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.. `� • _-- = A-�_ <br /> +11�J • • � '�py�.�(• ..•. ..'J_r.Rvi:..-- —" - "_ ..1?�,llrl'2+.LfC'1]li_._.. <br /> ' •'RI''l+Ef�''SJ _�/�—_—__— ___� . <br /> . 'Ii� — _!�iC��►vY�.�M4rM4'xsrw- . . - ... ... . --- ��_—T_- s. _+.—.�.,.—_�..��"_"—. �o <br /> .. �".��A�I _ . . <br /> .. 't. t *r <br /> ���� '� � 7. Prot�ctbn af L�nd�r's RIpMa In th� Prop�rty. i� e«rowK M� co �"*" �►+� °01Nf�"�� �"d �"�"a <br /> :�s.; . .a.��� �n.t m.y�qnNfo�nth► L.ndrr.riph� in►n.Prco�ri(�h iu <br /> � . covuln�d In thN S�curlly In�wmmt. a tMn M� Mptl Ix�O <br /> �procMdhp In honkruPtoY�D�o6�t�. lor cond��tlon or forNMur�a lo �nlora kvn tx npuWbn�L tMn 1.«tdM moY do�nd P�Y lor _-- <br /> ti� whttwK N n�cMSary to proba!th�wlw of th� Prop�ty �nd I.�nd�s rlphb In tM „rapKtn; ��������s��� � _- <br /> �ny tum�acund by �Nai wt�bh MI prbdty ov«'this S�curky In�uun�r►t, �ppwrM►D ' <br /> . .� , �nbrinp on tM Prop«ty ta m�k�nWin. Allhouyh�r rtwy l�IC��olbn und�r thN p�W«Ph 7. �^��not haw¢A do to. <br /> My �rnounl� �lkburs�d by l.�ndM und�r thk panpr�ph 7 �haN bacom� addktonal cf�b� uf Bo+rowK Naund by thk S�cw�Y <br /> ,, � In�hwrNnt. UnIKa Barowa and Und�r �pn� to oth�r brtns of paynw+t� th� rnounN sh�l bw In1Ka1 kom th� d�a of � <br /> ditburs�rtMnt�t lh�Not�nb�td shtM br p�y�bM,wkh ht�t,upon notla kom Lmd�r lo Bonow�t tqtwsthp paYrt�►t• Q _ <br /> �` 8. Nlo�t���� loaunnc�. u �«,d.r rpur.d nwrtac� hsuranae ae s condkron o� �kw+a �� �+�+ �u� bv thk � �___ <br />��y in:w�+�►�� BOROwM shull p�y tM P��� n4uP�d to rn�htaln th� moAOW� Intut�no� In MNoG If. ar �r►y na�on� �n. -- <br /> �4`�'��" mortWG�hturana cown���bY UndM IaP� a cMS�s to b� In NMat�Barow�r ah�r ay ��w a�«�+wms nqur.d to obati <br /> cowny� wbslantkR� pu1v�M�t to th� mortW9� h����� P�0U6y h �t, �t a coat wb�t�ntkNy puNaUnt to th� co�t to w� <br /> -�--� BorcowK ot th� mortWW hsumc� D►wlousN in NNot� kom m U�m�t� matWiO� hwnr WProwd by UndK. If wbtlantMMY <br /> ' aqulvaNnt mortp�p� k+suanc� cov�rp� h not avaW�bN,BortowM �h�l pay to L�ndK Moh mo+►th� wm �Qu�l to o�M�Mth o4 th� <br /> Y�Y mortW�Insur�nc�pnmium bNn9 D+Id by Borto�wr wMn th�Insuana aovrrW�MPs�d or c�a�td to b� M NNat. L�ndst wIN — <br /> �ccaPt� ut� u►d rMah thN� WYm�nt� u a bss rn�rw In Yw of mw1GW� Inwnnc�. Loa r�Nrw WY��te maY no bnpM bs <br /> ' rpufnd��t th�oPtbn of UndK� M matWp�Intwmc�aowrp�{in th� amwnt md fa Ih�PK�th�t Undw n9u����fah <br /> � an inwnr aPProwd by Und�r aqN b�conNt awM�EN �nd N obt�twd. BorrowK �haN hsunna�� �d�no�wkh u►y <br /> ,r�,..���. <br /> , +:� : . moAp�p�hwnra In Nhct� or to provid�a bss ns�w. until th�►puY�mnt lor n►a1W� <br /> ;_���� wrMt�n�prMrtNnt b�tvr�Bon'owK�nd 1.�►dw o►�PPNa�bM kw. <br /> ,�r.;�. 9. 111�pQCt1011. I.�ndK a k��p�nt may m�tc� nasonabM«►tria W��nd InW�ottons of th� Prop�ty. I.mdK �MN pAr� <br />,5^2«-^.+ Barowa notk��t th�tYn�of or Wlor to m In�p�oUon W�c11Yh0 nuon�bN ew�1a tM Insp�ctb^. <br />:�_".;L�f�- 10. Condemnatlon. Th� Prxaods of �nY �w�rd or c1�im far damapb� dWot a ct�n�wnti�4 h conn�ctbn wkA �r►y _ <br /> �',C��; <br /> �,��. condunnubn or oM�r takln0 of�ny pvt of th�PrapKty�or fa conwy�nc�M Mw of condMwMtfon,�n M�M�Y astlpiwd�nd tl►�N b� <br /> .�..�;;��� paid to UndK. <br />�- In th� want of a loG�l takhp of Ih�►'rop�rty,ths procNds shtM bu �pplbd to tM sums Ncund bY thk S�curky In�lrummt. <br /> .'.,� .1 wMth�r or not then ckN� wkh Y1Y �aC�s�Wid to BWrowM. In tM w�nt oI t OrtW Wc1np of th� PropMty in which tM Nir nwk�t <br /> ,o� v�W of tt►� PropMiy knrtMdM�t�y M(or+ th� takinp M �qual to ar prwtw than tM �rnount of th� �umt Mcund by Mis S�curkY <br />_;�� Inttrummt krwn�di�tNy bMo+e the Uklnp, uniKS Borrow�r �nd Undr oth�wis��pro� b�suma acund by Qhi� S�cu►MY <br /> Inctrurt�t sh�N be rsduad by tho�rr�aunt of tM P�oc�b muNlpY�d bY tA� bbwirp finetbn: (�)tM toW �maMt v7 ttw swrN <br /> �� s�cund YmwdirtNy bMon tha WcYW� dMd�d by (b) tM fat mvkN wiw of tM Propwty Ym�dWMY bMo►�th�Wcirp• Mr baWx� <br /> shaN W paid to 8arow�r. In th� awnt of a p�rtW taRYW of th�Prop«ty in whbh th� lair m�Ac�t wlw Af th�PropKty Mrn�drlNY <br /> '�"""°`� bNon tM Wcfnp k las tlw� Me emount ol tM wm�acund MmNd�abN b��o►�th�1a1ch0� unM���� ��o�� <br /> ��t��,'�'� „on. r, w�� or unMs• .Pp�canr kw ou,«w�. ao�►�aa� tFN proCMds sh11 b11 �PpMrd !o iM tt�nts NC�M�d by Ihk S�GxItY <br /> � InsWmMit wtNti�M a noi in"s sii�i.'s:i: �"'_�- <br /> _-�� if tM Properiy k�b+ndon�d by BortowK,or M,atlK notics by Und�r to Borrow�r lhat th�oond�nnor olMr�lo mYc��n awu0 or <br />������ ccttta a cL-kn tor dameQes,Bortower Ie�Ms to n�pond to UndK wkhb 30 d�ys �Mr th�dau th�notky M plran,L�ndK N wthai�e�d <br />-"���°� to colNct and appty th� Woc«ds.�t Rs option, sM h K to nt ton t b n o r r�l r o f t h� P r o p N t y o r t o t M w m t s�CUnd b y thk SaCUrky <br /> -=-=��_� Inatrument,wMdh�►ar not lh�n dw. I�ha1 not�Mnd or posipa�th� <br /> -�vL�� Unl�s L�nd�r md Borrow�r ottwwk��pn�in wrkNp, any applfcattoo of procMds to prrop� <br /> = dw d�M of tM monthy p�yrtwnts rrN�r�d to h pwpnph� 1�nd 2 a chanp�tM artwi�►t o1 wah p�ynMnb. <br /> 11. eonower Not RN�Ned:Forb��rance By Lender Not a W�fwr. �.n•wn a t� trn. ror p�� °` <br /> „wd�ar� a.mortmuan o�m. w�+s �.cu►.d br u�k s.c�r in:aun,.�t a,u�na or i.«�d�r eo ry wa«•o►h r,wna a earow�► <br /> thl�N not opwaM lo nM�N tM Y�bllty ol th�orlptial BarowK or Borrovrws suoo�stas B Mans� I.�ndr shw not W nWYad to <br /> comrrwu� procMdM�Os �st any�ueoM�or h ht�nst or ntua to �o4md tim�lor WY�t or oMKwIN modrY ��tbn ot tM <br /> wms acutrd by thk Sawb InshurtMnt bY nnon of anY clen�nd m�d� by tM orlplrNl Bartow�r a 8arow�f� wooK�on b <br /> hbnt�.My k,�bMr�by LM►dK h wtoMirp �nY ripht or nrrNdY shU1 not b�a wai�Of or p'�cbd�tM�eaNOiM of�ny dpAt or <br /> �12, Suaces�ors�nd Anipna eound; Jolnt�nd Severai Llabillty; Coylpn�r� n+. �+^�'� � <br /> �Nrt�tb ef thi� S�CUrItY Ntitn�nt thaN bad �r1d bMNAt tM tuCC�iton �nd utkt�� of Und1r �nd BOrtOwK. sut►J�ot b th� <br /> provi�fon� ol pwp�ph 17.Barov+ws Cown�nts�nd�0►wrNnb thaN b�bht�nd awr�nl My Barow�r who cas�s�S�cur�r <br /> �nswnNne but doa not arcua th� Noa: (a) ts co-stpnina thk s�curity MeawrMne onb to mortp�w� o�. <br /> ---- Borrow�fs InlNrst h th�ProWRY undK th�tNnm�LMtdM'�nd any othM Botror w1r rt�y tWrM W �octlnd. modMY�b�1�Mr m�k�rny <br /> _ by tNk S�cu►kY InstrurtNn4 �nd (o) �p� <br /> accon�nadatlons wNh►prd to t�rm� ol thk S�curitY Instrum�nc or th�NoM wkhout th�t Barovwrs conNM. <br /> 13. LOetf Ch�fq�i. N tM loan acund bY thM S�cwltY InsWmK►t M wbl� t0� law whfch s�b nMxYn�n b�n o1w�pM� <br /> - �nd th�t law N IYw1y 1nb�W� oo th�t tM MS�nst or othK lom cAWK coMct�d or to b�coN�ot�d In ao�ctbn wlth th�lo�n <br /> " �o�cMd tM P�� N�rda� �Mn: (�).ny w�h tom chu�s�har b� nd�d by th��rrww�t n�oK�arY to ndua dw c1wp�to 1M <br /> --� p�renll0�d Nmk;�nd(b)�nY wms alnadf�cowct�d kom BorrowK whfch �xceed�d p�mRad Mnits ww b�rM+nd�d to Barow�r. Lin�r <br /> �„��� rtwy Choas�t0 rrwk� thM nM+nd by nduchp tM prY�clpa�OwW und�r th� Nob or by nrkinp a dY�nt DaY�t t0 BonowM. M a <br /> ----- - rMund nducK P���th� nductbn wM b�frNtiW rs a P���p�PaYrtMnt wNhout�nY PnP�Ymmt ch�undrr tM Noa. <br /> _:�,�� 14. NOUCfi. My noliCr to Bortow�r provld�d fe� In thM&lcurity InstturtMnt tttaM b� 0�^bY ��k a by rtwWnp k bY <br /> �. -��� first cMss maN unM�s �pp�Cabl� kw nqulra ua ol�nothK rtNthod. TM notb� thaM M dinaE�d to th� Prop�Ay Adckas or�nY <br /> �1�=.� oth�r addnts BorrowK d�sipiata by notla to I.�ndK. My notfa to Undw thaM b� 0� bY�t nfaa m�M to UndM's�ddras <br /> -=_:.�; itat�d h�nfn or any oth�r addr�ss I.�ndK daalpn�bs bY notiC�to BoROw�r. My noqc� Pro� Mr In MN S�ourb MsWrtNnt thaM <br />:. .�:c�-����,, b�dMn�d to haw bMn Ww^to BorrowK or I.�nd�r wMn Olw^u provlOW M thls pu�pnph.b Nd�al �w �nd tM �w of th� <br />.;>����� 16. Qovernin� Law;Severablllry. Tnr s�curny �n:wment •�N b. o�� y =_ <br /> :_:,+���' ju�dfctfon in whbh th�PropKty k loca�d. M th�wmt th�t�ny Pr�� a a�N ot thb S�curAY Instrum�nt or tha Not�oonflicts <br /> ���..� wkh �ppMC1�bM law, wch ca�Aiat tha�not a}t�ot otMr pro+rltbm of thk S�cuAy IntbwrMnt or tM Not�whbh c�n b�9Mm Nhot <br /> �;�',;�j wkhout th�oontlbt„p provisbn. To thM�nd the prorkbr►s of thN S�curky Inshum�nt�nd th� Not��n d�al�nd to b�swK�bM. <br />-----^�'� •.,,,....M N..w.�..nd o�thta S�ourtv Mstrwnmt. <br /> -:a:-=n. - - 16. eorrovrK=�i;vpr. noROw.►.�:�:w.:..M�.,..,..:.....�-... -._.-•----- . <br />- � 17. Tranafer of the Property or a B�n�flcl�l Interest In Borrow�r. n aN or �ny P.rt o� �n� arop«ty a any _ <br />".-.�;+,�`.�o:; ' Int�rsst fn k b sold or trmslKnd(or k a bmMbyl InMrat h Baro�w�r k sold or transt�nd �nd BorroKw it noe� naWnl pKSOn) _ <br /> �.,-{���:�� wkhout L�ndara prbr w►kl�conf�►t.U^da rtwy. �t ks °ptbn�nqutn Ym�d�b PaYrt�t h NN of�N sums aound by thk S�curily - <br />.. .�?.�.t::';;. <br /> Inswment. Howawr,thM optbn thtN not b��xuck�d bY I.�nd�r M�ok� b P�oh6N�d by fadaal law as of tM d�N of thk S�cwNy <br /> • i • _ <br />� '��, '::�:•�.�'� Inatrumant. - <br />- � ' ' �f L�n�r�x�rcb�s thfs optbn,L�ndK�haN plw Barow�r notfc� of�cc�Nntbn.Th�notic��h�N provlde a pKiod of not I�ss th�n _ <br /> � '" 30 dey� Rom th� dab th� notk:� b deWK�d or maiMd wRhln whiCh th� BomOwK mult p�Y �N tums NCUnd by thk S�cwlty _ <br /> ' ' Instrumant. 11 BortowK hYt to pay thN�sums prior ro th�axpinlbn ot thk p�rbd,L«�d�r may hvok��ny nrtMdM�P�rmkNd by this = <br /> ~ ' S�curRy InsUum�nt wkhout tuAher notic�or d�nd on eortowor. Form so��uoo _. <br /> ; .. . �. . <br /> Y <br /> ti'.Q�1�.. '�i� F10@9-LFW(7l�6) P�O��ot� <br />-i;:rt�,w: �C.:'-i � <br /> ••;M�+e�4r• <br /> 625 <br />