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<br /> -�,::�e�l� ' 1p, Bon�wr Not Rd��s�d;�orb��rnnc�By I.�nd�r Not�Walwr.Extenalon of the tlme tor�isymant or modiflGatlon =_
<br /> � Qf�mortlzatlon of the sume secured by thla Deed of 1Fuat granted by Lender to any euccessor In interest of eo�rower shell�d �
<br /> • ' operate to release,U any manner,the Ilabillty of ihe origlnal Borrowor and Borrovror's succ;oss�ra In Intarest.Lender shell nW �.
<br /> �, be requlred to commersca proceerJings agalnat auch successor or refuse to extend time br payment or ot(narwlse modity _
<br /> emortlzntlon nf the sums aecured by thfs Deed of TFust by reason of any demand mede by the orlgin�l Bs�rrower and Borrower's �
<br /> � euccesaoro In Interest. Any torbearance by Lender in exercising any rtght or remedy hereunder,or otherwise attorded by ��..
<br /> .� � �'.
<br /> � applicable lew,shall not be a waiver of or precludo the exerclse of any such right or remedy.
<br /> � 11. Succaawn�nd Aulyn�Bound;Joln!md Sewn�L��b���tY�Casl�n�ra.The covenanta and agreements her�ln �;_.
<br /> `� contalned sha0 bind,and the righte he�eunder shell ir�ure fo,the respoctivo successors and ssslc�ns of Lendar end Borrower, �
<br /> -�;��• - subJect to the provislons of paragreph 18 hereof.All covenants and sgreements af Barrower shell be Jolnt and several.Any
<br /> Borrower who co-signs this Deed of 1Fust,but does not execute the Note,(a)Is casigning thfs Deed of T�uat oniy to grant and -
<br /> `.s convey that Borrower's lnterest in the Properry to hustee under the term�of thla Deed of 1Fust,(b)Is not personally Ifabla on r
<br /> ��' ' the Note w und»r this Deed of TFust,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrowar hereunder may agree to extend,modlly�
<br /> ��� forbear,or maka any ather accommodations with regard to the terms ot this Deed of 1Fust or the Note,without that Borrower's
<br /> consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Doed of'IFust as to that Rorrowee's interest(n the Property. _
<br /> tZ. Notice.Excepttor any notice required under appliaable law to be glven in another manner,(a)any notice to Borrower
<br /> ',, provided br fn thls Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower
<br />�� , at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by natice to Lender as provided hsrein,and(b)
<br /> _ _,,:>,.�;; any natice to Lender shell be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated her�in or to such other address es I.ender may
<br /> '=°�+ �= ��% deaigna3e by noticeto Borrower as p�ovided herefn.Any notice provided for In thia Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been
<br />:SY- l. .
<br />= � given ta Borrower or Lender when pfven in the man�er designated here n. R
<br /> ,�: '•�'`•� - 13, ����„�w�Sa�e�bl�ity.The state and locAl laws applicable tothis Deed of Trust shall be tha�.^+�olthe juriad!ction
<br /> '.c:�.. .
<br />-- '���'�� in which tM Property is located.The foregoing sentence shall not Ifmit the eppllcabllity of Federel law to t�is Deed ot�i'ust•
<br /> - . - ,.� :-
<br /> _'s�_:.,. .; .
<br /> in the event that any provislon or clause of this Deed of Trusi or the Note confltcts with appikable law,such confllct sha11 no
<br />_�_�.�A;�'�' atiect bther provislons of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given eHect without the conflicting provision,and to thls
<br /> �•costs" "expenses"and
<br /> �� end the p�ovislons of thls Deed oi 1�ust and the Note 2re declared to be severable.As used herein, .
<br /> .;�;_���s�� "attomeys'fees"include all�`m�f ghall be fu n�shedha cfonf ormed copy ot the N temand of this Deod of Trust at the time of
<br /> �-,:�'- .. 14. Borrow�r's Copy.
<br /> - executian or atter recordation hereof.
<br /> '�'r�� 15. Reh�blliht{on Lo�n Ayreement.Borrower shall tuliill all of Borrower's obligations under any hame rehabfl(tation,
<br /> �,�T �4 improvement,repair,or other loan agreement whlch Borrower enters Into with Lender.Lender,at lender's option,may require
<br /> M���
<br /> _.�,;_,� �. Borrower to execute a n d de l iver to Lender,U a form acceptable to Lender,an asstgnment of any�rights,c a!�nts madeto
<br /> -
<br />