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201203��� <br />enforceable retention agreement or mechanism. The Lender will have ultimate control over any funds <br />repaid by the Borrower pursuant to this section. Lender shall be given notice of any sale or refinancing of <br />the Properry occurring prior to the end of the Retention Period. Provided that Borrower complies with the <br />terms of the Note, the amounts due and payable under the Note shal) not become due and payable, but <br />shall be forgiven as follows: The pcincipal amount of the Loan shall be reduced over tfie first 5 years by <br />1/60th of the original principal balance of the Loan for each month the Loan is outstanding. Such monthly <br />reductions shall take effed in arrears on the same day of the month the Loan was originally made. The <br />amount of the Loan due and payable at any time shall be determined after deducting the principal <br />amourrt of the Loan which has been forgiven by Lender. <br />2. SUBORDlNAT10N. This Mortgage is subject and subordinate in al) respects to the liens, terms, <br />covenants and conditions of the First Mortga�e and to all advances heretofore made or which may <br />hereafter be made pursuant to the First Mortgage, including all sums advanced for the purpase of (a) <br />protecting or further securing the lien of the First Mortgage, curing defaults by Borrower under the First <br />Mortga�e or for any other purpose expressly permitted by the First Mortgage; or {b} constructing, <br />renovating, repairing, furnishing, f�cturing or equipping the Property. The terms and provisions of the First <br />Mortgage are paramount and controlling, and they supersede any other terms and pravislons hereof in <br />conflict therewith. I� the event af foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure of the First Mortgage, or if the <br />First Mortgage is assigned to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, <br />any provisions herein or any provisions in any other collateral agreement restricting the use of the <br />Property or otherwise restricting Borrovver's ability to sell the Property shall have no further force o� <br />effect on subsequent owners ar purchasers of the Property. Any person, including his successors or <br />assigns (other than Borrower or a related entity of Borrower), receivin� title to the Property through a <br />foreclosure ar deed-in-lieu of fareclasure of the First Mortgage, or through the assignment of the First <br />Mortgage to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, shall receive title <br />to the Property free and clear from such restrictions. <br />3. NOTICES. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be <br />directed to the Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to the Lender. <br />4. RELEASE. Upon satisfaction of all sums secured by this Mortgage (whether by payment or forgiveness), <br />Lender shall release this Mortgage without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. <br />5. MODIFICATION OF FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN DOCUMENTS. 7he Lender consents to any agreement or <br />arrangement in which Senior lien Holder waives, postpones, extends, reduces or modifies any provisions <br />of the First Mortgage Loan Dacumenfis, including any provlsions requiring the payment of money. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgage. _ <br />Borrow • G �-'v�.. rrower: <br />Nebraska <br />STATE�OF ) <br />Hatf ) ss. <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />The fioregofng lnstrument was acknowledged before me on this <br />by Bonnie Erin van Zuuk <br />Natary Public <br />My Commission Enpires: 5 ��� ' �� <br />15th day of � , 20 <br />� <br />(seal) <br />GEPIERP�LNUTARY. State of Nebraska <br />2 � M �� �. May 19, 2(113 <br />