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<br /> At the opNon of Bcncflciuy, all or any p��t of t!x�grad fcxa and cbarges, eccrued interest and pdncipal shdl becorn�
<br /> immedluely due and p�y�ble.�fter giving n�tttr=if requited by la�w,upnn the ocxurnnce af a default or a��ydrne�henafter.
<br /> In Addition,&neflciary ehdl be entltled to a�l thm nmMia provided by Ipw,the Evldence of Debt,other evidanas of debt,
<br /> . th1�Dad of TrusR�ad�ny rcluotl documrntt in��uding wlthout limitation, the power to scll the Property.
<br /> ' If th.re is a default,Trustec shalt,in�dition ta t�ny other permittod remody,at the request of the Heneficiary, advertise and F
<br /> ,,�� { sell the Pcnperry as a whole or in sep�xatcr ptcmAa;�u publie�uctlon to the higbeat bidder for cash and convey absolute title �
<br /> froe and clear of all dght,titic and iaurc»t of 71.Ytstor at suc6 time and place as Trusta designates.Trustee shall glve notia o,
<br /> � of sale including the time,tetrus �nd plu�.e of sml�and a descriptton of the property to be sold as eequired by the apglicable `�
<br /> ,, „�„"�,� law in effect at the tirne of tho praposal sr�t.
<br /> ^ � Upon sale of the property anci ro the exunt not prohlbited by 1Aw.Tnutee shall make and c!elivcr a deed to the Properiy sold
<br /> t � wbich conveys absolnte tide ro the puxchzscr, �uad xlter first pxying ali fees,charges and costs.sh�ll pay to Btneficlary nll --
<br /> moneya advaacxd for rep�irn,tsuae. insu.�rx:r:, llau, assessments and prior eacunnbrances and interesc thereoa, wid the
<br /> prineipal and intereat on the Seeured DebL,p�y�ng tde surplus, if any, to'I'tusror. Beneficiery may purchase the Propecty.
<br /> i• The recitals in any deed of convayance shtU b2 Urima fxie evidence of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> All c+anallea �re diatinet.cumulativc�nd nvt ra�elusive, and the Be,aeficiary is eadtlod to all remedies pmvicied at law or
<br /> ' � equity�wbetber expressly set forth or nvt. T1i�acceptaixx tsy Beneficiary of any sum in paymeat or partial paymeat on the
<br /> �. Sccured Debi after the b�lantx is dce or is ar,r�esated or after foreclosure proaalings are filod a1W1 not conacitute i w�iver �
<br /> �i� of Heneficiary'a r�ght to require fiill and co�a��icta cure of any cxiating def�ult.By not exerciaing any remedy on Tzustor'e
<br /> default,Beneficiary doea uot wuve Be�nefic��'s rig6t to luer cot�ider the event a tkfault if it contlnues nr htppeas�gain.
<br /> ' r by taw,Trustor agmss to Qay all of Brnefir.'��ry's expenscs if Trustor breaches nny cc�venant in this Deed of'I`tust. Tcustor
<br /> will dso piy on demand all of Rene6ciuy►'s ex}xaus incurred 1n oollecting,intivring,PreseNing or prote�dng t6e Propary
<br /> or in any inventories. eudits,inapecciams or other exaninatlon by Beaeficiary in respect w the Property. T�ustor agreea to
<br /> pry all costs and�apenses incurred by Beu:Rciacy in enforcing or protecting Beneficiary's dghts and remediea under this
<br />- > Dad of Tiust,including.but nat limitod ta,uttomeys' foes,oourt costs.and other legal exprnses.Once the Securod Debt is
<br />, fuUy u�d finslly patd,aenefldary agras tn reldse this Dood of Tcust and Trustos agroes to pay for any rxorduion c�osta.
<br /> AA s�ucb amounts are due on demand�ud will bear interest fcom the time of the advance at the highest rate in effe�t,fmm
<br /> � • ���i�y.*h.�L7vi�lnnrn nf Tlpht an.�Aa r+rrmittdi fiy 18w.
<br />_ • j. ,• �:�ts�.^" ....._...�..._..
<br /> ..: •�... . «o Pro ——�-----�
<br />_����: .. 19.ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HA7A1tDOUS SUBSTANCFS. Aa usod in ilhis section. (1) "Enviroamtatal I.zw"
<br />�:.,;r�� _ mcAru. without llmitntion, the Coa�prdaswlve Envlronmeat�l Response. Compensatlon and Liability Act(CBRCLA,42
<br /> .. ,.�_..;.,,`. U.S.C.9601 et seq.).all other foderal,st�te and local laws.ngulattoas.ordinances.court ordcre�attomcy genera opiniona
<br />�;.�...�. �� � or inucp�etive lettera conaming the�bac hal�h. aafety� welface, environment or a hazardow substaaoe: �nd (2)
<br />.,^zY•:",=i;� 'Haze�doua Sl�bat�nce" means any toxoL. xadionctive or hazudous matedal. waste. pollutant or coataminant whlch h�e
<br />�-- '° .`' ch�ractalstics wblch rcrxler the subsu►aoe daageroug or potead�lly daogeroue to the public health. safety.wdf�re or
<br /> �`.�? envimnmeat. The term inctudes, w�:�,Qw:limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," ''toxic eubst�acea,"
<br />_ -:�w f - "h�zerdous waete' or"hazarhau�s suhrs'aawe"under nay Environmental Law. 'YYustor repnsenta� warrants and�graa thu,
<br /> ���;,;:.°.., except ag previously disclosed ane!aclmYa]edgod in writing:
<br /> �ry::� A. No Hazardous 5libsta�toe l�bee�,as,or will be locatal.trans,ported.mauufxtured.treatod. refinod. oc handled by
<br /> _°^•"��!"--��� �nY p�reon on�uncka or about the riroperty,eacept in the ordinary cowBe of busiaesn and ia stric�compUanoe wlth
<br />�:d.��-y,��� all�pplicable Enviromnenpl I.aw.
<br /> — B. Truator tw not and wlll not cause.contribute to,or permit the nleaa�of any Har�nfow Subaumce on ttx P.�+operty
<br /> _ C. 'IYuator will immodL�teiy aotify Beneflciary If(1)a nlease or�releaae of Hazacdw�a Subst�aa ocx�ue oa,
<br /> � __ —= uader or about We P[opGrty or migr�tes or threateat to migr�te from�arby propeccy;or(2)there is a violuion of
<br /> —_�-�-� any Envimnment�l I.tw codceminE the Propecty.In auch�n event�Tivator will taice all neaa.wry rauedi�l �ctioa ln
<br /> accordnxx wirh Enviromonental Law.
<br />��;�a= � D. Tniamr h�a na kt►owleda�of or rrason w believe tbere ls aaY pendinS or threaiened invesqg�tiam, claim, or
<br />�.:_�. ,Y� prooeeding of any kind rel�to(1)my H�zardoos S�bst�uce locual an,under or about the Pm�xty;or(2)�ny
<br /> W"=�� vlol�tion by Truator or any tamat of any Bavimumenul Iaw.'fnistor wlll immediu�ly nosify Beneficiuy in wridng
<br /> ��= as soon a�Tcuator hu�renson ta belleve tt�ere is my wch prad�ng or threatened iavestigation,claim,or pnxxdiog.
<br /> -'`''-'��''�`� In such aa event,.aeaeficiuy hu the right,but not the oblig�tloa,to participate in any wch pmceeding ixluding the
<br /> �-=--='�"- dght to receive oopid of wy dacuments r�ladng to such proixedings.
<br /> . -�=��Y
<br />-�a�� B. 'IYu:Wr eod every tenwc hzve been,ue aad shall rcm�in in fu11 cumpl3ancx with any applicable Environmentd L,nw.
<br /> ,,,, ti�., F. Thae ue no unde�ground stongc tanks.pdvate dumps or opea wdla locatod an or under the Property and no such
<br /> '`--.....:=�„ tanl��dump or weU will be adc3od uecalle,ss BeueficIary first conseats in wr[ting.
<br /> ?���_'. "''?- G. Tnistor will reguluriy inapect thc Property,monitor th�xtivities and operadons on the Property,and confirm that
<br /> _' : � �':;�;,: _ all permite,licenses or appxovals reqnired by any applicable Environmental Law are obtained and complied with.
<br /> T'`. .�:�'�%,: � H. Tcustor wlll permit, or cause any tenant to per[nit, Beneficiary or Beneficiary's ageat to enter ancl inspoct tha
<br /> - T,,'.f ', ' `J
<br /> �.�.:, .� • protxrty �nd tevlew dl �cor�is u u►y reawnaDk time to detemtine(1) the existeace, locatioa snd n�re of my
<br />_-.`;�s��.��,c Huardoua Slibenucc on,unda or�bout the
<br /> Pmperty; (2) the ezista►oe. location. nature. and magnitude of my
<br />""`:..••. . H�rdoua S�bot�nce th�t h�e beea rdeased on.unda or sbout the Prope�ty;or(3)whet6er or not Tsvuor uid m�
<br />� . � . ten�t are in compli�nce wtth applicsble Env{ronnxntal Law.
<br />- • ':�'i I. Upon 13eneficiary's roqueat tod u any timc, Trustor agrxs, at Trustor's expense. to engxge a qualifial
<br /> :,��.��"` ` eavironmcntal wginecr to prqHre m rnvimnmwtal audit of the Propecty and to subarit the result�of such wdit to
<br /> ��_ n...�a„s..., �rn,..a.,�... nf tM Mvtmnmmml maineer who will naform such audit is subiect ta Be�neHciarSr's
<br /> - -_�-_.st�;�� aPproval.'• -._ �___ -- -- -- ----- .. . _
<br /> , � � J. Beneficinry has thc right, buc not the obligation, to perform any of Tcustor's obligaHons under tbis section nt
<br /> � � Ttustor's eapense.
<br /> K. As a consoqueace of any breach of aay representattoa, warranty or promise made in this section,(1)Truator will
<br /> � indernnify uad huld Benefictary and Beneficiary's sucassors or�signs harniless from and against all losses,clai�m.
<br /> ' demwda, liabilities.dumges,cleanup, nsponse and remediuion costs, penalties and expenses, including without
<br /> - limitation all oosts of litigation and attorneya' foes. which BeneBctuy�nd Beneficiary's suaessons or assigns may
<br /> sustaui: and (2)at &neficiary's discretion,Bcneficiary may release thia Dad of Tn�st and in nturn Trustor will
<br /> provide Beneficlary with collurnl of at leut equal value to the Prope�ty securod by this Deed of'Itust without
<br /> prcjudice to auy of&neflciary's dghts under this Deed of Trust. ,
<br /> pape I ol 6
<br /> , � '�°� �r � a�
<br /> � 01993 RWUrf SY�twM.Mc-.uL Cbud.MN 11-0OOJ!)•Z3�11 fqm A07C0-DTdiE 817319E "�
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