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MfVlf�iiloVii iri ri.ii.::'O�l:�h�.� !:! *.�!� ��.►!�, If 8orcoiw�r ta11 to DMtonn th� oOVNwnb �nd �ptM�nM�N <br /> contaM�d h thls 8�ourltY Mltrunw�t�a thw a�Mq��WncMdkW that m�y �IpnNc�nly �M�ot L�nd��rqhN in tM Proplrfy(wch u <br /> ' �p�OCMdhO h b�nkfupbY�P��t��Ior eondNnn�tbn a IotNlpn�or to�nfaa�vw a nDuktbn��th�n L�ndM nyy do�nd Wy� <br /> wh�bwr Is n�cNtwY to Pro�cl th�valw ol ih� P►op�AY Wtd LM�dn'��ipht�In tM P�op�rty. �a�r• ao�ro�� m.r r+c�+d. a•rho <br /> ony aum� s�cund by �MM+whbb M� prlorNN ovK 1hN S�curlty (mbum�nt, �pp�u„p <br /> In couA� P�9hp rM�on�bM�MOnf�y'� I�M�nd � <br /> �nlKinq on lM PropNtY to m�k�r�Ys. Akhouph Un�rr�y tak�sotton und�r lhM D�uWWnPh 7, Unrhr don not h�w t0 do to. "� _ <br /> My amounts dbbun�d by Lrndn und�r this p�npraph 7 �h�a b�eon+� �ddMbnal d�bt ot BanowK Mcund by lhM S�eurltY � <br /> In�trunNnl. Uniw� BorrowK �nd lwtdlr �prM to othM I�m� ol p�ynwMtl, Ih�sl amount� �h11N bMr inl�tl kom Ih� dN� of � <br /> dbbunMnMt�t th�Nol�nM �nd �IuiA M p�Y�M�wkh IntM'NI,upon nolle� kan l.lnd�r to Borrow�r nqu�tkp MY�t� <br /> a. Mort{�p� InN11/�iC�. M Un4M r�qulnd �pW� „��as �conCMfon ot makhQ th� blln NCUn�d by thls &Ctxky � R <br /> U�aum�nl� Barow�r �haN D�Y Ih� D�wms n4uind to nxNqM th� matp�p�hswmo� 1n �N�ct. If� Wr�nY nuon. tM matp�p� O <br /> Incur�ncc catarnpe�cRuksd Dy Le*�dK Ypas a eMWS to b� In MMcl� Borrow�r shAN p�� pr�miurtn nquk�d t0 obqh covMriN � c <br /> �ubsuntky wu�n�+t to tt� mortop� „sunna pn��auN h �t, at�cosl wb�tu�tkMy�ulv�wnt to thN cou to Borrovr�o!Iho <br /> mortp�p� hsunncv P�busN h �Not. kom �n �MMnaa matO�W hsunr �PD��bY I.M+dK. N �ub�MntI�MY puMraMM mal0�p� <br /> Mtunnc� aowr� is not awlkble�Bortow� �haN pay to l.�nd�r �ach rtionth � wm pwl to on�tw�Mth ol th� yMM malp�p� <br /> fnsurlina pnrtdum boMp Wid by Barow�r wMn iM intunnc�Cowrap�YDs�d a cMS�d to b�1'�Qno`ionpn b� nquir�d.� th� <br /> ntaln th�se paYm�ntt u � bsf r�ww h Yw of mortp�p� hsuru�c�. Losf r�sw� paY� <br /> optbn ol L�ndM, M matW�O� „sumc� cowr� (h tM �nount md tor th�p�bd that L�d� nqukN) prov�d�d bY � „wnr <br /> Intunr�C� h �M�ct, or,o provld��,bs��niMw. un N th� nquYMnMri lor `mortpsp h`wnnc� M`b acoo�rdY�C� kh�ny wrREM� - <br /> qr�nmt WtwNn Borrow�r and Lsnd�r a�PPNcsbM�w. <br /> 9.Inspect�on. Und�r or b apM►t maY m�k� natOn�bM�nMIN upon and intp�Otlons of ihn Prop�AY. L�ndYt sh�1 pAh <br /> 6orrowu notic•at tM etm�of a P�t�m Mtp�ctWn�p�cMYtrW rMSOn�bl�cww br th�Intp�otbn. <br /> 10. Cond�mn�tlon. Th� procNds of �nY awWd or ckY» tot d���dkrot or con�pwnfM6 In cotxNCtbn wkA M►y <br /> eond�rtnatlon or olh�r c�ktW ol�nY D�ot tM Propwty�a lor oonwY�a in Mu ol eondNnnatton��n MMWY���sM1 bo <br /> p�kl to Landx. thaM b� �PP�to tM wms s�CUr4d bY thY S�o�n'iY k►�44unMrH. - <br /> In th� w�nt of �eoW t�ckp ol tM P�o�tY�th� Proc�s h whbh tM faM rtwk�t <br /> wh�thK or not tMn du�. wMh w►Y�s�P� � BorrowK. In lM wmt of�prd�l WcinO ot th�PivpN�► <br /> Inst�umK►t�h�nNdl�l�N brlor� th� t�kinp,unMts�Borto�' 'lon�MrwW apr» h w�lct 1nq. � t ms Ncund by this S�curRY <br /> Instrument shaM W nduc�d by ttN amount d! tM p►oG�Mda muRpM�d by th� Iobwirq Mw:tion: (�1 IMI taW �nt of tM w� <br /> acund krrn�dialNY bNon th�WcYW� dkld�d bY (b)th� fair rtwk�t wW of IM Pro�ty Hxrwd4�t�ly bMon tfi�WcYW.My btl�na <br /> �haM b�pald to Bortow�r. In th�w�nt o1 a partq�l Wchy of th�PropKty in which th�hY m�rlc�viM� of th�Prop�ly krwrMdf�aA► <br /> pn� wrMk�� a unl�ss �PD'YCabM law oth�wW ovid�s�he proce�ds ��eh� +WP�• o�� ��s ueuad b��M+M 8�cudr <br /> Instruma�t wh�thw a not ths wms w tMn dw. <br /> Il lh�Prop�ty M�bantJaNd by Borrow�r�a M,�tt�►nOtia by l.�ndir to Bo�rOwlr th�t Nw cond�rnnor oMMS W nrk��n�wKd or <br /> - •r.�`.�,�' a���nr d�m�o��. Borcovwt faY1 to �Pond to L�ndK wkhh 30 days�ftar tlt�dd� HN nutlC�Is plwn�I.M�dK 11 wGlori�eld <br /> to CoNaCt and eDPN 1M D��•�t ks oPtion��to n�tontton or n��ar a sn�r�op�iy a iv iri:a�:�•:::�ur�% �;�=�s!; <br /> Instru�t.wM�tMr or not tMn dw. <br /> Untesa L�nMr�nd 8aror+K oiharwlN � h wrltinsl��n� aPplkttbn of procwds to P�'�W+�olaM not aatmd a P�P�tM <br /> du�dYt9 of th�m0�tfhN WY�ts r1f�rt�d to h panprAphs 1 �nd Z or Chu►�th��mount of auch payments. <br /> 11. Borrow�r Not Relea�sd:Forb�ar�nc� ey Lender Not�W�(ver. Exunsion of 1M tr�+. �« p.yaw�� a <br /> modMfulion of amortfrstbe ol th� wms acund bY thlf S�curitY In�Wmmt panlW bY UncMr to�nY wco�asa In hMn�t of 8arow�r <br /> : thall not op�rnt�to nlM�s th� WbNkY of th�oriplul 8orrorwr or Bortow�s wcatsors b hhn�G Undrr sh�N not W nquind 10 <br /> eortrnme+procMdinp� ap��nu anr tucc�ssor h ht�t a n�us�to�ocMnd ttn� lor D�YmKet or ott�wiw rtwdW�morthatfo^a th� <br /> sums NCUnd by thf� S�CUrNY Intlru�twU by ro�son ot �r►y d�rMnd mad� by tlN oripinal BortOwK or 8prow�fs M1ooMwn in <br /> ht�nsG My fabwr►c�bY UndK In Ioarakinp my ripht 0�twn�dY �haN nOt b�t w�MK of or phClud�tM Moot�CEN ol�nr ApM or <br /> � �1. Suacessors Md As�iont Bound;Joint�nd Sev�ru i.bb3li�►; Co�st�nus. '�n. cow�.^a .na <br /> �qr.wmnts oe thfs s.cwk�► In�m�+e sh.r bHd .nd b�r�Mlt tn. astta+� ot iunar rnd 8«rowK. wbj�ot ro n+. <br /> p►ovl�bns ot p�nOnPh 17. Borroww's covww�t��nd�proein�^u shaM b�l�t�nd sw�al My Bwrow�who co�ipn�th�Secr�rb <br /> �natNment but dos� nw �oacuh the Noa: (a) w co-atpnt+C thlt S�curRy Inswnwnt anb �o ���v�. 9�• �� , <br /> .� Bonoww"s hE�tt in th�ProplrtY und�r fM 1�nms rof this S�txb�sMixn�nM lb) N not p«'sonay obrp�d�d My <br /> S by thN S�cudtY In�trum�nt: �nd (c) aq�s tlwt lMtda �nd �r►Y othK Ba'row�er nry �prM to �MtM. modM�tabMr or mrc��ny <br /> �ccqnmod�tlont wlth tpud to t�m1 0l thts&aCUrlry Inthwmnl Or ttN Hoa wMhout that Barovnr�conMn� <br /> 13. I.oan Ch�r�es. If tM brn s�CU+�O bY this &�curky Ms1nNrMnt M subJ�ot to a Mw whbh �oli �n7 bin GbrOM� <br /> �nd lh�t �w k Maly MuKPnwd so th�t t�� ht�ntt or othw bu� ahvp�a CON�eMd or io �CoN�nad N ConMOffon wkh tM to�+ <br /> ` poeMd tM p�rMlt�d ifmAs� th�n: (I) an9 suCh b1n Ch�r'p� sMY W nduC�d bY VI� rn0unt MC�WY t0 hduC�t1N ChY'p�t0 fh� <br /> � p�rrt�IMd Nmk� �nd i6)anY sum� WadY aoNlCitd Irom Borro�w�r whbh noc..d.� a���ww�,naw�o sonow�a �snd.r <br /> may chooa to rt�k• ►hk nA,nd bY nduefnG Itw P�Inc�W1 owod und�r tM Not�a by m�k(rp � � und�r th�NoM. . M a <br /> rMund r�duC�s P��6 th�nduclbn wN W frMOld�t a P���D�MuY�^t vrlthout�ny Pr�payir�n��1�'D� <br /> 14. NOUCes. My notta to Borrow�provl�d la h thk S�udf' �^sWm�M sh�M bo ptirm bY d�Mtirlrq t a by ma�np R by <br /> firct c�ss mtY unbts �PP�� �w �� us�of �r►olhK rtwthod. Tha notic�shtN b� dinCt�d to tM PrOp�rty Addrrt� o►�nY <br /> • o�K��,KS gprow�t y�sipnat�t by notia W l.s�dM• My nolit� to L�nd1r sh1N b pAr�� by IMSt Clqs rtyN to l.�nd�s�dtYrss <br /> stabd h�nM a�nY otMr�ddrrss L�nd�+ dasa'►�E�s bY notfc�to BotrowK. My notic�provid�d lor in thh S�cudY Inttrum�nt shal <br /> b�d�n�d to h�v�bMn 9hwi to BorrowK or I�ndK wh�n 9Mr�n as Pro+r�M th�pu�pnph. <br /> 16. Gov�rninq Lawi Sev�nbllity. 'rnk s�u�tr �n•m,m� s�r a o�� br �� �w .nd a» Mw d u,� <br /> j�ui�diction h whiah th�PropKtll ���. In tM�wnt M�t�r►y provRton a ciws4 of tf�9c S�curlt)r Instnrrrnt a tM Msaf�conlrots <br /> with �PPreabb kw.wch ConlNct tha�not�M�et othK pro+rkbnt of this S�xit11 Instrwn��t or tM NoM whbh can W pMm �N�cl <br /> wxhoul th�conAfcttnp pro+risfo�• To thi��nd th�provitbnf of thi�S�curRy Maawn�►t �nd lh�Non w d�cl�nd to b���• <br /> 16. 80r1'OiN�f'� COpY. Bo�rowK shaM W 0�on�Confam�d CoDY o11A� Nol��nd of Mb S�curR�r Inatrwr�N. <br /> 17. Tnnder of the P�operty or • Beneflcial Interest In Bonower. M al a .ny n.rt a M+ a •�►r <br /> .�. L r L ...0�v �nnelrr�d(�11 a bNINiChI YIfM�M! h BOROwK it �Old a tnntNrr�d md Barovwr N not a n�hinl Pw'�on) <br /> '•-""••• �•° ""'� ----- • In b�of a�t�xm aeurw oy snw sw.,+�cr <br /> wlthout 6�ntf�r'�P��ti^ConNnt.UndK rt�Y,�t ks oP����Q�+h kmwcli�b D�Y�� <br />_- Instn�t. HowwK�thlt oPtlon thdl not bs�wcisW by Undlr If�oor�cts�M P�bbd bY hdwd Mw q W Ih�dab ol thk S�c�xtY <br />- InaUUm�nt. <br />