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201203�7� <br />Loan. Number: 108039 <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT R1DER <br />THIS PLANNED [7NlT DEVEIAPMENT RIDER is made this 7 th day of <br />MAY, 2 0 3.2 , and is incorporated into and shali be de�amed to am�end and <br />supplament the Mortgage, Dced of Tzvst, or Security De� (the "Security Instrument") of the same date, <br />given by the undersigned (the °Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note to PI�ATI'E VALI,EY <br />STATE BANK & TRUST CO., A NEBRA.SKA CORPORATTON <br />(the °Lender") of the same date aad covering the Prop�ty d�c�ed in the Sect�ity �nstmm�ern �ci located a� <br />1804 RAINBOW RD, GRAND ISL�P,ND, NEBRASKA 68801. <br />[Proparry Addressl <br />The Propezty includes, bnt is not limited to, a pazcel of land improved with a dwelling, together with other <br />such pazcels and certain com�on azeas and facilities, as descn�ed in <br />COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD <br />(the "Declaration°). The Properiy is, a part of a planned unit development lmown as <br />R.AINBOW LAKE SUBDNISTON <br />[Name of Planned Unit Development] <br />(the "PUD °). The Property also includes Boxxower's iaterest in the homeowners association or eqttivalent <br />entity owning or managing the c��on areas and :facilixies of the PUD (the "Owners Association°) and the <br />us�s, benefits and proc�eds of Bonrower's iuterest. <br />PIID COVENANPS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Inshvment, <br />Borrowez and I.ender fnrther cavenant and agree as follows: <br />A. PUD Oblig�tions. Borrower shaIl perform all of Borrower's obligations under the PUD's <br />Constituent Documents. The "Constitnent Documents" are the (i} Deciaralivn; (ii) articles of incorpora�kion, <br />irust instnimeut or any equivalenE @ocument which creates the Owners Association; and (iu� any by-Iaws or <br />other rules or regulations of the Owners Associarion. Boaower shall pmmptly pay, when due, all dues and <br />assessments imposeci pursuant to rhe Constituent Documents. <br />B. Property Insurance. So Iong as the Owners Association ma'sntains, with a genezally accepted <br />insurance carrier, a"master" or "blanket" policy inswring the Property which is satisfactory to I.ender and <br />MULTISTATE PUD RtDER—Single Fami(y <br />Fannte MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />Form 315U 9/09 a�e 9 of 3 <br />Do�Rs� <br />Us9150.rid.aal <br />