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,� ,` � � .•~.yi�r_i. <br /> . .a-� ,a�rtr�.,'�S'�..- <br /> � . � . . . .:1ti�,..f:f.�'•_ <br /> ;� , . ,. . ... -,.,nYt.::.� i•' ° _ . .�}+:_F li! _.. _'_...�___._ <br /> - Y- •� `.�: r +�i'�. ' ' . .. . .. . _•ti.l. !:'!.'/�t�G{l�('i�71I�iV.�df•�(ZYtrP.M.•i i �.' v . t - __ <br /> . <br /> . .. � ' �....�. - • . . . .. ._ .- _._._ <br /> . .� � .n . . , _ <br /> r .i. T�. '� Y.�. . . , ,' z..��� — <br /> __. :..�—_ � .�,�r�� �a e♦ ' ''1y. � .. �� �. . �.0 •�`,45'Yl{,'�l'F"'�Mf.� .� . .�k�a'W:b'� �i°. <br /> � <br /> �-....� <br /> yAr�"..°.�-.�:;.,R.J'�i�r. �±.y �, ��,.-• -_._..,..�.".r— ,_... <br /> ,,,:� u!'; t:'i".,,�.i. , ,.�'::1' } ` ' �' - ti ,� <br /> _ _ , �, �. ._. <br /> _._._... • � •. . <br /> +6ti�x�.��' . • .. <br /> —��,.- -- <br /> ,'r'?r^'i ��� 3(�6�2�13 <br /> "Y�` '� . 5. Huiurd m• Pru�Hrrl� In,urunrc. flurru�vrr ,h;ill �,ccp the int�tr�,�rm�nt� nun �xi,ting �,r h:rcaftrr crcrtc nn �hc <br />.'�:.{. ''1 <br /> Pn,�krly in�urrd a�!;nn�t In., h} lite. l�.�:ard, inrhul��d within ihr i�:nn "�xlcudcd rn��ra�r" und uny ��thcr hatard,, inrluding <br /> ���_:��r- Ili,ud,�rr th�iKlm�:, hn•ahi.h I.ruut•i i�quircti in,in:uicr. "Ihiti mr,uran��e,hiJl I��� m;wu,unvd in Ihr :�m„unt.:mJ G�r Ihr periud� <br />_��,. ; � thal Lcndrr requnr, I'hr ni,ur.ui�r r.un.�r pr���idin�: thu in�,uranrc ,h�dl hr Ju,�rn 1,� f�•�rr�n�er .uhJc�•t tu l.cndcr'. appruval <br /> �YhlClt �h;11� Itul hc wuc.i+�ul�thl� ��i111hch1. II liul'ruRCl' t:lll�� li� ItGU111VItt1 c�+��'�'I��'P a}�'�ir11�Cd :�h���r. I.CtIdCr I�lil\. :�l 1 CI1�CI''� �. <br /> optiun. uhluin ruvcra�:e I��piutrri Lrit�lcr',ri�;ht�,in Ihc 1'ruparty in arrnrdanr.��•uh i�ara�r:iph 7. <br /> �,�,,,�� All intiur;mrr p�diiie, ;utd retir«,d+ tihull hc uc�epl;ihlu to I.rrnh:r and tihall in�ludc a �l;tudttrJ nwrlpa�:r rlautir. L.cnder <br />_--.�� �h:►II havc thc right Iu huld tlir�xdiri�,;ind r�ncwnls. If lw�ndi�r re.�uir4+. R�,rru��cr�hall prumpUp�i�•r tu Lendcr all rrrci{�t.ul' <br /> --- . — paid premiunn imd rrncw;�l nulice�. In thc�v�nt ul'lu��. &�n•�.�wcr,I►ull tiivc pr�nnpt nuurc tu thc in,uruurr rarrirr unJ�cr. <br /> . . „ L.�ndcr may makc pr�wl u(lu.�if nnt �ua�lc prumpUy by Eiorrnwer. <br /> Unles, I.cndur un�l Ik�rru�ti�cr uthcru�i,c agrcc in writing. intiur:in�:e pnkccd�+hall hc applicd[o n,turatiun or rcpuir uf thc <br /> .�=�.. Pruperty JiunagcJ. if thc re�turatian��r rcpair i�,camumiwally fcusibkt und L.cnJer'y sc��urity is nut Ics�encd. If the restor�tian or <br /> ''�'�"'�' repair i,not ccanomic:dly I�a,ihlc ur 1.���dcr'ti,ccurity would bc luhsened. thc in5urancc prncctidn shnll bc applicJ tu tha sunts <br /> -,.w.'.'`:l;�': <br /> '�:�r.,; secured hy this Security Instrument. wh.:ther ur nut then due, with any excess p;tid io Bnrruwer. If Borruwer abandans thc <br />-��:.[_�:9 <br />��,,,,�.i Pru�;i�ty.or dcxx nut an�wcr�vithin 30 dnys a noti�:c fr�.im la;ndGr th�n the insurance c�rricr has offered w ,ctNe a daim. t en <br />_;s�:�",�`�' l.ender may collect the insurance pr�xecds. land�r nwy uti4 thc pra:ecds to repairor restum thr P�c�perty or tu pay sums <br />-�'��''� scrured hy this Security Instntment.whether ur neit then dua The 34dety perial will begin when the notice is given. <br />;'�.-i4�.i.!,�" Unless Lender und Bor�uwcr �ithcrwisc agree in writing, uny applicaliuu uf pa7ceedE tn prinripal shal! not extend or <br /> v.�G.v .i <br />�?�aR. postpone the due dt►te of the munthl��p:+ymcnta refercr.d t�� in pi�r:�graphh I uncl 2 or chan�e th4 amuunt of the paymcnts. I <br /> �,,.s•. <br />?'°��';,:- undcr paragraph 21 thc Pn��ny is ucquircd by L.cndcr. &irmwcr�ti fA�Ill tU:tll\+ insurance polirics and prcx:ccds resulting rom <br /> �-'-`_-� dumagc ro the Property priur to the acyuisition�hnll paiss[01..Rnder tu thc cxtent of'the sums secured by thir�Securiry Intitrument <br />-:��' -� immccliutcly prior to thc ncquisition. <br /> '`�" 6. Occupancy, Prese�v�tion.Mnlntenunce and H•otection ol the Prnperty;Bormwer's 1.<►an Applicution;I.euseholdc. <br /> �'f�"�� Borrower shull nccupy,cstablish,anci use thc Propcny n::�tirrower's principal�csidencc within sixty days aftcr thc execution of <br />-��� this Security Instninunt and shnll continue ta occu�y tb�r Property us Bunower's principa l resi dence for a t I e:►s t one year after <br /> -_,_�;:�•o--,� the dnte of occupuncy, unless Lendcr otherwisc agmeh in wciting, which consent sh:ill not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> _._�-±+�� extenuating circumstances cxitit which arc bcyond L�urrower's ront�x�l. Borrowcr shall not destroy, damnge or impair the <br /> -== Property, ullow thc Property w detcrior�ro, or cammit wustc on the ProEseny. Borrower shall be in dcfault if any forfeiwre <br /> --- action or procecding. wnutncr civii ar criminni,is negun ii�ai iu Lc�idci�,gwu fai.:jc.a.g�����::�s:'!r�u�� !S! felfQli�!c?of��Sr , <br /> � Property or othenviu:mnterially impair thn liun cn:utud by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower tnay <br /> ---=��� rure such ii default und reinFtz�tu,as provided in puragr�ph l8,by causing the action or Qrcxeeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that, in I.endcr's gacxi fuith datetminntiun, prucludes forfeiturc af the Bonowcr's interest in thc Property or other material <br /> impairment of the Iien created by thfy Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower shall elso be in default if <br /> � Borrower,during the luan upplieaticm process,guve materi�illy false or inaccurate information or statements to L.ender(or 6ailed <br /> _ _ w provide l.ender wiQt un��miunritd infomintiaN in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited <br /> to,representations cancemina Burcower's occupancy uf thc Property as n prmcip;�l reaidence. if�iii,Secwily Tu;tru�r►ent is an� <br /> leaschold, Borrower shull cumply wiih.all thc provisions of thc leasc. If Borrower acquires fec tide to thc Praperty, the <br /> -�'�1� leasehold and the fee title sh�ill nnt ntc�o unless Lender ugrees t�the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Prnt��ctlon o[I.ender's Riqhh�in thc Property. If Bo�7awer fails to perform ihc covenants And agrexments conlained in <br /> tfiis Security lnstrument, or there is u Ie:gal procceding that mny significuntly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such us a <br /> procceding in bankrupt�y.probutc, for condcmnntion or forfciture or to cnforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property nnd Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions muy <br /> include paying any sums secured by a licn which hcis priority ovcr this Securit}�Instrument. appearing in court, paying <br /> rcusonoble attorncys'fces und enturing on the Proparty to mukc repuirs, Although I.ender may tnke nction undcr this parag�aph <br /> 7,L.ender does not I�avc to do so, <br /> Any amounts disbursed by L.endcr under tl�is paragraph 7 shull becarne additianal debt of Borco�ver secured by this <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower und I.ender agrce to other terms of payment.ihcse umounts shull beur interest from the <br /> dutc of disbursement at the Note ratc und shull hc payablc, with intcrest, upon ndice from L.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> --- ---- - payment. <br /> S.Mortgage iusurance. If Lender required moreguge insurance as a condition of muking thc loan secured by this 5ecurity <br /> � Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requimci tn muintuin the mnrtga;e insurance in effect. If, for any mason, the <br /> mortgage insu�ancc coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shull pay the premiums requiral to <br /> —= - obtnin coveruge substanti:tlly equivalcnt to thc mnrtgagc insur;�nce previuusly in effec4 ut a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> - --- - cost to Borrower of the mortgngc insurance prcviously in effcct, from un alternate mortgage insurer nppmvcd by Lcnder. If <br /> �� substantiully equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availuble. Borrow�r shall pay to [.ender each month a sum equal to <br /> `°''v'w�'� one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insur.ince premium being puid by Sorrower when the insurance covernge lapsed or ceased to <br /> -""�i''m be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retuin these puyments as u loss reserve ire licu of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve <br /> = z�,�s,, - <br />�---,.cF'�'_�4a:f . <br />,_._-,,.;�;,�• Fo►m 3028 9180 . <br /> �:.�n,rs�:?;;;;: <br /> .i•-;,.,},; P�ge 3 of B <br />-.�t'-{�r���� <br />,-_-f;�.:.' . . <br /> .y�;� <br /> .. <br /> �� . . _ _. __ . _ . ._ _. . __ .._. .. _.. .. <br /> . ____- �..�_...r.._ _._.__. _"'�J..��-W .. <br /> ' __. __ •'_.---„'--.,-.....� ...-__..�._'_____ '__ <br /> �;� .. 4 . � . ��.�,�`— <br /> t � ' :�;r��� <br />' i . ' . . . . �. .'1 r <br /> ' j . ' .. . .� � <br /> _ . - ' _ Z� _"' . .. . . ' ' _'_'_'_"'._ _. . - . . - . <br />-- .� `; ,� .�y . <br /> �R'm�� i :4�����"r�s.•-�.. �-1. . . <br />� �i4�....•p. `) .. . . .! .,`f.� `�iJ.'J1���1. <br /> ,} I . <br /> . <br />. � <br />