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201202001 <br /> Eh�-IIBIT"A„ <br /> Afract of Ia�d comprising part of Lofs Tvro (2) and Three {3)., Island, situafed in the Narthwest Quarter � <br /> (NW1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Nine� (9J Nortn, Range Eleven (11) Wesf of fhe 6th p.m., in Hall <br /> Counry, Ne6raska,more particularty deseri6ed as folfows: <br /> Beginning af the center of said Section Twenty (20); the�ce ndrtherly along the east line of said NorthwesE <br /> Quarter(NW4/4), a distance of One Hurdred Thirty Nine and Forty One Hundreclths (139.41j feet; thence <br /> deflecting left 44" 34' 39" and runni�g nerthwesterty, a disfance of Six Hundred Seventy Seven and Fif'ry <br /> , ., $e_ven Hundred.hs,(677.57} �eef; Yhence detlecting right 12°.OS 05" and running nortltwesterly, a disfanc2 cf <br /> . _,_T—� .. ...___._ <br /> . . . _ ThreeHuncir2d 7hlrfeen..anH_Fifh¢.Eauc.kCundredfhs (313.54) feet;..Yhence deflecting nght,.02 49 .�2°.and <br /> running rrorthwesterly, a distarce of One Hundred ForEy and Ninety Five Hundredfhs (140,95) feet to the <br /> ACTUAL placc of beginniny; fhence deflecting le;�78° 12' 52" and running southwesterly, a disfance oi One <br /> Hundred Eighty Eigfit an�d Thfrfi�Four Hundredths(188.34)feet;thence deflecfing feft 13° 46`99"and running <br /> . soutiiwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Forty Three and FifEy Seven Hundredfhs (943.57) feet; fhence <br /> deflecttng left II5' 35' 11" and running southwesterly, a distance of Eigliry Nine and�Sixty Three Hundredths <br /> (89.63)feet; fhence deflectiny righ�12° OS' 25" and runrirtg southwesterly, a distance of`Iwo Hundred Fiiry <br /> and One Hundredths (250.01J feet; thence deflecting right 04° 31' 08" and running southwesterly, a distance <br /> of One Hundred SiXty Five and FifEy Nine Hundredths (16a'.59) feet; thence deflecting righE 07° 19' 17" and <br /> running southwesterly, a distance of Five Hundred Eighteen and Niaety Six Hundredths (518.36j feet; thznce � <br /> defiecfing riqht 12?° 43' 09" and runnina northeasferly, a distance of Sevan Hundred Thifij Nine and Seventy <br /> Three Hundredths (73933) feeE; thence deflecting� right 62° 09' S8"and running northeasterly, a distance of <br /> Eight HundrAd Fify Five and Six Tenfhs {855.6) €�et, to a point of ciwafurz; 4hence runniny soufheasterly <br /> along fhe aro�of a curve whosc tadius is 1,4327 fset, (the fong chord of wliich deflects righf 79° 57' S2"from <br /> Yhe Iasf descrbed course), a tong chord distance of Two Hundred Seventy One and Sixfy Five Hundredths <br /> � (271.65J feet fo fhe ACTUAF. plzce of bzginning EXCEPTING a tract more particularty described in Warranty <br /> Geed recarded as Dacument No. 200212134 <br />