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<br /> _� i '..ioe�°i� . . _. .. . _ lRFD"�^"v",L.. .'.r'�'_�n , -....1.... . .� - ----- -
<br /> BcrtowM'�Ncrow�caaunt undK iriir fiwiw�i�I�tt:.:�tt�w►t Pre�ec4�r�.+e Iwt ol »74 u�Wd kom 1Yni W t1n�, 12 U.B.C.
<br /> 2gpt�t aq. ('F�SPA'),unis�t�notMr hw th�t�pplM� to tM Fund�wl��M�ta►Wnou�t. II�o. L�ndK m�y.�t�y��C��d
<br /> hold Fu�a In in amount not to�+ccNd th�N�tsr�rtw�mt, UndK m�Y«tim�t�th��nouet ot Nod�du�on tM b��R ol cun�nt d�h _
<br /> and rw�onsbM��tkmt��ol�xp�ndkuns o}lutun Eurow Itans a otn�wl� In acaadana wNh�ppMC�bM�w. �
<br /> Th�Fund� �haY bs hold h an fn�tkutbn whos� dqc1N� u� heurW by � Ndwal �p�noY� „����KY• a ��kY (haw�9 '
<br /> L�nde, N L�nOK M tueh �n In�tl��lion) a In a�Y F�dKd Hom� Lo�n Bank. LM�dK�haN�►py tM Fue�d�to pny tlf� E�otow IINn�.
<br /> L�ndu rtry not ohv� Borrow�r 1a holdhp�nd appylnp th�Fund�, mnwNy�r�ey�np �►w�row �cca�'^t�a wrltf'fW tM E�crow �
<br /> It«n�, unlKS l.�ndu pay� Bortov+K ht�t on th�FunM�nd�ppNC�bM kw pKmk�l.�nde to m�k�wch�cfwp�. Howwrr,I.�ndK O
<br /> may r�quln BorrowK to WY a or�tkn�charp�lor�n Indlp�nd�nt rMl Mtrt�lax nDortMW �avic�uad bl 1..�+dK in oonn�otbn wkh �
<br /> thk loan,unlNf�ppllCabN kw pr�vW��oth�rwiN. UnMt��n�prNrn�nt N rMd�or�PPMC�bM�w nquirN hl�t to b�p�id�I.�ndM
<br /> sMN not D� nqulhd to p�Y �rowrr onY HWra:l or aam6�ps on the FunQs. H�now�r and L�ndor may apn�„vv�kh0�hovr�wr.that O �
<br /> Int�nst thaN b� p�ld on th� Funds. L�ndK sh�M qlw to BarowK, wNhoul charpl, �n �nnuai �ccounthp ol tM Fund�, tAowY►p
<br /> cndAs �nd d�bks to Ih�Funda and th�purpoa(a whkh Moh d�bk to lts�fund�wa�mad�. Th�Fund� �n PM������
<br /> s�xky br al tums acu�d by thM S�curkl�Insln+mmt.
<br /> If tM Fund� Mld bY Und�r�oacNd tM�mountf D��to W h�ld by�ppNC�bir�w�I.�►dK th�ll�ccamt to Rorto�wu for lM
<br /> pccqs Fund� h I�cCOrdmc� wkh th� nquY�rtia►b of IlppliC�bM kw. If th� Iunouet of th� Fundt Mld E�4nd�r u �ny tim� k not
<br /> cufNcl�nt to p�y tM E�crow Itwns whan dua�Und4r may so noWy 9amMw in wrkkiy��nd.In wch cas�Borrow�r�haM pay to UndM
<br /> t��mount n�ass�rY to mua up thq dNbMnoy.Barowv sh�B mWc�uP ttw�dMfaMnaY h no mon thw�t�monthb P�l�n,at
<br /> L�ndw'�taN dkcntbn.
<br /> Upon p�ym�nt In tuN of aa suma s�ound by thl� S�eurity In=trurn�t,l.�ndK 6htN prom(oty nAund to BonowK�r►y Funds hMd by
<br /> l.�ndK. If, und�r Pu�OnPh 2t, Undw�haN�cq�ike w�NI tM PropKty,I.w►dK. Prbr to tM�qukkbn a s�M ol Nw Prop�ty�ahs�
<br /> �PPb �nY Funds hNd br L�ntMr�t th�tlm�ol�c0�kition a aM as�cndk �inst tlw tums acund by Ihis S�c►Ktl� InsbwnmG
<br /> 3. AppUc�tlon of Pr�menh. unwss apprc,�M kw�rovidK ocn«wts�..r pay'M"a nc'a'd°y u�'da'"'ar�.r�r'r'+'s
<br /> / Nd 2 ihaN b�appN�d: fYst,to �nY pnp+iY�+►t ch�rp�s du�und�r tiw Noi�; saoond.to�mouats Psy�bl� undw R�0►�Ph 2;MYd
<br /> to Int�nst dw:iouAh.to priiobal dw;�nd 11st.to�nY Yb oh�t'OK dw�^d�th�Noh.
<br /> 4. Charqes�Uene. Borrow� �haM p�Y �� t�. uNts+rbnb� chup�s�IhM �nd tr�po:kiom�tM6�rhbM to tM Ptop�rlY
<br /> whbh nry �tt�h prbrky owr thM S�c�xity insi�um�nt,�nd M�s�hoid p�yrrnnta a pround nnts, M any BortawK sMN p�y th�
<br /> obtpations fn th�rtwm�r provid�d h P��Ph 2.a M not P�in that mmr��BarowN sh�N P�r thMn on tYn�dinctlY fo fM P��
<br /> owW p�prtNnt. BortowK sh�1 promply Oumkh to I.�ndrt aA nc�n.`a ot�mounts!o b� p�W und�r thit pr�pnph. H Bortow�r rtMins
<br /> thu�W1�►��b.BaTOw�r ihaN promply Nmkh ta L.�nd�r noN{pN rvldmcln0 th�P��r�tib.
<br /> BortowM st+�l prompty dkcb�rp��nY N�n whbh hu prbrky o+r�thf�S�CU�ttY In�trummt unNts Bonowrr:(�)pr�t!n wr�lnp to
<br /> tM payrn�nt ot Nw obNp�tion New�d by th�IfYn in a rtwm�►aCC�Dt�bM to Und�;ro�Conbtts h pood kfth th�fIn by, w dMM�d�
<br /> aplhst lntorowrMnt uf th�IiM�In,bpd procMdYWt wh�h In tM I.�ndws opinbn OpK�b to pr�wnt th�M�Io�C1trN�t of th�N1n�or(c)
<br /> seamss kom tha holdK af th� Nm an �prwn�nt atk4atory to Undor tubordkulYp th� Y�n to fhit SiaHb In�lnxmni. M L�nd�r
<br /> a�n+h.. m.e anr�ot c�,.no�r . :�: ° nvr fhla S�curity h:wm.nr, i..ndw�n,.r�+
<br /> w i i'v i..�"i:�"�s'.�.'!i if'�i=l:th "[�^t�!%
<br /> ElorcowM a notla WantMYlnp th�Nm. Barow�r shuq c�Hty th�Mn or qk� c�ror mon of tM�ctions �t toAh abow wkhh 10 days
<br /> of th�yMt►�ot r►otbe.
<br /> 5.Hasrd or P�openy Inaunoce. earow.r :n.N a.�a �n. rn�n+�mw►a now .oa�ano a �w.aMr .�.c�.a on n+.
<br /> Prop�rly hsurod�ytinst bss by Mro. h�a�rdt tncbd�d Wkhh th�Mrm "wandW CovK���nd any otMr hatr�fs�haludY�g lbods or
<br /> fbadkip�ta whbh Un4�r nquln� tnsurmo�. TAM bwhnc� sh�N b�maY�tairNd in tM rnounts �nd lor Ih� DK� 1h�! L�Mr
<br /> nqukes, Z'fN Mtunnc�c�rtNr prov�dYq tM hturma��hsl b�ahos�n by Bo►rowrr wbJ�at to LM�dw��oval which shaM oot b�
<br /> unneson�by wkhhNd. If Barow�r hIN to m�hlein cowrr�p� dwcr�d �taw�Und�r rt�y�at UncNti cPlbn.obtah co+r�rip�to
<br /> �woletst Und�s riphts h th�Propaty h�cCOrdmc�wkh p�npreph 7.
<br /> All htunu�poNcfn md��n�wRk thal b�acc�pU6M t0 WndK and shaA inClud�a�tmd�rd mort� Ciws�. I.sndK tM1 ha�
<br /> cn.rlpm co noa �h. ao�tcMc.nd rm.w.a. ���.«,d.r na+�� s«row.r sn.r prarwtN aw.co �.na..YI nat�t�of p.w a�«nY�
<br /> �nd r�wal notk�. In tM�nt of bss, BorrowK �h�M p1N prompt notic�to th� hsunnc� c�rtM► Ind UndK.l.�^dK maY�
<br /> proaf o�bs�M not nwd�prompty by Barov+N'•
<br /> UnMts Undrr�nd Bartov+K ottwwk�pn�h wrkirp.hwr�na proo� slul b��PP� to nttaYbn or npar of tlw PropKty
<br /> d�maAW, M tho n�tOntfon or nWY M�COnOmbaly bubM�nd Undw� s�cu�kY� 11ot MaNard. M tlN rMlonUon or npsfr M nOt
<br /> .canor�ewr�•••a. or �.«�d.r. •eowtr woua a w�«wd� tM hstxnw�0� thd Dr �PP�b tM su�M Moww!by 111M
<br /> S�eutky InstnxnM►t, wF�Nh�r or not Mm dw. wkh �ny�oo�s P�td to BarowK. H Botrow�r �b�ndwa !tM Prop�tY� or dOM nat
<br /> �nsrvK withfn 30 dafK a notfa kom UndK that fh� Msu�+�c� c�rrNr has ofNnd to s� a ol�im,tlwn L�nd�r nMy ooMot fh�
<br /> Nwr�nO� P���. LMidM may ua tM P��� � �M� Or ntto►� th� Prop�tY or to P�Y st� N¢�x�d bY thk S�axltY
<br /> krotrum�nt. whWhrr or not th�n dw.TM 30�d�y P�d wNl I�ptn whan tM notk�k yhnn.
<br /> Unkss l.M�det�nd Bortow�r otf�wko�N h wrNhp,�nY AAP�Cation of proCMd=to prhC�pa�sh11 rta!actMid Ot poslpaN fh�
<br /> dw d�a of th� monthy payrtNnb nl�n'od to H p�raQnphs 1 �nd 2 a ahanQ� tM rwnount of th�p�ym�nb• ff und�P�npnPh 2�
<br /> th�Prop�rty It acquhd bY��� Bortowa'�ri�ht ta�ny InsunnC�Po���d procMds raultlnQ kom da^�to th�PropKty p�lor
<br /> to th� �cqukkbn �har pats to l.�nd�► to th� �od�nt ol th� sums acund by thb 5�curity Inttrum�nt Mr�wdfabN P� � �
<br /> oeQuisitbn.
<br /> 6. OCCUp�ncy� Presenration, Mainteru�nce �nd Protectlon of the Prop�rty; Borrower's Lw�
<br /> App11C�U011; Llifeh0ldi. Borrow�r thad ocoupy,�s�blkh,lu�d ut� tM Prop�tY u Borro'�s pnc�lp�l rN{dM�ca within tb4y
<br /> d�ys afar tM�outbn of this S�cu�ity In�frum�nt and s1uY continw to occuPY 1M Propwty aa Bomow�s prM�cip�l rKfd�na tor�t
<br /> N�st on� yMr �hK th� dab of oCCUp�noy, unbss Undat otharwis� aprMi in w►kMW� whiCh Cons�nl sh11 noc a w�n.�a+.by
<br />- wlthlwb,or unl�s�ocbnwtinp circum�w�cK�ockt whbh an b�yond Bortovr�s con7oL Bortowu th4M not dKtroy, d�rn�p�ar hp�P
<br /> th�Propwty,albw tt►�PropKty to d�twbrat�, or CommN w�at�on th�Prop�rty. BarowK thtM b�M d�Yuk M any torM�un�ctia+ or
<br /> prp��ih�,wh�thar oivll or c�imind, I�bpun that h I.�nda't 9ood hlth Judpmont coukl nsuk h kANtun of tA�PropMty or 0►h«wRs
<br /> m�tKt�y imptY th� IMn croatad by thk S�curity inst�ummt or Und�s a�curity htont� Bortow�r ery curs wah s dN�uk and
<br /> nhstate, �t provld�d h panpraph 18,by aushp tha�otbn or prxwdhp to M dlsmiss�d wkh�rulinp tMt, h I.�nErfs pood hllh
<br /> WL
<br /> d�lermin�tfon, pnaludas forf�kuro of the Borroww's NtKaat h th� PropKty or otner matxi�i :npa�rr..ni vi in: :w� �:...�'+ :.i •••�
<br /> S�curily Inswmmt or lendws s�curqy ht�nat. Bortow�r ahau ako W h dofauk M Bo�rownr, durhp Ihe han �ppNCatbn procsse,
<br /> y�w mu�rYNy hIN or Inaccurat� hforrtwtbn or �tat�b lo Undw(or f�fMd lo provid�L�ndK wN any rtM►Ki�i hfArrtwtbn) h
<br />- conn�elbn wRh tM b�n wkNnC�d by th�Not�, hCludlnp,but not MmN�O to,hpnlNn4lbtts aoncuninQ Bortoww� oCCUp�noy Of tM
<br />- prop�ty u a prY�clpal ntfd�wy. If thk S�curiqr InsWrtwnt It on a N�sN�old, Baroww�haM comply with�N tM {xovitbns of tM
<br /> a Iws�. II Borrow�r�aqufn� N� lRM to tM Prop�ty. tM Mtwhold and th�I�o tkM shU not m�rp� uaMts th� Lenda�� to tM
<br />— rt11�'QYf h WfItMIQ. Form�0��/�0
<br /> Flo2Y.lM0(N�7� Pap�2 0l 6
<br /> 693
<br /> �
<br />