' <br /> If Lendor oxerCises lhis optlon, Lende� shall pive Borrowor not�e ol flCCeleratfon, The notice shall prOvlUO a perlod of not �e55 <br /> - ti then 30 days hom the dete the notice is delNered or meiled wrthin whfch the Borrower must pay all sums seCUred by this SeCUrfty <br /> Instrument. If BoROwer fpfls to pay these sum5 prior to the expkation of this perlod, Lender mey �voke eny remedfe6 permktYd by thli <br /> - Form 90YE 9/90 ' <br /> i Security Instrument without further notfee or demand on Borrower. <br /> - F1079.LMP (0/97) P�q�J u�5 <br /> I <br /> i <br /> i <br /> � i <br /> 583 <br /> r� __ . __..__ _ . _ ___. <br />