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<br /> '" ' �� 'fOGF:TNf:R WI'TH �iU thc impruverncnc, now oe hcrcuftcr crccted an thc pmp�:ny. and;dl ra,cnunts. appuncnuncc�.and
<br />:L. ,. :� fixtures ni,w ur hereiilicr a part of ihc pruperty. All rcpinccments nn�l uddition, tihidl al,u hc ruvcrctl hy thls Security
<br /> . H Instrument. All uf Ihe tiurguinti is ret'rrreJ tu in thi�Sccuriry Instrumrnt a�thc "Pruperty.'
<br /> •:;��, .:� f30RRnWEK CUVtiNnN7'ti tl�iu I�urruwcr i,luwl'ully sci+cd of dtc c+l;itc hrreby cunvcycd iutd has�hc ri�:hl tu Erum atid
<br /> �, cunvcy thc Pro�xny i1111I (Ilill Ull' 1'n��rty iti uncncumtx��YJ. cxrept tiir cnrwnhranccs iif rcrnrd. Hurn�wrr warrantti anJ will
<br /> • acfcnd�,cnrrully thc�itic tu�hr Pru�kr�y ag:�in,l aU claim,;���a a��»:►��a�,subjr�t tu,iny ctirumUran�c.uf rccurd.
<br />_,: THIS 5ECUR1'fY INS'1'RUMENT rambincti unil'urm cuvcnants ti�r natiunal u+c and nim•unifurm ruvcnuntti wi�h limit�d
<br />-. � - vuriutiuns hY.luri,dictiun lu con,titutc a uni(orm+crurity instrumcnt cuvcring rcul property.
<br /> ' UNIf�ORM COVEN,1NTS. Sur�ower and l.cndcr rovenant and agrec us fulluwti:
<br /> f '� �,� 1. Payment ot 1'rincip�►I and Intere+t: Prepuyment and l.ute Chs�rRes. Borrow¢r shall prumptly puy whcn duc thc
<br /> � principal of und intcrest cm 1hc Jebt cvidcnccJ by thc Notc and any prcpaymcnt and latc char�cs Juc undcr thc N�itc.
<br /> 2. �nds for Taxes und Insur�nca Subjcct tri applicablc law ur to a writtcn a�ui.�cr h}• Lcndcr. Barrower shall pay to
<br /> � L.endcr un thc day nwnthly payments arc duc undcr thc Notc. until the Note is p:ud in ful l,a zum("Fundti") f'�r:(a)yearly tnxes
<br /> � und assessments which m.ry uttuin priority ovc�this Securiry Instruntent us a lien cm the Pnipeny: (b)yearly Ie:isehold payments
<br />��� • or ground rents un the Property.if uny;(c)yeurly huzurd or property insurance premiums;(d>yearly floal insurunrc premiums,
<br /> ��,-fi.;,,;,,�,„ if any: (cl yearly murtgagc insurunre premiums, if any: and (0 nny sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in i�ccordunce with
<br /> ,�.;.�•�*'E: the provisions of par.►grnph 8, in lieu af the payment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. 7'hese items are c;dled "Escmw Items."
<br />_,:.17� '.•'� Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excecd the maximum amaunt a Iender for u federaUy
<br />- reluted nmrtguge loan may require for Borrower's escrow acrount under the federnl Real Estate Settlement Prcxedures Act of
<br />#�"���+? '� 1974 us amcnded f'rum time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 rr sc�� ("R�SPA"), unless anather luw thut u lieti to the Funds
<br /> �..�;�•,;-,� 1• pP� :
<br />- '°� scts a Iesser amount. If so, L.ender may, at any time, collcct and h��ld Funds in un amount nnt to excecci thc lesser nmount.
<br />-=- a•"'` � � Lender may estimate the umount uf Funds due on the hasis of currcnt duta and reusunablc estimates of cxpenditures of future
<br />�y��:' �scrow Itcros or othcrwisc ir�uccorduncc with applicablc law.
<br />��, �:
<br />�^y i.�.�$,�,�. The Funds shidl be held in un mstiwtion whose deposits ure insured by a federal :�gcncy, inswmentality, or entity
<br />';;;�:•'' (including Lendcr,if l.cnder i�surh an institutiun)or in uny Faicral Homc l.oan Bank. l.ender shall upply the Funds to puy the
<br />�t'• h,"''rs. Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Bormwer for holding a��d applying the Funds, nnnuaUy analyzing the escrow uccount, ar
<br /> •.,.:,
<br />�'�d���T ��' verifying the Escrow items, unless l.ender pays Borrower intere.n on the Funds and upplicable law permits l.ender to make such
<br /> "=. a charge. However, L.ender mt�y r�:quire Borrower w pay a onatime charge for an independent real cstate tax reporting servicc
<br /> ��
<br />��;��:� used by Lender in connection �vith �his loan, unless npplicable law provides otherwise. Unless un agre�:ment is mude ar
<br />_;�;_;�,�— appl►cuble law requires roterest to nc paid. i.cndcr snaii noc be require�to pay aurrower nny intcrest or carnmgs on thc runds.
<br /> �----����'' �lorrower unct Lcnder may agrce in w•riting,however, that intcrest shall bc paid on the Funds.Le:nder shall give to Borrower,
<br />"�'��'�`-Y{`'� without char g g P rpo•
<br /> �•••ti�.w�;;:;; �e, an annual accountin .of the Funds, shuwin credits and debits to the �unds and the u �e for which each
<br /> �--r., debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional c�curiry for ull sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />�,_,,;i�,;t�;� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amaunts permitted to be hcld by upplicable law, Lender shall accuunt to Borrower
<br /> - -- for the exccss Funds in accordance with the requircments of applicable law. If the umount of the Funds held by Lender nt uny
<br /> --�- -- nme�s not suthc�ent to pay the�scraw ltems when due, Lender may so nutify Borro�ver in�vnnng,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> --_= shall pay to L.ender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borruwer shall make up the deficiency in no more thtin
<br /> ---"`°"� twelve rtxmthly paymcnts,at l.endcr's sale Jisrretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borro�ver any
<br /> � Funds hcld by l.cndcr. If,under parasraph 2l, C.ender shxll acquire or sell the Propcny, Lcnder, prior tu the lcquisition or salc
<br /> - of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Ixndcr ut the time of ncquisition or sntc as a credit agninst the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3.Applicxtion o[Paymenwv,Unless upplicablc law provides otherwisc,all payments reccivui by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> - l and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note: second, to amounts pay�ble uncler paragraph 2;
<br /> '� third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late cliarges due under the Note.
<br /> — 4.Charges; I.iens. Bonowcr shall pay all tuxes, nssessmcnts,charges, fines nnd irnpositions attributablc to the Properey
<br /> -���"-- which m•ry attain priority over this Securiry Lnstrument, and Icasehold payments or graund rents, if any. Eiorrower shall pay
<br /> thesc obligutions in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,nr if not p�id in thut manner,Bormwer shull pay thcm on time clirectly
<br /> to thc per�on owud payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish w Lender nll noti:es of umounts to be paid under this parugraph.
<br /> - ---- -_- If Bonower makes these paym�nts directly,Bortowcr shall pmmptly furnish to Lendcr reccipts cvidencinE thc payments.
<br /> _„___, • Borrower shall promptly dischurgc any licn which hus priority�rvcr this Securiry Instrument unless$orrowcr: (a)ag�ees in
<br />--- °=x'�� writing to thc paymcnt of the obligution secured by thc licn in a manncr ucceptable to I.ender; (b)contests in gond fsith ehe lien
<br />--"�-�;;�� . by, or defends against enforcemem of the licn in. Iebal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion oper.ue to prevent the
<br />�•_� : enfurcement of the lien;or(rl secures from the h��lder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender sutxirdinating the lien ta
<br />_--�.,;�� this Security Instrumcnt. if[.xnder detcrminc+ that nny pan of the Property is tiubjcct tu a licn which may antain priority over
<br />��;Yy�, � this Security Instrument, Lendcr may givc Borniwer a noticc idcntifying thc lien. E3orrowcr shall �atisfy the lien or take onc or
<br /> ��<<a4;r' morc of the.ictiuns sct fonh abovc within 10 days of thc giving i�f ni�ticc.
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