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The insurance currier prmidins� the insurance shull be chosen by &�rrower+uUje�:t w l.ender's approval <br /> which shall not be unreasonubly withheld. If eanower fails to maintnin coveruge descriUed abave, Lender may,at Lender's <br /> option,obtuin coverage to protect l..ender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. <br /> All insurance pol(cias nnd renewnis shall 6e acceptahle to I.ender und shall include a standard martgage clause. I.ender <br /> shall iinv�the right ta hold tho policies und renewals. If l.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lendec Al!r�eceipu of <br /> paid premiums nnd rene�val nntices.In the event of lass,Earco�ver shail give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and I.ender. <br /> L.ender may mtilcc praaf of loss if nat made promptly by Bonower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrowcr otherwise agree in writing.insi►rancc procccds shull be applicd to restorntion or repair of the <br /> Property damaged, if thc cest�rntion or repair is economically feasible und L.ender's security is not letxenad.If the restorntion or <br /> repair is nat econamicAlly fcusible or I.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shull be applied to the sums <br /> securcd by this Security Instrument, whether ar nat then due, with any excess puid to Borrowcr. If Borrower nbandons thc <br /> Pr�petty, or does not imxwnr wlthin 30 duys u n��tice from I.,ender that the insurance curricr hus affered ta scttie a claim, then <br /> L.e��der may collcct thc insurancc pr�xc��ls, I,cixicr may usc thc prcx:ccAfs ro repuir c�r restorc thc Pmperty or ta �uy sums <br /> secural by this Securlty In�trumm�t,whether or nat thcn due.The 30-duy period will hegin when the notice in given. <br /> Unlcxs I.c�xlcr mxl Hormwcr i�thcrwisc ugrcc in writing, uny upplirution of prcxcaiti to principul shall �x�t cxtctxi or <br /> �x�tit�xme the duc Qutc of tho munthly puyments rcferrcd ti► in parugruphs I und 2 or chungc thc umount of thc paynxnts. If <br /> utxlcr purugruph 21 Ihc Pro�x;rly ir;urquircJ by l.cixter, sorruwcr's rlght tu uny insuruncc p��licics u�xl prc�cccds resulting from <br /> dumu�e t��Ihc Pro�xny prf��r tu U�e ucquihition shull puss to I.cndcr to U�e extent of thc sums sccurai by this Security lentrunxnt <br /> inunaliutcly priur to thc ucquinlUon. <br /> 6.Uccuppncy,1'r�urvat�on. Mwintenance wnd YmtecH�m ut the Property; Borrower's L.�An Appflcatlon;lxaseholda. <br /> Borr�wer shall a:cupy,estnblfnh, und ur,e the Prnperty us Borrower's principal residence within sixry duys after the exewtion of <br /> this Security Instrument und shnll continue to occupy the Property os 8orrower's principul residence for at least one year after <br /> the date of occupancy, unl��s Lender otherwise ugrecs in writing, �vhich consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. or unless <br /> cxissuatittg circusnslan�^..� �Y4st which ure beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> Propeny, allow the Proporty ta dctcriorate, or commit waste on the Propeny. Borrower sha11 be in defaull if any fort'eiture <br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good falth judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> Property or otherwise materially impnir the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may <br /> cure such a default and reinat�te,as provided in parugrnpl� I8, by causing the action or procee�ing to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that. in L.ender's good fAith detcrmination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrowec's interest in the Property or ather material <br /> impairment of the Iten created bv this Security Instrument or I,ender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> Borrower,during the laan�ppltcation process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lencler(ur fulteS <br /> to provide Lencler with any muterial information)in connection with the lonn evidenced by the Note,including, 6ut not limital <br /> to, representations wncerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> leusehold, Barrower shull comply with all the provisions of the Iease. If Bonower ncquires fee title to the Property� the <br /> leasehold and the fcc titla shall not mergc unless Lendcr agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Protection ot I.ender's Rights in the Property.If Borruwer fails to perform the covenants and ugrcements cantained in <br /> this Sec:urity Ingtrument, or there is a Iegul proceeding that may significantly affect L.ender's rights in the Praperry (such as n <br /> procceding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do und <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and L�:nder's rights in the Propeny. Lender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums sccurcci by u lien which has priority ovcr this Security Instrument, nppearing in court, paying <br /> reasonable attorneys'fecs and cntering on the Property to make repair�. Although I.cnder may takc nction Under this paragraph <br /> 7,L,ender does not have to do so. <br /> Any smounts dtsbumed by Lcndcr under this paragrnph 7 shall bccomc additional debt of Borrower secural by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Bormwer and Lender agrce to othcr tcrms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note inte c►nd shall be pAyable, with intarest, upon notice fram Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> B.Mortgage Insurance.If Lcnder reyuired mortgage insurancc as a wndition of making thc toan secured by this Security <br /> Instrument, Horro�ver shnll pay the prcmiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insuruncc in cffcct. If, for any reason, the <br /> mongage insurance covorage requireci by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain coverase substnntinlly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgngo insuratice previously in effect, from an ultemate mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If <br /> substantially equivalent mortgngo insurancc covcruge is not uvailable,Bonower shall pay to Lender each month u sum equul to <br /> one-twclfth of the yesrly mortgage insurmue premium bcing paid by Bonower�vhen the insurance coveragc lapsed or ce��sed to <br /> be in eff�;c¢. Lender will acaopt, use und retain these payments as a loss reserve in licu of mortgage insurance. Loss reservc <br /> Form 3028 8/90 <br /> P�ge 3 of B <br /> -.�* .-_ - . .. '—_, --- - - --------- --- . r, t ,�` . -..��.e.,-,�-°"---n --- - . .-q,.--.�._._..� <br /> A - "7 ^'! . '��t. 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