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2012041�3 <br />If Lei►der e7cercises this option, Lender sball give Barrower notice of acceleration. The nodce shall provide a <br />period of not iess than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordance with Se�tion 15 within which <br />Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security lnstrument. If Borrower fails to pay th�se sums pr�or ta <br />the expiration of this penod, Lex►der may invoke any rerr�dies permitted by this Security Instrument without <br />further notice or demand on Bonower. <br />18. Borrowe�'s I�gh! to Reir�tate After Acceleratlon. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower <br />shall have the ri�bt to have enforcement of this Security Iinstrt�ment discontinued at any tune pnor to the <br />�rliest o� (a} f�ve days before sale of the Propezty pursuant to any power of saie containe�l in this Security <br />Instrument; (b) such otiier period as Applicabla Law might specify for the termination of Borrower's nght to <br />remstate; or (c) entry of a jud�mment enforcing this Security Instnunent. Those conditions are that Borrower: <br />(a) pays Lender all sums which ihen would be due und� tUis Se�urity Tnsuumant and tha Note as if no <br />acceleration had o�nrred; (b) cures any default of any other c�venants or agre,ements; (c) pays all expense.s <br />incurr� in enforcing this Security Inetnunent, uicluding, but not limited W, reasonable attomeys' fees, <br />praperty wspection and vaivakion fees, and other fees incurred for the purpase of protecting Lender's interest <br />m me Property and rigiits under this Security Instrument; and (c� takes such action as Lender may <br />reasonabiy require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and nghts under this Se,curity lnstrument, <br />and Bonower's obligation to pay the snrns s�ur� by this Security Instrument, shall continue unchanged. <br />Lender may require that B�rrower pay such rewstatement swns and expenses in one or more of the following <br />forms, as sele�te.d 6y Lender: (a) cash; (b) �ney order; (c) certifie,� check, bank che,�k, treasurer' s clieck or <br />cashier's check, providecl any such ts drawn upon an insdtution whose ciepostts are uisured by a <br />federal agency, uistcvtr�n�lity or entity; or (d) Electromc Fuads Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, <br />this Security Instrument and obligdhons �cured hereby shall remain fully effecrive as if no accxleaation had <br />occurre�l. However. this right to reinstate shall not apply in tiia r,ase of acxeteration under Section 18. <br />20. S�le of Note; CNar►ge of taan Servicer; Notice of Grievance The Note or a gartial inten�t m tt►e <br />Note (togetner with this Se�urity Inshvment) c�n be sold one or more times without pnor notice to <br />Barrower. A saie might result in a cbaage ia the entity (known as the "Laan Servicer") that colle�ts Periodic <br />Payments due under the Note an� this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan serv�c�ng <br />obligations und� tiie Note, this Security Instrimient, and Applicable Law. There aiso m��ht be one or mnre <br />changes of the I,oan unrelat� to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Laan Servicer, <br />Borrower will be given written notice of the change which will state the name aad addre�s of the new Loaa <br />Servtcer, the address to wluch paym�ts should be m�te anti any other information RESPA reyuures m <br />connection with a notice of transfer of s�vicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter t6e Loan is serviceti by a <br />Loan Serncer other tqan ti�e purchaser of the Note, the mortgage ioan servicing ohligations to Borrower will <br />remain with the Loan Servicer or be traosferred to a stuxessor Y.oan Servicer and are not asswned by the <br />Note purchaser unless othenvise provided by the Note purchaser. <br />Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, �oin, ar be joined to any �udicial action (as either an <br />individual litigant or the m�mi�ar of a cla�) that arisas from the othe,r party's actions pursuant to this <br />Se�uity Instrument or that all�es that t3ie ot�ex parly has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by <br />reason of, this Sc�urity Instrurnent, until such Bonower or Lender has notifced the other party (with such <br />notice given in compliance with the requicem�ts of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded tt�e <br />other party hereto a reasanable period af�ar tha giving of such notice to tak.e correchve action. If Applicable <br />Law provides a ti� period whicb must elapsa before certain action can be taicen, that time period will be <br />deamed to be r�sonable for purposas of tivs paragraph. The notice of acceleration aad opportunity to cure <br />given to Borrowex pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrowa pursuant to <br />S�tion 2 8 shall be deemed to �tisfy t�e notice and opportunity to taice cose�trve action provisions of this <br />Sedion 20. <br />yyppZggqqp D VBANE <br />NEBAASKA-Single FamAy-Fann�e MaelRredd(e Maa UNIfOHM INSTRUMENT V/ITH MERS Furm 3038 1/01 <br />VMP6AINE! (1106! <br />Wa6tm�s Kluwar Pinancial &ervcea Page 13 of 17 <br />�� <br />
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