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., . <br /> w�an^l=;bcuu , e� <br /> ...._ �,Iu.[.eh�.� . ♦. ,. �c-y.....�ralq�y{y��i�.i�1s�:'�7Y�_' —..�_ _._ v._�SS'�`Vl5 -- "- - <br /> — — .�..y..:�.a�:.._....�.�_s�.�:—•- - <br /> i,._��� <br /> ..,�. �----_._ <br /> e�rro�:��row .coami u�d.►�n. +.aK.i w�i e:4t�S�F►Nmmt Proc�lutM/bt of 1071 as�m�nd�d kom t4►�lo lim�, �s u.�.c. <br /> ' 2601 N Nq.("pF9PA"),untra snolh�yw th�t opPIM� to th�Funds a�ts a I�t��mount. M to,I.�ndM m11y,�t�ny I�n�.coN�ct�nd <br /> hold Fund� in�n anaunl not to �oacMd lh�MRSar uraunt, l.�nd�r nwy Ktim�u th��mounl ot Nnds dw on th�W1fs of cwrwil dnM <br /> �nd reaaon�bM�atkn�tM af �andRur�of lutun E�crow iMno�or otMrwlN M 1�ccoad�nc�wlth�ppNo�bh kw. <br /> Th� Fund� sMN W held In m In�tNutbn whoN d�posk� w Mtund by a Nd�nl �►oY, h�hummpllty, a �niky (inoludin� � <br /> LandK, N L�ndw M wah an bstltutton)or t� any F�dKal Hwn�Lwn B�nk. LmdK�h�N �ppy tM Fund� to pay th�E�crow Ibml. .J <br /> �.ndK rrwy na crwo.eo.rowK ior nordirq�nd.�ytno u►.Fund.,�nnwly �yslnp tM�scrow �caaunt,a wrMyMq IM E�c�aw ' — <br /> ItMn�,uni�a Und�r payl BoROVwr bl�rpl on tM Fund��nd�ppNGabM Mw plrrtnkf l.�ncNr to m�k��uoh�oh�r'p�. Howwa�LMU1M <br /> may r�quk�BOn'tawlr RO P�Y�on♦ikt'M o11Yp�fOr �n hdlp�ndlnt rMl Mt�E�t�t nPortinp tMVic�uf�d by LMIdM h COnMCtiOn wkh � <br /> thk kMn�i+niM� �ppraabM Mw provkt»otMrwiN. Unl�t�an�prwnrnt M rt►�d�a�ppfaabN Mw nquirM InMnst!o W p�id�I.�n�l�► <br /> rhnN rtot bs rsqukMd to p�y BorrowM any huntt or Nminp� oe th�Fund�. Bortaw�r Iu�d Und�r rr�Y sprM In wrph9�how�,fhM M <br /> InNnst thaN bo pwW on tM Fund�. L�ndK �haM ptw to BortowK, wkhout oharp�, m �nnual accounthq O1 tM Funds, �hpwk►q Q <br /> ondlls 4nd drbks to tfw Fund� �nd ttN purpos�for whbh�ach d�bN to th�Funds wat rrMCN. Th�Fundi w pMdpb��addltbn�ll � <br /> •ocurlty lor�N tums tacund by thk S�curky Inatrummt. <br /> If tM Funds hNd by L.�ndK�oocNd tM amounts partnkt�d to W hNd by appNc�bM kw,I.K�d�r thaN acaount to Baro►vM la th� <br /> �ooc�s� Funth h �ccardmc�wRh th� nquWnrnts ol appMcabN kw. M tM �rtaunt ol tM Funds Mld Ey I.�nd�r�t �ny tYn�k n�t <br /> suf8cimt to pay th�Escrow ItMns wtHn dw,LmdK may to nOlryr Bortow�r In writkp,�nd,In such caa BoROw�►��pay to I.�►dIr <br /> th��rtwunt n�assuY la m�k�up th�dNlobrtcy. Bortow�r thaN m�k�up th� d�NcMnoy h no mon thu�tw�lw monthy p�ynMr►t�,�t <br /> I.�►d�r'a soM dlscnlbn. <br /> U{�on paym�nt M ful of�A sums aaund by thM Socurky Insbw►wnt,UndK sh�N{xompty nhxid to BotrowK my Funda M�id bN <br /> UndM. If� und�P��Ph 21. l.�ndrr th�N�c4uin o� aM tM PropKty�LM�da�prbr to tM iCqukNlon or pM ol tM Prop�AY.shN1 <br /> apply any Funds hNd by L�nd�at th�tim�of�cquktto�a saN as a cndk�pair►st tM�wn�acund by tbk S�curNy In�tnxnmf. <br /> 3. Applicatloh of P�ym�nt�. unras�pp�ca�kw proviaa on�wtw��M P1�Ym�nb nC�Mrd Oy l�nd�r uadK PM�Or�Pho <br /> t �-.d 2 chsll b� app�tM,to anY D�P�1�t chv�dw uncN►Ih�Nob:s�cond,to�mouMf pay�bM undK P�'�Dh 2;thYcl <br /> to Ini�ntt dw;iAwth. lo pri�aipal du�;�nd I�st,to �ny Mb cA�rpM dw undK ttM NoM. <br /> 4. ChM'�t�;L�MS,. Borrow�r sM� pay aN�� a��srtwnb� ch�rGa. fk� �nd imPoskions atWwtabM to tM Prop�y <br /> whicA m�Y attah prbeMy owr Mit S�curRy Instrurtwit. �nd INahaid p�ym�nb or praxid �ts, M �nY. Barow�r thaN paY thuso <br /> obrp�tbn�(n th�rtrn.w Pr�Md In P�praph 2,a R not D�W h Nwt nwweK�Barowa sh�M p�y th�m on tMn�dfnatN fa Ihr pKSnn <br /> ow�d p�yrnmt. Barovwr sh�l�xompty kimkh to Und�r ar nolk�of�nwuob to b�pud und�r this pwpnph. N BorrowK mNcee <br /> thM�P�Y�b d�MY�BorrowM th�ptomptly fu�nkh W L�ndr no�pls wrkMr�cinp tl�MYm�nb. <br /> Barovwr tM►1 pronqtly dkalwp��r►y Mn whfch haa priotky owr fhN S�curkY inspwn�nt unl�BatO►wr:(a)p�'� h wrRMO M <br /> tM p�Y�t of!M oblp�tion qcu�d by th�i�n tn�rtwr��ccopbbN to I.�nd�r;N)cor►Mcb in qood kkh th�Nn by�or dMM�d1 <br /> Iptfnst�nloroMnMK of tlN M1n in�Npal proCMdY�ps whioh in th�L�eld�fs opYtfon opM�M to prwMlf M1�MlforoMnMN d flw IM11 Qr(a1 <br /> Wew+� trom tM hokia ot tM wn �n �pr�rMnc s�dsi�ctorl►to tandK wbordhaqrp th� I�n to tnM S�curity In�bwmnG n L«xiar <br /> �mn.. tn.� .nY part of tl� Proo�Ay is wbMat ro • Ym wh�h rt�Y attah prbdty owr Mk S�curMY Msburn�nf, I.�ndK m�y 4►n <br /> Bamw�►a nodc�Id�nlryir�p th� Mn. Barow�r�hal ptky tM N�n a tvc�on�or mon of tM�ctbn�s�!iorth �bow wNhM 10 d�rs <br /> . W th�plvinq Of nWk�_ <br /> a. Hszard or Proputy Inaurance. e«row.r s►ur � a�. r�+w��«+a �ow .od�cr►p a n.n.n�r «rcMd on m� <br /> Prby�rty hsund�plin=t bss b�lir�� harards Includ�d wkhln tM tam'�aMnd�d cowr��md�nY oth�r h�srd��hcwAt�O Aood�or <br /> . IloodMq� for whiCh LondM' roqulns inwrr+o�. ThM hsumc� shaM b� mainfaM�d In th� �rnounb �nd tor th� Pwiod� MOt 11rKIM <br /> �i rrqulnt. TIN inwnntl,:�rriK P���W th� hw�� shll b�oho�t by BortowK wbl�Ct to L�ndM's�PP��wh�h sh�not b� <br /> � unnssor�bN wRhbMd_ R Baro�w�r lalk to matntaln co++K� d�sai�d �bow.Und�r nwiy.�t Undw� optio��obWn aowrp�to <br /> �. prW�,y LM�d��riphli N lh�Pr6pKtY tt�ocordvtC�wkh Pe�pr�Ph 7. <br /> ! A1 In�urtnc�Ro1aN��nd rwNwW thnl b��cuPt�bN to I.�nd�r�nd thaN Includ��s�nd�rd mottpllp�clwq. 1.�►d�r sfM�IMw <br /> ' tM rqht to hold qw► O�iM�nd rM�nY. M L�nd�r nquint�eorrow�r sh�P�+P�b�W L,�nd�r�I nalPa M P� I�� <br /> � �nd rwww�l noNcM. M tM�wnt or bs•, Barow�r shd piw P�omPt notic�to th� inwr�na cartM►�nd UndK.landK m�y m�k� <br /> � proof of bss M not mad�prompty bY��. <br /> , Unllts l.M�d�r Y1d BoROwM'oth�wit��p►M In w�itinp.iniutinC�D��thtl b�aDDMd t0 nttontbn or np�k of tM ihtDpMtY <br /> � danrq�d� if tM ralor�tion a nDU► w �conon�IcallY Nasbl� ond I.�nd�s s�curkY k not Mos�n�d. M tM�tahtbn a np�ir 1�not <br /> • aonor►AC�MY 1MSb11 et Land�s �curltY wouid b�bssMNd�th� httMmc� D� �b�appl�d to 1M sum� Neund EY 1hk <br /> S�au�MY InsuumsrN,wMll�r ar not th�n dw. wilh �nY aoKS W�d to 8orro+ww. M BoROw�►�b�ndau tM P�rop�q� or doN not <br /> �naww within 30 d�ys� rMtic� kom UndK ihat th� In�w�nc� Cattler fias o1N�rd to sMW � oYim. M�n L�nd�r mly coM�t ftw <br /> In• proc«dr. und�r may uw n» procMdt eo np.r a naton ctw Prop�rty a to a�r surr�t ucuna b�r thk 8�axb <br /> InsWrmn�wh�th�r or not tMn du�.TM 30�day p�rbd wll bph wMn tM ootic�k pM�n. <br /> Unl�ss L�nd�r uad BortowK othwwiN�0►M in wrkYq� anY�PP�ition M P��to G�k���not�nd a pa�tlN <br /> . dw d�0�of tM monttY�'Pafm�nb nNrt�d to in p�npr�pha t �nd 2 a clwW� th��niount of IM PyrrtMnb. H und�r p�apnPh Zt <br /> th�PtOpMty k�CQuir�d by I.Nfdu.BOtrOwws tipht t0 r1y hsunnu�pOMCbs r1d ptOeMds rowkinQ UOm danMp�b tM Propllrly pri0t <br /> to th� �cquMkioa �hai paa to I.�ndw to th� aant o� ths sums s�cund by thN S�curMy Instn►m�r►t Ym►wdi�f�N p+� � � <br /> acqukldon. <br /> 8. Occupmay, Preservatlon, Mdnt�nance �nd Protection ot th� P�operty; Borrower's L�oan <br /> Applicetlon; L�holds. ewrow.r�nar occupr...n��n. �nd us�tM Prop�ty�s Borrovr�s prM�abal rofd�r��wkAin srQy <br /> C�ys �Mr th��oncution of this S�curity Inatn,mw�t�nd sha�continw to occupy th�PropKty �s Baroww'�princ�l raldM�a IcK at <br /> IMSt on� yur afar tly dw of oocupanoy, unbsi L�nd� oth�wk� �pn�s In w*kinQ. whlch cons�nt sM1 not b w�on�bh� <br /> wNt�NNd,or unMst acl�nuatinp circumstanca�xkt whbA�ro�b�yond Bortow�r'�Control. BorrowK�hall not dKtroy,tYn�or hipaP <br /> th�PrapKty,aMow th�PropNty to d�1�loraM, or co�m�R wasM on th�Prop�rty. 8aroww�ha1 b�in d�Muk r�ny to�Nkur��cfbn or <br /> D���O�wMthlr cM or CrMnin�l, k bp�n M�t h L�nd�fs qood IoMh fudpenwK CouW trwR In torMMun of Ih�Prop�ly or olMrwiM <br /> � m��rf�1Y ImWlr th� N1n CtMf�d by MN S�cwty InstrurtiM�t ot L.M�d�� s�cwb InMnst. Bwro�w may Gu� tuch • dMmN �nd <br /> nUstaa�as vrovidad M panpnpn te�by cwsYw ni. acdon or proc..airp to b.dbn�tct.d wkh �n,wq nnt, in l«,d�rs 000d+WIfi <br /> --- � W— ---- ...h.. .,,...d.� LM.,.r.n..N .J M. r.n - --= eY ufr <br />� �II1�1i{IDfit {71�fiYfJ���{NI�RM� Yt YA vMtvnw i���ww� �� ��� ��^rw�� w �.�. ..+.�•�. �..�.�..._... �. �._ �.. "__" _• ' ' <br /> S�curky Inswmo�t or Undlrs acwiry tnl�nst. Borrov+K sMN �ko b� in dNault M Borroww, durhp th� io�n �pplcation proass, <br /> p�w nxbryNy hfq a Inaocunb hlornwtbn a tqbrtbnfs to L.�nd�r (or hY�d M provid� l.�ndK wkh �ny m�bri�i hiormWa�) h <br /> conn�ctbn wkh th�bn�vld�ncW by th�Noq, Ina�dMp,but nat Mrt�M�d to, npr�ntatlon�concwnlnp Borrow��occup�noy ol tM <br /> Prpp�ty 1t� � pnnClpal r�sidlnC�. If Mk Sacurity In=ttum�nt k on � MtiMioW, earow.r�nar co�y wrn.r en. �rov�bn�a� <br /> Iww. It Barow�r�cquY�s I»tltie to lM Prop�rty,tM Matohold �nd tM Iw tkw sl►�� not m�rp�unMts th� LandK�pr�M to tM <br /> m�rqa h wrNhy. <br /> Fo�m 00M�I�O <br /> F107f.1M0(6/�7) PaO�!01 6 <br /> N7 <br />