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,. � .. � ���" . :: ._'��_._�_•.__�iA_. <br /> �! '. • . �.,_�--„-� , <br /> .. .., <br /> - •ry' ��~I`.��'f ��. ,�•# �'".�li�•�����`` ' a.,n..-. � <br />. . -. ��"'K-lY'�i��....�. _`"�^�' . .A, [u—_ ' _ —"'�:�•—•,• _ _ _ ..."".. <br /> _ <br /> . <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and ayree ae tollowe: �T� �����. <br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Prir�cipal�n�IntsrnNt.Barrower eheil promptly pay when due the principal e Tnte�e n oa <br /> evldenced by the Note and late charpea ae provlded In the Nnte, <br /> Borrower ehall pay to Londe� <br /> 2. Funds tor 41�xw�nd In�unnc�.3ubJect to eppllceble law or a written welver by Lender, <br /> on ths day monthly pAymenta of principel and inters�t are pAyable under the Nate,untll the Note ta pald In full,a eum(hersin <br /> "Funde")equal to ono-ta►�elith of the yea�ly taxea s�id eeaeesmente(innludlnp condominlum and planlfed unll d�evsb�h <br /> aedessmente,if eny)whlah mny ettaln prlority ov�r thle Qeed of 1�un,and yround ranta on the Property, y p �naurancs, <br /> of yearly premlum In�tallmenta for hezsrd Ineurance,plua onA•twelfth af yeerly premlum InetallmeMs tar mortpepe � <br /> If any,ell as reasonabiy eatimated Initlaily end from 1ln�e to t{me Gy�a 8„te ot Funde to Lender o he e ent h�ata�d r��e b� <br /> eatimat��thereof.Barrowar shall not be obllgeted to make euch paym <br /> such paymente to the holder ot a prior mortpage or deed of truet ii such hotder Ie an Instltutional lender. <br /> Ii Borrower paye Funda to Lender,the Funds ahall be hetd In an instftutlon the deposite or accountg of which are Ineured <br /> or puaranteed by a Fede�al or state egsncy(Including Lender tf Lender Is euch an institutlon�.Lender shall apply the Funds <br /> to pay sald taxes,asseasments,insurance premiuma and ground rents.Lender may not charge tor so holding and eppryfng <br /> the Funds,analyzing eald account orverNyiny and compiling ssid essessmenis and bflls.unl�sa L.ender paye Borrowerl�tereat <br /> on the Funda and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge.Borrower and Lender may agree In writing at tho time <br /> of execution of thia Deed of hust that intereat an the Funda shall be paid to Borrouver,and unless such agreement la made or <br /> applic�ble law requirea such interest to be paid,Lender shall nM be required to pay Borrower a�y Interest or earnings on the <br /> Fund a�nmeer ehall gi o`w��ch debltto the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as ddltions�l isecu�tytor thetsums <br /> Funds Pu� <br />• seaured by lhie I)eed of Trust. <br /> If the ameunt mf the Funds hetd by Lender,together wlth the future�iionthiy installments ot Fun�+s payable p►ior to the ue <br /> �iates of taxea.aseessments,insurance pramfums and ground rents,shsll exceed the amount re�ulred to pay eaid taxe+a, <br /> asseasments,insurance promiums and ground renis as iiiay lai��ua,�uch�x�°.•9!'a�!!'��At�orrower's aptlon�efther promPtlY <br /> repaid to 8orrower or credited to Borrower on monthly inst�llments of Funda If the amouM of the�r�aha payto lsnde► <br /> not be sufficient to pay taxes,assesaments,i�asurance premlums and ground renta es theyfall clue, <br /> any amount necessary to make up the deflcienoy in one or more payments as Ler�der may requlr�e. <br /> Upon payment In tull of all sume secured by this Deed of Trust,Lende1e��I�pW��At�uf����e�r er�,I Lander shal!apply; <br /> by Lender.if under paragraph 17 hereof the Properry la sold or the Praparty <br /> no later than Immedfately prior ta the sale of the Property or Ite acquisltion by Lender,any Funda held by Lender et the time <br /> o}applicatlon ee a credit against the aume eecured by this Deed of'�tust. <br /> 9. A�Ilcdlon o4 P�rll�nb.Unless applicable law p�•ovldes aherwise,all payments received by Lsnder und�x the Note <br /> and parsprapha a and 2 hereoi ehall be appiied by Lenatli ii�et in p"a3=iioRt 0?sma�nia RAyAhlw to Lender by Borrower under <br /> pa�a�raph 2 hereof,then to Interaat payabla an the Note,and then to the principal of the Note. <br /> ,. p�r�o�l�s�nd pwds of 7tu�t;CharpM;Lleni.Bo►rownr ehall perform all of BorrovMSr'e obllae�tlons undsr any <br /> mort�qs,deed of truet or other eecurity agreement with a Iten which haa priorfty over thia Desd ot TFuet,Includinp Bor►owsr'e <br /> cownenb to meks p�ymente when due.Borrower shall pay or cauae to be paW e��texea,asseasments and other charpa,Nnee <br /> end Impo�itiorm atributable to the P►op�ty+nrhtch may attain a priority o+rertnia Deed d'I�ust�and tea�ehold QaYmeMs a'9rou�d <br /> rerns,if e�ny. <br /> a. H��rd�nsun�.Borrower ehail ksep the Improvements now exlating or he�eaiter e�ected on the P�opsrty�neur <br /> age�nst Ioao by firo,hexeude included within the term"extended coverage", and such other hezards ae Lender may rsquiro <br /> end in such smounb and for such periode as Lender may require. <br /> The fnsurance canler pr4viding the Insu�ance shalt by chosen by Borrower subJect to approval by Lender;providsd,thet <br /> euch approval shall not be unreasonably wfthheld.All insurance policles and rene�xale thereof shall be in a form acceptabls <br /> to Lender nnd ahall Include a standard moRgage clause in tavor of and In a form acceptsble to Lender.Lender ehall have the <br /> right to hold ths pol�les and renewats thereof,subJect to the terms of any mongage,deed of trust or other aecurlty agreement <br /> with a Ilen wh�h hes prlority over thla Deed of 1Fust. <br /> In the event ot baa,Borrower shall give prom�t notice to the insurance carrier and Lende�i.ender may make proof oi losa <br /> It not made prompt�Y bY Borrower. <br /> If the Property(s abandaned by�orrower,or if Borrower fafls to respond to LAnderwithin 30 daya from the dete not�e is <br /> mailed by Lender to Eorrower thst the fnsu�ance carrier oftets to 3ettle a clalm tor insurance benetite,Lender Is autt�orized <br /> �o collect and applythe insurance proceedsa�lender's optbn ekherto restoration or repalr otthe Propertyortothe sums secured <br /> by this Deed of?Fust. <br /> 6. PnsKVation�nd M�Int�nsnc�of Propsrty�Le�holds�Condominlums:Pbnn�d Unit DevetoPm�nts.Bortower <br /> ehall keep the Propertyr�n 9ood repair and shall not commit waste or permit Impairment or deterioratfon of the Property and <br /> shali comply with the Frovisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust fs on a leasehold.If this Deed of TFuat la on a uNt in a <br /> condominlum or a plgnned unit development,Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obllgations under the declaratian or <br /> �nan�e c�eeding or qoverninq the condominium or planned unit developme�t,the by-laws end regulstiona of the condominfum <br /> or planned unit development,and conatituent documents. <br /> 7. prohction of Und�r's S�cu�ity.If Borrower tails to pertorm the covenants and agreemente contatned in this Deed <br /> — ot 1Fuat,or If any acticn or prxeeding is commenced which materislty affects Lender's Intereet fn the Property,then Lender� <br /> at Lendsr�a option,upon noti�to Borrowor,may make such appearances,disburse such sums,including reasonable attomeys <br /> ieea,and take auch actbn aa Is necessary to protect Lend�r's Intereat.If Lender required mortgage ineurance as a condition <br /> = until su'ch t me�as the requfreme�nt fores ch nsurancerrte minatespn atccordancewl h Borirrower eand Lender e�written ag iree� <br /> � OI'B�IIC8bl0 IflW. �.��__�,,,e�M� ,.,t�►.�ntornnt the Note�atA.ehall beoome <br /> ° Any smounte disbursea oy�ender pu►eiia��►��.���v�.�an...r�• •�••••••••• <br /> addftional indobtedneas of Borrower secured by thts Deed of'iFust.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, <br /> such amounts snall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requeating payment thereot.Nothing contafned in this <br /> -- paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any actlon hereunder. <br /> � 8. lnsp�ction.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entrles upon and Inspections of the Property,providad <br /> '�,,,j that Lender shall give Barrower notfce prior to any such inepectlon speelfying reasonable csuse thereior related to Lender's <br />,,:,+�� interest U the Properry. <br /> 9. Candemnetlon.The proceeds ot any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,In oonnection wfth any <br />�'� condemnatlon or other t�king of the Property,or part thereof,or tor conveyance in Ileu ot condemnation,are hereby essigned <br />-;;„� and shall be paid to Lender,aubject to the t�rma ot any mortgage,deed of trust or other security agreement with a Ilen which <br /> -_- has prlority over thls Deed of TPuat. <br /> ;�� <br />::,� PA(iE 2 <br /> t <br />