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Und�� �otbns r►xy holud� p�YhO <br /> u►y wmf aouhd by� N�n whbb h�s prlork�r owr lhM S�curky l�strum�nt,app�ariny h coud, p�ylnq r�ton�bi��ttom�y'�Nn and � <br /> mt�rYp on Ih�Prop«ty to rtwk�nptYs. Akhouph I.�nd�r m+�y tak�aclbn undK thb penanph 7,L�nd�r 0oM nOt htW t0 d0 t0. i <br /> My �mount� dkDurNd by Undr und�r thN pwynph 7 shaN b�aort� addNbn�l debl of Borrow�r pcund by thM 8�curky <br /> Imtrum�nt. UnMu BorrAw�r �nd l�nd�r �pn� to oth�r twms of p�yrtNnt, th�s� amount� ahtM b�M 4ntK�t kom th� d�M of � <br /> dkbun�n�nt lt th�Not� nM�nd �h�M h�pay�bM,wNh htKat,upon notlC�kom L�nd�r to 8ortowK nq�NSthp payrn�r+t. <br /> 0. Matq�p� Inaunnc�. M l.�ncNr nquYW moAp�p� hsur�af a cond�tion of m�kinp tM bu� Ncund by MM 8�ourky � <br /> In3trumant, BerrowK ehil! pay thD ptMnl�rtt� M�tlk�Cd M mllhttl�n the mORgeQe MSUtnnte In MhCt. If, for any nason, th�mort�0� - <br /> h�unnc�cowr�nquind by L�ndK Mp�a aau� to W In NNcf, 8arrowa shaM p�y th� pnmlums roqulr�d to obt�in cowrp� <br /> •ub�lanl�ly �qulvsMnt to tM mortpq� Inwnrwy prwfou�y in.h.o�,n� eo�t wb�t�+t�y �qulv�bnt to th�eost to 9arow�r W tM O <br /> mortp�p� Inaw�r►a Pn+�ioutN in �Mlot. kom�n �k�rn�to mort{pp� hwra►�PProwd by L�ndn. II substu►tr�ry �4u►r�Mnt m«�Ww <br /> hwnna covrrp� k not awN�bM,Bnrtow�r rh�M pay to I.�nd�r Mch nanth � sum pwl to on�tw�Mth oi th� ywy maq�p� <br /> hsunnc�pnmlum b�M�p pafd by Bartowe wMn tM hsu�cov�np�4ptW a aasad to b�h NNct. LendK wM�oc�pt,uw�nd <br /> n�atn tha� p�ym�nK �s a bu ns�rw b Mu of mortp�q� hwnria. lots n�va paynwnts m�y no lapr b� nqu�nd� �t 1M <br /> optbn ot L�ndK, Y mortp�p� hsumc�cowrp� (in IM unount �nd tar th� p�rtod lhat Undor nquMys)provkwd by �n hsurn <br /> �pprovsd by L�ncMr �pain b�cort� awllabN and M obt�h�d. BoROw�r �h�1 p�y tM pr�miums rp�+ind to m�M►41n moAp�p� <br /> hsur� in �M�ct, o� to provldr �bs�r�w, untN th� nquk�rtNnt for monp�pr hwranc� �nds In �ccadanc� wth any wrxbn <br /> �pr�n�nt b�twwn Barow�r�nd Und�r or applicabW Mw. <br /> 9. (11�p�Ct1011. l.�nd�r or N� aqmt may m�k� n�sonabN �ntri�s upon and in�p�otton� Of th�PrAprty. UndM ah�l plw <br /> Borroww notfc��t tM tim�ol or prbr to�n insp�ctfon spoclyinp naton�bM oau�tor th�intpwtbn. <br /> 10. C011dem�etion. 7M procMd� of �ny aw�td a cWm (a dlmfpM. dinlct a conMqtwnikJ, M CoiwwoHon wiA �y <br /> cond�rtx�atbn or other la.4Y�p of anp Peri o!th� Propwty�a!or conreY�e h Mw ot cond�tb��,�n hv�by attipn�d�nd sha�b <br /> pald to Und�r. <br /> u, �h. .wn� o�a ton� wc� a a»�op«ty. tl� procwds �h�l b� �M�d lo tfN sums ��cund bY thM S�cudlY M�+�nMN, <br /> wMth�r or not thm du�. wkh my Moc� qid to Burtaw�r. In th��wnt of a p�Af�i 7atchp of tM PropKty„ wh�h tha hir muicK <br /> wlw al H�o P�op�ty MrtwdMMly bMon tfM WcMp k �qwl to or pn�h►th+�n th� art�o��nt of tM wms wcutid by thf� &�curtY <br /> In�trum�nt 1�+�rNdkay GMa� th� Wchp,unllts BotrowK Und I.�ndK oth�rwis��ptw 1n wtkh0�the wms acund by thN S�.r�r <br /> InttrunNnt shWl b� nduc�d by th��tiount of tM proowds multaYod by tM bbwirp kactiorr. (a) tM toW �rnouM of th� turns <br /> acund Yrx�dfatNy bNor�th�Wcdq� dNkNd bY(b) tM hM m�1nt wiw ol tM PropNty kmNdi�ty bMorr th�Wcinp. My b�lnlw <br /> thaN M paid to Bortow�►. M th��nt ot a p�rtial fakinq of Ih� Ptop�ty h which tM tafr m�rk�vafw of th�P�opwty Ynn�d�ONY <br /> bMur� th� takirp k Uts Ihan th� rna�nt of th�wmt s�cu»d krwrMdlatNy b�tan tha l�icirq, unNsr BortowK�nd L�nd�►otMrwM� <br /> � aqrM h wrrltirp u unMss �ppNCabN Yw otMrwit� provb�s, th� proc�lt shtM W �ppMd t0 !h� wmt ncund by thlt &cutlly <br /> Instrummt wMth�r a not th�wms w th�n dw. <br /> If tM Proo�rty I�aba�dorNd by Bortow�r,or 1,dt�r notk�by L�nd�r to BortowK th�t th�aond�nnor oM�rs to nMk��n aw�nd a <br /> s�ttM a cl�Yn fa drnp�s,8arowr falk to ntpond to Und�r wkhh 30 d�Ys �th�date th�notic�it pMr�n. I.M►dK k Mithai�d <br /> to coN�ct and�pply tbs proce�da.�t ta option, �khr to nstoratlon a npat oi Me Prop�rly or to tM�ums wcund br thM S�curiy <br /> Insuum�nt,wMthr or not thwi dw. <br /> Uniwa Undx and �orro�w�r olh�rwk� apn�In wrkYp��nY�PP�ation of proards to prY�ciptl sh�N not�d�nd or pospo� th� <br /> dw d�ts ot th�ma�My payn�►b r�rr�d to b pv�pr�pho 1 �nd 2 0�ch�np�tM anpunt of wch paynNnts. <br /> 11. Borrower Not RN�aud:Forbe�a� 8�►I.ender Not�W�Iver. �a.nseon o� n� nr�. ror wmwnt a <br /> modiNCation ot�morttation of th�tums Wcund by thk 5aeurky IntWm�►t prant�d by I.w►d�r to�r►y suocasor in htamt qf Barow�r <br /> shaN not op�nt�to n{ws�tM It�blky of th�oripk►U Bortowrr or BorrowM� sucwtson In ht�mt. Undw ttuiH not b�wqulhd to <br /> conwrNnc� proeMdM►po apainst�ny wcassa tn Intw�st or nluw to o�ct�nd tim�la paym�nt a oth«wfp modMy�ur�ortistbn of tM <br /> wms t�CUnd by thN S�curky Intbumint by n�son ol u►y dMn�nd mnfM by th� oripkwl Bortow�r or BOnOvwfs wocM�tors In <br /> bbnst. My torbMr�by L�nd�r In a�nakhp�ny ripht o►nrt�fy�haM not b�a wakK oi a pnclud�tM�oo�ncW of any dpht a <br /> �w�.ay. <br /> 12. Succes�ors And As�ni Bound; Jolnt�nd S�venl Uabllity; Co-Mp�er�. m� eovMw�a .nd <br /> �pr�►wnts o( thM 5�ctttily in=Irumint thaN bind and 4�nsfN th� suCC�asqs and aeaipns of L�nd�r �nd Barowr, wbj�ct b tM <br /> provklons ot pu�pnph 17. Borrovr�s cawn�nte�nd�pr�r»nts sMl b�JoMt md swwal. My Borrowa who oa��n�thM Swrxly <br /> MtbweNnt but dnK not �eacut� th� Nob: (a) M casipnlrp thb &awAy M�trum�nt ony to mal�p�. prant� �nd eortwY tMt <br /> Barow�� Inbnst h th�Propwty und�r tfN tKms of MR S�curRy InfUtima�t; (b)k not pKtonaNr obMpaMd to p�Y tM wrtK�w�x'�d <br /> by Mis S�curltY inswm�►h, �nd (o)apn� th�t Undsr end �ny otMr Barowrr rrKy �pr�M to �nd. modlp. forbwr or rr� �ny <br /> �ccommod�tlons wMh rp�rd to IemN ot this S�curity InttnrrtNnt or th�Not�wkhout lhat Bortorvw�cons�n� <br /> 13. l.0A11 Clwqla. N th�ban s�ound by thk S�curky Imirum�nt is wbJ�ct to a I�w whbb Nts nwdnxrn lo�n ch�rpN, <br /> and th�t taw k fin�y (nbrprN�d ao th�t th� hbnst o►otMr loan ohupr�colMoNd a to M coMoMd b con�uctton wRh tM lom <br /> axca�d th� pwmMt�d inNs, thm; (t)any suoh bm chvQa thaM b�ndioad by tM �rtwunt n�assuy to ndua tM ohup�t0 tlM <br /> pKmkbd WnR;�nd(b)�ny sums�had�r oolNotb kom Borto�w�r which�ooc�d permMt�d Mrnkt wM b�n1urWW to BortowK. I.M'.d�t <br /> rrNy chooN to malc�thi� nh+nd by �ducinp th� prhCpd ow�d uncNr tM Not� or by mticirp � dinct p�ynwnt to Bortwwr. H� <br /> nlund ndvcas prina�p�t. tM nduatbn wil b�IrNtb a a p�rtkl pnpaym�nt wYAOUt�ny pnptyrt�nt ctwp� und�r th�NoM. <br />_ 14. Nodce�. My nWia to Borto+w�r provid�d 1or h thi� S�cudty In�trum�nt slull be plwn by d�lvut�p k or by maAMq k by <br /> fira clas3 mtN unMu applic�bM kw nqutns usa of anothK rt�lhod. Th�notlso shar b� dincl�d to d+� kopwtp Addn�s or any <br /> otMr�ddnss 8orrow�r dutpnal�s by natic�to Under. My notiC�to I.�ndM tAall a piwn by Rrst C�ts mt�to l.�nd���ddrM� <br /> sta�d tNnh 9r�nr otbor ufdnss I.�nda datpn�t�by notic� to 8arow�r. /My notia provid�d for h this S�curkfr InstrwnNK sh�A <br /> b�d�nW to haw Bo�n qi+an to BarowK or I.andx when piwn�s provid�d tn thi�panpnph. <br /> 15. �overninq t�,aw; S!Y!1'�DIIILY, TAb Srcutity Insttum6r►t ihaN b� powm�d by hd�r�l Yw md tt1� kw of tM <br /> Juricdiatbn h whSah th� Prop�ty N bcsNb. In ths w�nt that any provi�ton or cYus� of thh S�curity M�dumM►t or tM NoM confrcri <br /> wkh ep�arbM taw, �uCh ConIRCt th�M not aNat otMr provi�fom of thi� &�cwty Mttrum�nt or tM Nob whlah ean b� piwn�M�ot <br /> wkhOUt th�Conf�CtMp prOVitlOn. To thk md lM ptovUfo�no Of this S�curRy InstrurtMnt�nd tM NoD�ah d�Chnd t0 b��ww�bN. <br /> 16. 8orrower'� Copy. Borirow�r �BaM b�QM�n or►�conformW copy of tM Nob�nd o(thh�S�curky In�kurtwit. <br /> 17, Trin=!�e e! !lu Prne��tv nr a 9�n�H�W Int�r�at tn Barrew�r. �� .r a anv eut cf th� Prmrty or anp <br /> Int�st in R k sold ot WnsNrr�d(or M� b�nNicfal ht�nst In Barow�► f�t�id or transNrnd �nd Borirow�k not� n�tunl pMSOn) <br /> wkhout l.onda"t prior wrktan cons�nt. Und�r mey,�t Rs optfon, nquir� trwn�dleU p�ym�nt h tuM of aN sums aCUnd by tha S�curily <br /> IntWmmt. Noww�,thR option OMN nOt b��oarobad by LMfdK R�oarcip Is prohbk�d by Nd�N law u of tM dlb of thk SrcwNy <br /> Instrum�nt. <br />" II LmWr�onraips thk optbn,L�ndK �haA p!w Barow�r notic� of �ccMKatbn. Th�notic� sh�M provld� a pKiod ol not ba <br /> th�n 30 days kom tM d�b th� notfC�k d�N�w�d ot rt►�Y�d►�Nhin which th� Bo�rowu must pay �N wms Ncwrd by thk S�CUrlly _ <br /> Inshum�nt. II Bortow�r hflt to pay th�u sums prior to tM�intbn of thk p�rbd,I.�ndM may invok��ny ►Mn�dil�pMmkOld by thM <br />_ S�curity Instrum�nt wMhout furtM►notic�or dNrrnd on Bartov�. Fonn aos��no = <br />- F,ot�.�MO�en�) va�•a e�a = <br /> 696 <br />