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<br /> � fr�' princlpal amnunt of the Indeblafnasa secured by thli Deed of Try�t,l�ot�includli�sums edvanced ta protect the security of th�a De�d o/
<br /> � �c��� Tnist,exceed the oriqinel princlpal an�ount stateA heroln,or S �u b, 00 Uu ,wh�hever Is prnater.
<br /> � �,rr
<br /> ,.�,, 18.MIsc�llaMOUr Provblan�. —
<br /> • (n) Borrovnr Not R�tfa��d. Extei�abn ot tho tlme for payment or modiflcatfon of emortization of the euma aacu�ed by thle
<br /> '�• Deed af Trust grantad by Lender to any successor In Inter�st of Borrower eha�l not operete to release,In eny manner,the Ilab!II•
<br /> , �."� ry of the oripinal Borrower and Borrower's aucce�sors in Into�eat. Lender ehall not be requlrad to c�mmAnc.� proceedlr►ga _
<br /> . , ; egalnat such successor or retuse to extend time tor payment or othenxlse modify emortfzstian of 1he suma eecured by thls
<br /> Deed oi T►uat by reason of any demands made by the origlnnl 8orrower und Bwrower'a evccesso�In Intereat.
<br /> . ,.' - (b)L�nd�r's Pow�rs.Wlthout eifecling tho liabltity of Any other pe�roon I�abte for the payment of eny obligatbn hertfin men•
<br /> � •� tlonad, and without aBecting the Ilen or chargA of thls Deed of Truet upan eny portion of the Property not thRn ar theretotoro
<br /> �elassed as soCUrltl�for the Aill emount ot ell unpald obliga�k�ns,Lender may. from timo to tirc�a And withaut n�tiCa(I)release
<br /> . t.�.'t�"`�1� any person sa Ilable,pf) oxtend the maturity or aiter any ot lhe terms oi any such obligationa,(fll)grant othar Indulgences,(iv) —
<br /> � releasd or recanvey,or cause to be relo�s�d or reconveyed at any time et l.ender's optlon any parcel, portlon or all oi tha
<br /> • �"""', � .�� Property,(v)take or release any othHr or r�dditWnal security for eny obligatlon herein mentioned, or(vf)make composit{ona or
<br /> *^'"" other errangnmants with d9btars In relatlan thereto.
<br />�T � (c)Forbs�rancs by Lend�r Not�W�iv�r.Any torbearanca by Lender in exercising eny right or remody hereunder,or oth-
<br /> erwise aHorded by applicable law,shall nat be e walver of or preclude the oxerclse o�eny such right ar remedy.The procura-
<br /> `� � � ment oi Inaurence or tha payme�l of texes or other Ilens or charges by Lender shail nat be a walvor or Lenders right to ueceler-
<br />• �% ete the maturity of tha Indebtednesa secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> ��;' (d)Suoc�ssas�nd Assiqn�Bound;Jolnt�nd S�v�nt LI�Wlity;C�ptlons.The covenants and egroeme�b herefn con•
<br /> �-, talned shaH bind, and the righta hereunder shall Inure to,the respective succassors and assigns oi Lender and Trustor. AII
<br /> '� ' covenants and agreemanta of Trustor shell qe Joint and several.The captions and haadings oi tlle paragraphs of this Deed of
<br /> �`� Trust are for canve�ience oniy and are not to be used to fnterpret or define the provisions hereot.
<br /> (e)R�qusst for Notices.The parties hereby request that e copy oi eny notice of default hereunder and a copy of eny notice
<br /> .•� ot sale hereunder be mafled to each party to this Deed oi Tn.�st at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by
<br /> applicable law.Except far any other notice required under epplicable law to be given In anottier manner,any notica provided 1or
<br /> in lhis Deed af T►uat ahall be given by mafiing such notice by certified meil addressed tu ti�e oti►ar perdes,at the addre�srt
<br /> � �. �' ,� ` forth ebove.Any notice provided for in this Deed oi Trust shail be eifecdve upon mafOng in the menner des{gnated hereln. !f
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address sat Torth above shaii be notice to ail such persons- rovkled
<br /> (� intpaction. Londer may make or ceuse to be mada roasoneble ent�lea upon end inspecUons of the P�operty, p
<br /> - � Met Lender shali give T►ustor noUce p�ior to eny such inspection apecifying reasonable causm therefor related tu Lerxlers inter-
<br /> ��. � est in t�e�'zoperty.
<br /> '� '' (g)Reconv�yance. Upon payment of ell sums secured by this Dsed of Trust,Lender shal!��quest Trustee to reconv�ey the
<br /> �•. F, Property and shell surrender thls DQad ot Truat and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust to
<br /> � �� '� Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey tho Property, without warranty end without cherge to the person or pe►sons{egaHy endtled
<br />_ ,'•.'�i :, thereto.Tnistor shall pay all coste oi recordatbn,if any. rants
<br /> '` .`'. �;T (h) P�nonal Property; S�curity Ayn�men4 As addltbnal secudty for the payment oi the Note, 7nrstor heroby g
<br /> �,.;,:�,;:,;�+>•. ,� Lender under the Nebraska Unitorm Commerciai Coda a security Interest in aM fixtures,equipment,end other pe►sonal property
<br /> ,t� • u s e d In conn e c t lnn w f t h t h e r e a l e s t a t e o r i m p ro v e m e n t s located thereon,and not otherwise decla►ed or deerned to be e PaR ot
<br /> .c:_;
<br /> -•'.:.:�.�:c•�,,;;�,}.' me reai estate secureci hereby.T'nis in�tiui�i'vi�i si��aii bs r.ar,��23 as a:..^:�r:fi;hgteem�r.!�ndgt!seld C�M+,a�d the Le er _
<br /> shall have ell the rights and remedies of a secured parly under seld Code in addition to tfie rights and remedles creetod under
<br /> s•,;,;���- `';, end eccorded the Lender�ursuant ta this Deed of Trusi;provided thet Lender's dghts end remedies under Ih(s paragreph shell
<br /> �',+�"rt�`k�s be cumulative wlth,and In no way e Iimitatbn on,�ender's rights end remedles under any other securlty agreement signed by
<br /> X Bonnwer or Trustor.
<br /> 1??'�'�:'.4.r;
<br /> � ' �y��:���;:; ; (f)L.kns�nd Encombnnc�s.Trustor t�ereby waRanta end represents that there is no default under tha prouiafons of eny
<br />���'�?�'�'y- mortgage,deed of irust,lease or purchese contract describing ali or any paR of the Property,or other oontract,InsUument or
<br /> I:en1 M'(�
<br />--.:..�.=.-�:!�r agreement consUtutlnq a Uen or encumbrance agafnst ell or any part of tho Property(coliectively.'Llens'),existlng as o
<br />�:._�� date of this Deed oi Trust,and that any end efl existing Uens remein unmodified except as discfosed ro Lander in 7rustor s writ-
<br /> 3. �; ? + ten disclosure of tiens end encumbrences provlded for hereln. Trustor ehell timely perform all of Trustor's obtigations,
<br /> ; covenants,repreaentations end w�rranties under any end ali exisNng end future Liens,shall prompdy forward bo Lender c�pies
<br />���`,�•, of all noNces of deTauit sent in connection with eny and eil existing or future Li�ns,and shail not wfthout Lenders p�ior wrttten
<br /> �"��:'•�;: oonsent tn any manner modify the provlsbns ot or albw any future advances under any exfsting or futuro Ilena.
<br /> ��ry��'""' Q)Applkadon d Paym�nts.Unless othervvise requlred by law,sums E+ald to Lender hereunder,indudirp without IlmitaUon
<br /> �°'""""'� paymenta o}principal and Interost, Insurence procaeds,condemnatlon proceeds end renta and profita,shell be appiled by
<br />��'�"'0f� Lender to the emounts due and owing irom Trustor and Borrower in such ordar es Lender!n its sote dtscretlun deems desir-
<br /> — T--4��� abla.
<br /> _:=Y��,� (k)8�v�►abitity.It any provisbn oi this Deed of Trust conflicts with eppllcable Iaw or Ia daGared invalld or othervvfse unen-
<br />� forceabFa,auch conA�t or invalidlty shall not ettect the other provlslona of this Deed of Tnast or the Note wh�h cen be given
<br /> - effect wilhout the conflicUng provision,and to this end the provisbns oi lhis Deed of Trust end the Note are dedared to ba sev-
<br />=w=�r °! erable.
<br />���_�;,• (I)T�rtns.The tertns'Trustor'end'Bortrnnrer shall Include both singular end plurat,end when the Truator and Borrower are
<br /> ���� the same person(s),those terms es used M this Deed of Trust shall be Interchangeable.
<br />- ""°� (m)Gov�minp I.�w.This Deed oi Trust shall be govemed by the lawa of the State oi Nebraska.
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