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...t~� - .,. � .'� _.._�:.. <br /> � r....rao- - _'_-.. ---" -----°_ . <br /> ,.- • ..: . . .. _ __ - — --- <br /> � � eU�`� • '..i - r.,�,,..,.n►� 1 .. .. .. . r . .. .— . .�w.�+.........�-�--------- <br /> •1 s��'�3..%-'7'�a� ''11f:�aJ/ <br /> t .. �1!.IH�..i`�� .4".we, . .. . . ... . . <br /> . . � ± <br /> 1 • <br /> ` �� ' TOQETHER WITH �II the Improvemanta now or here�Rer encted on the property, md �M e�sementa, �ppurtenancsa, �nd <br /> . 4Y� Ilxxtun� now or hwe�ItN�pArt of th� property. N repl�cam�nls and�ddfllone ehall�lso b� covered by thla 3ecurfry Inetrumenl. <br /> p ;� � All u1 Ih�forepolnp la rel�rr�d to In thla Securfty InslrumeM�a the 'Property" __ <br /> .. ,� BONROYVEFI CQVENANTS th�l Bortower la I�wfulry anized of ihe aetste hereby convey�d �nd htn Ihe rlpht to prant md �; <br /> convey the PropaRy �nd th�t the Propaty le u�eneumbered, axcept tor sneumbrence9 0l ncord. Borrower wartents and will :s�.a�= <br /> •�� daland penunM�ih�INIe to the Property�pa�nst a�N clalms �nd dem+�nde, aubJecl to �ny encumbr�nces ot rer.ord. — <br /> ' '� THI9 3�GURITV IN97RUM�NT combin�e untlo►m covenAnt� lor natlon�l ue� �nd non•untturtn covmants wilh Iknited � <br /> .. i � � <br /> : � vuiatlons by Juriedictlon to conetitute� unifortn sewrttY�nr�trument coverinp re�l prnpnAy. _ <br /> " UNIFQHM COVENAhTS. Bortowa end lertde corenant�nd ayrea �e foAowa: <br /> a when <br /> 1. P�ymant of Prinolp�l and Int�r�d; Pr�p�ym�nt�nd Lnt� ChMrq�s�Bonower ahall promptly p y <br /> uun tlie Prtnctpal 01 un� Intcreat on tha debt evidenced by the Note end eny prepeyment�nd lete charyes due under the Note. �_ <br /> , ,�' 2. Funds tor T�x�� �nd Insurall0�.S�aJect to �pplicable law or to a written wwer bY Lender l3orrowcr shr.11 pay� �^_ <br /> to l.ender on the day monthly paymenta �re due under the Note. until the Note le pald In full, a sum ('Funds") lor: (�) yea►tY <br /> �� taxea rnd oasesamenis whlah may �tt+�in pdority over tM� Securlry Instrumant es a Uen on the Property; (b) �OApd Insurance <br /> paymente or ground renta on the Property. H any, (c)yearty hazard or propeAy Insurance premiums; (d) yearty <br /> � - M � premluma, If my; (e)yearty mortq�ye insurance prcmlums, H any;end ( eal suranceParemlum�BThese Iteme ntle cailedc Esc ow <br /> with tha provlaions ot peragraph 6, In Ileu of the psyment of mortgag P <br /> i � Itema.' Lender may, nt �ny time, coNect end hdd Funds In en emount not to exceed the maxlmum emounl e lender tor a — <br /> federelly rNated mortgetga loan may requlrb for Barower's escrow accounl under the fedoral Reai Estate Serilement Procedures <br /> Act of 1874 aa amended frorn tlme to time, 12 U.S.C. �2601 et aeq. ("RESPA"), unless enother law that eppfles to the Funds <br /> � sete n lesaer amount. N so. Lender tnaY. at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excead the Iesser amount. <br /> Lender may estlmate the amount o1 Funds due on tha basls ot current data and reasoneble estimates of expendltures of tuture <br /> Eecrow Items or othawlse In accordance wRh appGcabb law. ���p <br /> �� • �•" � Ths Fund� ahaN be hNd In en InstRutlon whose deposfta nro Msured by e federal agency. Inetrumentaitty� or enttlY( <br /> " • Lendar. H Lender Is auch sn InstRuUon) or In any Federnl Home Loan Bank. Lender ahN� �PPN the Funds to pay the Esctow <br /> �i• the Funds, ennualy an�lyiing the escrow sccount. or verHyfn9 <br /> . � items. Lender rt�eY noi charge Bortower tor holdiny and appying N�ti,Q �w ermlts Le�ida to make auch a _ <br /> tl� Eacro • Items. untess Lender paya Bortower IntaeB o�^�t�e char9e Tar anPindependentPreal estate tax re�+orting e�xvice <br /> `,�: � charge. However, Lender rtwy requlre Borrower�o P�Y icable I�w provldes otherwise. Unless an egreement Is made or <br /> � � � used by Lender in connection wUh thls loen, unless appl <br /> . �,;:�, •; epplicabla kw requires Interest to be pald, Lender shaN not be required to pay Dortower sny intaest or eemings on tha Funds. <br /> .;�..N�, <br /> y �� wNhou chnrgeL md n w� eccounUngwofn h Funds*sho8w�ng ueeditahalnd debRad t nthe Funds andethe purpoae fortwhich e�h <br /> '`"�".�� debk to the Funda was made. Tho Funds �ro pkdged as ndditlonel securEty tor ell surns secured by the Secu�ity Inswment. <br /> ;�.�.:'_;. <br /> ;.;�,;�� f If the Funds hdd by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be heid by appWcable law, Lender shaA account to 8ortower <br /> _`:+.� for tha excess Funds In accordence wRh the requkements ot appHcaEle law. if the amount o( the Funds held by Lendor st any <br /> -_`-��. Yrne is not sutticlent tu pay lhe Escrow Iterns when due, Lender may so notHy Borrower in writing, end, in such case Botrower <br /> ---`=� shell pay to Lender the�mount necessary to m�ke up the deNclency. Borrower shall make up the defldency In no moro than <br />- ��`�''� twelvo monthly payments,at Lender's sole dacrelbn. <br />,�;:;;:,•,, <br />��r�:.,y;;,�a Upon payment In 1uA ot aN sums secured by thle Security Instrument, Lender shsq promptty relund to Borrower any Funds <br /> � -" hdd by Lender. It,undx para9rrP� Z�. La�d�s��="^s���t��' "'�'rhn Property. Lender, prlor to tha ecqulsftlon or s�le of the <br /> -��� � ,`� Property, aha0 �pp1y any Funds held by lmde►d the time of acqulsftlon or sale as a credit agelnat the sums oecuretl by tnis <br /> js.`;-:�; :,� <br /> -�fR`,^A'� ';� $QW�I�I131iU111Ef1�. <br /> �:�*i�;.;V�,� , 3, Applie�tlon of Paym��ta. Unless applicable law provides otherwiso, sil p�ymer►ts recelved by Lender un a <br /> _�- ��"'�� paregrephs 1 and 2 shd be applied: Arst,to any prepAyment charpes due under the Note; second,to amounts payabie under <br /> `�- � paragraph 2; thkd,to interest due;tauRh, to prindpae d i��d ssessment�ch ges e flnes xnde ImposfUooa atdibutable to the <br /> -:?•�',� 4. Charg�s; L.I�ns. eorrower snaM p�y <br /> "'` - �° Property which may�ttdn pdotity over this 3ecurlty Instrument,and leasahald payme�ts or ground rents, H any. Borrower sheY <br /> -����i pay these obligatlons tn the manner provlded In pangreph 2, or If not pald In that manner, Boaower shall pay them on Gme <br /> _ --— an�yrapth.t It Borrower makos ytheae paymenU dlrccUy�B no ower15 ha/ promptty�ffumishe to f Lender recelpta ev dencfng t'e <br /> --���� paymente. <br /> - - Borrower shatl promptly dlscharge any Yen whtch hsa priorlty over thls Securfty Instrument untess Bortower: (a) ayrces In <br /> � wrftkig to the payment of the obllgaUon secured by lhe Hen In a manner ecceptaWe to Lender; (b) contests In gaod fakh the <br /> ��'j Ilen by, or detends agalnst enforcement ot the fen In. legal pr�ceedlnps whlch In the Lender's opinlon opente to prarent the <br /> ��,� entorcement of the Aen; or (c) securos trom the holder o1 the Ilen an ngrelemenb s�n��t�ioa�u�twhlchdtnsy sttsln prlortlYhover th�� <br /> �� thls Security Instrumen�If Lender detarmMes thn any part ot the Property 1 <br /> - Securily Instrument,Lender may phre Botrowe��notice Idmtitying the Nen. BaROwer shaN s�Usy the Ilen or Lke one or more of <br /> ��� the acdons eet torth above wfthln 10 days of the givinp of nollce. <br /> ��� 5. H�zard or Prop�rty �naut�nc�.Bortower shall keep the knprovemente now exlsting or hereaftor erected on the <br /> -�a Prope+ty Innured ag�k�at loss by fire, hazards Included wfthln the term 'extended covengn" und any other hazords, (ndudinp <br /> tloods or 11oo�nfl,for whlch Lender requlres insurance. Thls Insurence shaN bo malntelned In tho emounts nnd tor the perlode <br /> � tl�at Lender requkes. The Insunnce cartler pravldinp the Insurence shap be chosen by 9orrower subJect to Lender's �pprovd <br /> ����� whlch sh�M not bo unrceson�bly wlthheld. II Borrower faNs to mrintei{n covar+9e descdbed ebove, Lender m�y, at Lender'e <br /> -- —� optlon, obtaln coverage to protent Lender's dghts in the Property In ncconience wkh paRgraph 7. <br /> "-'"� - All Insurence poAdes and renewnls shall be acceptuble to Lender and shaN fndude a stendard mortysge cl�use. Lender <br /> - sh�q have the riyht to hold the pollcles end renewals. If Lender requfres, Bortower shall promptly glve to Lender aN recofpts oT <br /> ��_�'- peld premluma nnd renewal notfces. In the event ot bss. Bortower shall glve prompt notfce to the Insurence c�rtier and Lender. <br /> -° l.ender mey make proof of losa if not made prompiry by Borrower. <br /> ---- — = Unlesa Leader end Bortower otherwfse agree h wrNln9. Insursnce proceeds ahaA be�pplled to restoratlon or repalr of the <br /> Property dama9ed,H the rest�retlon or ropalr Is economlcally feaslble end Lender's secu►iry Is not lessened. It ihe restoraUon or <br /> --�� rcpaM is not economlceMy teaslble or Lender'a secwfly would be lessened,tha Insurance proeeeds BhaH be applled to the sums <br /> -$`�"�.��� secured by thls Secudty Instrument, whether a not then due, wRh any excess pafd to Bortower. It Bnrrower abandons the <br /> '�`'��'�� Propetty, or does not enswer wlthln 30 deys e noUce from Lender that the Insurance carrler hns ottered to settle a clalm, then <br /> - = Lender mey collect the Insurance proceeds. �ender may use the proceeds to repalr or restoro the Properry or to pay sums <br /> ._��,x�,��� - securod by thla Security InaVument,whether or not then due. The 30�dsy paiod wHt begln when the noUce fs gtven. _ <br /> Ncstlon of roueds to princfpal ahaN �ot extend or <br /> --.�rYt��s Unlesa Lender �nd Borrower othenvlse ��ee In wrttlnp. any apP P <br /> ��"^`^^�s� postpone the due date of the monthry paymeets rd�xred to fn paragrephs 1 �nd 2 or change the amount of the payments.If <br /> xred <br /> -o„�,.��� under parsgraPh 21 the PropeAy Is ecquked by Lender, Bortower's dpht to eny Insurance poNcles and proceeds reswting 1rom <br /> dam�ge to the Property prlor to the acqulsltbn shall pasa to Lender to the extent of the sums by thla Security InaWmant <br /> �--"r:.�.- - ImtnediRtNy pdor to the scqulsiUon. �_�,__ ..s •� o.�,..�.a.• Rnrrma�r'a Loan <br /> --'•r'�:'•T:.' 6. Occup�ncy, Pros�rvatton, nii�ini�nan�� ana r<<+a�.uv.. +.. ...� .-r-'-s• ---•---- <br /> -:-s.a;�a•�.�"` . Applte�tlon; Laasahold�. Bortower shal occupy, estsbllsh, end use the Property es Bortower's princlpal resldence wkhfn <br /> --�„��. _. �i; �; � slxty days after the executlon ot thls Security Inslniment and shall contlnuo to occupy the Property es Borrower's princfpsl <br /> � �; resldence for at least one year atter the date ol occupaney, unless Lender otherwisa agrees In wdting, whlch consevit shall not <br /> -=;.3"��`.'�,`� be unreesonabty withheld,or untess extenuating clramstences exlst whlch are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not <br /> ��'���'•; desiroy,damage or Impalr the Property, ellow Ilie Property to dMeriorete, or commtt waste on the Propeity. Bortower shall be In <br /> � • •. defauR H any fortetture actlon or proceeding, whcather clv{I or criminal,Is b�gun that In Lendei s good falth Judgment could result <br /> ��',,,.' • In toHelture ot the Prope+ty or othe+wlse mate�lily Impalr the Ilen created by thls SeCUrity Instniment or Lender's security Interest. <br /> ; � .,,� y"�/j <br /> . . ��_L'_.�� r <br /> �• t� � <br /> .r � J <br /> .��,;yj;;.:�.. Ft3t6.�M�(�/97l Papc 7 0�5 <br /> __:� �H. :.y._ _:`j,�, . <br /> > K-; y'.N,i'.�.h'. <br /> t <br /> 9��89 <br /> �- ...-...�_..._...., <br /> --.._,__ ._ ._. . . <br /> --------.�._.�— <br />