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�:.�. , ,.... . . . . . <br /> t.,.�..rf�wi , � , ._,.. � . . ...u:�:r;�r._ <br /> �. �..�� 1��'R,W!'T��.. . , ��: � 't^ti.�— <br /> - _7(S�Ae�ni:�_— <br /> _� _,_�� —=- �_..,-.. <br /> ::-3. � �.- - �._..___ <br /> _ __ _ _ _ -9?� ��450'7� <br /> 'Proce�ci��in conn�tion wlth condemnatlon or other takirp ol the F'roperty or peR thereol�or tor convsyance In iisu d oondertrwNai. _ <br /> Lerxkr eh�M ba�MitNd�t fte optlo�fo comrr���In�nd prc�scut�in Ms own name any setbn a proowcMrp���nd th�M�Mo <br /> M�MW�d b maks eu►y compromise or ssttlert�ent In connectbn wKh such tekkg or demspe.In the evsnt any portbn of ths Prop�rly is <br /> eo taken a demeq�+d�Lerider ehall have ths optt�on in iti aola encl ab�atute dlarrotlon. to epply e!I euch proa�cM� atar d�du�tin0 <br /> therelrom aU costs snd axpanaea incurred by It In connecN�n with such Proceeale,uPon eny indebtecMeas securod herobN a�i M w� <br /> or�er es Lender may determl�e,or to apply all wch ProcescM�elter auch doduatbns,to ths roatorntl�on of the Props�lY upan such oon� <br /> ciNbne as Lender may determtna.A�y appllcallor M Proceeds to Indebtedneas ehalt not extend or poctpone the�ue date W any peiy <br /> ments under ths Note,or curo nny defautt thsr�utider or heraur�der.My uneppl{ad b�tis ehaH be paid to Truator. <br /> g.prrfornanc�by L�nd�r. Upon the occurtence of an Event of Defautt hereunder, or if any act Is taken or bgal proceadinp <br /> oorn�nenced wt�fch materialiy attects Lender's inte�ett in ihs Prop�rty.Lsnder may In Ite own dtecretion�but without oblf0etbn W do w, <br /> end without notice to or demand upon 7rustor and wftt�out reieasing Trustor from any obflgation,do enY act whkh Tn�tor has�°sd <br /> but failed to do end may also do eny othar ect it daema neceeeary to protect the aecurity i�reof. TrusTor s1�at1. lmmodlatety upnn � <br /> demand 1l�erefor by Lender,pay to Lender all oosts and expe�r►ses Incuned and suma experxied by Lerxler in�onnecHon with the exer- <br /> dse by L,e��der of the ta�egoir►9 d9hta,t�pether wNh tntereat thereon at the deteuft rate provlded in the Note,whtch ahall be add�d to <br /> ths indep�ednsss eecurexl hereby.Lender ehaN not incur any Ilabflity►because of enyth(ng it may do or omit to cb herour�r. <br /> 8. H�s�nb+�a�'Mrid�.Trustor shall keep tt�e Pooperry In oampllance wHh aH applicsbte iaws. ordinances and rep��lat�+� <br /> relatlny to kidustrial hp�iane or environmentai protacNon(colbclhr�h►relerted to h�rein as"EnvironmentN Lawe'�.TnasEor elu�ll keep <br /> tl�e Pro�eAy free from ell eubstanc:es deemed to be haxenlous a toxtc under eny Environmentai Laws(coHectiveN ro�srred to herok► <br /> ae"Hezardoua Matetiale').Truator t►ersby warrante and ropnteMts to Lendsr that thera ere no Hazardow Materlab o�a�nd�►ths <br /> PropeAy.Tnislor hereby eflreea to indemnity end hoid harmbss lender�ite diroctore,otNcers,emp�aYees and ayentb��nd�"N Ki°°�' <br /> wrs W L�r'�intanst,from and epelnst any and all datma. d�maps�,loesee end ilabiliqss a�iainp In co�rwcHon wkh tM PnMnt�� <br /> we,di�pau or�rarnport of any Hazardous Mit�rids on,undsr,lram or about ths PropsRy.THE FORE�301NQ WARFiANT1EB M1D <br /> R�PRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIQATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREQOlW(i IND�MNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> RECWdVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 10.AMIOn�nb of R�M�.Tnntor he��bY�ulOns to Ur�r�e�nd pr,�rNt�r a�ecurky Ir�Nn�t In,�il qt�nt�futun�nd <br /> �far W3sM�p nM��I��u�d profib ol th�Prop�rry�Pra►Ided th�t Tru�tor�haH.unUl Itw o�cuRenca ot tin Evor.t o!Oetau!!�here�mder, <br /> haw th�dpM b ooN�c!�nd nWn wch nrtb�Issw�and proffb�e th�y b�oortM dus end pay�ble.Upon the oaxurenos d an Event M <br /> D�huR�LencMr may,silt►er in psnon or by�psnf�wNh or witt�out brinpinp any act{on or procssdln0,or by�roceiwr ePPdM�d bY a <br /> ooun�d wkhout n�b to ths�dsquacy of fb s�curity,snter upa�and tak�Poe�easlon of the Property,or any paR theraof,ln fts own <br /> rwrM or In tf�n�m�M 1hs Tnistse�erxi do u►y�cts wF�ich it deeme neoessary or dsalraWe to prsMrve th�v�kie,mulcN�bMib or <br /> rsnfabllEry ot 1M PropeRy�or any part thsrool or Mkreet therein�or to Incre�se the Inoon'�e therotrom or protect ths security hsrsof tu�d� <br /> wNh or wiNaut t�kkW Poseeaaion d ths Prory�ty�eus for or othen�ise cdlect the rents.iaeues and Profits thereol�Indudirg tl�oa�P+� <br /> dus�nd unPe�id�bY�wtNyin�tenants to meks pe�ymanb to I.ender.Lender may ePPhi rente�(saues a�d pro(its.less oosb and sxpena- <br /> se of opsratlon and eoNectlon kieluding a�tomeY�e tees�to any IndeMedneas aeeured hereby,eiN In eueh order ss Lender mey dsler- <br /> rt,�ns.The snts�inp upon and t�kinp Poea�sslon of the PropeRy,m�caiecaon w euc�,ren�a,isau�.r,d�ron�, �d u�s�ei.or► <br /> Ihsroof a�storoaald sheM not cure or walve eny delauR or notlae of deisuR hsreunder or InveAdate any sct dons i�rospa�se�o s� <br /> deinuft or pureuant to such notice oi defauft and, nAtwithstanding the conHnuance In possession o}the property or the coNeclion. <br /> rsc�ipi ano uppBia.ik,��vi ia�i�s��uas as psal3�.Tsu:,t,r»r�:.exsr e!�!!�!�+r.tlt�rn pxardse every�ht�aro+rfded fa in anY of the <br /> I.oan Inatrumsnts or by Isiw upon occumence of any Event ot DeleuR,iricluding witha.d ifmitetbn the rigM to oxerdar ths pnw�r of s�ie. <br /> Furtl�er,Lendere�ts and romediea w�de�thls peroyreph ahaN be cumulethre with,and In no way a IlmitaHon on,Lenders riphh and <br /> rort�sdiss undsr anY aseiynment of leaasi and rents rocorded apelnat the PropedY.Lender.Trustee arxi the roceiver shell be Ifebls w <br /> sccount or�ly tor ttwse rents adually reoelved. <br /> 11.EwMs d�e idbwtrp eltiall conatltute an Event ot Detauit under thla Deed o!TrusL <br /> (s)FaHuro b pay any fnsteNment of prtndpel or iMero�of eny Mhe�sum eecurod hereby when due: <br /> (b1 A bro�ch of or defauB under e�nY Provision contalned(n lhe Note,this Desd of Truat�any of the Wan inetnxrisntt�or eu�Y <br /> othsr I�en or sncumbrance upon the Propedy: <br /> (c)A writ of executi�on w attachment or any eimlla�proceas shall be entered ageinxt Trustor wh�h ehaN beoome s Ilen on <br /> the Property or amr porHon thareof�r fntereat tl�erei�; <br /> (d)There aheN be fited by or apai�t Truator or Barrower en ectton untler any present or tutura federal,stak or other stntute, <br /> kw or repulaUon rslsdrq to bnnkruptcy,Inaolvency or other rellef for debtors;or there ahall be eppokited eny wstse,recatver or <br /> Ifquidator ot Tn�ator or Borrower or ol ell or any psit of the Propsrty�or tf►e rente.lesuas or proiNs thsreof�or Tn�sEor or Bomuwsr <br /> atwM meks any pene►al saeigrxneM tor ths berbfit of credda�s� <br /> (s�The eale�trar�ater.teeae�eanfDrxnent.oonveYance or fixtFier enaxnbranoe of eU or any Part of or�r►y Intars�t in Ma <br /> Praperty►,either volunterify or tmroiuntarily,wittaut the ezproa�written conser�t ot Lender,provided that Tnuto�sheli be permk- <br /> ted to ex�cutb a kese of ths Properry that dose not conl�in en optlon W purchase and the tertn of whk;h does not sxcesd onA <br /> Y�►: <br /> (��bendorwr�ent ot the Property:or <br /> (q)N TniaWr Is not an individual,the Isauance.eale,transier.ssstflnment,corneya�ce or sncumbrence ot more then(H a <br /> oorporn8on)a totel oi pe�ent of Ha Issued and outsteu�dinp stock�or(it a partnsrsl�ip)e total W per <br /> oent of partnerehlp interesta,or(H e Ifmfted IlabWky compeny)a totel of 25 percent of the Amited NabGity compn- <br /> ny hterosts ur votlrp�ights durirg the pedod Mle Deed d Truat remefns a Nen on the Properh►• <br /> 12.R�rtNaN�s:Acc�Nntlon Upon ONautf.In the event of any Evarn ot DefauFt Lender mny,witl�out nodce except as requiro� <br /> by law.dedare alt IndsMsdnesa securod hereby to be due and Pe►Y�and the seme ahaN thereupon becorrb due and payebie witlr <br /> out any presentment,demand,protest or notfce of any k(nd.Thereafter Lerxler may: <br /> (e)Demand that Tn�stee exerdse the POWBR OF BALE pranted herein,and T►ustee sh6N theroafteF cauas Tnistor's iMer- <br /> est tn the Property to he eoid and the proceeda to be distrfbuted�ell in tM menner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; <br /> (b)Exardsa eny and ail riphte provkled tor fn any of the Loen Inatruments o�by law upon occurrence of eny Event o9 <br /> Uefauk;and <br /> (o)Commence an action to faeclose this Oead of Tmst es a mortpaQe,eppolnt a recelver,or specHically enkrce eny of the <br /> covenants hereof. <br /> Np rsm�dy hsnin confornd upon pr re�erv�d to Tnisfss or LerKler Is intended W ba exdusivs of any othar remedy hsreln�In the Loan <br /> Inatruments or by law provided or psrtr�ittsd,but ssd�ehaN be cumulative,shall be I�addition to every other romedy�iven hereurxier, <br /> !n the Laen Instrumenta or now or f�ereatter existlrg et law or la equity or by etatute,and may be exercfsed conaurendy,kxleperxteelh� <br /> ��13 7n1stN.The Truatee may roa{pn at eny Wns withart cauae.and Lender may at any time and wittwut cause sppolM a cuc <br /> ceseor or eubstitute Trustee.Trustes ef�ell not be Ifable to any party,includinp without IlmiteUon Lender,Borrower.Trustor or any pur. <br /> .�u.._��,�W..r �..w�I.�u....�w..nn�Jro�f 1n}a4�arw aP.l�Ofl <br /> Ci���a�P�m�tO�My IOQS O�O�RIO9O{�IIQO7 OUe IO fOG/U000 t/�TIIIYI tlnYw�tvwM d�v www. .v�..�.��..�--�.__'� "'' <br /> in con�ecNon witl�the enforcernent of tMs Deed ot Truat unles9 Indemntfied,in wridng,tor ell coeGs,compensetion or expenees which <br /> msy be essocfated ther�ewith.In additbn,Trustee may becorne a pu�chaeer at arry sab of the PropeilY Uudicial or under the Powe►°� <br /> sale qranted herein);postpone the sale of all or any porUon of Ihe provkled by law;or seN the PropeAy as a vrlwk.or in <br /> seperete paroeis or bts at 7ruatee's dlscretlon. <br /> - 14.�and Exp�nf�s.In the event Tn�stee seUa the PnopeRy by exert�se of power of sale,Trustee shall be entltled to apply <br /> any sale procaeds flrst to payment of au costs and expenses ot exercisinp pow�r of sa�e,Includinp all Tnastee's tees,and Lender's and <br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, actualty Incurrod to extent permftted by epplicable the event Borrower or Trustor exercdses eny rlpht <br /> provided by law to cure an Event of DeMuk,Lerxier s1�Jl be enUtled to r�ecover trom Trustor ell cwsta end expenses ectudy Incurced as <br /> a result of Truator's default,fnaludinp without Iimkation all Trustee's and attomey's teea,to tM�xtent pertnkted by applicabb law• <br /> 16. Futun AdvMfc��. Upon requeet of Borrower,Lender may,at its optbn, make additbnal and tuture advances a�d rosd� <br /> vances to Borrower.Such etNances end readvanoes,wit�Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Tn�at.At no time shaN tt�e <br />