, .. `�tl�rk�'"��Z«r� �r �iw'H�ry• .. ;�'.'•':ti:;i,�'i,�,t��;rferi���q�� ,�� x
<br /> ��eivk. ��.r;:_..'..1fL.;�i..:�l��...��:��
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<br /> ____.__. _. .. ._. . _ _. . ._. _ .. . _ _-_______. _. ._ ..
<br /> , ' (d) a wnc of executlon or atcachm�nt af any almilsr OroCe�s Shall b� enterad a4���st r�unor wnich sh�ll
<br /> hecom� a Ii�n on the Truat Est�ss or anv port�on th�rncf or Intareet therein and aucn execudon, actacnment or simil�r
<br /> procsss ot judpm�nt fs not rele�sed,borsded,ssti�tied.vacated nr stayed wlthin sixcy 16Q1 o�YS afcer its entry or levy;or �
<br /> ��� there haa occ��Red a hreach of or defauit under any tarm,coven�nt, apreement, condldon,Oravtsian, ; r
<br /> ropreserttadon�or warranty contained in amr P�or daad of trust ar mortpepe affactlnp the'Prust Escate•
<br /> 10. AecN�nt/on upo» [��faurt;AddPNonM R�nHdl�r. If an event of detault oacurs, 8eneftciary m�y declare ths b
<br /> Indebtedness secured hereby to be dus dnd p�Yable and the same shall lhereupnn beCOme dus and paYable withaut artlr
<br /> presenm�ent. aemand, protest or nostce of ariy klnd. Thereaftar,Be�eficiary m�y: � _
<br /> �i} aither in person or 6y aQaM,with or without 6rinqinq any aCtlon or praceedinp,or by a recetver eDPoirtted
<br /> by a court and without rnpud to the ad�quacY of its security,enter upan and ak�posssssion ef th�1'nut Es��a,ar sny '�
<br /> parc tt�treet, in its own name or in the nyms ot Tnutee,and da any�cts which it deem�necesssry ar dRSirabte m presewe
<br /> the vslue.marketsbittty ar rentability of ths Trust Estate,or paR thereot or interest then(n.increate tha i�cam�therofrom
<br /> or prateat th�sacw�tY herwf a�d.with or w(thout taki�p possosaion o4 t�a Trust Etrat�. sw fa or ott�awis�ealt�ct ttf�
<br /> reMS. issuss�nd Pro����t, t^�udinp thos�past dus and unP�id. u�d�pply tha samt.Itss corts�nd ucPenses of
<br />' aperation a�d collection inciudin� attameya'fees.upon myr indebtedneu secwad hereby,W in,cuch order as BenaHciu�►
<br /> may d�termine. The entecing upon and takinp posaeaalon nt the Trusi Estfte. ttN collecdoo of sueh rents.iss�es and
<br /> prafiu and tha appUcation theroat as�fomsaid shall not eurs ar wstvs any daf�ult or notice of dsfault hereunde*or
<br /> invalidats a�y aat dane in response to such dafauit or punw�t to such nodce of dehutt and. netN►ith�tcndinp th�
<br /> comirnur�cs�n passesstan of the Trusi Estate o�the collection, receipt and applicadan ot nMS,ifsues or paafitt, TrustN
<br /> or BsnsHc�auY s�u be�n ertitled to exerciss sv�ry �tpM provided for tn ury of the Loan Insawns�u or by law upon
<br /> occurrence of any event of defeult,includinq the ripht to exerciss the power af s�le; �
<br /> ((() commence ari acdon to fore�foae this Deed of Trust as a mortQage, appairn a receiver o��Decifically
<br /> entorce any of the covenants hereof;
<br /> (i;;� deliver to Trustee o written declaratian oi'default and demand for aale and a written norce af default and
<br /> � elec:ion to cause Trustor's interest in the Trust F.state to be sold,whlch notice Trustee shall cause ia be dWy filed for
<br /> �sc�r�En *.hw annrnariate o�ices at the C�unN in which;he Trust Estate is lacated: or
<br /> (t„� exercise such other nqnCS or remedins at law or in e�uity.
<br /> � ��, fwyclesiw by Pow�r o/Si/e It 8eneticiary elects to foreclose by exercise of the Power ot Sale herein contained.
<br /> - Baneficiary shall norfy Trustee and sn�l�deposit with Truatee this Second Oeed ct Trost and any nats evidenci�9 the Indebtetlnass
<br /> ; and suah receipts and evidance ef axpenditures made and aecured hereby�s Trustee m�y require.
<br /> � (ai Upon�eceipt of such notice from 8eneficfary,Trustee shall aause to be recorded,pubtished and delivered
<br /> - to Trustar auch Notice ot Oef�utt and Narice ot Sale as then rec=uircd by law and by this Second Deed of Trun. Trustes
<br /> •s ahall,without demand on T�ustor,after such dme as may then bs requfred by iaw and eftar recordation of such NatiCe of
<br /> Oefauit�nd after Notic�ut S�I�hivi�p been yiven�s requI�ed by I�w.sell ths Trust Estatn�t th�dme md pl�ce ot s�l�
<br /> � taed by it In suah Notics of Sale,efther as a whal�,or In separ�te lots or pa�cNs or It4ms as Tntttse sha��d�sm exP�d�ent•
<br /> , and(n such onler es it may dttermin�.�t publlc auCtton t0 th�hiqhest bidder tor Cuh in lawful monty ot th�Urdt�d St�tes
<br /> ° payabls at tt�a tims of ssle. Trustee sh�ll dNiver to such purehaser ar purchasero thareof iu yood uid suffici�►t deed or
<br /> t dnda cornrwinp the propertY so sald.but withaut ar►y coventrtt orwatnntY,exPnss or impit�d. TF�reciais In=uch dMd
<br /> � af any mstters or facts shcfi b� conclusive proof of the mithfuineas thareof. AnY persan, inGudfnp without limitatlan
<br /> ? Tn�sco�, Trustes or B�ticisry, m�y pu►r.t�sae at such s�le. �
<br /> �p) Aa may be pertnitted by law, after daductinp all costs,fees a�d expensea ot Trustee and af this Tnist.
<br /> .+ • includinp coata of�vidence of title fn conn�ctlon with s�l�,Trusta sh�ll�pply the proceads of sal�to paYm�nt cf li1 tfu�
<br /> ; Ind�btadness 1i11 ali oths�sums then secured hereby,and(iiil the remainder,if sny,to the person or P��sa^s�sW�hl e�dti�d
<br /> ; tt�arem.
<br /> ` fcl Tnutee may in the m�nner provided by law postpon�sale of au or any pordoo of the Tn.sat Estste•
<br /> 12. MwMa�i�No[Exdr�slw Tntstee md BenetiCitry,end each of them. sh�ll be enttded t+��+�� P�'�mnnt and
<br /> ;. psrto�s�a!:.^.;trr_rehtedneea pr ohlia}�8ons s�cursd hereby��d to exercise all riphts u+d powsrs under thfe Second Oeed ot
<br /> Tn»t or undrr any Loan Instr�mert�ar other aqreement or any I�ws now ar here�fter in force:nomithsandinG, sorssa or all ot the
<br /> such ind�bt�dness and obltpatlons sacwed hereby may naw or hereatter be otherwise seeured.whetl�er bY rt�ortQaqe. deed ot mut.
<br /> ' pl�lp��q�n,suiqmmem or atberwise. Neit�er the sccept�nce of tfiia Second Deed of Trwt ncr its er�ta�tment.whatt�r by court
<br /> �ttbe�a purswrtt to the P��of sale or other Rowero herein cantained, sh�tl prajudice or in�ny menner atfeet Trums's or
<br /> g�ieiary•a ri�ht tp rosli�upon or enforce any other secwity now ar hereafter held by Trustee or Bansfk�ary. it bbrp�Qreed that
<br /> TiuscM and B�ticia�y.a�d each of them,shall be e�itlnd ta eneorce thla Second Oeed of Trust�nd�nY other sa�urfh►now or
<br /> . 3
<br />