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_. . _ ��• <br /> l+� --�---'�--�. . . _._. _ . .::,: :�.F------�-�--�: <br /> .. • _ .�..•+`��'�!��.. .TJWw.1�+'.S�xi4..:,�_:_��...��.....,,._ -�-- ����S,�LJ_C: "'�` _ ..�.- ----- <br /> .� . .. . ..._... <br /> . . _. ...--- <br /> . .-. — <br /> . _ <br /> , ..;...._, ,�.,:-.--- <br /> .. . •7• F w . . . .. . .. ..... .. . . . ... :.---.: ---�.-, ,...-------� - <br />`a+.� <br /> .''�� ; ' Dorrowar may cure auch � del�utt end rolnat�ta �e provld�!d In p�re�r�h 18, by c�uaing the aaUon or proceedinq to ba <br /> :,__`, .,. <br /> , d{arr�U+esd wfth �n�Nnq th�t,In Lender'e poad i�fth determin�tlon, p�naktde�foNMlurs of the Bortower'e Interest h the P►�perty a <br /> . .,;g othx m�talal Impairma�l of the Ncn cre�ted by Ihls Security Incnumont or LendMe eacu•ity Intereat. Barrowa ah�Y�Ibo be In <br /> �,.:ti;� def�ult I} Bortuwer, dudnp ihe loen epplicntlon procees, gavo matrrlr�ly lntun o� innr.curnto Infoim�tlon or at�tasntnta ta Landa(or _ <br /> faNed to provide Lmder with any rr�txlal IntorrtMllon) In connecllon wfth lhp la�n evldenced by ihe Nate, I�cbulinp, but nat <br /> . ,,`,:� Nmftad to, rspressntaillona conceminq Borrowa's occup�ncy ot the Property ae ■ princlpal residence. 11 tlitt SecurNy <br /> Inatrument la on p le�sahold, Borrower eh�M com�ly wRh aN the pmvfafone of the lase. tl Oo►rowa acqu4en fae tttle to they <br /> � Propaty,lhs leaaehotd�nd the fee tHte sh�N not mape unleae LendeK�pn►ee t� Ihe merper Ir wrttfny. <br />`�:��•��� 7. Prot�ctlon of L,�nd�r's RI�hQs in th� P►oparty. II 8wrower IeNa to palorm the covnn�nto�nd�pre�mentt � <br /> ,K contdned In thia Secuiity Inatrument, or there la a legd procsedk�p thnt mny elpnHic�ntly ettect Lender'0 114�114 Itl llltl FhopertyM <br /> •= (auch �e�praceedir►g In b�nkruptcy, prob�te, tor conderrwiatlon or forfaiture or lo enforce Irwa or repulalkxis),ltien Lend�r mAy <br /> �'` do �nd p�y ta whatever Is neceesary to protect the vdue o1 the PrqpeHty md Lender'e rlghte In the Property. Lander'e �ctlont <br /> - �T"�r mey Includn paylnp eny suma aecured by � Aen whlch has pMprity over thls Security InstrumenL �pparcinp In cauA, p�yfnq <br /> reasonabk attomeys'tees end enterinq on the Properly to mpke rr.p�lro. Allhouqh Lender m�y tske�ctlon undnr thls par�q��ph <br /> - 7, Lender does not have to do ao. <br /> -� '�' My smounte disburoed by Lmder under paragraph 7 shall b�coma eddftional debt ot Bonowe► securexl by thla Security _ <br /> °�� Instrument. Untess Bortower and Lender egree to other tertns of pnymt►nt, those amounts ehall bar Intarest tram thv d�to 01 <br /> �., disbursement st the Note rete and shaN be payable,with hterest, upon notica hom Lender to BoROwer requnstinp p�yment. <br /> 8. MOltgago Insunnc�. I} Lendrr required mortqAflo innurnnae ao a c�nditlon ot making tho Ipan :ticured by thlo <br />- `c � Secudry Inatmmmt, BoROwer sheM pay the premlums requlred tu maUtaln tho mortgage Insurence In ettect. If, 1nr any roason,the <br /> '�-=��� mortpape insurance coverage requked by Lender lapses or ce�ae� to bo in ettoct, Bortowa shall pay the prc�rnluma raquked to <br /> ��_�� � obtaki covenpe substu►UsMyr es�uhralent to the martgage Insumnae prnvlauely fn effoct, at e coat subst�nttxrj aqukabnt to the <br /> � - cost to Borrowa of the morty�ye Insuronce prevbuay In etlnnt, irom sn aRamete mortg�ge inaurer �ppraved by l.onder. II <br /> -;-s`;�� substarttiaNy equNslent mortyage Insurance coverepe Is not avaNndk►,BoROwer ahatl pay to Lender eRCh manth +� aum eqwl to <br /> rno-tweifth of the ye�rfy mortgsge insurance premium being pa{d by Borrowa► when the Insunnce covenpe Inpsed or aased to <br />_;;�:<«;;;,;�,� be in ettect. Lender wWl eccept,use and reteki theae puym�nts na a Iasa reserve In Neu of morty�pe Innurnnae. LaBS reaerve <br />";,�;�'r'a� paymenta►n�y no longer be requMed,at the opUon o1 Lender, ft mortgage hsurence covenge (in the�mount�nd fpr the period <br /> ' �:�;� th�t Lendor requkos} provided by an Insurer CPFfOYEA t1y LQII(IfM BQalh becnmes�vaWbte�nd Is obt�Ned. Barrc�wer sh�ll pay <br />;r';.,� . <br /> ':i:''if the prert�luma requked to m�kiUh mortyaye Insurence In etteat, or to provide a lass reserve, untA tha requtremant for mortgage <br /> `"�;�::+ Inaur�nce ends In eccwdance wBh any written agreement betweon 8orrower end Lender or�ppYcabte law. <br />'�'-`�'�:�� 9. In�poctlon. Lendtr or its ngent rnay meke reusonabla entrle� upon and Inspections of the Propexty. Lender shaA glve <br /> �;'�,,;, Borrownr notice�t the tkne of a prfor to �n Inapeclion specityinp�easonahle aauee fw the InspecUon. <br /> - 10. COltd�mllatlon. Tho proceeda at Any awrrd nr clakn (or damapes,direct or consequenti�l,In �onnectlon wilh eny <br />-�,.s. condamnaUon or other takhy of eny pert of the property, or tar convrryence in Yeu ot condemnaUon, aro hereby asslgned end <br /> _�,,,,�, sh�ll be pdd to Lender. <br /> In the event of a totel t�kk�y ot the Proper4y, thA praceede shall be appNed to the sums oecured by thls Securky <br /> `•;:,� Inatrumant,whethx a not then due,wkh eny exceas pald to Bor�owa. In the evant ot s partial Ukiny of the Property In wh�h <br /> ii�e i:ii n�i:oi�:fua ci iha�''':cF:iy fmsrs�tc";b�ara :hs 2a�:p !^�ua!Q cr gr��ter !t!a� !h°_ ^.7l4'1RZ 4�tll4 S!f!!w R��iMt <br /> by thia Se<xuity inatrument krwnedistdy beforo the teWnp, unleaa 8orrower and Lender otherwt�e nyree in writinp, ths sums <br /> - secured by this Security Inatrumant ahsM be reduaed by the amaunt oi the praceeds mukipMed by the torowinp hactbn: (�)ths <br /> -- total amount ot the suma secured knmediaiely betoro the teklnq, divlded by(bl the talr muket value of the Propaiy kmbdiately <br /> ��1���' batoro lhe taking. My bal�nca ehall be pald to Borrower, In tho event of s partld taWng of tho Propaty fn whbh the fak rnukst <br /> ---°��� valua of ihe Property knmediatdy betoro the tekiny ia less thxn the amount of the sums sea�red hxnedistety betoro the t�kinp, <br /> - unless Bortower and Lender otherwiae agreo in writing or uninas eppNable I�w atherw�se provldea, tha proceeds ah�N be <br /> nppNed to 1he sumn eecured by thl3 Securlty Inatrummt whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Properiy Is abandoned by 8orrowar, ar fl, atter notice by Lender to BoROwor that the condemnor otters to m�ke an <br /> award or aettie � d�Mn iw dam�gea, Bortower fsfls to respond to Lender withh 30 daya afte�the d�tc 1ha noUce la phren, <br /> Lender Is authorized to coNect�nd �ppy the pracaeds, at ita aptian, ekher to rostondon or rep�k o1 the !'ropeity or to the <br /> aums secured by th(s Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> " Unhss Lendcr and BorrowK othsrwise agree in wriW�g, any �ppllcatlon of proce�ds to prk�dpal eh�A not exle�d or <br /> � poatpone the due dnte of the monthy paymente reterred to In puaQ�epha 1 a�d 2 or chanye the�mount of such payrr�enb. <br /> ; 1 t. Bnrrower Not R�I�awd; Fa►bearana� By I.�nd�r No! a Waiv�r.Excenston of the ilma for p�yment w <br /> �, mod'Alcalbn of amorttratlon of the eums aecured by ihis Securfly Inotrument granted by Lender to my suoaesaor in Interest of <br /> -----� Bortowcr sh�ll not opende to relense the N�bility of the odQhnl Bormwe►or Bortowere succesaora In intereat, Lender ahdl not <br /> bs requksd to cortrnence proceedinys �p�inet any auccessar In Intomat or reluae to extend tkns ta payment or othstwlee <br /> madly emo►UzRtlon of the euma secured by thla Securfty Inetrument by reaaon of�ny demmd made by the otipk�al Bortower or <br /> Bortowab succesaoro k► Interost. My for6earenae by Lender in exerGsing any Mght or remedy sh�M not b� a w�ivar of or <br /> � preclude the exsrdse of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Succ�ssors snd Assigns Bound; Joint and S�v�ral Uabllity; Co-slgn�n. Tha covenuita snd <br /> agreema►ts ol this Security InaWmont sh�p bind and beneflt tho suoceasoro �nd aeslyns of Lender�nd Borrower, subJect to the <br /> provlabna of p�nyraph 17. Bartowx's covenmta and ayreemente shRN be joint and several. My Barower who caalyns this <br /> Security Instrument b�rt doea not execute tha Nota: (a) la eaalgning this Securtly Inatrument ony to mortyape,prent end convey <br /> that Borrower's interost Mi the Rropetty under the terms of thlt Securfty Instrument: (b) Is not pusonaNy obYg�ted to pay the <br /> �uma secured by thla Secwity Instrument; end (c) agrees ih�t Lender end any other Barower rt�y�pree lo extend,modNy, <br /> Iorbeu or m�ke any nccornnod�Uona wkh regud to the terms of thls Security Instrument or the Note wHhout th�t Borrower's <br /> consent. <br /> - 13. Loin Cll�l'g��. 11 the loan secured by thls 3scurity Instrument Is subJect to a I�w wh�h sets maxkrwm loan <br /> -- cherges, and thnt law Is finaHy fnterpreted so that the Interest or other loan ch�rges coRected or to be coNected in connection <br /> wkh the loan exceed the perrnitted Ymits, then: (a) eny such loan charge ahall be reduced by the amount aecessary to roduce <br /> — the charge to the pertnitted Nmit; and (b) eny sums elready collected ftom Borrower which exceeded pemVttod limite wfq be <br /> '- <br />