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Y�S�'.')ri;�'��'';�,:";� ..; c.,:. .L��f'+��"'"m'it"_' , ... .,. � <br /> , i.�-�4��c :xt .- , . .sva,twr-�.ip. �r� � _. <br /> ?,f f {}jK>��;t <br /> ..r�..— <br /> "�4{f-r'�I��Cy'� .C'...�.�' " ., ." ' �t!•1 �•�:'k t -��..+, <br /> ` _ . i .. 7 _'JL�ry~�',3)i'__. <br /> .� �Q4�5� <br /> •Proceeds')In connection wllh condemnalion or othar teklnp oi lhe Propedy or pert thereof,a for co��nco N►u o condemnatk�n• <br /> Lender�shell be entitled at(ts option Qo commence,oppesr In end p�osxute In Ite own name eny ectlon rx procoedin�e,e�nd ahali elso <br /> be entitled to make any cornpromise or settlement In connectlon with euch takinp or damafle.In the evsnl any lio►11qn�I th*Properly la <br /> sa tekan or damaged, Lender ahetl have th�opHon In Ite sole and ebsolut�dlacretlon, to epply all �uch prncesd�, aRtK deductinfl <br /> theMirom ell costs end exRenses Incurred by it In connectlon wlth auch Proaesds,ulxm eny InAeblednsss Nuued h�rabY and�h� <br /> order as Lender may determine,or to apply ell euch Proceade,efter euch dnductlone,to th�re�torellan ol lh�Property Pa+� <br /> ditions aa Lender may d�t�rmine.Any eppllcatlon of Prc�ceeds to irxl�btednes�sludl nat ext�nd a{x»Ipor►�th�du�dala o(#ny pay� <br /> ment�unde�r the P1ote,or cura any deldult thorou��der or hareunder.Any unapplled tuncle shflll bes pelA to Tru�ta <br /> 8.P��formanc�by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrence of en kvent oi Def�ult i�ereunct�r,ur i!any«ct la lakCn or 1!�p���� � <br /> c,anme�ced which metedally aitects Ler.dor'a Interost In the Property,Lender m�y In It�own disc:nllon,bul writlwul M�IIp� <br /> and without notice to or demand upon Trustor end wlthout releasinp Tru�to�irom eny oblipalbn,do �nY ecl whk,h Tru�tot h�s aqrAOd <br /> but fafled to do and may also do any other ect it deema neceassnry to protect the�ecurity hereof. Tru�lAr�h�H, Imm*dletMy uM+� <br /> demand theretor by l.ender,pay to lander ell coate and expensea incurred and eume expended by l.andwr In r.orxwctkx�+Mth tM axe�' <br /> cise by Lender of the foregdng dghts,together wlth Intereat thereon at ihe defAUlt rate pravided in th�Not�,whl�h shs�l b��AOed t0 <br /> the Indebtednoss seaurod heroby.Lender shall not Incur any Ilablitty becauee ol anylhlnp It m�y do or anit lo dA hl�urd�. <br /> 8. Husrdous Mat�rl�ls.Trustor shall keep the Property In compllance with all eppllcaGe lavw, aM�n�ncer Nnti reyut�tlans <br /> relating to Industrfal hyglene or environmantal protection(collectively reterced to hareln e�"Envlronment�l lww"). Tru�ta't�l keeP <br /> the Property free irom all substnnces deemed to be hazardoua or taxic under eny Envlrnnmental Lewe(collactivMy refKrod ta hsr�►n <br /> aa'Hazardaus Materlaia').Truator hereby warrants and represente to l.ender that there are n�Hazar:��r1A�s��� <br /> Prope►ty.Truator hereby agreea to indemnlfy end hold harmbss Lender,flt dkecton,of�cen,empioye� <br /> sois to Lendara fnterest,from end egainst eny and all clalma,damage�,loaees and IIabIIItIe�THE FORE(30 NQ WA RANTIE��i D� <br /> uae, or transport o(any Hazardoua Materlals on,under, hom or ebout the Propsrty <br /> REPRE3ENTAT�C�PJS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO TNE FOREOOINQ INDEMNITY, SHALL 9URVIVE <br /> RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRll3T. <br /> 10.A�sipnm�nt of R�nb. Truator heroby esalgns to Lender, end pn�nt�Lender�wcurity Intsnst In,�II pn�NN,h�x�Mnd <br /> afler arislnp rents,Iseues end proSita ot the Property;provided that Trusta ahell,untll the occurrence of en Evsnt ol DNwlf,hlnsund�►, <br /> have the right to collect and rdta►n such rants,Issues e�nd proflts e�they become due and peyabk.Upon the oCCUrr�nc�01 Wt���nt W <br /> faefault,Lsnder may,elther In person or by egent,with or without brin9ing eny acGon or proceetlinfl,or by a racelver�ppok�Uld by� <br /> court and without regard to the adequacy ot ile aecurity.enter upon end take poass�don oi the Property,or any Pan tMr�wl.M�u °wn <br /> neme or in tha neme ot the Trustee,and do eny ects which It deema neceseery or detlrabls to pre�srve the value,m+�rkM�tY a <br /> rentebllity of the Properly.or any pa�t thereot or Interost thereln,or lo Inaeaee the Income therefrom a protect th�s�ctxkY���� <br /> wNh a yvfthout taking possession oi lhe Property,sue for or othervNee cdlsct the rents�Issues and protfu tl�noi�UC�udkW tlt�D�e pat� <br /> dua and unpald,by nollying tenante to meke payrnents to LendAr,lender mey epply ronts,laswe and prdMs�bss cab�nd�xp��' <br /> e�ot o�r�twn�r�d��etwr,i�a�,dir,�anomey'e feea,to eny i►xbbtedness eeeured heroby. el!n wch ord�r�s L�nd�r rn�Y dM�r. <br /> mins.i na enivring upi�i ��u ta�irs��a�".�.laa of the Pro�rl;.!�w reltwctlon of euch rants. luue��nd Pro�N, �nd tM�Pp�'�� <br /> thereof as dforesaid ahall not cure a walve any de�auR or notirs ot defeult herounder or Inv�lldNs sny�ct don�fn�pOrN��' <br /> default or pursuant ta such �oUce of default end, notwithstendirp the contlnuancs in po�ssNon oi tM prop�rtl► ���y oi th� <br /> �eoeipi and epplicaUoa of ronta,Isa�bs or profits,Trustee and Lender ahell be entldsd to ex�rci�e ewry riphl provW�d <br /> Loen Insbvments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Defauk,Indudinp wlthcwt IImIt�Non ths►ight to�xud�s IM pOw�r of�• <br /> FuRher,Lende�a rlghts and remediee under thls pamgraph shall be cumuladvs with,and In no w�y�Ilmllatbn an,��rxNr'�riqhts�nd <br /> remedba under any eaaiyrnr�ent ot leasea end ronts rec�rded agalnst the Prope►ty Lender.Tnut�e��d ths ncM������b <br /> ecvount only ior those rente actuaily roceived. <br /> 11.EwMs of D�fauK.The followiny ahall conatitute an Event ot Default under thl�Desd of Trust: <br /> (a)Fatluro W pay any Instal�msnt of principal or Interest a nny other sum escurod henby wtwn du�, <br /> (b)A txeach ol or de(sull under eny proviaton contalned In the Note.thK Desd ol Tru�t, any o1 tbs Losn Irw�qumenb�a MW <br /> othor Ibn or encumbrence upon the Property; <br /> (c)A writ of executi�on or attec:hmsnt or any aimitar proceaa ehail be entered ay�in�t Truetor wh�h�haN b�cof►M�Il�n on <br /> the Properly or any pordon theroof or interoat tl�xein; <br /> (d)There shall be tiled by cx againat Trustor or�Borrowe►�tN br d�bWn:oryttin stkM b��ppolnfet{en�iK►y tn� n�wlvw a <br /> I�w or ropulstlon roMfin9 to bmkruptcy,In�olv��cy <br /> Iiquiddor d Trueta or Borrawsr or oi ell or a�y p�rt of tl�e PropNSy.or the ronb�Issues a prolfb thar�ol�a Tru�ta a Bar+owK <br /> ehaN meks arry penerel essipnment(or the bsnefk of crsditan; <br /> (e)The sab. aanster. base,asslgnment,c�nvsyanw or turther encumbrance of eN cx�ny p�rt cf or �ny{nl�l in Ih� <br /> PropsrtY�afther vduntarNy or Involunte�i d�oe�a r o�c,bnetel�o�ptl�on t�Pa�se�nd the ts�mi W which dwf not� a�d on� <br /> ted la sxscute a b�se ai fhe Proparty <br /> year, <br /> (Q AbpndorKnent of the Property;or <br /> (q)H Truator is not en Individual,the Iseuance,eals. Uansfer, easlpnment,convsyar�or encumhrs�x�a mor�t�t(M• <br /> co�oratbn)a total of percent ot ita isaued�nd outatandiny atock,�r(Ii e partnenhlp)�totel M PK• <br /> cent ot purtnership interesb,or(H e Iimited Ilablllty corr��nY)a loWl of Pe�nt a���I��°O��' <br /> ny Interesta or voUrp nghte durinp the perlod thfe Deed of Trust romains a Ilen on the proPs�'ty. <br /> 12.R��dMsi Acc�l�ratlon Upon the event of eny Event oi Default Lender may,wlthout notlo��xo�pt�s nqulnd <br /> by law,ded�e ail N�debtedneaa aecurod herebY to be due end payabN and the same ehell thereupon bscome du��rd p�y�bls w41►- <br /> out any preeentment,dema�d,protest or notice o(eny klnd.Theroefter Lender may: <br /> (a)Demand that 7n�stee sxercfse the POWER OF SALE yranted hsreln,end Truste�shsN thsroaR�r cauN T�ustcx's M� <br /> est`;E PdropettY�be�sdd e�h� P��to��y�bthe Lwn In�sUumsnb a�w upon occurtsrx�T of wny EwM of <br /> Defauit;end <br /> (a�Commer.ce a�ectlon to forecloae this Deed of Trust as a mortgaye,eppofnt a receiver,or epeciflcally enface�nY c�l►M <br /> covenants heraot. <br /> Ustrum�entys or by law�p d ed cr�permitted,but each ehall be cumuletive,aell be In add�ftlon of every o her��msdy plv'in ih�und�►� <br /> In the I.oan Instruments a now dr hereafter existiny at law or In equity or by statute,end mey be exerclsed conCUrrontly,kxisp�ntleMty <br /> or succesfvely. <br /> 13.TrustN.The Trustee may resipn at any time without ceuae, end Lender mey et any time end without ceus�appolnt�wa <br /> - ceasor ar subatitute Truatee.Truetee ahall not be Ileble to any party,Including without Iimitatbn Lender,Bortowar�Tn��ta or my pur• <br /> chaser of ths Property.ta any loss or demage unleaa due to redcbss or wiN(ul ml�conduct,and shall not b�roqukrd oo t�lc��nY actlor� <br /> ►e oonryection wftfi fhe enforcement ot this Deed of Trust unless fndemnified,In wddnq,ta all coate,compsntatlw�or sxpsnws whlch <br /> may be esaoctated edditlon,Trustee may become e purchaaer at eny salo oi the Pro�x+rty(judfcla�or undsr tho Pow��°� <br /> ea{e prented herefn);poslpone the sale of ait or any portion of the Prope�tyr,aa provided by lew; or sell the Properly as e wlwle�or In <br /> - seperete peroels or bts et Trostee's dlscretlon. <br /> 14.Fe�s�nd Exp�nas.In the event Trustee aelis the Propedy by exercise of powerof sale,Truatee ehell be snUtled to�pp1y <br /> '� eny sale proceeds flrst to payment of ell costs end expense�ot exerdsing power oi aele,Including elt Tn�atee'e tees,�nd Lend�r'��nd <br /> Trustee�6 8K0�(1C}I�B iB66, actually Incurred to extent pertnitted by applicabin Iaw.In the event Borrower or Truetor ex��any ri�ht <br /> a�resu�itdot T►uator'R defeult.�including w ethou I mntetlon all Tru tee's end attomey'e fees,to�the ex�tent permitt d by applue���nsd�� <br /> 15.Futun Adwneo�. Upon requeat of Borcower,Lender mey. at fta optlon,make edditlonal and fl�turo�dv�nces�nd road• <br /> vancas to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wifh interoat theroon,ehetl be eecurod Dy thli Deed ot Trust.At no Qme�tt�A th� <br />'.::A <br /> _ <br />-.-- <br />....� — — ---- — <br />