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, ..�� ' _.. .. ..y.y,w,..i.r � ats v __�_.. . _ _.....�--- <br /> . . " R"�..�. _ <br /> �. . wA=.. ._�R��<.trW !Y. w+�pr�y,.as.c�.�.�,,.s � -..._ _ <br /> " 1�1����"� _..-=4�.� � _ . <br /> � <br /> �z� 2 ..���� _ �� <br /> ��r� <br /> "'1_ _'�._ _ �`.-�'� t-�!n.�S'17!a.__._�___.-____�_�_�_._�w.. � <br /> _.:_.i�4r . .x...s��Q�::..'T�:��i��4 _ _.mi�_w�a.__'"—' <br /> �s�+ua�i�_--�ar�r:llR[.YIIMlfM��m •�.��.���".v�'_.r�'- <br /> .._....=a��=-�sl��.n�YOL.l'�P!_.v:l�f 2:�17►4i n'�'u�.��cis--ir.a•....-..�..-._.�.�___-_ <br /> —,.__._"_____'.'_ ._..__. __ _'__" -__- -______ _—___.___._.______..___ _....__ _ ___'_.'_._'____ _. <br /> .._ .. ..... .. . .. .-- .'_'.._.. _ .._ ....___'. _ . _ .. .. ___...._._ <br /> 97�_1c��ss <br /> I7. Tr�ny(er ot the Pnnperty nr w Beneticlrl Intertst In Horrower. If all ur any purt uf thc Propeny or any interest in it <br /> is sold or trw�sfcrrcd(ur iF u bcn��aul intcrest in Hurr��wcr is u�ld or trunsfcrral aod liurnawcr is n�n n nuturul person)withaut <br /> I.c�xtcr's prior wriucn conscm, l.cncicr m:ry, nt its opciun, rcyuirc immc�liatc �ayment in f'uU uf all surns securecl by this <br /> Sccurity instn�nxnt. H��wcv�r,thi.r•option shall nnt bc excrciscd by Lcixlcr if cxcrcisc iti prohibitcd hy fcdcrai luw us of thc datc <br /> of this Sc:curity Instnmirnt. <br /> I(Leixler exercixs this option,L.eixfer sh311 give&�rrower natice of accelerulion. The notice shall provide a period uf not <br /> letis th�n 30 Juys fru�n lhC cla�c the itaticc is d;�ivcred or nt�iled within �vhich Anrrn�vcr mu+t p.+y till sums secured by this _ <br /> 5ecuriiy instrwmnt. If Borrowcr fuils to pay Ihe;ac sums priar to thc expiratiun�sf this Ncricxl, Le��der may invokc uny ren�edies <br /> pennitteci by this Security Instrument wi�hout furtl�er notice ur demunJ on&�rrower. <br /> l8. Burrower's Right ta Relnstatc. If BarrAwer meets ceri;�in conditiuns, Borrower shull liave the right to have <br /> enforceinent of this Security Instrun�nt disconlinued a1 any time prior to ihe earlier uf: (a)5 days(or such other periad as <br /> applicable law n�ay specify for rcinstatcmenU fxfare sale of the Pro,xrty pursunnt to uny power uf sale mntaine,ci in this <br /> Sec�arity Instrunxnt;or(b)entry u(a judg�n�ent e��iforcing this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Those:conditions are thut Borrower: (a)pays <br /> l.ender all sums which thcn �•ould be due unr3;s this Security Insuument and the Note ns if no acceleration haci occunai; (b) <br /> cur�s uny default of any other covenants or agrec:nxnts; (c) pay5 all expenses incurred in enforeing this Security Instrument, <br /> inclwding,but not limited to,re;asonable uttarm.iys' faes;and(d) tukcs such:�ction as Lender may reasonably require to ussure <br /> that tlx 1 ien af this Security Instnmient,Lender's rights in the Property und Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Sxurity Instrument shall conti�uo unchaa�ged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instmment and the <br /> obligations secural hereby shall remtin fully eff�tive us if na ucceleratian had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall <br /> not apply in the case of accelerati�n under parngmph t 7. <br /> 19_ Swle ot Note; Cha�e of I.oAn Servlar. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> Instrument)may be sold one ar mrore times wittruut priur noticr to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in ihe entity(knawn <br /> aa the'Loan Servicer")that collects monthly p��,yments due under the Note and this Security Instiument. There also may be one . <br /> or more chanses of the Loan Sen�icer unrelatod to a sale of tha Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wiil be <br /> given writlen notice of the chang�in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The natice will s�ate the name and <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the uddnsss to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other <br /> information rcquirod by npplicoble law. <br /> 20_ Ilazardous Substaac�t.Borrower shull nat unuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shaU nat do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affccting the <br /> Property that is In violatiort of aiiy Enviro�u►�eaital Law. The preceding two sente.nces shall not apply ta the presence.use. or <br /> storage on the Propeny of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be eppropriate to nnm�al <br /> residential uses and to mninten�nce of tbe Prapeny. <br /> Bonower shall promptly give L.ender wntten natice of any inves!igation,claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any <br /> governmental or regulutory agcncy or private party involving the Properry and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentel Law <br /> of whlCh Hoi'tOwee h9s aCUlal Knowl[dge. It Horrowei Icams,or is n�iival by any g�vcuuncaial�r�gulaiv�y auuwriiy. uwi <br /> any mnoval or other remediation af tuiy Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly t�ke <br /> all neassary remodial action.5 in acrnrda.r.�e with Environmental I.aK. <br /> As usod in this paragraph 20, "H�uardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substancrs by <br /> : Environnxntal Law and thc (ollowing substances: gawline, kerosene, other flanunable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticides end herbicides,volatile solvents, materials ccuitaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radiosctive matenals.As used in <br /> : this paragraph Z0. 'Environmtntal Lnw" means federal laws and luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bn:rower und Lender funher oovenant and agree as follo�rs: <br /> 21_Acceleratioa;Remedles.Lcadar sltAll give notice to Borrower prlor to accelers�tion following Barower's bre�ch <br /> a[�ny covenant or agrecYneAt in tbis Security In.�trument (but not prlor to acceleratbn unda� pwr�raph 17 unless <br /> s�pplfabk Is�w provfdes oi�xtwise). The notice shAli spec[fy: (a)the de[wult; (b)the wction requlred ta are the detault; <br /> - (c) a dwte,not less than 3O d�ys trom the dAte the notice is given to Borrower,by which the de[ault narst be cured;nnd <br /> id) tY�t t�i{ure to cure tht defAUlt on ox 6efnre the date specit'ied In the notke may result te ac.�celer�Non o[tl�e�uns <br /> , s�cured by thls Security Instn�rnmt a�d sule ot the Pmperty. 7i}e ratice shxll[uMher inform Borrowa oi the rl�t to <br /> rei[�te�i't�occeleration md the right to bdng a court act(on to assert the nan-�xistence of a deiault or any other <br /> ' defeme of Be►rrower to Accderatlon and sule. If the drfault is not cured on or before the date speciflai in the notice� <br /> Lenda, �t its option, may requlre immailnte ps��inent in full oi atl sums socured by this Security[g+tniment witlaut <br /> !Ur[1Kr danand and may inrolu the power ot sale and ony other ranedies pe�mttted by applicabfe law.i.ender shnU be <br /> entitkd to cotlat s�ll expet�ses incurred is pursutng the remedies pmvided in thts paragraph 21,including,but not limited <br /> to, atasou�ble allorneys'fees ond cckcts o6 tide evidence. <br /> It the power ot swk ia(nvoked,Trustee shxll record v notice of deiault in each rnunty in which ony�trt oE the <br /> Propaty b located nnd st�ll mafl copka of sucb notice in the manner prexribed by appllqble law to Borrower and to <br /> tht other perso��s presccib�id by Appllcoble IAw.Alter the time required by�ppBcable Is:y,Tevsta s�ull glre publk noNce <br /> of sak ta the �rsonq and �e the mxaner pre.ccriF�ed by applicable law.Tn�stec,without demand on Sorrower, shdl sell <br /> � the Yroperty at publk auction ta the�st bldder at the thne 9nd place�nd under the terms designated in the notice of <br /> sole in one ar more pArccls and In an��erdcr Trustec detmnines. Trustee ms�y postpone sule ot all or �ny �rcel of the <br /> Propaty by publk s�nnousxe�nent at the time and place of any previously schedWed sale. Lender or(ts des(gnee may <br /> pur�c6�se the Property et any sale. <br /> ; <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> Pp�6 of 8 <br /> --- -z�:r•--r-. r. _ <br /> .....�. �a��s � tirtr.-u�.� .y�. �t�•._.i:?4v sr�y,.�a'� :�.- — .� __--- �; _ . <br /> ?i.�rF �.;��, ' . �nwS„-:;•�,r •r �rtia� � — - <br /> ._..__ �., i� � -qf.r�� .�„�„ <br /> '"�u'� ��+i' `'r T �-� � _ ---� <br /> r .i <br /> .. - y�� <br /> -� �r^tr.���,�r� a,,;�.� ��„autis�S+CJ`�� � rJ1�R�s - <br /> -- — �JTiw.r- ya•..e� 41ir.�-tz� •.�a � -:E.r..- -- --- --- <br /> - '. � '�"'1S+at1, k�{t` � -r- , -' - - - <br /> -- - . � �� »..• .'tV�}y__ +�I" s_ • "� �� -- '�.-_� .�----- -- <br /> � ,$�' ":Yt . 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