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2o�2o3s7� <br />wbich provides insurance caverage in the amounts (including deductt'ble leve�s), for the periods, and against <br />lass by fire, hazards included within the teLm "extended covezage," and a�� other hazards, including, but <br />not limitefl w, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance, then: (i) I.ender waives the <br />pmvision in Secrion 3 for the Periodic Payment to Lender of the yearly premium. installments for property <br />insvrance on the Propetty; and (ii} Borrower's obli.gation uader Sscti.on 5 to maintain property insurance <br />coverage on tb.e Propezty is deemed satisfied to the extent that the required coverage is provided by the <br />Owners Association policy. <br />What LeAder requires as a condition of this waiver can change dutixzg the term of the loan. <br />Borrower shall give Lender prompt notic� of any lapse in required property ins�ance coverage providefl <br />by txze master or blanket paiicy. <br />In the event of a distribution of pzoperty insurance proceeds in lieu of r�toration or repair following <br />a loss to tha Property, or to common areac and facilities of ihe PUD, any proc�eds payable to Bonower aze <br />ltereby assigned and shall be paid to I ender. Le�a�der shall apply the proc.eeds to the sums secured. by the <br />Secvrity Tnstr�ent, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. <br />C. Public Liability Insurance. Borrower shall take sach actions as may be reasonable to insure <br />that the Ownezs A.ssociation mainrains a public liab�lity ins�u�ance policy a�eptable in form, amovnt, aad <br />extent of coverage to T.ender. <br />D. Condemnat[on. The proceeds of any awazd or claim for datnages, direct or coasequential, <br />payable to Boirowez 'vn co�tion with any condemnation or ather talang of all or arry part of the Pnoperty <br />or the common areas and facilities of the PUD, or for arry comeyance im lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid to Lznder. Such proc�ds sha1l be�pplied by Lender to the sums secured hy tha <br />Security Instr�menf as provided. in Section 1 L <br />E. Lender's Prior Consent. Bonower shall not, except after notice ta Lender and with Lender's <br />prior written consent, either partition or subciivide the Properly or consent to: {i) the abaadonment or <br />termination of the PUD, exc�pt for abandonmeat or termination required by law in. the case of substantial <br />destruction by fire or other casnalty or in �e case of a tatdng by condemnation or e*n�n�t domain; (ri) any <br />amendment to auy pzovision of the "Constituent Docume�ts° if the provisian is for the express benefit of <br />Lendez; (iii) termination of professional management and assumptien of self management of the Owners <br />Associatian; or (iv) any action which wot�d haee tlie effecf of rendering ttie public liab�ity �nc�man� <br />coverage maintained by the Ownecs Association unac;ceptable to L$ntler. <br />F. Remedies. If Borrower does not pay PUD dnes and assessmems whendne, then Lendernnaypay <br />them. Any amounts disbursed by Lender uuder thzs ParagraPh F shall b�ome addirional debt of Borrower <br />secured by the Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other te�s of payment, these <br />amounts shall bear i�erest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be gayable, with interest, <br />upon noteoe from Le�tder to Borrower rec�uesting payme�. <br />MULTfSTATE PUD RtDER—Stngle Famfly <br />Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFOFiM INSTRUMEM' <br />Form 3150 �ll01 Paa of 3 <br />OoGHaglc � <br />www.dcrn� <br />u�uo.�e.� <br />
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