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Ail[uturc edvances trc►m Lcndcr ta Granlor or uthcr[uttir�:abNgutiuns uf Gri�nt�to I.cndcr undcr ar�ypeomissory <br /> nutc,contract,�u�rnnty,c�r othcr cvidcncc ut�d+t cxcciit�:d by Grnntar in tavor ot[.�:ndcr cxccuted attcr tbis <br /> Sccurity Instrumc:nt whether ar not this Security Instnimr.��t is spcciticaily rctcrenced.If more than onc pcnon <br /> slg�ts this Sccttrity Intitn�ment,cach Grnnt��r ngrccs Ih�t tbig�x:curiry Instrument will sccure ull Wture advctnces nnd <br /> tuwre�bligatians thxt are given ta or incurred by uny una�r more Grant�r,or any onc ur marc Gruntor an� <br /> others.All[utt►r�aclvnnces nnd ather future obtigntiuns nrc r�icured by this Security Instrument even though all or <br /> nart muy not yct t�c advanced.All futurc u�ivxnces and uti�ur future obligations are secured as if madc on the date � <br /> of this Sccurity Instntmont.Nothing in this Security lnstrumr.nt shall constitutc a cummitment to makc additional <br /> or[uturc loans ar advxnces in any amount.Any such comm:Iment must be agrecd to in a separate writing. <br /> C. All obligatians GTantor owes to L.ender,which muy tatcr arirc,to the extent not prohibitcd by law. including,but <br /> not limited to,li�bflitics for o�erdrafts rclating to any deposit accaunt egrcement betwecn Grantor and Lendcr. <br /> D. All additional sttms advanced and expcnscs incurrcd Uy I..�:nder for insurtng,prrscrving or othcrwisc protccting <br /> thc Property and its valtta and any other sums advanced and expenscs incurrcd by L.endcr under the tcrms of <br /> this Sccurity Inatrumont. <br /> This Security Instniment will not secure any other debt if I.ender faile to give any required notice af the right o[nscission. — <br /> S. PAYMEM'S. Grantar agrces that all payments under the Secttred Dcbt will be paid when due and in accordance <br /> with the terms of tha Secured Debt und this Security Instrument. <br /> 6, VypRRANTY OF TTTI.�.Grantor wanants that Grantor is or will be lawfuli��seized of the estate conveyed by this <br /> Sccurity Instrument and hcas the right to irrevocably grant,canvey,and sell the Properiy to Trustee, in trust, with <br /> �wwer of sale.Grantar alsc�warrants that the Pruperty is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of recard. <br /> 7. PRIOR SECURITY 1M�RESTS•With regard to any othcr mortgage,deed of trust,security agr�ement o�ou�cr,.�n <br /> document th�t created a prior security interest or encumbrance on thc Pcoperty,Grantor agrees: <br /> A. To make all papments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. <br /> B. To promptly dell�•ex to Lcader any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. <br /> C. Not to allow any nn�tidification or extension of,nor to request any Cuture advances under any note or agreement <br /> secured by tho llcn dceument witl�out l.ender's prlor wrilten consent. ouad <br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST'ITI'[.E.Grantor will pay all taxes,asstss�sments,liens,encumbrances,leuse payments,gr <br /> rcnts,utilities,and otttur churges rcluting to the Propercy when due.Lender�ay require Grantor to provide to l.eader <br /> copies of aU notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's paycnent.Grantor will defend <br /> title to the Property��,*i►inst any claims that would impair the lir.n of this Security Instrument.Grantor agcees to assign <br /> co Lcn�icr,�+s ie�u�st�d!�y;ri;,1i'�,!'L;mc or defenaes Grantor may have against parties wha supply labor <br /> c►r materiais t�mt►intain or improve the Property. <br /> 9. DUE ON•SA.LE OR�NCUMBRANCE.Lender may,ei its option,declare the entire balancc+.�f the Secured Debt to <br /> he immediut�ly duo and payable upon the creation of,or wntract for the crcation of,any Ge�n>xncumbrance,transfer <br /> or sale of the Properts.'llYis right is subject to the restrictione imposed by federal law(l2�•F.R.591),as applicable. <br /> This covanant shall.nin n��th the Property and shall remain in effect unti!the Secured Debt is paid in full and this <br /> Security in�rumant lz rcleased. <br /> 10. PRO�ER'�`Y CONAI'IION,ALTERAT[ONS AND IN9PECTION.Grantor will keep t�e Property in good <br /> condition and maka all repairs that are reasonubly necc�sary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste, <br /> impairment, or detariomtion of the Property.Gr�ntar will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. <br /> Grantor agrees that the nature ot the occupancy anct use�viU not substentially change without Lender's prior writien <br /> ccinsent.Grantor will•not permit any change in any ticensu,restrictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior <br /> writted consent.Gcantor will natify Li:nder of all demande,procecdings,tlaims,and Actions against Grantor,and of <br /> � any loss or damage to thc Pmperty. <br /> L,endcr or Lender's�gents may,at i,ender's optian,cntor thc 1'roperty at any reasonAble time for the purpose of <br /> inspecting the Pro}�rty_ i.,ender shall give Grnntor natice at the time of or befor�an inspection specifying a <br /> � reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shall be entireiy for Lender's beneGt and <br /> Grentor will in no way rely on I.endcr s inspection. <br /> ll. AUTHORiTY TO PERFORM.If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this <br /> Security lnstrument,I.cndcr may,without notice,pertorm or cawse them to be performed.Grantor appoints Lender <br /> as attvrney in fact to sign Grentor's neme or pay any amaunt nccessary for performance.I.ender's right ro perForm for <br /> 'Grantor shall nat creatc an obligat9on to perform,and Lcnder's failure to perfarm will not preclude Lender from <br /> exercising ar�y of Lendcr's uther rights under thc law or�his Security Instrument.If any construction on the Property is <br /> disconti��uec7 or not carried on in a rcasonable mnnnrr,L.e�der may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's <br /> security inierest in thc Property.including completion of the construction. <br /> I2 ASSIGNl1'lEiV1'OF LEASFS AND REIY'I'S.Grantor irrcvocably grants,convcys and sells to Trustee,in trust Eor the <br /> tMneft of Lcnder,as aciditional security all thc right,title and intcrest in ancl3o any and all existing or futurc lcascs, <br /> subleuses,and any ott►er writtcn or vcrbal agrcements [or thc use and oocupancy of any portion of the Property. <br /> including nny extensions,renewals,modiGcations or substitutions of such agrcements(all referred to as"Leases")and <br /> ronts,issuc� and proCts (all referred to as"Rents").Grantor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct <br /> cc►pies of all cxisting und futurc Leases.Grantor may wllc.:,receivc,en�oy and usc the Rents so�ong asGrantor is nol <br /> in dtsfnult undcr the terms of this Security Instrument. <br /> Grantor ackaowlcdgcs that this assignment is perfectcd upon thc reoording of this Deed of Trust and that Le:nder is <br /> entitled to nntify any of Grnntor s tenants to make payment of Rents duc or ta become due to Lender.However. <br /> Lender agrecs that only on deiAUlt will Lender notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand that all futurc <br /> Rents be paid directly to Lender. On recciving nutice of de[ault,Grantor will endorse and dcliver to Lender any <br /> ._� n__�:_�.....,�,,:o..,..�a«�.,��.,�i�3u rrrcivc anv Rcnts in trust for l.endcr and wiil not mmminglc thc <br /> - F7tlyttiditt vt a�cnw....,...........�...,.----..—�_ ... _ . <br /> Rc�nts with any other funds.Any amounts collected wili he:+pplicd as providcd in this Security Instrument.eirantor <br /> wmrants that no def�ult exists under thc Lcascs ar any applicablc landlorciltenant law.Grantor also agrces to maintain , <br /> and�qui�L any tcuant to comply with the terms of the Lrases and applicable law. <br /> f3. LEASEHOLDS;CONDQMINIUMS; PLANNCD UNIT UFVELOPMEN'1'S.Grantor agrecs to wmply with tlic <br /> ptovisiuns o[any lcasc if this S�:curity Instrument is on a the Property includcs a unit in a condominium <br /> — or a pl�nneJ unit dcvclopnicnt, Grantor will perform aU o[Crantur's dutics undcr thc covcnants. by-laws,or <br /> regul�ticins ot thc condumiaium or planncd uni�dcvclopmcnt. <br /> 14. D�1�.lULT.Grantdr wifl bc in dcfault if nny pnrty ubligi+ted on thc 5ccurcd Ucbt fails tu rnakc puymcnt whcn duc. <br /> Cirant��c will lx:in dc[autt if a bnach occurs unJcr thc tcrms ot this Sccurily Instrumcnt ur any othcr dc�cumcnt <br /> fpaDe 2 d I) <br /> Qtyy�g�yy��y�nyh�c.y1�(�.„xf.1,W 11-0OpJ9i.2Nt�FamRF-0T.NC 63'W <br /> ��,'{I <br /> ��� Y <br /> .._... . ..._ _ ._ . _ ... _ . . .. . . . _ .__ <br />