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�U�2U3722 <br />6. That Grantor as required by § 76-1007 published a Notice of Trustee's Sale to be held on <br />April 18, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. in the lower lobby of the Hall County Courthouse, 111 West <br />First Street, Grand Island, Nebraska. Said Notice was published in Grand Island Independent, <br />a legal newspaper of Hall County, Nebraska, once a week for five consecutive weeks <br />commencing on February 24, 2012, and ending March 23, 2012. The last publication notice <br />was at least ten days prior to the Trustee's Sale scheduled for April 18, 2012 and said sale <br />was not later than 30 days after the last publication of notice. <br />7. Grantor conducted a sale of the real property at public auction on April 18, 2012, at 10:00 <br />a.m. in the lower lobby of the Hall County Courthouse, l l l West First Street, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska. Grantor accepted the bid of U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS50CIATION, in the sum of <br />Eighty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty-Six and 32/100 Dollars ($88,736.32) as the <br />highest bid upon said real property. Grantor complied with the requirements of the above- <br />referenced Deed of Trust and the requirements of Nebraska Statute § 76-1001 through § 76- <br />1018 in the exercise of the sale of the real property described herein at the Trustee's Sale held <br />on April 18, 2012. <br />This Deed shall operate to convey to the Grantee, without right of redemption, Grantor's title <br />and all right, title, interest and claim of the Trustor and their successors in interest and of all persons <br />claiming by, through or under them, in and to the above-described real property, including all such <br />right, title, interest and claim in and to such property acquired by the Trustor or their successors in <br />interest subsequent to the execution of the Deed of Trust. <br />This Deed is subject to all easements, restrictions or covenants ofrecord which Grantor is not <br />entitled to convey pursuant to Nebraska Statute § 76-1010. <br />DATED this 30�' day of A� <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) <br />On this 30th day of April, 2012, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and <br />State, personally came Thomas Locher, to me known to be the identical person whose name is <br />affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be a voluntary act and <br />deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. <br />�� '�� otary blic <br />� r 2�N <br />