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<br /> 'Procsed�')In connectbn wllh condemnatlon or other teking ai the Property or pert therooi,or for conveyance In Ileu ot condemnatk�n.
<br /> le��der shall be entltled at Ila optlon to commance,eppear In end prosacuts In ite own nema eny actbn or proceedinga,and ehell also
<br /> be entltled to mako any compromise or setllement In connection with such tAking or dnmage.In the event any portlon of!he Propariy la
<br /> eo taken or damaged,Lender ehell have the option in Its sole and etssolute dlacretlon, to apply all such proceeda, eRer deductiny
<br /> the�efrom ell costs and expen�es Incurced by it!n connectlon with such Proceeds,upon any Indebtednosa secured horeby and in such
<br /> order ea Lender may determine,or to ep�ly ell such Prxeeds,efter euch deductione,to lhe restoration of the Property upon auch con-
<br /> ditions a�Lender mey determine,Any epplkstfon oi Proceeds to Indebteclnesa shall not extend or postpone the due date of eny pay
<br /> meMa under the Note,or cure eny defeult thereunder or hernunder. My unapplled tunda shall be paid to Trust�.
<br /> B. P�rtormanc�by L�ndar. Upon the occurrence of an Evenl ot Detauit hereunder, or if any nct Is taken or legal proceeding
<br /> commenced whiGi meterially eKecte Lendere I�terest In the Property,l.ender may in Its own dlscretfon,but without oblipetion to do so, '
<br /> end without noticA to or demand upon Trustor and without roleaaing Truator from any o�ligetlon,do any ect which Tn�stor hae agreed
<br /> but falled to do and may also do any other act it deems necessery to protect the security hereof.Trustor shall, Immedlately upon
<br /> demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender eu costa end�xpensea in�urred end sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer-
<br /> dse by Lender oi tha foregoing rights,togother with intereat therNOn et the deteult rete provided In the Note,which shall be added to
<br /> the indebtedness sACUred hereby.Lender shall not Incur any liabllity because oi enylhing tt may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 9.Haz#rdoua MateNais.Trustor ahall keep the Property in compllance with ell applicable laws,oMlnances arxi regulations
<br /> relaUng to Industrial hyglene or environmentel protection (collectiveiy reterred to herein es`Enviranmental Laws').Trustor shell keep
<br /> Iha Property free irom atl substences deamed ta be hazardous or tox�under eny Environmental Lews(collecNvely referrad to herein
<br /> es "Hazardoua Materials").Trustor hereby wananta and �epresents to Lender that thero ere no Hezerdous Meterials on or under the
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby egrees to indemnliy end hold harmless Lender,its dlrectoro,officers,employees end agents,and any succes-
<br /> sors to Lenders Interest,from and egalnst eny and all claims,damages,losses end(labllities a�Ising in connection with the presence,
<br /> use,disposai or transpoft ot eny Hazardous Materials on,under,f�om or about tt�e Propertyr.THE FOREGOING WARRANTiES ANO
<br /> 10.Assipnm�nt of ReMs.Truator hereby assigns to Lender,end grents Lender a security fnterest in,all prasent,future and
<br /> efter erising rents,fssues and profits of the Prapeity;provided thaY TNStar shell,unUl the occuRenco oi an Event ot Dafault,hereunder,
<br /> have the right to collect and retefn such rents,i.ssues and proflts as tha�beoome due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot
<br /> qefauft,Lender may,efther in person or by agent,with or without bdnging any action or proceedl�c�,or by a roceivef appointed by a
<br /> couR and without regard to the adequacy of it�secuNty,enter upon and take possession oi the Properry,or any part thereot,in its own _
<br /> name or in the neme of the T�atee,and do any acts whlch it deems necessary or dealreble to preserve the value, medcetability or -
<br /> rentabilily oi the Property,or eny part thereot or interest therein,or to Increase the income therefrom or protect the sDCUdty hereof and,
<br /> with or without taking possesslon oi the Prope►ty,sue tor or othenvise collect the rents,issues and proftts thereof,inGuding those paat
<br /> due end unpaid,by notlfying tenants to make payments to Lender. I.ender mey apply rents,Issues end proflts,less coats end expens-
<br /> es of ope�ation end�.ollection including eriamey's fees,to eny indebtedness secured hereby, all In such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mine.The entering up{o�.n� and teking possession ot the Property,the�ollectton of euch rents, issues end profits,end the eppikatt�on
<br /> uwio"vi n�ni`a�cSali+'D�M���SL�Z T�itS��S�t�N��V aCZ��ai�n:!or n�:!^r°of d�fss!!h�aur.�°�Qf III�$I��fli AI�V AM IIQIIN�(�MR�I[f11V1�Q RIfCM .
<br /> default or purouant to such noUce of default and, notwfthstanding the continuance In possessbn of the property or the collection,
<br /> rocelpt and eppHcatbn of rents,lasues or pro8ta,Truatee and Lender shell be endBed to exerdse every�ipht pwvided for in any oi the
<br /> Loen Inswmer►b or by Iew upon oa:urronce of eny Event of Oef�ult,Includiny without Ilmltatlon ths�Ipht to exerche ths power of�ak.
<br /> Furtl�sr,Lender'�rlphb and rernedbs under thls perspraph�hall be cumulaUve with,and In no way a Ilmltatton on,Lender'e rlyhb�nd
<br /> romedis�undur�ny at{�nment of b�tss ond rents rocorded�Imt the PropsRy.Lender,Tru�tw md lhe roaivsr�h�N b�N�bls fo
<br /> �000unt only tor thoss renU actually roaiwd.
<br /> 11,EwMa of D�hylt.Ths tolbwinp�haH conslltute�n Evsnlof Default under thls Deed of Trust:
<br /> (�)Fdlun W pey�ny In�tellmsnt of princlp�l or Intsn�t or my othsr wm tearod heroby whsn due;
<br /> (b)A broach oi Ar defoult under eny provislon contslned In the Nute,thla Deed of Truat,any M the Loen Instrurr�enb,a any
<br /> other Ilen or encumtxance upon the I'roperty;
<br /> (c)A writ of executlon or attachment a any simllar procesa ahatl be entered egsinat Truator whtch shaM becoms a Ilen on
<br /> the PropeRy or eny porUon thereof a interost thereln;
<br /> (d)Thero shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower en action under any preaent or future tederal,etate or other statute,
<br /> Isw or npulatbn roladnp to bankruptcy,fnfdvency a other rolbf tor debtors;or thsre ah�ll be�ppolnt�d eny trustse,roosiver or
<br /> Ilquldator of Tnntor or 6orrower or of all or eny part of the Property,or fhe ner►ta,Isaue�or proflts'ther�eot,or Trutfor or Bortewer
<br /> ' ahall make any general assignment for the benefit af creditoro;
<br /> (e)The sab,transfer,lease, asslgnment, conveyanoe or furthor encumbrenc:e of all or eny parY of or any intereat In the
<br /> Properiy,elther volunterily or Involunta�ily,without the express wr�tten co�sent ot Lender,provided thet Trustor shall be pertnit-
<br /> ted W execute a lease of the Properry that does not contein en optton to purchase end the term of whtch does not exceed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Abendonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g)ff Tn�stor Is nut an IndNidual,the Issuance,sele,transfer,essignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than(iP e
<br /> corporedon)a btal oi _percent of Its issued end outstending stock,or(if e partnership)a total of per-
<br /> cent ot partnershlp interests,or(if e Ilmfted ifablltty company)a totel of percent of the fimited Ilability compa-
<br /> ny interesta or vodng riyhts dudng the perbd this Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property.
<br /> 1 Z.R�nNCli�s;Acuteratlon Upan D�hull.In the event of any Event ot Default Lender may,without notice exoept es required
<br /> by lew,dedare all Indebtedness secured hergby lo be due and payable end the seme shall thereupon beoome due end peyable with•
<br /> out any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind,ThergaRer Lender may:
<br /> (e)Oemend that Tn�stee exer�Gse the POWER OF SALE pranted herefn,and Trustee shall thereaRer cause Trostor's Inter-
<br /> est tn the Property to be sold end the proceeda to be disWbutad,elt In the manner provided In lhe Nebraske Trust Deede Ach
<br /> (b) ExArc(se any end elt dghts prodided for tn any of the Loan Inst►uments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> Detautt;end
<br /> (c)Gommence an ection to fo�se lhis Deed of Trust es a mortgege,eppolnt a rocolver,or specificcally enforco eny of the
<br /> covenants hereot.
<br /> Na remedy heroin conferred upon or reserved tu Trusteo a Lender Is intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy herefn,ln the Loan
<br /> Inshuments or by law prov{ded or permitted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be In additbn to every other remedy given hareunder,
<br /> In the Loen Instrumenta or now or hereafter existir�et law or in equity or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrentty,independently
<br />; or succeslveiy.
<br />- 13.TrustN.The Tn�stee may ros�pn at any time xntnout cause,end Lender may at any iime end wimoui cause appoini e sucr
<br />� cessor or subaUtute Trustee.Trustee shell not be Ilable to any perly,Including without Ilmitetion Lender,Bomower,Trustor or eny pur- _:
<br /> - chaser oi the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wlliful misconduct,and shail not be required to teke any action _
<br /> = In connoctbn with the enforcement of this Deed of T�ust unless Indemniflud,in wriNng,for all costs,componsaUon or expenses which . _
<br /> may be assoc(ated therewith.In addlNon.Trustee may become e purchaaer at any sale of the Property QudiGal or undor the power of _
<br />= sale granted herein);postpone the sale oi all or any portion oi the Property,as provided by law;or sell lhe Property as a whole,or in -
<br />= separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretion. -
<br /> _ 14.Pees and Expan�tos.In the event Trusteo seils the Praperty by exerGso ot power of sale,Trustee shall be entided to apply _
<br /> = any s31e proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and expenses ot exorcising pawer of sale,including all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and -
<br /> Truatee's attorney�s fees, actually incurrad lo extent permltted by appllcable law.In the gvant Burrower or Trustor exercises any right _
<br />= provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entitied to racover from Trustor all costs and expenses actualty incurrsd ae
<br />_ e result of Trustors default,Including without Ilmltetlon all Trustee's and ettomey's fees,to the extent pertnitted by appllcable taw.
<br />� 16.Future Ad�ances.Upon request oi Bonower,l.ender may,ai Its aption,make addltlonal and future advances end read-
<br /> venoes to Bormwer.Such advances and readvances,wlth Interest lhereon,shell be secured by thls Deed oi Trust.At no tlme shall the _
<br />