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Hazurd nr 1'rn{xrtv Insurs�nce. k��,rruwrr tihall kcrp thc impr„�rmcnl, nu�� l'YI�UII�: lll' I14f'4:IIICC rrcilyd ��n �hc <br /> r`ts� Pruperry insurcd ug�iin+i li�ti. hy lire. ha�ard, mrlu�lyd ���ithin thc trrrn "rxtcmlr�l cuvcru��c�� and am; ��th�r haiard,. mrludin�: <br /> _.�,�� <br />-�� :••. tloods��r(loudin�, ti�r whirh I.Cnd�P rCNUII'C� ImU1't111CC. �fhl+ II1tiU1'�utcc+hilll I�c maint:�incd in ili�anun�nt,an�l I�n• ihc��criud, <br /> x•�;� thut Lendcr requireti. "fhc in,urancr rarrirr prm•idin� th4 in,uranrr,I�ull h.rhu.en h� li��rruacr ,uh�rci t�� I.endrr'..q�prn�•al <br />,",y, <br /> • which .hall not hc unrcasunubly wilhhcld. IF Bnrru�+�rr I��ilti tu mainlain cuvcrapr dc,crihr�l ah„��r. I.rn�lrr m�i). :n I.rndcr', <br /> . _ uptiun. uhtain co�•erar�tu prutrr► I.cndrr'.ri�!h��in thi�{'ruperty in:�«:,,�a,��,«.����i��,.��.��r:�rn�. �. <br /> All insuruncc pulicie, ctnd rencwal+ yliilll h4.►cccpluhlc tu Lcndrr and tihiill inclu�lc a .I,uidard m��rtpagc clau,r. Lcrnl4� <br /> '"� shall hnvc tl�e right tu hnld thc{x�licic+and rencw�ds. If Ixndcr rcquires, fii�rru���cr shall pramptly givc tu l�ndcr ull rc�cipt+uf <br />-..� paid premiums anJ r�ncwul naticcs. In thc cvcn�u�lu,s. B�m•uwcr+hall givc pri�mpt niuicc to thc insurancr rarricr:uiJ li:ndcr. <br /> � I..cnder muy makc prouf of luss if nat madc prompdy by Burrowcr. <br /> _ .•x.� Unlcss I.ender nnd Borrower whcrwise agrcc in writing, insurunc:e pnxecds shull be applicd to resturaticm ur repair uf d�o <br /> Property damageci,if�he resrorntion or repair is economirally feasible und Lcnder's security iy not IcsscnGd. If the retitoration or — <br /> ;'�;.�;;: repair is not ecanomicully feusible e�r Lender's security wc�uld be Iessened,the insurance proceeds shidl he applicd te��hc sumti <br />; a�,"'+• sccurai by this Security In�tniment, whether or n«t thcn due, with any exccss paid to Borrowcr. lf Borrower uhund�ms thc <br /> _':`'►�� Pruperty, or dacs nat unswer within 30 duys a notice from 1Lcnder that thc insurance carrier has affered w�ettle a daim. then <br /> "� Lender muy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may u�e the pruceecis[o repuir or resrore the Property or t� p�ry sums <br />'.:Y YYlli�� <br /> �°-� secured by this Secueity Instrument,whethcr or nat then due.The 30-day pericd will begin whcn the tu�tir.e is grven. _ <br /> -='�'�� Unless L.ender und Borroµ-er othenvise ugrce in writing, any application of proc:ceds to principal shall not extend or <br /> �'w� postpane the due datc of the ntuntl►ly paymcnts rcfcrreci tt� in paragruphs I and 2 or change thc amount af the psymcnts. tf _ <br />•=-'�'`�`�� under paragraph 21 the Propeny is ucquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resultins from <br /> R��� damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument <br />:`-��� immediate:y prior to the acquisition. <br /> - 6. Occupancy,Pireservatlon,Maintenance and�rotection of the Property;�orrow•er's i.oan Application; �.eASeholds. <br />�""`�"'�� Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br />-�'� this Security Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> the date of occupancy,unless L.ender otherwise agrces in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> extenuatin� circumstances exist which are beyond Honower's control. Borrower shnll not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> v- �� Property, nllow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste an the Property. Borrower shall be in default if uny fo�feiture <br /> __ action or proceeding. whether civil or rriminal,is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> - Froperry or oihcrwi�c niaiaria�:y i:n�air thc li�n csr.atrs!�;t!++��e���ri�y In�trument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may <br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by�:ausing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> thnt, in Lender's gaal faith determination, pr�cludes forfciture of thc Borrower's interest in the Property or other material <br /> impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in defnult if <br /> Borrower,during tlie loan application process,gave mnteriully falsc or inaccurate infarmation or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> to provide[.ender with any muterial information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited <br /> - -- w, ►cpresc�uatians concerniag BQrro�ver's occi+�:+noy�f�he Property as a principal resiclence. If this Security Instrun�ent is on a <br /> leaschold, Borrower sliall comply with all the provisions of the le�se. lf Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the <br /> leasehold and the fee title shall not mergc unless Lender agrees to thc merger in�vriting. <br /> 7.Protection oi l.ender's Rlghhs in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and ugreements containod in <br /> this Securiry Instrument. or there is a legnl pra:eedins that muy significandy affect [.ender's rights in the Praperty(such ns a <br /> proceeding in bankcuptcy,probate, for wndemnntion or forfeitu��e or to enforce laws or regulAtions), then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is neces�nry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> reusonable attorncys'fees and entering on the Property to make repair+. Although Lender may take action under this puragraph <br /> 7.I.endcr docs not havc to do so. <br /> Any amos�nts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shAll becomc additionul debt of Bonower secured by this <br /> Security Tnstrument. Unlcss Borrower and I.endcr agree to othcr tcrms of paymcnt, thcsc amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Notc rate und shall be payuble, with interest, upun noticc from Lender to Bonower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> _ S.Mortgs�ge Insursmce.If Lender required mortgage insurance us a condition of making the loan secured by this Security <br /> insttument. Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgagc insuranca in effcct. If, for any reason, the <br /> mortgage insurance cavemge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrow•er shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtuin coverasa substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance pre�•iously in effect, �t a cost substuntiully equivalent to the <br /> cost ta Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from nn altematc mortgage insurer approved by LendEr. Ii <br /> .__ substantially eyuiv�lent mortgage insurunce coverage is not nvailuble,Borrower shall pay to l.ender each month a sum equal to <br /> •��---— onatwelfth of the yeady mortgage insurance Premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance caverage lapsed or ceased to <br />�=-_= be in effect. L.eador will accept, use and retain thetie payments as a Zoss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br />-=-- - --- Form 3028 9/�J0 <br />--�� �;�•. a�3 a a <br /> t�F.�� <br /> c�.�11.� F <br /> :�� <br /> ,y . <br /> i <br /> .-..���`;L� ' . .. . .. .__—__ " __ . . . . . .____." _ <br /> T"_`__ "�__'�. ��.�.�....��"� " . _� � -x� _ _—_- _ -_ � _ <br /> :. ��r <br /> � z <br /> � ,.`4 ' - . - . _ . '. .�ti� `��y,�:.�, � __._"._' '".__. ____—_ LL��'.y.,.q�.�__ <br /> Z't)'!��.� " "l_• �� . •�.. .a+,t R. •. �'4 � � � .Y_Y "" <br /> � ,1� .�':�t� ' .. � .. .. . ., � � ��� <br /> ' —t,�• �� } i . . ' .. ' . ' .. <br />. � ..k. �� � ` ' „ . ' . <br /> n.... . . . .. +, .. . <br /> � <br /> Y 1..� , .. '�.�C.. . _ <br /> .l•; . .' , . '.��'{.l ' � . <br /> : . �� . . :� .. :.,.: .. <br /> .��. .�. . } , r f�:. :��:�.� <br /> . . :...�:.__,_ _ � _� . <br />