1F�'.Sldlvt f.:'.':. 'l r... . '" '"..... ... ` .�::W�ct "�'��' ...;"_._.:
<br /> �^u�r;'�a'' j-,;;,Sc• �.` ' -,'�u �?,'L�. --
<br /> "�:.�"."�_� _ aK. �..���" �.Gr�r.�r t . ii'--
<br /> 9?� 1a5crl�
<br /> Tn�xored tM odpin�l p�1d�a�l�mount�tat�id reM,o S 7 5�0 0 0 0 0����,yhict�sysr is prost���a�i��
<br /> 1 .
<br /> CAi . E�n�fon W the time tor payment or modiHcaUon ot smortizatlon oi the aurrat eecuredby thb
<br /> ,Yn�t� �to►any woosseor t�intareat of 9orrower shall nnt c�►r�ts to rotswe,!n erty marKwr,the IiabiW�
<br /> Kw
<br /> ( " . ;� arrd�ower'�suocesnors In interest. LeMier shell not be requlred to commance procsudlny�
<br /> egainst euch suoo�swr or ra�u�e�a extend time tor pnymant or otherwtse morHfy amortizetian of the auma secured by this
<br /> Deed of Tne�t by reaiat of eny tlempnds mede by the oriyinal 6orrower and Borrowere eua�asoro in Intero�t.
<br /> (b)I.�neN►'�Pow��.Wk#1out.alfl�ctli�p ths IIeWIFty of any other pereon ItaWe(or the paymRnt�f any oblfpatian heroln men-
<br /> Norw�d,and witfwut aHACtinp the ikpn or dMrpe ol thb Deed of Trust upat eny portlon of the PropeAy nd then or theretolors
<br /> roNaMd u Mcudty 1cx th�fuN empunt ol�II w�pakl oblip�tkme,Lendsr may.from tlrris b dme�nd wiflto�d rsotba(1)nN�ss
<br /> eny p�non w N+�a,pf)e�ne►nd Ihe rrMturiry or�A�r�ny of ttx�terme of any wch obl{pation�,(IN)prant dMr Indulyerw�.s�,(w)
<br /> relsius or convey,or c�u�u ta ba rMaawd or nconvsyed at any tims at Ls�r�option �ny parosl, portion or�tl d th�
<br /> Prop�Ry,(v)t�k�or rsMie►tN wny atde�or�ddNlon�l s�curpy,at�rc�oonvsysd at eny drn��t Lerxlur�opda�any paroel,portlon a
<br /> All of th�Propurty,Ivi)hk�or tal*1tM�ny�a sddf�l secur(ty fw�ny oW{Q�ffon heroM mmtbrMal.a(vN)make oon�a
<br /> �iNona a oth�r arnnporn�nl�wWh dabias In�I►an theroto.
<br />. (o)Forb��by Lw�tIK Nof�W�iwf.Any iab�anna by Ler�r In�xKCaln�l a►Y ripM o►rom�dy h�nix�►�a olh�
<br /> �rv►riu�flcxd�d by� Niw�ah�M not b��w�iw►of or pnclud�tM�x�rda M�rty wcl�ripht or nm�dy.Tho procun-
<br /> n�t a w,.w.no.w�n.�s.yrr�nt a t�x..or an.r�a.n�o►a►.►o..by�.�d.►.►,aN�a b�.w�w.r o.�.ncNr.rr�ne b�ooN�r-
<br /> .t�dw nMiwity a Iha k�dibt��Mcur�d by thls Wid a Trwl
<br /> (d)�uooM�ors w�d ANIaN�ow�di Jo1M�nd MwrM�kbNkyi C�Mlo�t�.'I'hs oovmsr�b�nd pr�b fwnNt oort�
<br /> uk�d NMW Wnd,�nd 1h�rlphb h�rMx�d�r Nwl1 kwn to,tlw rwMathw��ooN�an u�d�s�ol L��nd Trustor.AM
<br /> oo�wna�b and�prMmMtb W Tru�1a�fwN b�joiM end�awral.rn.cep+�,n..�d n«.�oo.a n,.�r.�.r�.a m�.o..d a
<br /> Tnut an fa oonv���a only aid an nol b b�w�d fo iM�rpnt a deNn�Ih�provM�lorn Fu►nof.
<br /> (•)nw��.e br NaM«,rM wua«�wr.�►rwwu a,.�.oo�,yy a.ny nouw a d.�.�,n n.r.under.r�d.oopy w.ny noao.
<br /> W�aN Mr�x�cNr b�maNKf ta r�ct►p�Ay b thl�ONd M Tnnt�t tl►��d�drn��s1 forth abov�In eM m+�r�proscdb�d by
<br /> �ppNcabN I�w.Exo�pt lor�ny alt�r nqtio�ntN�lnd un�M►�PAIk�bM I�w b b�piwn In�noth�r rtuuw�r�+u�y notioe pro+rid�d Mr
<br /> In ihN Q�ad r,i Truat W►�il tw qf�ir�Gy m�ifr►p wx� �sotk�by corliM►d mrW�ddrwreti la tN�odwr pertie�e�at ths uddnsas tet
<br /> torth�twv�.Any nWia provtc�d fcN In thM Oad ot Truat eheM b�elfsctlw upon mallkp In ths me�r�r da{pneted hsreln. If
<br /> Tnula!�mon tlum on�p�r�on,�alloe t�M ta ffu addrssa�et foRh sbovs�II bs notla to W wd�persone.
<br /> (�ktsp�ctlon.L�ntNr mlty m�ke or cause W be�mpde rAaaonab{s sM�ies upon tu�d In�psctione of the Pnoperty,provided
<br /> that Lsnd�r�h�W pw 7rusbr noliae Pripr to any wch I�p�ctron sp�dtyinp nasonaWs cau�thsrMor rsle�ted W LerxMrs tMsr-
<br /> est M the Propsrty.
<br /> (q)R�conwy�no�.Upon p�yment of aN sume secunfd by ttds Dsod of Truet,Lendsr shall request Truatee to recaw�ey the
<br /> Prapeny►and�II eurrender this Deed o}Tnaet and all notsi evidsndny Indebtedneas eecurod by thf�Desd of Trwt to
<br /> Trustee.Tru�fee tttaM�eponvey fhp Property,wfThout wem�nty ancl wfthout chsrpe tn fhs peroon IepsMy�nUtl�d theroto.Tn�etor
<br /> st�eiM WY aM ooq8 or r000rdetbn.It�ny.
<br /> (h)��P�Yi Securily A�reetnenG As edditlonAl sscurHy fof ths payment of the Nots�Truqor hersby qranta
<br /> I.,�rvf�r una.►u,.M.brn.k.u.�lom,r.ortwn�rcUY code a e�c�xiry�MSro,s in aN nxd,►«�«wh�,•�o�a��arwenr
<br /> w�d h oorx�eetion wkh the real estaG►or knpmvemet�b foca�ed thsreon�end not otMrwies deci�nd�x deerned to bs a part of
<br /> th��1 wWM f�wra�ry_ki ngmhy;Thi.a inxtnit!1?!!t FhwU M rYwatlnNwl nn n Cgn��l;Agila!!YlSAt!:!!!1�lz 4�°.!C'�S.�!�Z9s�'!�`!
<br /> s�l1 havs aq the ri�t�b a�d rernedies of a securod party under eald�Code in adclitlon to the riphla end romedie�s under tl�is
<br /> p�ray�aph sh�N be cumu{ciNve wkh,end In no way a{imitation on,Lender'e riphts t�nd rsmedles w�de�any dhe�securitY eproe-
<br /> m�t�x�d by BoROwar orTnnWr.
<br /> �L9�ns�nd F.ncumbnnca.Tmstor hereby warrents and repreaents that thero ia no defsuk under the prnvkior�e ot any
<br /> mo�lIDqme,cfeed ot tnnt�le�ee or purchase oontract deecndrg all or any peR oi ths Pro�psily.w ofhsr oonhact.IneAnxosnt or
<br /> ap�esrtrent c�r�iGktlk�p e ikn or er�wmbrance a�etnat all or any rt of fhe P►t�peRy(coMsctivehr.'Ltens'�,exiWnp aa ot tha
<br /> dMe d'p�s U�sd W T�usf.ancl'M►�t Any and all exi�My L{ene�unmodiiied exoept ae dfidoeed M Lund�►in Truelors writ-
<br /> tsn�cio�ura ot iir��nd�ncumbrancsa provided tor heroin. Truetor ahsll timefy psrtorm ell ol Trwtore odi�atlons,
<br /> covw�ar��reprsse�xations�rid w��rantbs u��dsr any and aN�xiatlnp end tuturo Lkne�eMN pron�lly Torwsid 10 Ler�oopiM
<br /> Of��AdNCA!01 dSFAUi�99M Itl COfiPi6C1{0(1 Wh11 811y 8tld 91�lXISt�O��Uhlf@ l.bfl��Md iF1�11 1101 WIlf10Ul Ll11{�ri�101'W7i1M11
<br /> axwrent in any rrww�r modi(y the proviabne of or alfow eny futu�adv�noes under any existlrp or fi�duro liens.
<br /> �"�N�p�ic�tlom of Paym�nl�.iJnleae olhetwhe roqutnd by law,wmt p�d!o L�xlx hsroixidsr�incitxlkq wNNo�R NNq�-
<br /> t�!AAY��of princ(pal and kileresL Inaurence proceede,oondsrtwMtion proo�sds�nd ronts and ptolks.eh1iM be a f�{�isd bf►
<br /> I.e�mder 10 ttw emounbs due and owkiy irom Trustor and boaower in eueh order ae Lendsr in ita eds discntion deems de�ir-
<br /> �bdR+.
<br /> �1�K9�b�Mb.U any provblon nt.mis need of-rn�at oontucts wia,appHC.w.�aw or h decla►ed�rn+.Na«on�w�e�►r�n-
<br /> tor�sabie,such QaMlid or MvaMdfy ahaM not aflect the othar provisior�s M this Dssd o1 Tni�or the Note which can be�
<br /> wr�e w�w„ca�.oon�ci+�w��,�a a uua e�d��►oy�a�ons a a�os.d a t�ar�a tns�uoe.�re�ec+a�eo�o a��eev-
<br /> .rabi..
<br /> (q Tirms.Ths brms"Tnuto�arld"Borrower"�hall k�clude t�oth skfgutar and piurel.uid when ths Tnte�and 8ortower aro
<br /> ttM senN psnorK�?,1No�e terms�s�sed in this Deed ol Tnist eheN k�s k�tsr�hsnQeebk.
<br /> . ,. ��+n)tiowenN�p Law.7'T�DMCf ot Tn�st�t►aM b�povsrt�ed by ths laws of tl�e 5We of Nebraiska.
<br /> Trusbr Ms sxecuted tl�is D�sd of Tn�t�s d Ihe dete writoen�bove.
<br /> (� .ti ^ �� ��L�:��,,1-
<br /> Douglae R. Schu tt,Preeident Truslor T��
<br /> R 1I �_ (� �_ .�__.:�_
<br /> � r�
<br /> .� � . ..
<br />