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. .� <br /> , . ' .. <br /> --_�.� . •� <br /> w��. - . . .-- - -- - _ i_.. - —_ .. . . :_:.-,-'�._�� <br /> . ;�-��m�,.:�.:'. <br /> . „ __ <br /> 3 �� �4 -- <br /> . , <br /> . , , . <br /> . ry W'.,. - - .��.�......... ...:.. ...... .. .... _ ..._. ' '_ _._.� <br /> � �icMX��^—��o <br /> �.. ' � <br /> .. <br /> , �, . ....�. .... <br /> . ...., � ,. ..... <br /> � Aw.,..��_..a�_v..-..• r.....__`- .. ....` --- . . �`:�- <br />_. : � � ' <br /> -+�:,.�:�..:�:� 97-10,4�g'� , <br /> , I � ehi�Il�nottconlUat with�h�p ovl�om ot any��ta u�,r p i uticnao�nnnc��rul�illo1 InwACOntre thor c�ith�afln�m�ntdwhlr.h m�y W b ndnQ on • . - <br /> , ��-._. <br /> dartor at any time; ' <br /> �.�_- <br /> (�) No�ctlon or proc��dlnp h or ehdl W p�ndlny or thrl0tsnuc!whlr.h mipht m�teri�lly n11�ct Ilu Proporly;end ��^ <br /> (1) Orantor has not vlolat�d�nd ah�ll not vlol�t�mv atatutn, r�p�elation,ordinancs,n�l�ot I�w,contreot or oth�r epreemrmt(incluElnp,but not� �+, <br /> �� Ilmit��1 to,thos�pov�rnlnp H�:ardous Matul�ls)whlah miflht.mntartelly�H�ct the Propnrry or L�nd�r'e rlphte or intereat In tho Prop�rty pursu�nt <br /> to thla D��d ot Trwt. � <br /> 3, PRIOR DF_ED5 OF T861S�. Or�ntor r�pnwnU and warr�nts tHOt tFenro�r�no prlor dnodo of Iruat aH�ctinp any part ot tho Pro{»rty��c�p�u Mt �y._ <br /> th�nQr�nto�aprs s t p y e Ita oluna ow�itlTmd p�darm tl�oblipnN�n nqulred undnr nuch dNdtlot trutt�nd�th��ndebtnrinii��MCUnd�th�i�by �"' <br /> and further ayras that a datauli und�r�ny prlor d�nd o!Vuct shall ho n defnult under tNlo D�i o}Truat tnd ehell entitln I.nnder to tll rlpfit��nd �..;- <br /> �•"r,�. rom�dl�s contaln�d h�rNn or in th�Obllpatlon�to whloh Under wqul�i IH�ntitlW In tha ov�Int of�ny oth�r astsult. ___ <br /> 4, VpANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR SENEFICUU.IHTERESTS�N ORANTOR8 OR�lORNOW�RS. In th�w�nt ot R aaN,conwyanc�,le:a. <br /> ,,.:w��E contr�ct tor dNd or transt�r to Rny p�rson ot ali or my p�R of tho rqal prop�rty dsaCdl>9d In Sch�duU A,or tny Int�reot U»nln,or of�II or�ny �_._. <br /> .�..,,,.� b�n�Hdal Int�ntt in Borrower ot Oantor pt Borrower or Orantor In r.�t a netural prrnon or psrwne but le n cor�oration,IImItW Ilabllity company, � <br /> � partrnrahlp,tru�t,or oth�r I�pal�ntity},Lirnd�i i�ay,at itr cpticn,dee!er!thn outatsndlnp princlpal bel�na of th�Obllpadonrs plue�aru�d Int�nst = <br /> " thereon immedlately due and payabls. At Undnr'e requeat,f3renta or Borrower,ea tho csaae meY b��shail turniah n campieiu iiatanant settinp toRh <br /> �� dl of Iri�tockhold�n,m�mb�rs,or partn�ro,so y�proprlat�,and tho�:ctcnt ot th�lr respsotiv�own�rahlp Intareate. <br /> d, ASSIdHMEt1T 0F RENT9. In canslderatian of the Oblipatione whlch are aecured by thle DNd ot Truat,Orantor sbsolutol�r as.�ipns to L�nd�r�il <br /> � Cirantor'a nt�t�,ripht,tttl�.Intonst,clalm and domand now ownad or henaft�r acqulrorl in eli exlistinp�nd fi,turs I�asas ot tli�ProPenY(inctudln� �- <br /> sxtm�lons,r�rnwala and subl�as�s�,dl epreemants 1or uae and acunency of th�Pmpqrty(e11 euch I�aa�s and apre�menm wh�th�r writt�n or ort, <br /> � an hueafter reiarnd to as Ms'L.eas�s'),and eli puannttea of Isawea'performena und9r tho Leas�e,topethsr wlth ths Immedi�t��nd continulnp <br /> � �• ripht to collect and nalw a11 of th�nnta,incame,ncelpte,rsv�nws,fipu�a,proftts end otl�sr Inoom�of any naturs now or Itvn�ft�r du�pr�cludlnp <br /> Ay�' any Incom�ot tny n�tun cominp du�during any redempGon p�doc.1)und�r tho Lesasa or hom or arieiny out of th�I�ro �r.ry,includinp minimum <br /> . , Ilquldat�d�tdam��atfollw�ri�n{� dif�ult n enylUaoe,alnpr�ocseda P Y be�und r�any po�llcyot�lnsurenoe covsn8 jo���a�r nta nw�nprtr m = <br />,j: � - <br /> `�• poperty ajj 1�f�dda dsri�ved trom�th termination or��ecllon of inyr U�ns�In aybank uptcy oulo her In�noy prac�sdl 8,antd ail�p Puooe�ds trom _ <br /> any riphts an d c l a lme o f a ny kind whlch�rnntor may�nve sgalnat�ny Inuss under tho l.uncoa or nny oc�upnnts of ths(�roprtRy(all ot ths above are _ <br /> henafter collsetively reterrsd to aa the`Rents'). Thio essipnmsnt Is s��qJact to ths right,power end authority plven to t fio I.on r l�r to eoliect Md�p pQ <br /> ' , ' the�nd and ch ate�u �ntther�eco d�np of th�IarDead of us�il��l aspro�vld�d by Ppl cabls e�tate law as nm�ntl�d Nom tim�o�tm. Aa�o D f Rs <br /> � rtecte , Po cenoe to cotiect all laenb trom ths Leas�s whon <br />- ` hsre is no defauit und�r ths ObUBations or thla Deed ot Tmst,Lsnder grAnt9 Cirantor it rovocable II �: <br />��• � � J du�and to u� sueh proc�edn In(irantor's buslnesa op�ratlona. Howewr,Lends� may at any tim�rsqulrs Grontor bo dreposit ail FMnts into an __ <br /> � aecount maintalned by Grentor or Lender at Lsnder's Inailtution. Upon dofauit In tho paymont of,or In th�pertormanw of.�ny ef N��Oblipatlona, — <br /> ,.> Lsnd�r may at Its optlon take porsssslon of tho Prop�rty end haw,hold,man�p�,lenoo snd opsrat�the Proputy on tsrma;+nd for a p�rlad of tim� __ <br />- thRt Lend�r d�ems proper. Lender may proce�d to collect and recetw all FMnta from th�property, �nd Und�r shall huw tull powsr to mak� <br /> ��"�� t.� to patyment of thst10bliyations or to ths p yment of thePco�e� to s ch aft�rart one tlenova�t onnr repaira�andareplaa�nri and any sx�F�r'nNS�ncld�int to <br /> y�;,":�.�� ' takinp and rstaininy pnsf�sslon of ths Rop�rty pedodtc�I�Y and ths manaq�m�nt and o aratlon of the Pro(»rty. I-ender may kNP tho�oP�nY <br /> ;:."`�':".' `';� propsriy Inaund and may disch�rpe any taxss,chergea,clafms,tsseaament�and other Psm whlch may accm�. Th�sx�s�nw�nd coat of th�s� <br />---;;:.,. actlona may b�pdd from th�Rsnts realved,and any unpatd amounts sh�li b�addod to th�principal of th�Obllpationa. Th��amounts,toy�th�r <br /> _`a�•':, with othsr cotts,sh�il bscoms part o}M�Obifpadons tecund by lhia D�ed ot Trust. <br />-- _ ,�- _ a ��j����`��e`�Tgu.�c s.��.a�all tint Mk• or fall to tako any actfon whlch may aaus�or pxmk th�termin�tion or tha <br /> - ��'�'� � withholdlnp of any paymsnt in connsction with nny Leane pertslnlnp to the Prop�rty. In addltton,CifNltOf,WlttlGUi i.en�6 N����..'���•"•°nt,eh!��� <br /> ':1';.> ;,•.. <br /> �;i,R;�': . not:(a)colNct nnY monl�s payaBN undsr any Lsaw rnon than on�monlh ln�dvancs; (b)modify any Uaw; (o)asalpn or ailow�Iien,s�curity <br /> ` intenst or oth�r sncumbranw to be placed upon Grantor'n dphb,tltie and Intsrost In and to my Lsas�or th�amounta��ry�bls th�nund�r;or(d) <br />�''�;::'` �� t�rminat�ot canai any Le�w except for th�nonpayrrtent ot any aum or oth�r mntadal broach by the othsr party th�rsto. I}Grantor roceives at any <br />�,:;':p�;;�2,-. tirrh any writt�n rAmmunlcadan aaaertln a def�ult by(ir�nto►undsr a Lsass or purporHny to terminsts or canal any laa�v,Qrentor ehall promptly <br /> _==�i�,cc,;+ , torward a copy of euch communicatlon �and Rny aubaeqwnt communlcaUons rolating tSiento)to Lend�r. A!I nuch Lsasss�nd the�mounta du�s to <br /> --._�4 . Cinntor th�reund�r aro h�reby aafipned to Lender ae addidonai a�curity tor the Obllgations. <br />--°` 7, Cp6LEC'flpN OF INDHOTEDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. Under ehsll b�entftl�d to not(y or requlro Orantor to noNty nny thlyd party pncludlny, <br />��_�, .� . but not limit�d to,les�es,Ilaneesa,Qovemmentel authqriti�a�nd inauruna compnnies)ta pay Lender any ind�sbtednass or obilpaUon owinp to <br /> _�i4,.�� Gnntor with rssp�ct to ths Properly(cumuletively'Indebtsdn�as')wheMsr or not a defauR existe under lhis DNtI of Tru:tt• (3tanto�shv�diliy�ntiy <br /> colleot th�Md� owing to(irantor from thae�third p�rtia untll the piving ot such notltioation. In the+v�nt that Cira�tor poss�tMi or naiw� <br /> r—�..r°;-;� posa�ssbn of��y Instrumsnri or othsr nmittanc�a witfi nspect to ths Ind�bt�dnecs tollowir+p tho 9tvir�of euch notlfler++��<<i��nstrum�nta e► <br />�_�_�� oth�r nmituno�s constitutr th�propaymsnt of any Ind�btadnaes or th�paym�nt of nn e�n��ms�^�"um��^�tand atti�r�emitt�nas to�LMd�r, <br /> �-..,.,l,� auch instrum�nri Rnd oth�r nmittances in trust tor Lsnder apart from Its othtr propert��. <br /> -- ° and ImmWlably provids l.�nd�r with poee�a�ion of the Inatrumenta and other romlttances. Und�r shell bs enNtl�d,but not r�quind,to oolNCt(bY <br /> Ipal procwdlnp�or oth�rwiw),�xtend ths tim�tor aym�nt,compromis�,�xchangs or rd�tt��ny aBllpor or oollaterel,or oth�rwis�Mtt���nY of <br /> --° <br />