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6/5/2012 4:27:39 PM
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5/16/2012 8:40:25 AM
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201203S6g <br />Return recorded mortgage to: <br />FHLBank Topeka <br />P.O. Box 176 <br />7opeka, KS 66601 <br />Subordinate Mortgage <br />THIS SUBORDINATE MORTGAGE (Mortgagej is made on May 15 , 2012 by <br />Bonnie Erin van Zuuk (Borrower). This Mortgage is <br />given to the �ederal Home Loan Bank of 7opeka, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United <br />States of America, and whose address is One Security Bene�t PI. Ste. 100, Topeka, KS 66606, Its successors and <br />assigns (Lenderj. Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of Four Thousand & 00/100ths <br />Dollars (ll.S. $ 4,000.00 1. This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Mortgage <br />(Note). The Note provides for no payments if the Borrower complies with the terms of the Note. The loan <br />evidenced by the Note and secured by this Mort�age (Loan) is being made pursuant to the Affordable Housing <br />Program (AHP) as implemented by Lender (12 U.S.C.1430(j);12 CFR Part 1291). <br />In addition to the Loan, Borrower obtained a mortgage loan (First Mortgage Loan) from <br />Ftome Federal Savings & Loan Assn of Grand lsland (Senior Lien Holder), which loan is secured by a <br />first mortgage lien on the Property (First Mortgage). 7he documents evidencing or securing the First Martgage <br />Loan are collecttvely referred to herein as the First Mortgage Loan Documents. <br />This Mortgage secures to Lender the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note. For this purpose, Borrower <br />irrevocably mortgages, grants and conveys to Lender and Lender's successors and asslgns, with power of sale, <br />subject to the rights of Senior Lien Holder under the First Mortgage, the following properly, to-wit: <br />Lot Nine (9), Block Fourteen (14), Schtmme�'s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />(which hasthe address of: 712 W 15th St, Grand fsland NE 68801 ), <br />to have and to hold this property unto Lender and Lender`s successors and assigns, forever, all the improvements <br />now or hereafter erected on the p�operty, and a41 easements, appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a part <br />of the property. All replacements and additions shail also be covered by this Mortgage. All of the foregoing Ss <br />referred to in this Mortgage as the Property. <br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawFully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grant and convey the Properly and, except for the First Mortgage and other encumbrances of record acceptable to <br />Senior Lten Holder, the Property is unencumbered. Borrower warrants and will defend generaily the title to the <br />Property a�ainst all claims and demands, subject to such encumbrances of record. <br />1. PAYMENTS. In the case of a sale ar refinancing of the Property within five years of the date of the Note <br />jthe Retention Period), an amount equal to a pro rata share of the principal, reduced for every year <br />Borrawer owned the Property, shall be repaid to the Lender from any net gain realized upon the sale or <br />refinancin�, unless: (1) the Property was assisted with a permanent mortgage laan funded by an AHP <br />subsidized advance; (2) the Property is so{d to a very low-, or low- or moderate-income household; or (3) <br />following a refinancing, the Property continues to be subject to a deed restriction or other legaliy <br />Revised February 2011 <br />
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