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..�. . <br /> �:;�!!l . ... <br /> ,.,....., „ <br /> , •� . - . �:J::AY�'. <br /> �Q ..�. '.t•y� . <br /> ,L}.i�,_:. <br /> c . .....a .��7�j+r�f.',�{.: �. � . � . _+A,,.<rienf". . <br /> . fi:• ,,. ,�,, •n.c,�•-.�,-: ...r�.• . . „� . � .._ _,-�,:_v^-_-____ <br />_ . ��., ,> ��. ;,,, ��� �, .- • , ., . , , ���_` -.� r, <br /> R...ri` .� � . , . . .. . ; , � tt,y�;.�-�.. <br /> • � ��` y ' .. , . .,3..T�,..--.r.,�+w.w.-=;�:�� -f � —,.. .::' T . � ` •` ,-T-•,� T'��Y� _. <br /> � . . ,.. . J � - ' T . <br /> �� � � � <br /> �t�NMni��.,.�,wv,►u.,w.w�a���r,��y..,,q�4��C�°°�. �..s . �� -..... . . . . . _ . • - <br /> I <br /> ,� 97- 1oszos <br /> 5. Nnturd or Ih•o�xrt} Insurtince. Burruwrr hhull kcep the improventcntti naw cxisting ur hercaFter crected on the <br /> '� Pn+perty in�ur��d ukain,t lu,. hy firi:, haz,�rd�ineludr�J within thc tcrm "�x<<„a�d «,����,��" und xny nthcr hariirds, including <br /> tluucl,ur �lauain�;, fui ��hirh l.cndu• rcyuirc�imurancc. "1'his imireanrc tih,dl he• m:�int;iincd in thr amnunt�;ind f�ir�he peric�ds - <br /> ..-`;!�'� thin Lcndcr r�yuireti. Tl�c in,urancr curricr prnviuing thc intiivancc tihall hc rho+cn by Borrawcr �uhj�rt tu Lendcr's approval <br /> which tih:dl nut hr wirea,unubl� �vithheld. If B�,rrowcr fail, tu mai�ztain cu•+eruge dr�rribed ahuve. Lcnder may. uc I.,ender', <br /> uptiun.uhtain cu�•crugc tn pratcrt l.rn�cr'� rightti in thc{'rc�perry in uccordancc with puragruph 7. <br /> :r� All in�uranre pnlicic�, an� rrnewal, �hall be ar�cptuhle to LenJer und shull includc u standard mongage clause. Lendcr <br /> � +hxll havr thc right to huld thc pulicies and ren�wuls. If Lender rcyuires,Surrowcr shall promptly givc to Lcndcr ull receipts of <br /> paiJ premiunn and renc���al ncnireti. In the evCttt oC lu�s, Borrowcr shall give prompt notice[o the insurunre rarrier und C.ender. <br /> Lcndrr ntuy ntukc pruuf of lu,ti if not �nade prmnptly by Dorruwcr. <br /> Unles� Lcndcr and Borru�vcr other�visc agrcc in writing, insurance proceuls shull be upplicd to restaration or repair of thc <br />- ProExrry dumaged, if thr rertoration c�r rep:air i, eccmumirully feasihle and Lender's security is nat Iessened. [f the restoration or <br /> ' rrp.iir i�nut erunomicully 1'ratiihle or Lendcr's security wimld bc Iessened, the insuranee proceeds shall be spplied to the sums <br /> ' ,crured hy this Security instrucnent, whr.ther or nut then due, with uny excess p:�id to Borrower. If Barrower abandons the <br /> � Property, ur does ni�t unswer within 30 duys a noticc frorn[.ender ehut the insurance currier has offcreci to setde a claim, then <br /> Lender inay coUert the insurimre pruceeds.L�ttder tnay use the proceeds to repair ur rr+lure lhe Piu�rty or to pay sums <br /> • serured by ihi,Scrurity Instrument,whetheror not then due. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> � Unlc.s Lendcr and Biirrower othcrwiu agrre in writing. any application of procculs to principol shall not extend or <br /> postpone the Juc di»e i�f the monthly paynxnts reFcrrcci to in purugraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> �� � under parugraph 21 the Prnperty iti acyuired hy Lender. Borrc�wer's right [o uny insurane��policies and proceeJs resulting from <br /> • ; damage tu thc Properry prior tn the ncyuisitian�hall patis to Lendcr tc� thc cxtent of thc sums;ecured by this Security lnstrument <br />- ': "'' immcdiatcly prior to thc acyuisition. <br />�`�'r� 6. Occupuncy, Preservution, hlnintenunce nnd Proltectlon of the I'roperty; Borrawer's I.oan AppUcation; Leaseholds. <br /> , .� E3orrower shall��ccupy, establish,and u,e the Propeny us Bnrrower's principal residenre�vi[hin sixty days after the execution of <br />- this Securiry Instrument und shull continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower',prin�ipnl residence for at Icast one yeaz ufter <br />_;'.� 'r the datr of nccupancy, unles� Lender othertivise ugrees in writing,which cnnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unle�s <br />":.'�`_`��- -= CxtCllpittitl� circutnstunre� txi�i willrjt arc oeyuud 8u�►vwm�� �u�iii0i. uuii�;iici Suiiii i�ai i�C,tiOj', uu;Su�;. :%: 7i�:j�«ST L�l: <br />�"' '•a���• • Pro rt ,dlu�v the Pro crt to deteriornce,or commit waste �m the Pro rt 6orrower shall be in default if any forfciture <br /> t;,�r.: �. pe Y• ' P Y F'e Y• <br />�'�•� •��'• ��• ' xctian��r procceding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in L,ender's gond 1'aith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> 1� '",�''' f'r�iperty or otherwise matcriully impair the lien created by this Security Insu•ument or f.ender's security interest. Borrawer may <br /> ..;,rj c:r.l�> <br />°tiy:,!�,it.�:cv�• <br /> ;.�;.,F,�.�„�, cure such u dcfuult and providecl in paragraph IR, by causing thc action or procccding to bc dismisscd with n ruling <br />�`'_�-''-`���n thac, in Lendcr's goixi fnith de=terminatinn,precludcs forfciturc of the Borrowcr's interest in the Propcny c�r other material <br />--_ -�^-�°� impsirment uC the lien rrented by ihic Sec urity h�ctr�im�-ni�.r !ender'� tiecurity interest. Bormwer shalf slso be in �aef��ult if <br /> —�.��tj�� Borrower.Juring the luan appliration proces�, gave muterially fulse or inarcurate infonnution or statements to Lender(or fuilcd <br />��� ta p�ovidc L.cndcr with any matcrial information►in runnectiun wi[h thc loun cvidcnccd by thc Note. including,but not limital <br /> „���„� � to, representation�concerning Borrnwcr'ti c�ccu�anry uf the Propeny a�u principal rexidence. If this Securiry Instrument is on u <br /> �'°?�1. <br />—�-�c�:�� Ic:►schold. Borrower shull comply with all thc provisions c�f thc Icasc. [f Borrower ucyuires fce tide to thc Property, thc <br /> "�'=�" � Icaschold nnd the fce tidc shull not mcrgc unlcss Lcnder ubrees to thc nurger in writing. <br />-4.��+��`' 7.Protectton of I.ender's Rlghts tn the Property. if Borrowcr fails to perform the covenants und ngrcements contained in <br />��--=�'=� .. this Securiry Instrumcnt, or thcre is a Icgul proceeding that m1y significandy uffect Lender's rights in the Property(tiuch us a <br />- .z.r�;j�-- procteding in bankruptcy, probate. for condemnation or tixfciturc or t��enforcc laws.�r rcgulatians), thcn Lendcr may do and <br />-�'`*����� pay for whatevcr is nccessury to protect the valuc of the Property unJ L.cndcr's rights in thc Prupcny. Lender's nctions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security inxtrument, sppe.�ring in court, paying <br />�-�'�'� reasunsible nttorneys' fces und entcring on thc Property to makc rcpnirs.Although Lcndcr may take action und:r this parugrnph <br /> ���� 7. I,cndcr docs not havc tu do so. <br />- —�-•- � Any amounts Jisburscd by Lcndcr under this paragraph 7 shall becomc additional dcbt of Borrower sccurccl by this <br />�.�� Sccuritv In�trument. Unless 8orrower and Lcndcr agrce to c,ther,crnis uf puyment, thcsc amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> dutc of disburumcin at the Notc ratc and shall bc payablc, �vith intcrest, upon notice from Lender to Borrowcr requesting <br /> i�"'\"_.7a <br />= `'^� payment. <br />=�—:J.. �s <br /> ^'�`�°��t F' $. Mortuu�e Insorunce. If'Lendcr required mortgabe insurancc�+s x condition of making the loan securui by this Security <br />��N�%��"' �`'.;�, instrument, IInrroa•cr shidl pay the premiums nyuired to maintain the mortgage instaancc in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> i�� <br />��.., mortguge insuruncc coverage requir�� b}� Lender lapses or censes to be in cffect, Borrower shall pay the premiums requin:d lu <br /> obtHin cuver.igr�ubstuntiully equivalent tc� the mortguge insuruncc previously in effect, at a cost substantiAlly eyuivalent ta the <br />'�� . �� rost to Borrower of the nu�rtgagc insurunce pre�•iously in cffect, frum un adternate mortgage insurer apptoved by I..ender. If <br /> y?�. �. suhstantially cyuivalent mortgagc insurance mveru�c i+not uvailablc. Borrou•cr shall pay tu Lsnder each month u sum cyual to <br /> .,. . nne-n�•clfth of thc ycarly mortgagc insurancc premium being paid by Borrawer whcn the insuruncc rovcruge lapscd or cwscd to <br />_. he in efiect. LenJrr will uccept, u�c and retain thesr payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage in�uruncc. L.o�s re�erve <br />= Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Pnpe 3 0l 6 <br /> .__..-_ .. _'i;� _ <br /> :isM'l:� , . -�:r- -:."r: .:•a-� ..-Yrr..-t+.`i�.e�l� �IC1fTW�YR�h:iS�. y�t^t�GCy..y_y�:-_ _. <br />- . '���b�`GA'�'�1^M..Nri".�.1iM;4d�• . , . . _'_- _. . <br /> -- .. . . _ - � . . -! . '- .' " _ ' . . _ <br /> - <br /> � . ' � . --- . . .. . <br /> t - �--- -. . _._. _. __ . . . <br />