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,..,n..,,�.A,�.,.�,�...,.9„ . <br /> _°� �.�.r.�+;..�::—� .. - -�---:_�� _ " — <br /> ,. u <br /> �i�r.v,. . .. •�r 'w'r�`1�m..z.s�-'.�k±" -- <br /> ;� �4.>..f�,:.-..7� '_.�DS:_',C�!r'�4;!�A'r- _ .,,:'�"�. �*.F:�a�r.r'— <br />- exccuted for the purpobe uf�crnating.sccuring or guarnntying thc Sccurcd Dcht. A gcwd~fnit�bclicf b��l�dcr that <br /> I�:ndcr nt any Nme is insrcure with respect to ony Ex:rscro or entity obligatcd nn ti�e Sccurcd Dcht or that the prc►spect <br /> of any payment ar the vtiluc of thc P�nperty is impaired shnll idxi constitutc an eve�t of dcf:�ult. <br /> IS. REMFDiFS ON DEM�i►UL1.In samc instanccs,fcilcral imd statc law will rcquirc Lcndc:r to pruvidc GrHntor with <br /> nolicc of thc right tu cure or othcr nolia�s and may cstablish timc schcdulcs for forcl�surc actions. Subjcct to thccc <br /> limitntians,if any, Lender may accelernte the Secured 1)ebt and foreclose this Secudty Instrument in:► manner <br /> pruvidcd by law if t3rantor is in defauU. <br /> At the option of I.ender,all or any part of thc agrced fecs and ch�rgcs,accrucd intcrest��nd principal shall t►ccame <br /> immedintely due and payable. after giving notice if rcquired by law, upon the accurrance of a default or anytime <br /> thercafter. In addition,Lendcr shall be entitled to all the rcmedics provideJ by la�v,thc terms of the Secured Debt, <br /> this Security Instrumen¢and any rclated documents,including without limitation,the power ta sell the Property. <br /> If there is u dcfault.Trustec shall,in addition to any othcr permittc:d remedy,at the request oF the l.ender,advertiso <br /> and scll the Property as a whoie or in separate parcels at public auction to the highest bidder for cash nnd convey <br /> ubsolute titic fccc aad clear of all right,title and interest of Grantor at such timc and placc as Trustcc designates. <br /> Trustee shal!give notice of sale including the time,terms and place of sale and a dexription of the property to bc sold <br /> as required by the applicable law in effect at thc time of the proposed sate. <br /> Upon salc of thc pro�erty and to ihe extent not prohibited by law,Trustce shall make and dcliver a deed to thc Property <br /> sold which conveys absolute title to the purchaser,and after frst paying all fees,charges and casts,shall pay to L.ender all <br /> moneys advanced far rcpai�,taxes,insurance,liens,assessments and prior encumbrances and interest thereon,and the <br /> principal snd interest an thc Secured Debt,paying ttie surplus,iF any,to Grantor.L.ender may purchase the Yroperty. <br /> 'The recitals in any deed af conveyance shatl be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. <br /> All remedies are distinct,cumWative and not exclusive,and the Lender is ent9tled to all rernedies provided at law or <br /> cquity,whether or not expressly set forth.The acceptance by L,ender of any sum in payment or partial payment on tbe <br /> Serared Debt aher the balance is due or is acceleratec!ot n�ter foreclosure proceedings are filcd shall not constitute a <br /> waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of ac�}�uist9ng default.By not exercising any remcdy on C,rantor's <br /> default,Lender does nat waive Lender's right to later consider ihe event a default if it continues or happcns again. <br /> 16� EXPENSES;ADVANCES ON COVENANTS;ATTQRNEYS' FEES;COLLEC1iON COSTS.Excepl when <br /> pcohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay all of Lender's expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in thi5 Sccurity <br /> Instrument.Grantor wiit also pay on demand any amount incurred by Lender for insuring,inspccting,preserving or <br /> otherwise protecdng the Property and Lender's security iuterest.These expcnses will bear interest from the date uf <br /> the payment until paid in fu11 at t6e highest interest rate in ef[ect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. <br /> Graaiur agiees;o pay alj cos[s and expenses�ncurred by Lender in oollecting,enforcing or prMecting I.ender's rights <br /> and remedi�,s an�er this Security Instrument.This amount may inc3ude,but is not limited to,attameys'fees�court <br /> costs,and at�ncff�egal expenses.This Securiry Instr�ment shaU remain in eifect until released.�.xantor agrees to pay <br /> ,fi��any reoarclation cc�sts af such release. <br /> 1T. �.'4r'�R0IVMEM'AI.LAWS AND HAZARAOUS S��STANCES.As used in this scction,(1)Environmental Law <br /> mcans.without limitation,the Compreh�nsive�nvi.ronmental Response,Compensation end Liability Act(CERCLA, <br /> 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.). and all other federal,state and local laws,regulations,ordir�ances,caurt orders,attomey <br /> general opinions or interpretive lette�conceming the public health,safety,welfare, environment or n haznrdous <br /> �ubstance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic,radioactive or hazardous material. waste,pollutant ur <br /> contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance danger.ous or potentially dangerous to the public <br /> health,safety.wetfaze ar environment.The term incluci��,without limitation.any substances defined as"hazurdous <br /> material;'"toxic substances,""hAZardous waste"or"hazardous substance"under any Environmental Law. <br /> Grantor repmsents,warrants and agrees that: <br /> A. Except as previously disc�osed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Naxa�dous Substance is or will be <br /> located,stored or released on or in the Pro�rty.This restriction does �ot apply to small quantities of <br /> Hazardo�x SuMtances that are generally recognized ta be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of <br /> tMe Property. • , <br /> B. Hxcept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender,Grantor and every tenant have been,are, <br /> aad shall remain iin full complianoe with any applicable Environmcntal Law. <br /> C. Granta shall immediately notify Lender if a mlcase or threatened releasc of a Nazardous Substance oocu►s on, <br /> under or about the Property or there is a violarion of any Environmental Law conceming the Property,In such <br /> an event,Grantor shall takv all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental <br /> D. Grantor s4�a11 immediately notify Lender in writing ns sooR as Grantor has reason to believe therc is any <br /> pending or ttueatened investigation,claim,or prooeeding rcttat4ng to thc rclease or threatHned relcuse of any <br />- Hazardous Sulrtautce or the violation of any Environmental Law. <br /> 18. CONDEMNATION.Grantor will give Lender prompt nniicc of any pending or threatened private or <br /> pub➢ic entities to purchasc or take any or all of the Prn,perty through condemnntion,eminent domain,or any other <br /> iucans.Grantor authorizes L.ender to intervene in Grantor's namc in any of the above de�rribed actions or claims. <br /> Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of ar�y award or claim for damagcs connccted with a conde�nnation or other <br /> taking of all or any part of the Property.Such proceeds shall bc considcred payments and will be applicd as provided in <br /> this Securit�Instrument. 'This assignment of proCeeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage.deed of trust, <br /> security agreement or oWcr licn document. <br /> 19. INSI.IRANTCE.Grantor shall keep Property insured against loss by tire, flooci,theit and other hazards and risks <br /> reasonably associated with the Yroperty due te its typc and location.'Ihis�nsurance shall bc muintaincd in the amounts <br /> and for the periods that Lendcr requires.'Ihe insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be choscn by Grantar <br /> subject to Lcnder's approval,which shall not be unrea�nnahlv u,;fhh��d if(:ront��f.�:lo►..�...:.....:_ .�_ __ <br /> - --•------ -- ___..._.. .....,............a... u.c w.BPogc � <br /> described above,I.endcr may,at Lender's option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's ri�ts in the Pro�x:rty according <br /> ta the terrtts of this Security Instrument. <br /> All insurence policies and renewals sha(I be acceptable to Le:nder and shall include a standurd"mortgage clau�"anJ, <br /> whcrc applicablc,°loss paycc clause;:' Grantor shr�ll immcdiatcly notify l.�ndcr of cancelL�tion or tcrminution of thc <br /> insurance.Lender shall have the right to hold tt�e policics and rencwals.lf l.ender rcyuires,Grantor shall immediately <br /> give to Lcnder all rcacipts of paid premiums and rencwal notiocs.Upon los�r•,Grantor shall give immcdiate noticc to <br /> thc insurancc�;arrier and Lcnder.Lendcr may make proof of loss if nut madc immediately by Grantor. <br /> .. . t•l:��e � <br /> (page 3 oi I) <br /> o���„�,w�c.s�cw�,e.r+n naoo��•z�,�Fo�n r�or-r�dmw <br />