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5/11/2012 9:35:13 AM
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5/11/2012 9:35:13 AM
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2Ui2U373� <br />3. NOTICE OF EXERCISE. This option is to be exercised by the OPTIONEE by <br />delivery of the down payment amount and a signed purchase agreement reflecting the provisions of <br />this agreement and identifying the real property being purchased. This option sha11 be exercised not <br />later than six (6) months after receiving written notice from the selling party identifying the part or <br />portion of the said real estate being offered for sa1e. <br />4. PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price for the said real estate shall be as mutually <br />agreed upon by the selling party and the OPTIONEE within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the <br />written notice from the selling party. In the event the parties are unable to reach agreement within <br />such time period, the parties shall mutually agree to select an appraiser to establish the fair market <br />value of the property (without any reduction in value for fractional share ownership). The appraiser <br />shall be licensed to appraise real estate under the laws of the State of Nebraska and the cost of the <br />appraiser shall be paid equally by both parties. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the <br />selection of a licensed appraiser within thirty (30) days thereafter, the OPTIONEE and the selling <br />party shall immediately each select a licensed appraiser and the average of the two (2) appraasals sha11 <br />establish the purchase price. Each appraiser shall provide their appraisal within sixty (60) days of <br />their selection and in no event later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of this option. Each <br />party shall pay for the cost of their own appraiser. <br />5. TERMS OF PURCIiASE AGREEMENT. If the option is exercised as provided <br />herein, the terms of the purchase agreement to be executed by the parties shall provide as follows: <br />(a) The person or persons then having power to convey the said real estate shall sign <br />warranty deed(s) and convey all of their right, title, and interest in and to the said real estate to the <br />OPTIONEE, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. The spouse of any such conveying person <br />or persons shall also be bound to sign and convey all of his or her share of such property to the <br />OPTIONEE. Delivery of such deed(s) sha11 be made at closure. <br />(b) The selling parties shall furnish a title insurance commitment, to be paid one-half ('/z) <br />by each party, showing good and marketable title to said real estate in the name of the selling parhes. <br />(c) The down payment amount shall be ten percent (10%) of the purchase price. <br />(d) The OPTIONEE shall pay the balance of the purchase price at final closure. <br />(e) Final closure shall be within sixty (60) days after the exercise of the option set forth <br />herein with the cost of any closing agent, if any, to be pasd one-half ('/2) by each party. <br />(� The OP�ONEE shall have possession of the said real estate upon final closure <br />subject only to the rights of any tenants in possession. <br />(g) The real estate taxes on the said real estate for the year of the exercise of the option <br />shall be paid by the party entitled to the landlord's share of any rent or rents for that year. All <br />subsequent yeazs real estate taxes shall be paid by the OPTIONEE. <br />6. ASSIGNMENT. This option and all rights hereunder sha11 not be assignable by the <br />Graham children, without the written permission of the Graham parents, or the survivor of the <br />Graham parents. <br />7. BINDING EFFECT AND BENEFITS. These options sha11 be binding upon and <br />shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, personal <br />representatives, and assigns. <br />IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the Graham parents have executed this agreement onMay �, <br />2012. <br />(T�..� �.���- � �. <br />Paul E. Grahara Elaine . Graham <br />PARI�R, GROSSART, BAHENSKY, <br />BEUCKE & BOWMAN, L.L.P. 2 <br />1516 FIRST AVENUE, KEARNEY. NE 68647 <br />
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