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<br /> prir��MMIO�w1t pf tlt�IrNlNk�dnM�NCUr�d by thh Daed ot Tniat,noi Including sums advanced to p Eict d jsecurity o�t tht�Dsed of
<br /> �N�f,���q��������n,�S 16 0 ,0 0 0.0 0 ,whlchever i�s greater.
<br /> 1E.MKo�MAn�ew�Ntovi�lon�.
<br /> ����q�t o w�r�l e�1 1�{�s�d,�x l�n a o n o(t h s q m e f o r p a y rn e n t o r modlflcaUon o4�mortlzaUon oi the eums secured by th4
<br /> Qwid of Tnnt qnMtbd by Under to�ny auccesacx In Interest oi Borrowe�shall not oparate to retease,In any manner,the IIabIIM
<br /> ty oi thp prlpkwl 9ormw�r and Barcaw�'e eucx.eaaors in Interest. landar shall nnt be required to commencs procesdlnqs
<br /> ap�ln��Rur,h Ruac�wr a nfuu W�xtsnd dme for peyment a ntherwlse modlfy emort(zatlon oi tha euma eecurod by thb
<br /> pNd pl Tn►�t by n�wn al�ny dnrnand�mede by the original Borrower and Borrowera successors in intarea�
<br /> (p���d�'�l�pwen,WHtauf�flsctk►g Ihs Ii�bflity ot eny other peison Ilabie tor the payme�t of eny oblipatbn 1►ersM m�n�
<br /> tlwMd,and withaut�tf�cting the Iien or cherqe oi thla Deed ai Trust upon eny portion of the PmpeRyr not then or tfi�retMoro
<br /> n1eANd p Mcu�ily(a IM tull omount of eN unpald obllgetlans,Lender msy,from time to Ume and wJGwut notice(Q release
<br /> any pe►san eo Il�bt�,(H)ext�M ths metu►tty or Mter eny ot the terms af any auch obllgadona,(IH)grant dher indulpsnas�,{hr)
<br /> rolsa�e a noonwy, a c�un�to bu niened or reconveyed et any lime at Lenders optbn any percel,portbn or atl of the
<br /> Property,(v)t�k�or hl�any other or�Gditkmel eecuriry tor any obligadon hereln manUo�ied,or(vi)make compoaltbns or
<br /> alher err�np�menb wHh cNbtcxn In nl�don tl�ereto.
<br /> (a)Fa�b��rana by l.�ntN�No!�Walwr.My torbearanr.e by Lender In exercising Any�ight or romedy herounder,or ottr
<br /> erwise effcmkd by�ppNc�ble law, sh�ll not bs a walver of or preclude the exerolse ot any such r1�ht o�remedy.The procun�
<br /> ment of Ineurana or tM p�ym�nt of taxss a oQ�er Ilens or charpes by Lender ahail not be a waivar or Lender's ripht to ecs:eler-
<br /> aM thN mAturity of th�Ind�W�dn�u NCUred by thls Deed oi Tnret
<br /> (d)IW�atson�d As�iy�q eaunc9;Joint�nd�wral Ll�bllity;Captbns.The cove�ants-ar+d aproements hersin oon�
<br /> Vin�d uhsN bind, �nd tM ripAb h�nur►d�r�hall Inuro to,fhe reapective auccessors and assigns ot Lendar end Trustor.AM
<br /> cavonante end ayresment�of Trustor ehell bA Jolnt and sevaral.The captlons And headings oi the paragrephs oi thle Deed ot
<br /> Truei sn for conv�ni�ncr only rnd an not to be used to interpret or deflne the proviaians hereoi.
<br /> (�)RMt�t tor NoHc�,1'►M parWt ftweby roqueat that a cap�of any natice af defauit hereunder a�d e copy ot•any notice
<br /> d pl�Mnundar b�mall�d to��ch party to this Desd at Trust at lhe addresa set forth above in the menner proscdbed by
<br /> sppltc�bi�i�w.Except for rny Wt�r notlr.a requked unde�-sppfkabfe law to bo givan ln anott►►er manner,any nMlce pro�vlded tor
<br /> in thb DMd of Tnnt shaH bs Qlvon by malNrp euch notice by certifled mail addreasod to the other paKiee, at Ihe addross aet
<br /> io�th�bow.Any n�tios provfdeA 1br In thb Deed of Trust shail be eftective upon malling in the manner designsted hsrotn.H
<br /> Trustor Is moro than one psreion,nollce sent to the addresa set torth abave ehall be nallce to all such persons.
<br /> (Q N�sp�flon.L�n�Mr rr�y m�k�o�cauN to b�mrde rsaeonable entdes upon and Inspsatio�u oi ths Property,provid�d
<br /> th�t Und�r�hoN piw Truttor notic�pdor to�ny such Inapection specltying reasanable cauae therefa rel�ted lo LerKbr's k�lsr-
<br /> �t in Ih�Prop�rty.
<br /> (�)R�conwy�ncr.Upon pwym�nt M eM wma secured by thls�eed ai Tnn�t,Lender shall requeet Truatee w reca►vey the
<br /> propwty�n�shaU wa�nd�r thls DNd of 7rutt and ell notes evidencins indebtednesa secured by thle Oeed ot Truat to
<br /> 7rusb�.Tn»tN Rh�ll r000nwy tM Prop�rty. wNhout warranty and without c.harge 3a the peraon or peraons IegeMy entltled
<br /> tl�►eb.Tvu�lor�h�M p�y NI oo�b d noord�tbn�H�ny,
<br /> �h�r�w�prop�rty��ouyly Ap�M, �y�d�lNior�l secutity tor the payment of the No"a, Truabor hsreby aranb
<br /> LendK uodK tl�Pl�braka Unf�or�m CommKClal Coc1�a secu�ity Intereat in all flxiures,equipment,and otNer personel propsrty
<br /> �.�������.at.M ex�uwr��nta ler�ted�ereon,and nat othenvise deGared o1�deert�sd to bs�psrt d
<br /> tlw rnl�Ncurod henby.'fhl�In�tniment�hall bu oonstruod ss e Securiry Agraement undar eald Code.and ths Lender
<br /> �fwll h�w aN fh�rfphb�d iwnsdiM d a wcund piuty uncler eWd Code in addttian•ta the rights and�emedies<�+wlsd und�r
<br /> �nd�a�onMd tM L«ttlsr punuent to tl�ls D�sd of Tnnt; provid�d that Lende�e rlghta and remedies under thb parapr�pf►sFwN
<br /> b�cumulaqw with,�nd In no w�y�Iknitafbn on,Lwxls�'�ri�hb and remediee under any other sscudly a�nbrtbnt s{prx�d by
<br /> Bornrwr or TrutEOr.
<br /> (1)LMm�nd EnoumbrirfeM.Tn�lw hK+�by wKnrib�red rrpr�b thet thera fs no deiauft undeK the provldo��of�►y
<br /> maipp�,d�od o1 tn�tt,Iws�or pur�w ooMn�e!d�seribinp�II or�y paR oi tt►e�Ptapsrty.Ar otlier oo�hsct.instrurr�nt or
<br /> p�wn�nt oorNqlutlnp�INn or��k�II or �ny p�rt of the Prc�arty•(snNsctively,'Liera7�exialinp p of Ih�
<br /> �w mi.aed a rn,.�,�nd th�t�ny�nd dl�xlatkp LNns�M unmodifled�xoept.as disclosed to l.ender in Trus�a's wdt-
<br /> ten dl�clo�urs of Ilsn��nd �ncumbr�na�provid�d for berNn. Trustor ahall timaly perfarm pll ot Truator's oblbatfon�,
<br /> cownrnb,np�nbiqons�nd wam�ntl�uncfor�ny�nd NI �xkNnp snd tuwro Liens.aFK►N Prort��rtly tcxw�rd to Ler�oopi�
<br /> ol�II notfcM M cNhuk Nnt M aorwMCtlon wNh�ny�nd�A�xit�rp or tutum Llsna,and�hsll nat whlxxil LaKler's pdor wrMbn
<br /> oa�►t In�ny m�nr�modKy Ihe pro►Aslora of or�Ilow�nY fuqw sdvanoes urxbr sr�Y�xlsUnp o!`fulure Ils�.
<br /> U)MiP�MM��'+�y�nb,llnlaa olh��nqulnd by I�w.wma paid ta f.irxlc�fiasuncbr�indudkq witF�out NrnMatlon
<br /> L�erK�br�o tl►�m�dtw snd stowN�p fu8��i�nd�Borrower In sud�order e� �nder Ir��ol�dNcrofioc�deen»d�sir�
<br /> aW�,
<br /> (k)iwKrWlty.lt�ny provNk�af fi'.�t?Md o/TnN1t oon4Nea wilh�ppNcAbl�law or is dedared 7n�vaYd a olhsrwrM�un�-
<br /> fora�bl��wch oaMNct a knrMWity�heM not alhat IM olh�► qovl�lon�of thh Dssd o�i Trust w Ytw NoM wl�ich pn b�piwn
<br /> eff�Ct wMha�t tl�conf lic.ik�p provisbn�end b fhb Md Mt�prwvMbns o(ihM Deed of Tn�t.and 8he Not�•�rs declaned to bs sev
<br /> ereble.
<br /> (n T�nN.TM 1etm�'TrusEO�"�fd'Horroww'ah�N fnClud�botll eklp��and plurel,end uNten�the 7'�wltor and 8orm�wor M�s
<br /> 1he ee�r�e nersa�ce)�H,o�e cerrn.�s u�a In nd.o..d or rni.t rh�N b��nterd,anpeable.
<br /> (m)Oown�inp Law.Thb D�sd W Tn�t�haM b�pov�m�d by Ifw Iww of ths State oi Nebraska.
<br /> t Trulbr hes ex�ait�d fhis pA�d i�1 Trtnt ns W d1�d�►�vwkMn�bow.
<br /> �
<br /> f •
<br /> .iie� Buck. Huaband TNS� - TfuetOr
<br /> _ _ , �
<br /> . �
<br /> M�/� . � i o
<br /> L i n d a B u c k, il i f e Tn�tot Tn�stor _.
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