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<br />'"�'" after Reaxdatlo►�� � `- J N
<br />_y� IInioa 8a:tk 11ud Tru�t CompasiY �' `� N '; �
<br /> rn,.:j�� arand TaZ�usd 8ranah � o �--•- � �
<br /> 2008 Nwbb Road � � � -
<br /> _ :�.
<br /> Oraad Zelaad, !iE 68803 N
<br /> �..:�:;;ts�, -
<br /> ��»;'f4'� � DEED OF TRUST
<br /> y�7•=«. �i.''
<br />."'�1'^i•`^'.t t � '(1
<br /> 1��. .:.+: � _, � .-._ `V
<br /> -_ � �R�R Donald D VoQ�l, Su�bsad a�nd Nifi
<br /> °=r"�' Don+�id D vog�l patriai� I► vog�1, Iiu�band and Nit�
<br /> Patricia 7► Vcag�1
<br />���3��
<br /> -�� �ppn��s �on���e
<br /> ----_- Z093 K��t Lal�ar
<br /> '� 1093 M��t Lal[ar ar�ad ialu►d, N= 68803-6Z14
<br /> Qr�E ���aad, tiY 68803-6Z�4 �K���q,,
<br /> �t�'��' �� �813s3681
<br /> -- — 4813�368Z
<br /> - �usrn:IIaioa Haak i Tru�t Co.
<br /> =-° Z008 H 1f�bb Rd, Graad I�laad. H� 68803
<br /> - In oon�Id�ntion of Me loan or other credlt a000mmodatlon h�rNn�ft�w s�����d oMtsr aood da wivabls oonlsld�iraUOn, th�H ocelpt and
<br /> --- whld� may h�ratnr a a�vaw.o or inuu���:rC�..�s!!�._.r._--r--.- ar� st�
<br /> ------- wtNd�ncy of whlch �r�h�nby acknow�id��d Cinkntor h�rsby irtwooabiy bupalne aetl�,trnnshn�Qnnts�cony�yr��o08�ibb RoaR' n�� -
<br /> -- woasson�nd�ulyns Intrust.tor�+ o��� � Tru�E ComAanv draad 1�land Branari. �
<br /> �� araad I�1wII4��.�� _ l'UndK'L tM
<br /> �nNiWuy und�r th(�pNd pf Tnut,wlth povwr of tals�nd riyht of entry and poa��aion�110}Gr�ntor's pnNnt md futun atat�,ripht,tHN and
<br /> i�rNt In end to tM rNl prop�rty d�ax�bW�n ScMduls A whlch ii attach�d to this Owd ot Tru:t and Inoorpor�tW h�rNn by tNl�retermo�,Mp�ttNr
<br /> with al�pr�unt�nd tuturo improwmenri md ftxturN;a�l tan9ibl�p�rsond properiy,Ina�udlnp,wlthout Ilmftt�tion,Ril m�ohin�ry,puipm�nt,bulldinp
<br /> mat�riv���nd pppcf;of av�ry nntua(sxdudinp hou�hotd pooda)now or MreaRer IocatM on or u�sd in conn�otion with th�reY prop�rty,whether
<br /> or not aMixW to th�Iuid: �11 p�lvlbp�s�h�nditamenb.Nd�Pp 1f am oth�r rieal�np ol�d�loprrx�i�aft�a s�ap bt�o1 tr�nsf�r from thii rN�il
<br /> --= whether prwioualy or wb9squemly tnnshrnd to 1M nal P�opertl' W°P°�Y
<br /> --__�.-� P���'1Y��ro�'!����I Na��,Itane�s�nd otl»r nprMm�nta;�II ronta,Issw�and Profits;all wahr,wNl,ditch.n�erv�dr�nd min�rW
<br /> riyMa�nd ttodo psrt�ininp to th�nal Prop�rtyr(cumulatfwly'PropsrtY);to hava pnd ta hold the Property nnd the riphts hersby grw�d tor ihe u�
<br /> and b�Mflt of Trustee,his woo�s�ors and�as�Dns,untll paym�nt in fuli of ul Oblig atbna e�cund h�nby.
<br /> Mo�pwr, �n turtMr oonekNratlon,Gru�tor da�,tor(ir�ntor�nd CinntoPa 1►eVS, npresenutivsa,euxeteoro,and aatlyn�,h�nby�xproasty
<br /> wurant,oownant,artd�prM with Und�r md TrustN�nd thN^��m�«�ol a11 prta'ssn end futun Ind�bt�tlrnss,IiabiNll�s,obllg�tiont and
<br /> �, pdLlGAT�p?!g. Tht�DNd of Trust�htll s�cun d»payrtn
<br /> cownanri of Horrowsr or CinMor(cumutstlwly'Obllyatlons')to Und�r Purw�nt to;
<br /> a thh O+�d W Trun and the dlowin romiss nofN and othK n�m�nts; . --
<br /> � �rf �n llNll�t .. .::.
<br /> �t
<br /> �_� $160,036.00 06/iZ/97 12/14/97 �00108 kh 16i895
<br /> a �r present or utun writt�n aprwm�nri w nd�r at n�r epaclHCt 1y to t •DNd of rutt �x�cuMd for 1h�seM a
<br /> dlM�t�urpos�s than tM torpokq)�
<br /> -- (o) any puu�nty of oblipatlons ot other Part�°�Obbn M Lend�r now or h�natt�r�x�<wt�d thtt retors to this d�sd o}Truat;
<br /> (d) futun�dvana�,wMth�r obl►patory or optbnal,to th�sarrN�xt�nt w If mds contsmporuiwuWy with 1h�sx�cuHon of this Dwd of TruH,
<br /> mad�cr�xt�ndW M or on b�h�if ot aranMr or Borcow�r. Granta apr�es that If one ot th�Oblip�tions is a Iin�ot cr�dit,tM Il�n of this D»d ot
<br /> � Ttust thall oontlnw unUl paym�nt In tull of�II d�bt dw und�r th�Iln�notwith�und�np th�tact th�t trom Mm�to tlm�(but befan tsrmin�tion ot
<br /> ---- -- th�Iln�)no balance may b�outstandlna. At no tirn�ehail th�Il�n of thta De�d ot Trust,not including wms�dvanc�d ta prot�ct ths s�curity of
<br /> v� W--- thb DMd of T�ust,�xw�d i 340 000.00 ;and
<br /> -.-----v� (�)tll erwndmtnb,�xt�nsiom,ronswds,modllicatlons,nplaosm�nta or substltutlom to�ny ot ih�lorpolnp.
<br /> -._:�a�! /u us�d In thl�Paropraph 1,th�t�mss Grantor and Borcow�r shali Includ��M1 dsa m�an any Grantor or Bortower if mar�than one.
<br /> --^"-="� 2 REPRESEMTATIOHS.WARRANTIE8AND COVENANTS. �nd h�ll�mr�„Ieu n�tM rProp�Ayfn�of alltlisne,oecun'tyr Inrrsalt,sncumbr�nas�nd
<br /> -1�=���.y.��i:.�7 (a) Onntor hu iM simpl�muk�tabt�title to the Prop�rty
<br /> - ^=;y�'��• clalma�xapt tor thl�ONd of Trust�nd thoa d�tc�lb�d In Sch�dut�9,whldi ia�ttachW to thls De�d ot Trust �nd Inoorporat�d h�roln by
<br /> ��-='�:'.�� rN�nnw,which Cinntor�pr�ta pay and p�rtorm In a Umely minn�r,
<br /> �T:'--p:r.^..�,.1,
<br /> (b) Qrantor 1�tn compilu�in all rapsctt with�II apP�lcabl�ted�ral,etats �nd locat laxa and rsqulattons,Includinp,without Ilm tat on, o�
<br />--:�-� ���w� � relarinp to 'H�ardous Nlateriela; aa d�finsd hersin, nnd oth�r�nvlronmenW rnattero (the 'Environmental Uws`1, and n�ith�r th�tW�rsl
<br />- --'- � powmm�r►t nor th�st+iM when M�Prop�rty la bcated nor any oth�r povornmMtal or quasl povernmsnul sntity has fil�d�Ilen on the Prop�rt�r,
<br />"=�s nor an th�n any povammenW,judiclal or admlNatratiw actlona wlth nspsct ro snvironm�nt�l matt�ro p�ndinp,or ro th�b�st ot th�(irantor s
<br /> - �;�-''#f� ...�.w,�,.,.,,�,r►n.c��n.rtv. Nelth�r Gnntor nor,to the Mat of Gnntor9 knowlWp�,sny oth�r party has u�ad,p�neret�d,
<br /> -��'��� icnGwiiisy��u�7�..�.�..�...._.....--•---�- .
<br /> `'�-��°: � reb�secl,dluharp�d, atorW,or dlsposed o��ny Ha:ardoua Matsdals�s aennw n�nm,in conneciion wicn cns rro�Y vr nans��:�; :�rr
<br /> _:--+�,r ••4�.•+� udoua Matsdds to or ftom th�P�operty Grantor shsll not commlt or permlt wch actlona to b�taken In th�futur�. The term 'Hunrdous
<br /> ' � "�"�`' at�rtals'ehall m�an any substance,meterial,or waste whlch is or bacomsa rputeted by any povernmsntsl authortty Includlnp,but not IImlt�d
<br /> �;�,:"� to: (1)p�troloum;pl)frlable or nonirlabt�asWataa; (III)potychlorinatW bfpNMYlo;fv) thof��ubsttnas,m�urltla or wast�e ds�lpmt�d a9 c
<br /> _ � �,�„k 'hezudous�ubaur�d'puroutnt to Ssctlon 311 ot th� Cl��n Water Aat or Iftt�d punu�nt to Srctlon ;l07 of the Clun W�tsr Act or �ny
<br /> '� �-,•, . amendm�nts or replacementa to th�w statuter. (v)thoes substnnaa,mat��)de or w�st��d�tlnW�s a"hu�rdous wasU'pursuant to SscNon
<br /> _ ::;- , 1004 ot the Rsaoures Conaarvatlon and FMoowry Aat or any er►Hndm�nt�or nplac�m�nt�to thet statute;and(vq thoN substencss,matadab or
<br /> � .h� wasta detln�d as a'hu�rdous substanw'punuant to Sect�on 10�ot th�Gompr�h�nslw Envlrcnm�ntal FNspom�,Comp�ns�tlon and Llabllity
<br /> ' Act,or any nmendmenri or npincem�nts to th�t statut�or any oth�r slmllar st��or f�d�ral statuts,rule,repulatlon or ordlnnnce now or hereafter
<br /> �� ,�� in ethct. Gr�ntor ehall not Ias�or p�rmlt the wbtsae�of ths Prop�rty to a t�nmt or nubtenant who�op�ntlon�may reeuR In contaminattan of ..
<br /> �: „' th�Prop�rty with Huardous Mat+erlals or toxlo substances;
<br /> �•,� (�) lUl�ppllcable lawa�nd nyulatlons,fncludlnp,wlthout Ilmftatlon,the Ams�lctna wlth Dlablllti�s Act,42 U.6.C.Sectlon 12101�t aeq.(and alt
<br /> �"�� repuletlone promulp�t�d th�rounder)and alt ionlnp snd bufldlnp lav�n�nd ��pulatlons rNatinq to th�Prop�rty by vlrtus o1 nny tederel,�tat�or
<br /> •�„'.`. ''• ' munlclpal�uthority wlth Jurl�dlctlon over th�Prop�rty,pns�ntty an Rnd shall bs obs�rv�d�nd campll�d wlUi In all meprisl reepecte,end alt
<br /> - •'"'�'"-•• rlphtl,Ilqn�s,p�rmlt�,nnd artlticat�a of oaupanay(Includtnp but not Ilmtt�dto:onlnp varlanaa,sp�clel�xaptions for noncontorminp us��,
<br /> and tlnal Insp�ctlon approvale),wh�th�r temporary or psrmansnt,whlch ars m�Hri�l to the uae and uccupancy o}th�Prop�rty,presentiy tre and
<br /> shall ba obtnlnad.proserved end,whero necsssary,renswe�t;
<br /> LPNE�11 J FOm+Nion T�c�n0logNf.InC.(11/D/B6) 1�1�7-�T� P��i of 9 -- .."_--'
<br />