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<br /> Z. • Tax�:. Trustor sts�ll a�v each fnatallment of all tax�et and tpecial atseasmenca of everY idfid, naw ar hereaft�t
<br /> Isvi�d ayalnat th� Truat�t�te or any pus thereof, 5efore deltnqumcy,wirhnut nptice or demand.
<br /> 3, ����e�ind Rspafrs Trusta�sha11 m�intafn fire and extanded coveraqe insurance inturdn� tha ImprovemeMS �
<br /> consdtudng put of th�Trust F.stats far such amounts and on suan terms re�zan�bly sadsfactary to Bentticlt�N• 5u lortg�s th� �
<br /> PropaR}►iS secured by a tirat deed af :rust or mortga8e. complianr.e wittt the insutancs requlremnnu of th�firRi deed of trusL Ot , c
<br /> moRpaq�sh�ll hs sufficfent to satisfy tAS rMwremants of thla paraq�aph 3 rQlaanq to insurance.
<br /> Tnutar sh�ti promqdy reqatr and replace the Trusi EstaTe cr any put thereat so that, exccpt tar ordin�rN wear and tear� ¢
<br /> ths Trust Emte sls�ll not deteriorate. In na ev�nt snall ths Truater commit wast�on or ta tha Trust Eabte+.or.c�lmmit,suHet or
<br /> permit amr act to b�don�in or upa�tha 7rust Estate in vialati�n at any I�w, ordi��nas or repulatton. Tru.itor shall�.xy and prompdy �
<br /> discharps at Trusto►'s cost�nd expans��II Ilens,encumbrancns and c:huQe�Idvied,imposed or aasessed i97,inst ths Trust Estate
<br /> or any p�R thereof. �
<br /> 4. Aab►ars AH�etlnQ Ti�ttFst+tr Trustor shull Aapeu en and corttesi amr acdon or pracasdtr,9 Durrierdnp ta aff�ec
<br /> th�s�ewity Mt�of o�th�tiqhts or powea of BsnaHcisry ot Truatea,and shali pay all cosis and expenses,irktcdi�nq Cbat of svida�ct
<br /> of titta and attomays'fess,(n any sucl��csion er proceed(nq in whloh 8en�fldary or Trustee may appear, If,7ruutar 4aila to mske
<br /> any Fyyment or ta do anY�ct a�and in tha mannar provided in any of tfiR loan lnsavmenta, Benefldary u�41ar Trust�u,each in
<br /> ch�tr own discrnlan.withaut obliQatlon s� to do uM without ruitfce to or demar�d upon Trustor and withaut raiessinp Truscor fnom
<br /> arty obli�stlan, may malce er dn the sam�i�auch msnner and tc such excn�t u.�id�er may daem nscesaary t�prcte.t th�security
<br /> hereof. Tnutor st�U, tmmediataly upon dems�d therofer by 8enefi�iuy, p�y �Q costs and expenses i�ucrerd by 8eneflciary In
<br /> connection with ttw exardss by Q�nafiatrY of tha forepoittp ri0�. ���udlrp without limitation eosts ot�vide�rica of tfde,court
<br />`. costs. appratsals, survsYa and momsya'tees. . , _
<br /> 5, En�Mnt Doniali�. If the Trusi Estate. or any part thareof ar imerest therein, he taken a dunaped by ro�son oi
<br /> any public improvomMt o�condem��tan prcceedtn9, ot in any erher rrunner includlnp deed in Iteu thereot I'Candemnadon"1, or
<br /> if Tru�tor racNvet sny notics or other ir�arm�tion ropardinp sucri pro�eedinp, Tnutnr shall pive prompt written notice theroot to
<br /> Banefieiary. Truamr sh�ll 6e entitled to alt compensa�o�, aw�rds and othar paymant�ar reliaf tnereof �nd shall be e�ttded at its
<br /> ootion to camm�nc�. tppear in and proaecute in its own nAme any action or proceeriings. Truscor shaU�Iso be antitled to mske
<br /> any compromis�ar satttement in cannec�on with sucn taktnq or damape.
<br /> g. ���.f.r��c.,c��srnr Tiustee. Beneficiarv mav,irom time ta time,bY a written inr:cumsm eacecuted and
<br /> acscnowl�clp�d by Beneficiary, maitea:o Truatar ana recardecl in cne Caunry in wnich the Trust Estatit is Ioc.iKea and by otherwisi
<br /> . cqmpfyinq with th�provisian{ of ine aaolicable law of Lhe Stata of N�brassca substitu�e a successar or sw,Cassors;n the 7rustas
<br />: named h�nin or at�np heteunder.
<br />' �, �����qs�l�x. This Second Deed of Trust apD��esta,inures to the benefiit o}and binds ali parties hereto,
<br />;their hein,leqstees.devisaes.perxanal rea�etarmtivas. suCaessars and�ssipns. The term'8eneftciary"shit►mean trib owner and
<br /> -ho�da of u�y promivary noce piven:a beneftciary, (whethar or nnt named as Beneficiary herelnJ.
<br /> i
<br /> = g, M��� �SOpdat/ws,gaAt or Lii,s�t Trustor coventnts thai Trwtcr will not sell,lease ar otherwisa dkpom
<br /> ��:any of t!u Truse Emte. In che sva�t ihat Trustor sells,lnases ar otharwis�diaposes of any part of the 7iutc Estats.B�nrHcisry
<br /> ,:nay!t ita OpLiGf1 d�cl�re the Indnbtedness secure� hereby +mmedia�iNy due and p�yable, whethe er rr=t any d�tault exists.
<br /> �°A`.:;,;�;�tWi cons�nt to a tnnsfer af the Tnut F�tstt�ta a third p�cry to che extent such third puty mtets tf�requinm�na
<br />.�eonainad in.and arnunss the obljQations sn forch in•tha Firat Oaed at Truat The eav�r�ants co�tain�d hn�sin shalt run wich ttN
<br /> Prop�Ry and shatt remtin in tull.torce and eftect umil the Indebtednes�i� p�ld in full.
<br /> � 9. EMen�v!D�l� Arn of the folbwirtq evOnt�shsil be delmed an evtnt of dshult herr�und�r:
<br /> � Ia) default�htll be m�de in the payment of the Inde�tedrsess ar arty other sum secured herebY vrMn dur.
<br /> or
<br /> fb) Trustar sh�ll perfann �rtY act fn hanktuptay; or
<br /> � ' (e! a court of competerrc jwisdiCtion shall e�ter en arder,JudQment or decma spprovi�q a Petition fil�d�qahst
<br /> 1 Tnistor s�eianq�nY►eorpanitatfon, dissolution or almAae relkf under�ny pres�m or future feder�oi,mtt or ower sUam.
<br /> `• I�w or nqulation relatlnp to bsnkrsiRtcl►, i�sotvency ar other nYet for debter�.and such o�Mr. iudQm�rtt or d�shsll
<br /> nrniin urwaCat�d�nd unstsYed fo��n apOrep�t�of sixty�80)days twhether or nnt consecudvtl ftom th�tirstdate at er�tr�r
<br /> � . tMnof; or:ny uustea,receiver or It�uidamr or Trerstar ar ot aU ar�r�y p�r.ai iha Trust Est�ie,er of any or NI of tfw
<br /> . ,royahia,mvenues,reMS, irnret or profits thereot,shalt ba appoirtced widwut the consent o►u�uiescence at 7rustor u�d
<br /> �� such sppoirttment sh�ll rem�in wvacated and unstsyed far nn �qpr�ptte cf sixty(80)days(wMihK or not r✓�nsecutivel;
<br /> ,� a
<br /> 2
<br />