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<br /> � 1.� N�irw�Mwaditu�wy�riL the 1u�uage contained in tdle Deed of Trust to the wntrary,the term9 of this sec►ion�h�ll
<br /> _+ ` �smlve�ny fordctos�tttt'br rati�i�ctian of thie Deed of Truet rcgudles�s of any passage of title to BencRciary or any �,
<br /> �:::•
<br /> ° dlepmitian by&neflciary of+my or ell of the Property.Any clalms tnd defenses to the cont�ary are hercby waived. ,
<br /> �":
<br /> � 20.CONDEMNATION.Tnuror w[p give Beneficlary prompt �Hce of uiy�ction, ral or threateaed, by prlv�te or public �,;
<br /> entitleh to purchnse or take Any ar all of the Property, lncluding any ea�semente,through condemnadon, emincnt dom�in. �'°
<br /> � or Rny othm me�na.Tnisror furlher�grees to noQfy Benefleisuy of any procc�edingn ii►�tituted foi•tUe cstablidunent of any E .
<br /> , .�.,;F�, sewer. wateh conser��ttan, dltch, drelnage, or other dietrict rcl�►ting to or binding upon the Property or aay part of it. �
<br /> • � Tntttar authorizes Beneficiary to int�rvene in Tmstor's name!n u►y of rho ebove descriix�l action.�or claims and to collxt _
<br /> y and receivo�ll aums resulting frnm the action or claim. '1'�ustor assigns to Be�ieficiary the praceeds of nny award or claim -..
<br /> - - for datnagea connected with w condemnation or oWer takiag of all or any pa�t of the Property. Such proceeds sha11 be
<br /> � yR. aantidered paymenu And wiU be applied as provided ln this Deed of Truat. This assignmeut of praceeds is subject to the _
<br /> tcrnu of any piiar sccurity agre.cment. _
<br />, , 21.IIVSURANCE.Tiusror ag.roes t�maintain insureuce as follow�:
<br /> A. Tmstor�hall keep the Property insurod against loss by fire. theft and other hAZards and risks masonably assoclated
<br /> wlth the Property due to 1ts type and location.Other hAZards aad �usks may include,for example,coverage against
<br /> `.,;�, • loss due to tlooda or flooding. 'lhls iasuru�ce shall be cn�int�►od ia the �mouats and for the pedods that
<br />- Beneficluy requires. The insur+ince curier providing the instutnce sh�ll be chosen by Trustor subject to
<br /> � - Beneficitry's �ppraval, which sh�ll not be unreASOnebly wlthheld. If Tn�sWr f�ils to maincain the cover�ge
<br /> . • descriined above. Be�eficiuy ms�y, at Beaeficiuy's optioa.obtaln c�avenge to protect Beaeftciary's rights In the _
<br /> . . . proper�y According to the term9 uf this Deed of Trust. -
<br /> All [nsuniaa policies and renawala shall be acceptable to Beneficiary and shaxl include a stendud "cnortgxge �,
<br /> _. ..!�� clause" md. when applicable, "be�ucficiacy loss paya clauae." Tnnsror shal�l immediuely notify Beneficiary of
<br /> cancelledoa or tem�irwtion of the Wsurmce.Heneficiary shdl have che dght to hold the policies and c�es�ew�ls• If
<br /> Beneficiuy requires. Trustor sh�il invnediately give to Beaeficiuy all receipts of paid premiuins and renra'al
<br /> �� �.'� �' p�t�ces.Upoa los�,Trustor eh�ll give immediate notice to the uuurana caai�er az►d Beneficiuy. Beneficif�ry may
<br /> =;:��, make proof of loss if not msde iznmediately by'Itusror.
<br />��.�:'_L_`4�i:.
<br /> Unless&neticiary and Ttustar otherwiae agca in writlag,{asurAnce procee�ls stWl b� aPPlied to restoration or
<br />-` ,�'�,C�r rep�ir of the Prope�ty dama8ed if the ratosation or repair is ocoaomically feasible and Beaeficiary's secwity ie not
<br /> ����:�-� 1�.If the ratorulon or rep�ir is uot economically fealble or Bmefic[ary's securlty would be lesseued� the
<br /> rt�.�;•F::�s' inatuanoe prooeeds ehall be applied to the socured uebc�wi�iher uc,iut i;��u�.��:��y sz.�..°g°�d i4'!'r.�ss�*,
<br /> �:��;ti`y;;' If Trustor abmdoaa the Property.or das not enswer withia 30 days n noNce from Beaeficiary that the insurance
<br /> ,� 1, carrier h�s offcred to setde a daim, thea Beneficiery may colloct the insursncc procxods. Beneficiary u�y use the
<br /> '_�':"'�. proceeds to npdr or restore th�Property o�to pay We Securcd Debt whetlxr or not thea due. 'Ihe 30-day pe�iod
<br /> �A°-�° will begin whcu We notice is given.
<br /> .•-^��{3wt�
<br /> ---=,��. � Un(ess Benefici�ry and Tmsror otberwise agroe in writia8+ �nY aPPlicatioa of proa�ds to principnl shall not tatead
<br />_.____,�L�: or postpone the due date of schoduled p�ymmts or change thc amount of the p�ymrnu.If the Property is acquin�d
<br /> -_=r�.,�, by Beneftciary,Trustor's right to eav insurance polncies and proceods resulting from damage to the Pcoperiy beforo
<br /> ;,�,�:,—.. the acquieition ahall pass to Beaeficiary to the extent oF the Secured Debt lmmedtuety before the acquisition.
<br /> -•��= B. Truator agras to maintaia comprehensive general Iiability iasuraaco naming Beneficiary�w additional insurod in
<br /> --�-� aa amount �ooeptable to BeneficIary, insuring agatnst claim�arising fmm any accideat or oociumena in or oa the
<br /> - C. Tcus�wr agroea to a�sir►tAin rental losa or buslness intenuption insorana�as roquirod by Beaeficiary�in m amount
<br /> _� equal to nt leust coverege of one year's debt secvice,end x+equired��row account depos�ts(if agrad to sepaiately
<br /> in wddng).wrder a form of policy scceptable to BeneRciary.
<br /> 22.NO ESCROW FOR TAXFS AND INSURANCE. UNesa otherwiae provided in a sepanue agceeu�t, Truator wlll oot
<br /> -- be requind to piy to Beneficiary funds for taxa and insurance in acrow.
<br /> - -= 23.�1N,�NCw,REppRTS A1Vp ADUI7'IONAI, DpCUA�NTS.Trusror will provide to 8eneficinry upon request. any
<br /> =`-=-- fineneial statement or inforn�adon Beneficiary may dam nocess�cy. Trustor wacraats that �Il fuiu►cial stataneats and
<br /> iaformation Tcwtor providea to Beneflciary are, or will be, ac�curau, correct. and wmplete. Ttustor agrea to sign.
<br />- delivcr. and filo as Benef�ciuy may re�sonably request aay additional docnment�or ccrtiftcations thaz Beneficiary mry
<br /> � consider neassuy to perfxt,continue.and prexsve Trustor's obHguions under thi�Doed of Trust and Beaefictary's liea
<br /> -=���« statua on thc Pmperty. If Trustor inils to do ao, Ben�ficiAry may eign.deliver, and file such documents or certificstea in
<br /> .�;:;� 1Yustor's name and Trustor hereby Irrevocably appoints Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent a9 attorncy in fact to do the
<br /> ::��e,ic� ttilnge neceasary to comply wlth th9s section.
<br /> ;•'�"s. this Deed of Tcust arc joint and individual. If Trustor signs this Deed of Tiust but does not sign the Evidence of Debt,
<br /> -.'`:'S��..
<br /> ;-,�y,;;Kl;�..;� , Tiustor does so only to mortgage 1Yusror's interest in the Propecty to aecure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustor
<br /> :' .�,���.�'� � does n�t agra to be personaUy 19able �n the 5ecurod Debt.Ttustor agmee th�t Btu�6c�Ary and niY P�Y to tDis F)oad of
<br /> -;t:,;rli��li;,�
<br /> - --�•=3.•� � � Tcust may extmd. modify or make any ch�s in the terms of tlds Deed of Truat or the Evideuce of DeDt wi�hnut
<br />_.��._J._� .��.
<br /> '==���r�',f � Trustor's coneent.Sl�ch a chenge wW not rela�se Truator from the tee=m of this Dced of Trust. 'Ihe dinies anc!beaefita of
<br /> .., µ1'.'�p��-
<br /> =�±_'_,'.t��.a' � this Deed of TnLSt shall biad end benefit the successors and assigr�of'hustor and Bena c ary.
<br /> ,, ....,{;,.
<br /> _:' �::�. .r {
<br /> .*:-•• "' � If thia Qad of'I�ust secures a guaranty betwern Beneficiary and T�ustor and does not directly secure the oblig�tion which
<br /> ' �����_ . +e e»nwnfiaf! �r�,�xrn*acr�a co waive anv riQhts that mav nrevent Benefiaiary fmm bringing any actioa or claim againsc
<br /> �v��� � mdebted under the obli edon includin ,but not limited to,and-deficicncy or one-action laws.
<br /> '�T ` i;��. Trustor or any pany' 8 8
<br /> -" •..:..�.
<br /> ` � 2S.APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABII.ITY; INT'ERPRETKd'I4N,T'his Deed of Tn�st is governed by the laws of ths
<br /> .� ," �'"' jur�sdiction in which Beneficiary is located, except to the extent otherwise requirod by the laws of the jurlsdiction where
<br /> the Pcopecty is located.This Dced of Tmst is complete aad fully integrated.This Dced of Trust may not be arnended or
<br /> " modified by oral agreement. My section or clause in this Deed of Tnut. attachmcnte, or any agrcY:ment related to the
<br /> , Secured Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be effcxtive, unless that taw expressly or impliedly permits the
<br /> ' vaziations by writtea agreement. If u►y seccfon or clause of this Dad of Trust cannot tx:enforced accarding to Its terms,
<br /> that section or clause will be severed and will not affect the enforc�eabiltry of the nKnainder of this De�d of Trust.
<br /> Wheeever used, the s[ngular shall include the plaral and the plural che s[ngular. 'Ihe captions and headings of the sections
<br /> , ;�,����;,�'' of this Dced of Trust are for convenirnce only and are not to be used to inteiprct or define the te of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ,. .. 'fime is of the essence in thia Deed of Tcust. � �� �' `� pays 6 0!6
<br /> ,;, .
<br /> O t B93 owycK�SrnMn�.ine..St.C�outl.MN It-E00�397•2J�11 Fam AO/CO.OT•NE 8117/9E
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