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. • �.. <br /> . _..a,,,:�. �.1.;..:. "_ -- <br /> _ . , <br /> � g����� �� --�—_� . . _ ___ -S -'�.i*'b`.'L�e,?�3]F i`�!'I <br /> + �'i�ff 1vT �:n;-' .'.�-. --— _ — — --- — .r yJ _ — -- <br /> =.ecnr'...eae..�.°°"— <br /> 9T- Z�5�1e6 <br /> payment5 nwy rx�ianger t►e required,at the apifon af I.c��der, if n�ortgage insurance covern�e(in tho amnuni and fa�t'tne period <br /> that Lender rcquires)providai by an insurcr eppruved by l.ender again becomes svailabin ancl is aht��ina1. Borrowe.r s1w11 pay <br /> �he prcmiums required to mrintain mortgiqe insurance in effect,ar to provide a lass reserve,u�til tha re:quirement far rnangage � <br /> insurw�co eixls in occordAnc�e with uny written egrcertunt betwan Bonower a�x1 l.ender or applicahlo It�w. � <br /> 9. In�pectlan. Le�nder or its ugent may make reasonable emries upan and inspoctions of dtn Pr.�perty. l.crKte�st�all give <br /> �orro��ter notice at tlhe timc of ar prior to an inspection sjncifyine reasonable causc for the inspectinn. <br /> 10. Condemnation. The pra:acis of any awud or cl�im for da�nages, direct or consequantiul, in connoctton H�ith any <br /> condemnation or ather taking of any pan of the Propeny,or for mnveyancc in lieu of condeumntion, nra hereby assigr►ed and <br /> shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Prapeny.the praceods shall be applied to thc sums secured by this Security lnst�ument, <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In ttie event of a partial tuking of tho Propeny in whict�the fair <br /> market value of the Propeny immediately before the taking is equal to or g►rater than the amat�nt of thc sums sccurc�f by this <br /> Secudty xnstrument immaliately before the talcing,unlcss Borrower and l.ender otherwisa agreG in writeng,ehe sunu socured by <br /> this Security Instrur�xnt shall be reduced by the amount of the praaeds multipliad by tho fullowing fraction: (a) the total <br /> amount of the sums securod immuiiat�ly t►efore the taking. dividcd by(b)the fair market vailuc of the Property inunediately <br /> before thc taking. Any balaix,-e shall Ix paid to Borrow�r. In tho evcnt af a partial rnking of tha P�roperty in whict� the ftir <br /> rnarka value of the ProCseny ir►�maiiately beforc the taking is lacs than tho amount of th�sumr securod immediatcly heforc thc <br /> taking, unless Bormwer and Lender othenvise ag�a in writing or unless applicabla law athenviss provides. the proc�oods s?udl <br /> be applied to the sums stcured by this Security Instniment wixther or tat the sums are then dua. <br /> If the Properry is abandunod by Borrower,or if,after noticc by I.cnder to Borrower that the�bndemnor offers to m�lce an <br /> award or settle e rlaim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lendor withtn 30 days aftcr the date the notire is given, <br /> Lender is au�horiud to rnllect end apply the its option,either to resto�ttiore or rcpAir of the Propeety or ta 3lae sunu <br /> Securcd by this Secvrity Instntment,whether or not then duc. <br /> Unless Lender �nd Borrower ott�etwise ogxec in writing. any application of procads to principal shall not axtend of. <br /> postpone the due date of the monlhly payr��ts referrod to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cflange tha umount of such payments. <br /> Il.Borrower Not 8dewxd; Forbarance By I.en�kr Not a Waiver.Extension of thn time for payment or modification <br /> of amorti�sdon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grru►ted by I.ender to any succosscir in interest of Bonower sh�Jl <br /> not operate to release thc liability of the original Borrowet or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not ba roquirod to <br /> oommence procealengs ag�in�t any succ�ssor in interest or rofuse ro extend time fnr payment�ar athe�rDse modify amartization <br /> of�he sums savraa by this aocuriry instrumes�c by reason oi any acmand maao by tne ang�nAl Harowcr or Borrower's <br /> sucoessors in interest.Any fod+earance by I.ender i�exercising any right or nemody sbalh nut bo a waiver oB or p.n,;.ludo the <br /> cxe�ncisc of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. S+�aeaeo�s u�d AseFgns Bound; Jdnt and Several Li�billty; Caslgm�rs. Thc covenants and agrot�ttils of this <br /> Sexurity Instruracn[ shx8 bird and benefit tho successors and assigru of Lender anc� Bormwer. subjat to the µ^ovisions of <br /> �r�ph 17. Rorrower's oovemnts and agroements sh�ll be joint.and sevornl. Any Barrower who co-signs �iis Sa�urity <br /> Instrument but doea rat exxute tt�s Note: (a)is co-signing this Socurity Insttument aily to mortgagc.grant a�ac!c�nvey tlut <br /> 8orrower's interest in the Propaty ander the ternu of this Securiry Insuumrnt:(b) is not personally obligatod ta pa3�ttx sums <br /> secured by this Security Insttument;ard(c)agtxs that Lendcr and u�y other Barcower may agroe to extend.nwdit'y,farbair a <br /> maice any sceommodations with regard to tht terms of this Security Instn►rn�nt or the Note without rhat $eaower's consent. <br /> _ 13.Lo�n Charses.If the loan securocl by this Security In9tnuixnt is subjxt to a Is�w which sets rr�uim�un Iwn chnges, <br /> ar�d thu IAw is finally inte�pretod so that the interest or other loan clwges colloctod or to be collocted in connoeti►iu with tha <br /> losn exceod the permitud limits.then: (a)any such loan ch�rge s!►�ll be reduoed by tho amaunt neoessary to reduce the charge <br />° to the pe�mitted limit and(b)any sums alrady copectod Gam Borrower which excoedal permittod limits will be nfunded to <br />� Borrower. Lender may choose to make this erfund by reducing the principal owod undar tho Note or by making a direct , <br />- paymrnt to Bomower. If a rcfund reciuc�s principal, the roduction will be treatod as a partial pnpayment withaut any <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br />- 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security insttument shall6o given by delivering it o�by mailing <br /> it by,�tst cless miil unkss applicable Isw requircs usc of another method. The notia shall be di�tod to the Propecty Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by ncxia to Le�xler. My notix to L.endar sh�ll be given by first class mail to <br /> - Ltixler's addnss stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notia to Barrower. Any nsc+c,ix provided for in this <br /> j Sewrity lnstrument sh�ll be deemed to have ban given to Boirower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governiog I.�w; Severpbillty. This Security Instrument shall be govemod by fodcral law and the law of the <br />- jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located.In the event that any provision or clauso of this Security Insuuttu�at o.� the Note <br /> ! conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Secarity Instnunent orthe Noce�►t:��;,h enn br <br /> s given effect without ihe conflicting pra•ris:cn,Ta this cr�d.:�;,N;���bioa�.,t ti,;��,n�iy u„civa�ni:�;1 lix:;:uce a�c�eclarai <br />� to be sVverable. <br /> • 16.&►rrower's Capy.BorrocvEr shall be given one wnformed copy of the�Note and of this Security[nstruzmxi:. <br /> , Foren 3028 9/90 <br /> � Pap�t o�6 <br />