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-� . . <br /> �, > , '- <br /> .� . : _ --� <br /> .. ... . :,...,.�...--�.�.--- -- <br /> ..- Al' ���%M:�11'•�'j-• �1 - «•. �. � �.. .. .�.,y;��'�}nikf.u..:.t(::tNf.•1.:.�.Il..�..�e -, ... .�.I..:. 1��� <br /> ... _.� . . �. <br /> i _ .. <br /> � � M� <br /> • � "Prcaceods")In connection with condemnatlon or other teking ot the Praperty or part theroof,or(�r convc�yTa�CS In�u o con emnalion. <br /> � Lender shall be entitled at Ite option to commence,appear In pnd proaecute In Its own name any act►pn or prc�caadinpn,and ahall elso <br /> ' be entitif�d to mako any compromise or settlement In cannection with auch taking or d�m�p�.In the�vent Any�prtlon of the Proparry is <br /> so tak4n or damagod,Lender shall have lhe optfon In Ite sole and absoluta discrotlon, to epply all sucti pr�cerrds, efter deducting <br /> tharofrom all coste and expanses Incurred by it In connectlon with such Proceeds,upon t�ny indnbtc�dness saourr3d horeby er.d In such <br /> order ae Lender may detarmine,or to apply all such Proceeds,a(ter such deductlons,ta the rnstart�tlan af th�Prqpe►rty upon such con- <br /> dilions as Lender mny detormine.Any cipplicallon af Proceeda t�Ind�btedness shali nat extflnd or pastpon�the due dete of ony pay- <br /> i ments under the Note,or cure any datault thereundor or hereunder.Any unapplled funds shall ba p�id tn Tnittar. <br /> 9.P��tormane�by L��d�r. Upon the occurtence of an Event of Default haroundor, or If any ncl i:,tt�ken ar legal proceedinp <br /> i commenced which matertally attocts Lendor's Intarost in tho Proporty, LonciRr mRy in ita awn di�r.rctdon, w:t►iput ohllgt�tion to do so, <br /> � and without notice to or demand upan Trwtor end without reteasing Trustor fram any obllgTtlpn,do pny aCt wtilt��TniRtor has agreod <br /> ���n. � but lailed t�do and may also do any other ect it deems necossary to protoct tha security heraoi. Tru�tor shAll.Im��►di.�tely upon <br /> ��,r,�� demand Ihere(or by Lender,pay to l.ender all costs end expenses Incurred end sums expanded by Londar�n connAetipn h�tfi lhe exer- <br /> 4 cise by Lender ot the foregoing rlghts,together with Interast thereon et the default rata pravidc+d in the Note,which sh�li bc�atfded to <br /> the inde6tndnoss secured horeby.Lender shall not Incur eny Iiabllity because of anything it mAy da ar omit to do hereunder. <br /> 9. H�zardaua Materlals.Truator ehall keep the Property in compllancs with eil appllcabla Iaws, ordinances and repulations <br /> relaling to industrial hyg4ene or envimnm�ntal protection(coliactively referred to hereln as'Envirpnmantel Lews").Trustor shel)keap <br /> the Property free from ell eubstences dc+emed to be hazerdoua or toxic under eny Enviranmant�l referred to herein _ <br /> as'Hazardous Materinls").Truslar hdraby warrante and represent9 to Lender that there ern nn HHZardous MateNals on or under the <br /> ;' Properry.Trustor hereby agrees to indAmnlfy and hold harmless Lender,its dirACtora,oKGari�,ompluyoos and agonts,and any succos- <br /> sore to Lender's Interest,from and against any and ali claims,damages,losses and liabllitias arising in connection with tho prasence, <br /> • � use,disposal or trensport of any Hezerdaus M�terials on,under,from or abaut the Praperty.THE FnREGQit1G WARRANTIES AND <br /> REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO TH� FOR�GQING INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> RECONVEYANCE QF THIS DEED OF TRUST. _ <br /> 10. Asslynm�nt ot R�nb.Trustor hereby essigns to Lender, and grents Lender a security Interest in,all present, (utu�e a�d <br /> � after arising rents,Issues and proflts ot the Property;ptnvWed that Trustor shflll,untll the occurrence ot an Eve�t oi Defauit,hareunder, <br /> have the right to collact and retaln such rents,Issuas and profits as they become duo and p�yabb.Upon thfl occurrence of an Event of <br /> Refault,Lender may,either in person or by agent,w{th ar withaut bringing eny actian or pracaedln�,ar by a receiver appointed by a <br /> court end without rogard to the adequacy of(ts security,enter upon and take passesslan of thfl Praperty,or eny part lhereof, In(ts own <br /> neme a in the name of the Trustee,and do eny acts whlch it daems nacessary or dasirAbl� ta preserve the valuo, merketebllity or <br />' rente6iFrty oi the Property,or any part thereof or interest therain,ar to Incxease the inaomp thor�trom or protect the security hereof end, <br /> � with�r without toking possession ot the Property,suo for or oth�nvlss coll�,ct th� rent�,i:suos and proflts thereoi,Includ(ng those past <br /> , S due and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lendar.l.endor m�y apply rents.Issues end pro8ts,less costs and expens- <br /> . es of operatbn end collectlon Including attomey's fees,to any indebtadness sE►curad hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter- <br />�_, mine. The entering upon and teking possessbn ot the Prpperty,th� coll�ction of such rent�, Issues and profits, end the applicaUon <br /> ' thereai es eforesaid shail not cure or walve any default or nat�na af defAUlt hpreunder o�invAlidete any act done in response to auch <br /> ' ' • � default or pursuant to such notice of detauit and, notwithstanding the continusnce in po�.sassbn o!thp propeRyr or the coileclbn, <br /> , ,' ' ' recelpt and eppt�ation�f rents,Issues or profit�,Trustee end LendAr Fhati ba entitled to exercise overy right provided for in any of the <br /> • •�• Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any�CVent oi Default,inGudinfl w'sthout Iimitalion the right to exurcise the power of eale. <br />���'���=� �' Furthor,Lender's rights end remedies under thls paragraph shall be cumutative v✓d'h,and in no way a Ilmitetbn on,Lender's righte and <br /> :;i,,'r.�:'�' <br />=;,;,,, remedies under any essignment of leases and�ents recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee end the receiver shall be liable to <br /> °"� :�::,; •.', account only for those renta ectualiy reoelved. <br /> �'g,�•�'%r�=��; 11.Ewnb of D�hult.The following shatl oonstiiute en Event of Default under this Deed of <br /> ;,,r��;,�;`-%`,�';'' (a)Faifure lo pay ai�y Instaltment of princ:psl or Intcrest ar.:ny atlser sum�cw�ni heraby whan due; <br /> " " ' ��•; (b)A breach of or default under eny provision contalned in the Note,this Deed ot Trust,eny oi the Loan Instruments, or eny <br />�3°:;'y <br />: ��''"'' other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Prope►ty; <br /> :��h�.'��'�' �� (c)A writ ot execution or attachment or eny similar process shell be entered against Trustor which eheli become a lien on <br />��_=_i'��`�� the Property or any portion thereof or Interest thereln; <br />-�_�..��.�,�� (d)There shall be filad by or egafnst Trustor or Bortawer en acHan under any presanY or future federal,state or other stetute, <br /> _. �;��,Ljr;� law or repuletbn rolating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellef for debtore;or thore ehall be appointed any truatee, receiver or <br /> ���-��r��'°'_:�'7 Ilquldator of 7rustor or Borrower or of all or any�art of the Properly,or tho rents,issues or proftts thereof,or Trustor or Bortower <br />-_�"'°�'�'"�� shall make any general essignment for the beneflt oi creditors; <br /> � Y� e The sale, trensfer, lease,assi nment, conve ance or further encumbrance ot all or en <br />___,��::�,� � � g y y part of or eny interest in the <br /> �'�i.':,�};;?;�- Property,either voiuntarily or I�volunte�ly,without the express wrltten consent of Lender;providod fhat Trustor sholl be permit- <br />�"!,��„1;' ted to exxute a lease of the Property that does not contaln an optlon to purohase and the term af which does not exceed o�e <br /> =:i�c,,•�,s•, year, <br /> - '_:�_•..:s�'' (�Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> =�°�"`'`---' (g) It Trustor Is not an individual,the Issuance,sals,transfer, assignment,conveyence or encumbrence of more than(if a <br />—:.�rY•.:..;••- corporaUon)a totel of percent of its Issued and outstending stock,or(If e partnershlp)a total of per- <br /> __..`.�'"?, ' cent of partnershlp Interests,or(If e Iimited Ilability company)a total of percent of the limfted liabii'ity compa- <br /> �o��$�°. ' ny Interests arvoting rights during the period this Deed of Trust remafna a lien on the property. <br /> °,;=}����� � 12.R�m�dks;Accel�ntlon Upon DefauR.In the event of any Event of Dafault Lender may,withaut�otice except as requlred <br /> • ; by law,dedare all indebtedness secured heraby to be due and payable and the eame shalt thereupon became duo end payable w(th- <br /> out any presentment,demand,protest or notloe of any klnd.Thereafter Lender mey: _: <br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grented hereln,end Trustee shall thereafter cause Trusta's Inter- ° <br /> est In the Property to be sold and tho proceeds to bo dlstributed,all In the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; <br /> � (b) Exerclse dny and eil rights provided for fn eny of the Loan Instruments or by lew upon occurrence of eny Event of <br /> Defeult;and <br /> �': (c)Commence en action to toreclose this Deed of Trust as a martgage,appofnt a recelver,or speclflcatiy enforce eny of Me <br /> covenants hereof. <br /> � � _' No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trusteo or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hsreln, in the Loan <br /> � InsUuments or by law provided or permftted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be In eddition to every other remady given Aereunder, <br /> � '� In the Loan Instruments or now or hereaftor exisUng at taw or In equlty or by statute,and may bc�exercised concurrently,indepe�dently <br /> '� or&uccesively. <br /> -- - : �a r..��t...rnp rn,stae mav reslan at anv tfine without cause.end Lender mav at anv Ume and w;thout cause anndnt a suc- <br /> - - _ ._. ..----- - - - - - <br /> cessor or substitute Trustee. Trustee shall not be Iiable to eny party,Including without Iimitetion Lender,Bomower,Trustor or any pur• _ <br /> chaser oi the Property,tw eny bss or damage unless due to reckless or willful misconduct,and shafl not be requfred to teke eny action <br /> „ fn connectlon with the enforcement of thls Deed o(Trust unless Indemnified,In writing,for aIl costs,compensation or�xpenses which <br /> may be assocfated therewith. In addition,Tnistee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(judicial or under the power of <br /> � sale grented herefn);pczt;�one the sale of all or any portlon of the Property,ec provided by lew;or sell the Property as a whole,or In <br /> - separete parcels or lots at Trustee's dfscretion. <br /> 14.Fe�s��d Eupenses.In the event Trustee seils the Property by exorcise of power of sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply <br /> any sale proceeds first to payment oi all costs ond expenses of exercisinp power of sale,including all Trustee's fees,end Lender's and <br /> Trustee's attomey's foes, sctually Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law. In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right � <br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shail be entitled to recover from Trustor oil costs and oxponse�actualiy incuned as <br /> � a result of Trustor's defauit,Including without Ilmitation ail Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent permitted by appBCabto law. <br /> 15.Futun Advanc�s.Upon req�est of Borrower, Lender may, at Its option, make additional end future edvances and read- <br /> vanves to Borcower.Such advences and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the <br /> , � ' i <br /> � . .._ . <br /> .. _.__..::...._. --- - - -- ..,_.._,._..__. ..._..- - <br />