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; w� R - '. _,s^�a -- �- <br /> _ .,,' ' ' ' "'.?�yi a' �.i�r��ui.. , ...�__ ,._ .:1i,P,C. ,'i•�. . .._. ,,. __ a..�. <br /> . .e <br /> ._ .. —_��t..".tl.j. '�-L-}--' <br /> . , �� <br /> ..n ' - <br /> . , r:•-.�.. .. -- - <br /> .....�.� :��i.}..�. � .a�.....r-_.--.-,,.,r__.__.,_.��-r.�- .. ___.__.. <br /> .. . ._-_-____._ <br />.....i -'iQ� . . . .. .. - <br />.ii.r.�. <br />�'-A��/�y{� <br />":':=fd'�."Yv <br />- v,:.�-W!� Borrow��Mcrow �ooax►1 u�d�r tM I�dK111 R1al Ett�M B�tlMnNn1 Proo�durM AOt Of 1874 a�Mf1Midld kOm thN to IInM, 12�J.B.C. <br /> :,'"�;�":s—• . 2601 M NQ. ("RESPA'), uniK��nothK Mw that�pp�s to tM Funds��Na�r��1. M to�L�ndM may��t�ny thM�coN1Ct�nd <br /> hold Fund� h an �mau�nt not to�occMd th�M���mount. L�nd�r rrMy ettlmU�tM MnaMt of lund�dw o� tM buM ol curt�nl d�q I� - <br /> ��� ' � �nd rM�ombM�etinyfM ol�mdlluro�of IuNn E�orow II�a MMiwfw h �ocad�nc�wkh�ppMOabb yw. �i�� <br />?.e.:��,. TM Fund� �h�N ba hNd h an h�tUutbn whoM drpo�kf w hwyd by a NdK�I�p�noy� In�humK+WkY. or mtltY (inoludlrW ' <br />.,'�,,` � �' Undw� M I.�ndK N wch �n intlkutbn) or In �ny F�dKa1 HurtN L�n B�nk. l.�ndM�hal�ppy lh�FuntN to p�y tM Eeorow IMtrw. - <br />.:���.•a, L�nWr rrwy not o1wp� Barowp tor hotdlnp �nd �ppyirq tl►� Fundf,�nnwry �nay�n0 th��crow eccount a wrltylnp the Etcrow O <br />�':��.' itKnt,unWi Undir pRY�Borto"r�r„I�r�tl on tM Fund��nd�pp�babN I�w pMrnks L�nd�r lo m�lc�wch� oh�r�. HowwK,L�ndw <br /> . . � rrwy ryquY� Borrowar lo pay a onadlrrw ctw'po fcr an hdepencfMt rn�l n�t�ts Nx nportinp a�vk�uad by LM1dK h oont�tbn tvkh � <br /> ._y:i��`�.. <br /> lhM b�n�unf���pPYCabM Mw P�ovlOa oth�wla. UnN���n �pr�r�nt M mad�a WP�M kw�� inUn�t to b�P��UnWr <br />_.-L.=y� -�� ihaN not b� nR�Myd to P�Y Borr�w�r�n9 int�t a wnY►Os on th�Fund�. BorrawM rnd UndK may �prN In vr.kY►C� haw�uK�th�t � <br /> hbnit �haN b� pald on tM Fund�, Unda�haM plM to Borroww, wlthout ohup�, m �nnwl accountY►p of tM Funds, �howinp <br />'������ andks�nd d�bNs to tM Fund��nd IIN purpoa fo►whbh Nch cNbk to tM Fund�wu mad�• TM Funds w pMdp�d as rdcNtia�l <br /> }- • � NCUrky lor�N wms t�cund by this S�CUrRY IntMum�nt. <br /> �`�"'�`�� If llw Fund� hNd bY�^���th��nwuNf pKmMt�d lo b�h�Id by�ppMc�bl� �w. Und�r ahal�ccouat to BortowK 1or tM - <br />==v��•^' �s Fund� In acaord�nc�wkh tM nWt�nNnts of �ppYC�bM�w. If th� amount o/ Ih� Funds hNd hy I.M�dK at�ny thN Ia not <br />��is•��F'�� �uMbhnt to pay tha Escrow Ibms wh�n dw.UncAr rn�y to notMy Baroww h writlnp,�nd,h ��h oas�BarovrK�hw pay to L�nda <br /> '�•,' In no mon than twMw monthb D+�Y�►�^�•�t <br />-.�r,-S!: Bortow�r�h�l m�k�up IM d�NOMncy <br /> :,:�;���•� tM arr.ount r»c�ssuy to m�k�up tM dMbl�nay. <br /> :_��.., <br />�,.,;����,_ Lendwt toM dkcntlon. <br /> - ��'�"°'° UP�MY�t h fuN ol�wrrN NCwrd Dy thk S�C+xkY IntbumM►t�UndM sh�A P��P�b rMund to Bwrov+K�r►y Funds hNd bf <br /> _�w!�►� L�nd�t. If, uodM p�nQnpb 21, L;�dM thaN�Cqub or NI tIN Prop�Ry� I.mdM� Drbr to IM aCquNltbo or s�M of tM PtopMty�shU <br /> -_°:€vr�� �ppy any Funds hNd by I.�nda at dw tBn�ol wQukNion or�ab as a cadk Wilnet tha eurte�wcw�d by thk S�curty Imlrum�►4 _ <br /> -'='�'�� 9.Applicatbn of P�ym�nt�. un�s �aawo,�bM kw�rova.s oih«wk..�A MY�a ned�d by Und�r und�r p�rrOnPM <br /> :sti:��n'� t �nd 2 th4N b��DPlbd: fint,to �nY P��WYmM�t ohM'pN dw undK tM Noa;a�cond ro �wruna pa�und�r pwpnph r thrd <br /> -`*-�'" to Int�wt dw;fo�xM�to prY�cp�l du�:ind Wb ta�ny MM chrpn dw undK th�Not� <br /> - _�� 4. Clwq�a; Ll�ns. eorrowK shar v�y �I tua�� as�snwna� oh�r�a. �tNS r►d h�w�fon� �wbutabN w u+� P�op�rty <br /> .-�'-'�� whlah may �tfun PrbrtY ovK this S�ctwkY IntMt�f� �nd iN�N�oid P�Y�b or prOUnd rM�. M �r1Y. BorrowK sh�N P�Y « <br /> ---- obNp�Non�h tM rtwr»r ProvWal b pwpnph�.a If not P�„th�l rtwr»r.Bonow�r M�O�Y Mwm on tM�dYrotN w tM(�rson � <br /> -- � ow�d pqnNnt. Baro�w�r sh�1 Pronplb lumi�h to L�ndlr aM notias of rnainb to b� pdd und�r Mfs pwpnph. M Barown nNkN <br /> th�t�WYmmu dfnctN.BortowK shlN Promplb hrmkh to LMIdIr ncNpb��01np IM D�Y�CS. <br /> Bortow�r shaM pranply dMah�rp�mY Wn wAbh h1w prforltY owr Ihit Srcurky InftrunMnt unMt4 Barow�:(U W►�M�h0 a <br /> -`— ttw payrtwnt ol ttw obrputicr+e�cund by th�NM'� M a nwxNr�oo�pabM to Land�r;(b)conMeti b pood talM tM Mn by� or d�Nnd� <br /> . ° �panii wiMi��w:�i�:w::i:t. ..''"'r!�--�."'-•-'��h!�Lh!L�nd�a oohbn oDM�1t1 to prwM�t(M rnfOtOM�Mnt Of tIN wfli fir(0) <br /> - ---_:R� t�cue�s kont th� hofdN of th� Y�n�n Wn�rMnt tatkkCtorl► to Undw tubordlnaWW tM N�n to Mis S�curNfr 1n�tunw��. N 1.�nd1r <br /> - - - �±�!!rmhee th�t enY R'�t ot tts� PeaprrtY is et�b,bc�to � ww� wh�h rtwy �tfah priorty ovr tMe S�cu►RY InsliwnMN. L.�ntiK nKY 9� <br /> —�-- ..a Barow�r a notia ldmtlqinp th� M�n. BorrowK sh�1 at1tN tM Mn ot Wu on�or nan ol ih�licttOns Nt toAh�1►ow wNhM 10 duy� <br /> Of th�pivkp of noGO�. <br /> 6. H�2ard or P►op�tty Itl/urlinCl. BarowK tMUi kap th� im�xov�nw+b naw �dtthp a h��aMr �ncMd on tM <br /> Prop�tty Insund p�lnst bss by Mn�h�ds Ytc�d�d wkhh tIN t�m 'pdmd�d Cowr���nd�nY otlwr haards�Inowtlhp 1bOds Or <br /> fbOdinD. lor whbh L�ntNt nquins inwtM�o�. Thk Mwnnc�ahal b� nrinl�Mnd h Ihr �rnounl� iutE fot dN P�� �LM1da <br /> nquY�N. The Insix�nev C+�trMr Pe�trp tfN bwnrlo�shM b�ohoNn bY BoROwu suW�n1 lo L�nd���PPr�whi0h shY not b� <br /> unnaton�bN wMhANd. N Borrow�k111 to m�ht�h oo+�r� dMCrb�d �qow. LM+du mey�at I.�nd�� oplkm�obMb ow��10 <br /> prot�ct I.�ndlrs rtphb In th�P�opaly h�ccord�rwy wkh p�rapnph 7. <br /> AN hsunnc�PoNCMs�nd nn�w�N�h1�1 b��eo�phbM to Und�r�nd�haN inebd�a�fandlyd narlp�p�oYuw. L�nd�r shM h� <br /> — tM rlpht to hoid tM poNOM��nd rM�M. If Land�r nqulr�M� Borrow�r�h�M promptb pkM t0 Lmd�r�N napt� of pud prMr�m� <br /> � md rwNw�!notbM. In th�w�nt of ba� BoRO+vK th�l plw P���� lo tM in�unnes c�rrNr �n0 Und�t. I.�ndK nry make <br /> proof W bs�M not rn����omplN bY BoROw�r. <br /> Uflflss L�+dM Y�d BOrrOwK oHNrw�s��0►M b wrMt►p�InWnno�P�o�Md�sINA W�PPMd lo nstOhtlOn Or r�pUr W tM P►ap�rtY <br /> dmMp�d� If tM n�tonttoe a rtip�lr k�ao�omicMY 1wsbM �nd L.�ndws WcurllY N nol Ms�d. H IM n�tor�tlon or nprr k nal <br /> �cpnomic�Mr Nasble or I.MUMrs Mcurb wouid br Ns�Nd�Ih� Insur� ProoMd� th� b��PP�b th� a�n� NOUnd b�► 1hM <br /> S�curRp Ins4wrwnt, wbMfNr a r�at tlNn dw. wAh any�aaa p�id to Barow�r. M Barowa �i�ndon� tM Prap�ty� or do�s not <br /> rnswrr wkhh 30 d�YS a noGc� kcm l.mda th�t tM fnsur� cr� hu oM�nd to atW a ol�Mn,th�n L�nd�r rt�y coNet th� <br /> Msur� Proowd�.�t maY ua� th� Proo�d� �a np�lr ot n�toa tM1 ProPMt� a to WY sums acund by thit 8�o�xtY <br /> Instrun»nt,wMth�r or not th�n dw. Th�30�daY PKiod wi�bp�i wMn tM rwtlo�N pANn. <br /> UMw Und�r�nd Borrow�r oth�rwiN�h wrMYW. �ny�ppYCttbn o/procMdt to 0��1 sh�M�at�Mnd or poilpoM fh� <br /> dw d�M of 1M monthy p�yrt»nb M1rt�d to In pKaprwphs 1 �nd 2 a charq� tM I�rnount of th�p�ynNnte• M und�r PnOr��� <br /> --= tM Prop«ty k�c4�tr�d by Und�r.Bortovwr��ipht to�nY Insur�VCNoMt md proRMds rMUkbO kan d�roq�to NN Prop�tY P�' <br /> to tlw �cqukRton �h�M pass to Und�r to th� �otMnt ol tM sumt �CUnd by Mf� S�CUrNy Inttrun��t Mnrt�d�M�Y P� a � <br /> --__— �cquftkion. <br />__=�._ _=n� 6. Occupanay� P�eservaUon. M�lnbnance �nd Protectioe of th� Property; BorrowK's Lan <br /> _-�-�_.:�,. AppllcAtion; L�ss�hoids. earow.► ar,.� ooc�cr, •sutwn. �nd u�cn.arco«tr u a�p•�n•w«�o� w�h sray <br /> __M;,:�:;�, daya atlw ih�a�cutbn of thk S�curity Inatrum�nt and�haN Conttnw to occupy tt►� PropMiy as Borrowws prinoW�l nNdma tor u <br /> -__- � IKSt on� YMr aMM th� deb ot oocup�ncy, unMts Land�r olhKwfN �pnM M wrktnp, whbh oonslnt �IMN not W unrMtaNby <br /> -��`�=`.a.� wkhhNd,or unMs��otHnw�tity aM+curotfmcM ackt whbh�n b�yond Bortovrwt conlrol BOrtowM thal not dNVoY�d�rn�p�o�Mpr <br /> �'�'im"�,� th�PropKlY�aNOw tht Prop�ty to dNlrbraM,or conwnR wasb on ih�PropKty. Barow�r sh�N be tn tMIwR k any bMNuh rotion a _ <br /> -- procNdinp,wh�tt»r clvM or crimha4 b b�pun that h Undws pood mRh judprn�nt coutd nsult h toAeMur�of th�Prop�Ay or othNwN� <br /> .�� � ..�...r .,,w <br /> �"'�� ffllt�fl�My k11P�lf ttN NMI CrND�d by thft .S�CINRY MEtNm�flt 0► I.�fItlM's i�CUn`ry itiRwi. oor7iiiiw u-�is w.� :......� ........ �.� _ <br /> �--'t...•,.� <br />_`::��• ninstat�, as provfd�d In parapnph 18,by awstnq the actbn a p�ocNdYip to b�dl�mkad wNh a ruNnp th�t. h Und�s pocd h1h - <br /> �•°"�-�-'�'•�•• d�tNmination� Pr�oludN torNkur� of th� Bortowws ht�st In NN propMty ot otlNr m4t�ri11 M�WIrmint of tM INn CrMbd by thk <br /> ,.�,,v;. <br /> �:�,�y.:Ad.� <br /> .:�..!tis:..+�,.• S�cu►MY MaWrtwnt or L�nd�� s�curkY ht�nst. Bortow�+ sMY ai�o W h d�lwk M BorrowK� durin0 tM ban �PPllcatbn proc�u. <br /> ..^__/.i'{r.�.t+;.. -. <br /> _�rz:�r,-�,�., paw mtl�rrly hk� or haccurat�Inform�tton or stalMt»nts to Undx (w hN�d to �xovid�L�ndK wNh any rtwbrlal hlorm�tfon)h <br />- .�;," . ' aonr►�otfon wkh tM lo�n wkMnc�d by th� No1�,IncluGinp.but not Nmk�d to,npnrw►�tions concwninp Bortowws oocup�noy of th� _ <br /> . ..�� �� PropMty as a prinotp�l nsicNnc�. M thii S�Cwky k►sbwrNnt k on � bstNtold. eoROw�r sMM compN M►1th�N th�proviti0m of tlN <br />_ -,�..»_ <br /> , .�`y.�. , bas�. If 8ortowsr�cqufr�s(M tNM to th� Propwty, th� Mas�hold tnd th� hs tRll sh�M not m�rps unMss th� Und�t aprM� to tA� <br /> `'.•�i:lk''-�:y": RIKQ�f YI VYfkYiQ. Forn+�0��9/a - <br /> ^��':�`;�,�:':f,1t,• <br /> c�.c.• Ft040.LM0(Q/M) Pao��ot 6 - <br /> _74�+,�' - <br /> =j-�.;. _ <br /> saa <br />