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<br /> �>+� 10. Borror�e�Not RNt�Hd;Forb�annc�8y LQnd�r Not�W�Iwr.Extenelon o}the time for payment or modi(Icetlon
<br /> �p . o}amortlaatlon of the eums aecured by thla Deed of?Fuat prantad by Lender to any duccessor In Intereat of Borrower ahall not(� -
<br /> :�� operate to releaae,In sny mannar,the Ilsblilt�r of ths originel B�rrower end Borrower'�auccessors In Interest.Lender ehall not�J
<br /> ` be requlred to commence proceedinga againat such succesaor or reiuse to oxtend time(o�payment or otherwlse modiiy �
<br /> .': . amortlzetion of the auma secured by thls Qeed of TFuat by reaeon oi any demand mede by the origlnal Borrower and Borrc�wwer'e `
<br /> �� iJ succea3oro In intereet. Any forbeerancs by Lender In exerclaing eny rlpht or r�medy hereunder,or otherwise aftcrded by�
<br /> e.pplicable law,shall not be a walver of or preclude the exerclse of eny such rlght or remedy.
<br /> ,, � 71. Suca��wa�nd Assl�ns 8ound;Joint�nd Siwral Llablllty;Casl�rnrs.�'he covenants and sgreemente heraln �
<br /> ' � �containad ehall bind,and the righte hereunder ahal�inure to,the reapective succeasore and asalgna of Lender and Barower�
<br />��''•� ,.,�subJect ta the provislons o}paragraph 18 hereof.fill covenanta and agreements ot Borrower shall be jolnt and aeveral.Any
<br /> '~�' Borrower wno caslgns this Deed of ltuat,but does r�ot execute the Note,(s)is caslgning this Deed of Trust onty to grant and
<br /> -- convey that Borrower's intereat in the Property to TFuatee under the terme oi this Deed of 1f�ust,(b)is not personally Iiable on
<br /> • . :;,�' the Note or under thla Deed of hust,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower hereunder may agree to extend,madity,
<br /> forbear,or make any other accommodattons with regard to the terms of this Deed of Trust or the Note,without th�t Borrower s -
<br /> � consent and wlthout releasing that Borrower ar mod(tying thia Deed of hust as to that Borrower's Interest in the Property.
<br /> ' 12. Natic�.Except tor any notice required under eppllcabte law to be given inanother manner,(a)any notice to Bor�ower
<br /> *�="' provided for in this Deed of Trust shall bo given by dellvering it ar by mailing such notice by certified maU addressed ta Borrawer
<br /> -��� at the Property Address or at such other addresa as Barrower may desfgnate by notice to Lender as provtded herefn,and(b)
<br />:� any notice to l.ender ahall be ghren by certifled maii to Lender's address stated hereln orto such other address as Lender may
<br />-:��+. desigaate by noticeto�Sorrower as provided hetein.Any not�ce provided tor in this Dsed oi ltust ahsll b�deemad to hava been _
<br /> ���'�?� given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />_���� 13. Govemin�Law;SevK�blUty.The state and local lawsapplkat►leto this Qeed af Trust shall bethe laws of the jurisdiction
<br />,_�;�„�;� in Wh1Ch the P�Operty fa IoCBteci.i he ioregoing ynnie��ictl�i�a11 r�ut iliii{i titr,eNNiii,a;;Ilty�f o�.o�a�}a.1 Y.~��^SB�G!?:ts�. --
<br />�-�=�._�� In the event that any pravision or clause ot tNfa Deed of Trust or the Note conilicts with applicable law�such conflict shall not
<br />"�"�'��'� aifect other provisions of thla Deed of 1Fust or the Note which can be given eifect without the conilfcting provlsfon,and to this
<br />=N�� �nd the provfsions of thls Oeed of Trust and the Note are declared to be seve►able.A�used herein,"costs","expensea"and
<br /> _ "attorneys'fees"include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or Iimited heraln.
<br /> 14. Borr�ow�r'�Copy.Borrower ahail be turnlshed a conior�ned copy af th9 Note and of thls Deed of 1Fust at the tlme of
<br /> executbn or aRer recordstlon hsreol.
<br /> �'—°� 16. R�h�blilUtbn Lo�n A�r�rrNnt.Rorrower sheU fultili all of Rorrcwer's ot:ligatlona under any home rehabllitation.
<br /> - Improvement,repalr,or other loan agreement whlch Borrowar entero Into with Lender.Lender,at Lender'e optlon,mey rsqulro '
<br /> __— Borrower to sxecute and deliver to Lender,In a form ecceptable to Lender,�n aaelgnment of any righte,clelma or defeness
<br /> --—= whlch Borrower may have agalnat partlee who supply labor,materlala or esrv�ea ln connsctlon with Improvementa made to
<br /> --__ the Property.
<br /> ---- ie. TM�nshr of Pr�op�rty or�Bon�tkid Int�n�t In Botrorr�r.If ell or any part of the Property or any interest in It la sold
<br /> ortranaferred(or fi a beneficlai interest In Borrower la eold or transferred and Borrowe�is not a natural pereon)without Lender's
<br /> prlor written cc�naent,Lender may,at Its optfon,requ(re Immediate payment In full ot all suma secured by thla Dead of Truat.
<br /> However,this optlon shall not be exercised by 6ender if exe�afse Is prohiblted by tederal law as of the date of this Deed of fi�ust.
<br /> If Lender exercfses this option,I.ender shall give Bor�ower notice of acceleratlon.The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> les�than 30 days from the date the not�e Is delivered or mall�d within which Borrower must pay all suma secured by thia Deed
<br /> of Trust.if Borrower talls to pay these eume prior to the expfration of this per6od.Lender may fnvoke any remedies permitted
<br /> by thia Deed of'�Fust without further notice or demend on E3orrower.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 17. Acc�Nratlon;R�medl�s.Efccept��provlcNd In p�niynph 18 heroof,upon 6orrorwr'�bn�ch ot any c�own�nt
<br /> orpnem�nt of Borrow�r In this Daed of?tuK,lncludin�Borrower'�talluro to pay,by th�end of 10 cal�nda►d�ya Nt�r
<br /> th�y�ro du���ny�um�wcund by this Deed oi 7Fust,Ltnd�r prlor to�ccekntlon�h�ll qlw notic�to Borrow�r�s
<br /> provid�d In panqnph 12 h�roof specifylnq:(1)th�bn�ch;(2)the�ctlo�roquind to curo such bnach;(3)�d�t��not
<br /> las than ZO days hom th�d�t�the notk�Is mal led to Borrower,by which such bne�ch must be cund;�nd(4)th�t falluro
<br /> -- to cun Ruch bnach on or b�taro th�dats sp�ctiled In the notice may rosult In�ccetentton of the sum�securod by thla
<br /> - Dead of ltun�nd s�is of tM Propwty.The notica shall further Inbnn Bon�of ths rl�ht to ninstat�Nter ac+celention
<br /> �nd tM�ht to bHn��court�ctlon to aaeh th�non�xist�nce of�defautt or erry olhw•d�rNna�ot.8o,rrow�r to
<br /> aa�I�rntion�nd s�ls.lf ths bnach Is not curod on er Mioro the d�te specifted In the tki�,,�f.snHiir;YtL�fhdek's optlon,
<br /> m�y d�cl�n all of the sums�ecured by this Deed ot 7tust to b�Immsdtatety dli�in�Mayl�p{�.wi�i�pµtti�rth�r d�mand
<br /> �nd may Irnola the por�r of�ale and�ny other rsm�di�s p�rmltted by�ppllc�Me Iwr.LendK NiaN b��ntitbd to coll�ct
<br /> �II��awn�b{�cosb and exp�ns�s incumed In punulnp the remedies providrd In this parpnph 17�inciudin�,but not
<br /> -- Iimited to,n�aor�able�ttomrys'iees.
<br /> If th�po+iwr af al�h Invok�d�7Yust�e ahall recoM s notice of default In e�ch county In which ths Prop�rty or some
<br /> ----- p�rt th�roolls locat�d and shall mail copies ot such notic�In th�m�nns�pro�cribed by�ppHeeble law to enmow�er end
<br />