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All rcplaccmcnts mul liddition, ,h;dl al,u lx cuvcrcd by thia Sccuriry <br />_- . .� � In.trumcnt. 411��I'thc t'�,reguin�;i�.rcf�:rrcJ tu in thiti Scrurity Imtrun�enl ar thc "Pru�xrty." <br />�-�;;'t°�'�'••;� E301t[tOWk:R COVENANTS th.0 Durruwer is lawfully sci,cJ uf thc rstatn c�rehy r�,nvcycd and ha+thc ri�!ht tu grant und <br /> �' r�►nvcy thc P�upaity an.l ihai thc Property i, uncncumhcred.cxccpt Irn cncumbranrcti�,f rcrord. sarr��µcr warrant, :mJ will c <br /> drfend gcncr:►Ily thc titic io thc Propcny again,t all rlaims unJ demands.,ub�crt cu:iny rn�unibrun.c+uf rccunl. <br /> •-�'� THIS S�CUKITY INSI'RUh1GNT annbiuc. uniform rovcn,mts ii�r natianul utic and nun-unifurm cuvcnants with IimitcJ <br /> �•ari;�tiimh by jurisJiction io ranstitutc a uniform,ccurity instrumcm r��vcring reul pro�xny. <br /> ; UNIFQRM COVENANTS. &�rrowcr und I.cndcr ruvenant iuxl agrcc ati follows: <br /> �'� �'� 1, Payment ot Nrin�ipul und Interest; Prepyymcnt Knd I,utc Charfies. B��rrowcr tih:dl prmnptly pay whcn duc thc <br /> ' • . �±' principal af and intcrest an the deb�evidcnccd hy tlic:Nntc:�nd uny prcpayment und lutc churgc,duc undur thc Notc. <br /> 2. �und9 tc�r 7'uxe�and 1nFUranee. Subject to npplirablc law nr to a w�itten wuiver by I-ender_ Rorroucr shull pay m <br /> - • L.endcr on thc duy montlily puymenth urc duc undcr thc Note,until thc Nute is paid in fulL a sum("Funds")fur.(a►yetitrly taxes _ <br /> '�''.`���" ''' anJ•rssessmentr�vhich may uunin priarity o��er thi� Security Instrument as a liei�on the Propeny: (b1 ycurly Irasehold payments <br /> . '. .. or ground rents on the Aroperty, if'nny;(c►��eudv huz�rd or property insurance premiums; (d)yearty fluad insurance premiums, <br /> - T. tt_y,. � if any: (e)yearl�r mnrtg�ige insurance premiums. if uny: and(f� any smns payable by Borrawer to l.ender, in arcurdunce wid� <br /> =' tho pr�vi�;ions of parngraph 8, in licu of thc paymcnt of mungugc insurancc premiums.Thcse itemti arc ruUed "Escn�w Items." <br />�' '. Lcndar may, ut any tlrne,collect �md hnld Funds in an amount nat ro excced the maximum umcmnt a Iender fur u f�lerally <br /> ' ,.w.. � _ <br />�.:;,,;,�; relnted mortgage loan rnay require for Borrower's escraw nccount under the federal Real Estate Setdement Yrucecluress Act of <br />- 1974 ux am�nded from timc t��timc. 12 U.S.C. Sectinn 2G01 et seq. ("RCSPA"),unlcss another la+v that applics to the Funds <br /> � sets a lesser amount. [f so, L.cndcr muy. :►t any timc, col:cct und huld Funds in an amount not a�er.c��ed thc Icsser am��unt. <br />__`����•.. <br /> -tr�.� I..endcr tnuy estimatc thc amount of Funds due on the hasis of current duta and rr,asonable etitimatcs��f expendiwres��f future <br />� �..; <br /> � , Escru�v[tems or othcrwisc in acr�xd.jncc with appficablc law. <br />�;.�"`'�� Thc Funds shull be held 'eu an institution whose dcposits arc insured by a fcderal agency, instrumentulity, ar cntity <br /> �s'.j h�� <br /> �,;�W� (including L.endcr,if Lender is such un institutionl or in uny Federal Home Loan Bnnk. L,ender shall apply the Fundti w pay the <br /> �!;.,�::• Escrow Items. l.ander may not chargc Borro��:r 1'or holding and applying the Funds,unnuully anulyiin�the escrow acwunt,or <br /> ~"�`�-'• �` vcrifying the Escrow items, unless Lcnder pays Borrowcr inter�st on the Funds�nd applicable law permits I.ender to mc�ke such <br /> �..:»�.. <br />-.��'� a charge. However,Lc�nder may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate t�x reportin�serv�ce <br /> --=y�—� ��� ti�„ 1�n�l�r im m�nection with this loan, unless applicublc law provides othenvisa Unlcss an agreement is made or <br /> Y.�Y.^'?�^..3�sa� applicable law require�interest to be paid, Lenc�er shall not 6c required to�ay Bonower nny interest or enrnings on cnc FunSs. <br /> —_...-,,,���� Borrowcr and l.xn�er may agree in writin�. hcewever, thut interest shall be puid on the Funds. Lender shull give to Borrower, <br /> --—= without chnrge, 1n annual accounting of the Funds, shuwing credits and debits to the Funds and the parpose for which each <br /> ' � debit to the Funds wus made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> ' =-� !f the Funds held by L.endei exceed the amounts perniitteJ to be held by applictible lflw. L.ender shall nccount to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the reyuirements of applicuble law. if the amount of the Funds held by Lender ut any <br /> -------- time is not sufficieni tu pny t1�c E,�iuw Itun�wheri du�,[...ndeti•may sa►iotify t3arraus•cr in:�:riting,nnd,in�uch case Borrower <br /> _— - shall pay to Lender the amount necesxary to mt�ke up the deficiency. Bc�rrower shull muke up the defciency in no mare than ` <br /> -- twelve monthly payments,at Lender's solc discrction. <br />-�"--- _ UQon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, L.ender shnll promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lcnder shall acquire or sell thc Property. Lender, prior to the acquiaition or sale <br /> of the Praperty. shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or salc us a credit against the sums secured by <br /> � this Security Instrument. <br /> 3.Appltcatton of Payments.Unless npplicable law provides otherwise,all payments rec�ived by L.ender under paragraphs <br /> '°'� I und 2 shall be applicd:first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second, to amounts payablc undcr par:igraph 2; <br />���°�� third,to intcrest duc; fourth,to principnl due;and lust,to any latc charges due under the Note. <br /> _-_ . 4.ChAr��;Llens.Borrower shall pay all taxes,asscssments, chargcs. Cnes and impositions�ttributablc ro the Property <br /> which may attain priurity over this Security Instrument. and lcasehold p�yments or graund rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> �-��� these obligatinns in the manner providccf in parngr�ph 2, or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall puy them on time directly <br /> to the person owcct payment. &�rrowcr shull promptly furnish to Iw:ndcr ull notices of amounts to be paid under this pnragraph. <br /> — If Borrower makes thesc payments dircctly,Barrnwer shull promptly fumish to L.cnder rcceiptti evidencing the pnyments. <br /> �-- Burmwer shnll promptly discharge any lien which has priarity over this Securiry Tnstrument unletis Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> - - ---- writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in n munner acceptuble to I.ender;(b)contests in gcx�d fuith the lien <br /> _=���� by, or defends egainst enforcement of the lien in, Iegal proccedings which in the Lender's npinion operate tn prevent the <br />—°_��'� enforcement of the lien;nr(c) secures fmm the halder of che lien i�n agreement satisfactory to Lxnder suburdinatin�the lien to <br /> -"=`=�°°`°� this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thut uny pan of the Property is subject to a lien whirh may auain�riurity over <br />�`x'_��� this Security Instrument.Lender may give BoiTOwer a notice idcntifying the lien. 8orrower shall satisfy the lie�i or take onc or <br /> "�'c-L�.�'�� more of the actiuns wet forth abuve within 10 days of the giving of noticc. <br /> — =-��,raacr <br /> :==wz�.�. <br /> M�. Forrn 3028 8/90 <br /> _�=:5�-'��% Pa9ato10 <br /> 'y��.tk <br /> __°�y:*?L..,,�•'. <br /> '1 <br /> _ '_����� _'_ <br /> �• �-�-— . __.__ _ ._.— —_ . <br /> .__ ._-__—_—_ .— _.. -- <br /> X� ...�-.- ,r-- ___ .___.__.T- -..--_ <br /> �� 1 . . . . . . . _. . • , .. . ". <br />_ � ! , . . <br /> y+ .. <br /> � .. .. . " . �.1• <br /> _:C � �� • ' 1 ��lN .. � � <br /> � � �'N''i f�,� <br /> . , '� ?��;,�.�•. ' <br /> _ �:�.:-r .�. . .. <br /> � :. <br /> J <br /> � � <br /> �,' .. . -- . . ". _ ._. ____. <br />