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.::l7�.��W7� ' _ _. . . . _.. . _L.�'1L:+ � .`:'�(�:�ru'lf'+r^*+�"L:=: <br /> wG . . . ��ttn"Y�������qy�,lUlt�V}Itn�. •� <br /> ��� .j�`!�'���9;3•' �1.465*',�{,y ��.,(l.'�.�,�..� ��it,'��wiv._�-."-'`--=.--_ --- ... <br /> ' ''�. 7 �(�'9' '�4 .����t r..(„ ;�j.`�-;�:a-- <br /> •.iuy.:r,_„�_� - — :�r::- <br /> _.' ___—_—_—_ --IL�Lm�1{Sb�/vi.:.._. <br /> .-�-L . .. i_11r7r�rv+•amr�Kr�e!eruftT ulIIElf�Lt�'"!S.'_.•�T:¢iis,u�:.-.---_—___. <br /> __.�=�- - wawwFr+a,�.�-.-..-.---�__.—__. _ <br /> 97�0�14� - <br /> S. NacArd or Pro{►erty Insuru�xc. Honowcr tihap kc�.p tl�c empruvcmcnts now exislinv un c�rcafter crcctcd on thc <br /> pro�xny insured ugainst loss hy Pire, haz:�rds incluJed within tlrs icrni "extendcd �:overage" a�id an}� uther hu�arJ.r, including <br /> flixxls or flaxling. for which l.cndcr rcquires insurancc. Thiti intiuranc:c tih►dl lx: maintained in th�;auec,�.ints and far thc�xricKis <br /> that I.rndrr r�yuirc:y.'fli� intiuranrc carricr pr���iding thc imurunr.c+hall bc chnscn by Burr���vcr �,uhjr�.t t�� Lendcr's apprnvul � <br /> which shall not bc unrcasonably withhcld. If Borrowcr fails tu maintuin covcragr dcsrribcd abovc, La:ndcr �nay, at Lcndcr's <br /> optiun.obtain caveragc to pror�xt I,cndcr's�iglits in thc Prnpc:rty inaccordancc with pa�abruph 7. <br /> All insurunee poliries anJ rcnewals shaU Uc ucccptablc tu !_cndcr and shull includc a swnJard mortgage clausc. l.enJcr <br /> ,haJl havc the right to hold thc policies and rencwals. If Lcrder requires.Bnrrower sh�dl prompUy give to I.crvJer all receipts of <br /> paid prcmiwns and renewal notices.In the cvent a6 loss.Bon•ower sh�ll give prompt noticc to thc insum+Tce carricr nnd Lcnder. <br /> Lc:nder n�y�nake proof af loss if not made pmmptly by Borrower. <br /> Unless l.ender nnd�orcower otherwise agrec:in writing. insurance proccals shall bc appliexi co n:storntian ar repair of the <br /> Ptt►perty da�naged. if the restoration or repair is economically fer�sible and Lender's Secarity is not lei�sar�ed.If the restaration or <br /> rc}�air is not cMOnonucally feasible or l.e�uler's security would t►e lessened, the ii�surancc prc�eeeds shal3 be appliod to the sums <br /> se�ured by this Security Instrum�ent, whether or not then duc, wiih any exccss paid to Borrow4r. �f Borrower abandons the <br /> pmperty,or does noc answer within 30 dxys u notice from l.end�r that the insurance carrier ha:.nf6:�ed to settle a cluim, then <br /> I..ender may collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender may use th�proceeds to repalr or restore tlu Property or to pay sums <br /> securod by this Security Instrument,whether ur uut then due,'€'!�c 30 d�y periad will begin when tht notice is given. _._ <br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower othenviso ugree in writing. any applicution af praceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due clate of the monthly paymcttts referrcd ta in p:uagraphs ! nnd 2 or chungs the.amount nf the payments. If <br /> under paragraph Z 1 the Property is ncquired by Lender. Bu�mwer's right to uny insuranca polieie�and proceeds resulting from <br /> damage to the Properry prior to the acquisitlon shall paFS ta I.endcr�o the extent�of the sums sxured by this Securlry Instrument <br /> immediaeely prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6.Oocupancy,Preservation,Maintenance and Pmtcctlan ottf�e Property;Iiarrnwer's LoAn AppUcation;I.eASeholds. _ <br /> Bonower shall occupy,establish,and uso t(x Property us Borrower's principal r�.sidenca within sixty days after the execution of <br /> � this Serurity Instrument and shall continue to occupy the.4'roperty es Bormwer's prit�ipciJ irsicience for at least one year after <br /> . the date of occupancY. unless I.ecdec othenviso agroes tn writing,which consent sh�i! ttot be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> ; extenuating circumstences exist which aro beyond Bo�rro�vac's �rontrol. Bc�rrowor shall noe destroy, damage or impair the <br /> . Propecty,allaw tne�ropecry co ddcuo►�. a;c:,r.�:a::::���.•.s �:�!h° Prn��ty. Rtxmmver shall be irt def8ul� If Ar►Y foTfeiCUle <br /> , uction or proozeding, whether civil or criminal,is beguc�that in l.ender's good fa+th judgm��t could�+esult in forFeiture of the <br /> .{ property or othtrwise mataially impaur the Iten created by this �+ecurity Tnstn►m:nt or I.ond�r's security interrst. Bonower muy <br /> - curo such a default end reinstete,as prov[ded in paragraptc 19+ bY cau:+ir��tht•raetdon or praoc.�ding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> thu, in Lendar's good faith determinatfon, proclud¢s farfGituco of rthe•BorroivG+'r, interest in the PropeRy or othor material <br /> , impaim�cnt of thc licn ersated by this Security [nstrumsnt,or,l.en�r's secudtp sntorest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> Bocrower,during the loan application prace.4s,gavc materintiN�fniso or fnaccurnca information or statements to I..ender(or failod <br /> ta provido Lxndcr with any mxcuial information)in oonnection��vifh�tht lnan evidonced by du Note, including,but not limit�ad <br /> . to.rcpresentacions concernia8 Bar►'ower's ooeupuicy of the Proptrty as a princip�l residena.If this Security Inst�ument is on a <br /> �easehold, Botrower shafl comply with all the provisions of tho leasc. If Burinwer acquires fee tidc to the Propercy, the <br /> � leaselwld end the fa titlo shall na merge unless Lender agroes to the merger in wr�ting. <br /> '� 7.protatlon of i.ender's Righta 9n the PrupertY•If Borrower fails to parform the covenants and agroement�cont�innd in <br /> ' this Security Instrument. or thore is a legal procecding that may sig�ificantly affoct Lerxler's righta in the Property (such as a <br /> p���ns �n ban{c�uptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeitu�e or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br /> , puy for whatever is nooessary to protect tha valuo of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lsnder's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which hns priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in court. paying <br /> � reasonable aaameys' fees and entcring on tho P�nperty to ma{ce npairs•Although Lender may take action under this pangraph <br /> ' 7,I..ender dc�es aot have to do so. <br /> ^ Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 1 shall bxome acldttional d�bt of Borrower secural by this <br /> - Security Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agrx to other terms of payment,thcse amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of distwrsement at tho Note ratc and shall be payablc. with intercst, upon notia from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> PaYment. <br /> ' S.Mo�e Iesurana•If Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of rtuking the loan securod by this Securisy <br /> Instn�ment. Bomower shall pay the premiums roquircd to mainuin the moRgage insurance in effect. If, for sny ca�on. the <br /> mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effoct. Horrower shall pay the prr,miums requirod to <br /> obtain coverage substantiaUy equivalent to the mortgage insurana pnviously in eifxt,at a cost substantially oquivalent to the <br /> cost tu Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage insurer appeoved by Lender. If <br /> substantially u�uivelent mortgage insurana coverage is not available.Borrowe�shall pay to l.ender each month a sum equal to <br /> one-:welfth of the yearly mortgage insuraixx prcmium being paid by Borrower when the insuru�ce coverage lapsod or ceasod to <br /> ' Ix�•in effect.Lencler will accept. use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of nwrtgage insurancc. Loss reserv� <br /> Fortn 3020 9l80 <br /> rsy.a d e <br /> -— rrrv.�y�p w! .�-Tl��-�---�"-- - <br /> .=r .f :� ..,�.��T.� � - - �. , i.r'iRa. �..}, t��u' _ _._.i�c�e�'�c�- <br /> — - 'e�..b-.1- �'t`-�� �y�,�'�� , �'T�'^t ��i�F�R "� vra�r�n°�' — <br /> _ � d4.�. . .•�L�.. . �v . r.�"'�' ..���-�- � -� ___ -- <br /> ° .'�„�tr�Y�'�`�.�(i�f.i :"� . �'�,.y ..�. -c��.,,..�... � <br /> . ,.� z.�,.}'t'Y X� _ 3uf T. • ••l;ky .�ry,,,�I _ _ <br /> ��_ ae.!•�� „ ��� ,r�! yl� s.�. �-1' 3��y raY'.' ;r. r'�cs,. : <br /> - r�d:�j,r��� ..tis..k.1•�. .� ,9ti•, � —-- <br /> � -. r x�t.v� t�r• �,•��' _^ { �y,��??!y� , _ <br /> ___"� X�ai �J�, ;� .., •1�r~ (j`.i�LJ�F.-{�J�T���'T � �S' biOSC — ___ _." �. <br /> '��w��a' :N , c r� ��F �`.:i� Y� R.. {��'�, � `' --� �� — _ — -.- <br /> �i�' � -r . t:�:•.;pry t�, '~ ��e .� �t5�ii ti!u '"_ <br /> - ye=.t,�` ' . �_�`� �. •.,_.. 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