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<br /> ' TO(iETHER W1TH all the improvements now or herenfcer erected on the properry,end all easements,appunenances, and —
<br /> fiatutes now ot Gereafter a part of the property. All replacemer�ts and actditions shall also be covered by this Securtty
<br /> Inst►ument. Ail of the foiegoing ia refenod to in this Security Instrument as the'Pcoperty.'
<br /> BORROW6R COVHNANTS thnt Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and �
<br /> convey the PropercY and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Bonower warrancs and will
<br /> defend generally the title to the Property agatnst aU clalms and demands, subJect to any encumbrances uf record.
<br /> THIS SECUR[TY INSTRUMENT combinea unlform covenants for nAtional use and non-uniform wvenents with limited
<br /> varf�tions by Judsdiction to canstttute p uniform secudty inatrument covering retl property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower�nd Lender cavenant and�grco R� follows:
<br /> 1. Pwyment ot�rine[pa1 rnd Int�raK; Prep�ymcnt aed I.�te CluirYa• Borrower �hRll promptly p�y whan due the
<br /> principal ot ancl interest on the�kbt evldenad by the Note�nd�ny{�reP�ymsnt md l�te chxraes duc under the Note.
<br /> Z. E�[ar Tiuca�ad Iawr�nce. sub�a� co App►icAbte I�w or to a wdtten walver by I.ender,
<br /> Borrower�hali pay to
<br /> I,cnder on thc d�y monthly p�yment��re due under the Note,uncil the Notc ie p�id In fi�ll,�sum("Fund�")tor:(�)yt�rly tua
<br /> �nd�useuments which m�y att�in prlority over thii Securicy Instrumenn urancien remium�P(d yeuly�tic�od i euu�nce ppemiumatb
<br /> or�round renu on tha Property.It�►ny;(c)yearly hazard or propertY 6ur.�s a �ble b ibrrower to i.ender, in�ccord�nce wlth
<br /> If Ny; (e)yeuly moRQ��e insuru�ce prcmlumr, if�ny;and(��Y V Y Y
<br /> tho provisioni of pRr��rapl� 8, in lieu of the�ay►ncnt of martgage ia+urance Prcm�um°•'�'hese ltems are ca+lled'Escrow[tems " .
<br /> Leader nuy, u any ttme. callect uid hold Funda in aa amo�tt� nw�o �x��0���um °n"°°°� a lender for a feder�lly
<br /> rel�tal roort��ge loan may requin for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Re�l Esute Setdement Procedw�a Act of
<br /> 1974 sa uneadod from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectton 2601 er seq,("RESPA'),unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may, st any timc. colixt and hold Funda in an amo►mt not to exceed the leaser unount•
<br /> Leader uu►y estimate tha aznount of Funds due on the basis of curreat data and reasonable estimatea of eapenditures of futufe
<br /> Escrow Items or othecwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be hetd in an institution whose deposlts are insured by a fodcrai ngency. instcumen[aliry, or entity
<br /> (iacluding L.ender,if Lender is such an iustltution)or in aay Federal Hume Loan Bank•Lender shall epply the Fnnds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.I.ender muy uot charge Bomower for holding and applying►he Funda� ��le Iawlperang u L�endle�r o mtke tsuch
<br /> yadfying the Escrow Items.unless L.endor paya Borrower interest on the Funds a�nd app
<br /> a charge.However. I.endcr muy��+��°�•�'^=r=�F�;�Qne-time ehatge fot an iAdtpesdent real estate ta7c tepotting se[viee
<br /> used by Leader in connxtion with thls�loan, unless applicable l4w provides othorwise. U»Icss en agreement ia made or
<br /> applicable law requites intenst to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower az►y intcrest or earninga on the Funds.
<br /> Botrower aad Leader raay agree in wri�ir►8� tiowever, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Bomower,
<br /> without charge. an annual accowrtin8 of the Funds, showing crodits and debits to the Fuads az►d the puipose for which each
<br /> deblt to tha Funds was made.The Fi�nds are plalged as additioaal securiry for ell sums secured by this Secunty InstNment.
<br /> If the Fuads held by Lender excxd tha amounts permitted to be held by appNcable law,Lend�r shul account to Borrower
<br /> for the eacess Funds in accordance With the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Fuads held by L�enda�t any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay thc Escmw Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.And,in suGh ceae Borrower
<br /> �h�ll pay to Leader the unount necessary to malce up the defici�ncy. Borrower shall malce up t6e deficiency ia no mure thrm
<br /> twalve moathly pAyuxnts� at L.ender's sole discretion. _
<br /> Upon p�►yu�nt in full of all sums secund by this Secudty Inst�ment, I.ender ehall promptly nftwd to Borrower any
<br /> Fuads held by L.ender.If, under paragraph�1�L,ender shell acquin or sell the Property,Lender,pr�or to the acquisitioa or sale
<br /> of the Propercy.sh�ll apply any Funds hetd by Lcnder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the suma secured by
<br /> thia Security In�trument.
<br /> 3.Appikatbn o[Pwymenta.Unless applicable law provides othenvise,�11 payments nceived by Lender under pacagr�phs
<br /> 1 az►d 2 shall be applied: flrst.to any prepayment chazges due under the Note; second,to azaounts payAble uuder psuagr�ph 2;
<br /> third�to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any lau charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Char6e�i 1����• ��Wer shall pay all taxes,assessmente,ch�rg�s,fines and imposidons attributable to the Property
<br /> which may att�in pdorlty over this Security Inatrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligadons in the manner pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not pdd in that manner.Bonower shall pay them on time dirxtly
<br /> ro tho persoa owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Leader all notices of amounts[o be paid uttder this parngraph.
<br /> if Borrower makes these paymenta direcdy.Borrower shall pmmpdy furaiah to Lender rece[pts evidencing the paytnenta.
<br /> Barrower shall pmmpdy discharge any lien which hav prtor{ry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrxs in
<br /> wdting to the paycneut of the obligation secured by the tien in a maaner acceQtable to i.cnder; (b)wntests in good faith the lien
<br /> by. or defenda against enforcement of the lien in, legal procadings which in the I.ender's opinion nperate to prevent the
<br /> enforcemenc of the lien;or(c)sxures from the holder of che lien an agceement satisfactory to Lcnder aubordinating the liea to
<br /> this 3ecuriry Instrument. I.I.ender determines that any part of the Property ts subject ta a lien whieh tnay attaln prtority over
<br /> �h{S ��riry Instrumont, Lender may give Borrower a notice ideutifying che lien.Borrowcr shall satisfy thc lien or take one or
<br /> mon of the act[ons set forth above with[n lU days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 9/
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