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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lende�covenent and apree es follows: —
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Principal�nd Int�nN.6arowsr shall promptly pey wh�n du�thr princip�l snd IRtersst Ind�btedn��s
<br /> e�ldenced by the Note and late charges ae pmvlde�In the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds for Trx�s�nd Inwnnc�.3ubJect to applicable lew or e writtsn weiver by Lendsr,Borrower thall pay Qfl Lsndsr
<br /> on tnA day monthly paymsnte ot�rincl�sl end Interest are payable under thd Nnte,untll the Note la patd In full,e sum(hsr�ln
<br /> "Funda")equel tn ons•tweltth ot ths yeariy te�xes end asaeaamente(includlnp condnminlum end pianned unll dw�lopmint
<br /> easersamente,ff any)whlch may attain prialty over thls Deerl of huat.and pround renSe on ths Property,if any.plue ons�riw�th
<br /> of yearty premfum Installmenta tor hezerd Insurence,plua one�twslRh of yearly prsmlum inatalimente for mo�t��;e Irte�!►enc�,
<br /> ifi any,aN��aasar�:.bty��timaicd Inftit�llb nncl irc>m time to time by Lender on the basls of asaeaamente and bllla and rsaeonabid
<br /> estlmntes thered.Borrower shsll not be obllpated to m�k�such paymente of Funde to Lender to ths sxtent that�iorrow�m�kss
<br /> such��ayments to the holder of e prlor mortgaye a deed of truat If such holder la an Instituttonal lender.
<br /> tf 8orrowsr paye Funda to Lendet,the Funda ahall ba held in an Instliutlon tho depo�lte oe accouMe of which are Ina�rsd
<br /> or guaranteed by a Fedoral or atate agency(including Lender if Lenrlsr ie euch an institutlon).Lender ehell apply th�Funds
<br /> to pay aald texes,assesamento,Insurance p�emiuma and ground rente.Lender may not charge lor ao holdfng and appiy�n�
<br /> the Funds,analyzinq sekl nccount or veritying and compllin9�id Aasssamstria and bills,unlese Lsndsrpeya Borr'owe►int�t
<br /> on the i=unda and ep�►IEcabb law pe�mft�Lender to muks auch a charpe.Borrowrr and Lender may a�roe in wridnp at ths tima
<br /> ot exec��tbn of thia Dsed ot TFust that interest on the Funda ahall lw peld ro eorrower,and un[eas auch egroemern is mad�or
<br /> a�pUon6b law requlres such intersat to be pald,l.ender shall not be requirod to pay Borrower sny fnterset ar sarnin�s on the
<br /> Funds.�.ender shall give to Borrower,without charpe,sn annuel eccounting of the Fund�ahowin�credits and dsbita b the
<br /> Funds nnd the purpoee for which each debft to the Funds wae made.The Funda are pled�ed ae edditional eecurfty}or the aums
<br /> secure�!by thia Deed of 1Fust.
<br /> It tl�e amount of the Funda f�id by�er�r�tagetC�er with the futute monthly Ina!allmenta of Funds payeble pr{or to th�due
<br /> detes af texss,asseasmer►te��nsurance premiuma and ground rente,shall ezceed the amount requlred to pay said taxss,
<br /> assess�rents,I�surance premtums and ground reMa ae theY fall due,such eocceas shall be.at BanOwer'e optbn,eitt�promPtiY
<br /> repaid Ro Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly inst'u����•������ F��������
<br /> not bfi gt►tNcier►t M pKy tezes,assessments,�nsuren�e Prem
<br /> any amount necessery ta make up the deNciency in one or more payments as Lender may requlrs.
<br /> Uuon payment in t�u]1 of ait sums secured by thls De4d d�Fust,Lender shall prompthl refund to Borrowsr any Funds heW
<br /> by Lontler.i(under pasagrap�t 17 heraof the Property is sold orthe Property is dheivvise ac:quired by Lender,Lende►shall epP�Y�
<br /> no later than tmmediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisitbn by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the time
<br /> of a�►plicatlon aa a credit agafnst the suma secured by this Deed of lFust.
<br /> 3. Appllcallon of Payrr�nb.Unleas appl�ab(e law provides othervrise�ail payments recehred bf►Ldnder�nder the Nore
<br /> sna pu�iiWiw i ni��i i Sioi�t atsa!!w w.�!1�n�i an�Ar t�n4t tn naymern of emaunts aayable ta l.ender bY���under
<br /> parag�•aph 2 liereof,then to Interest ps►yable on the Note,and then to tha ptfncipal d the Note.
<br /> 4. Pr�or Mor�s and DNds of husti Ch�rge+:LNns.Borrower shall pertorm aN M Borrowei's obligations ix�any
<br /> mortg�ge,deed of trust or other secur(ty egreemeM with a Ilen which has priority overthis�eed of Truat,includinp Borrowsr's
<br /> cnvennnts to mak�paymenta when due.Borrower strall pay or cause to be paid all taxes,sssessments and other cha�gee,flnes
<br /> end impo�itkms a�tributable to the PropenY whfch may attaln a pdority over this Deed of 1Fust�and feasehold payrr�enls or 9round
<br /> rents,if any.
<br /> &, HazanJ In�sur�tnce,Borrower shall keep the tmpravements now existing or hereatler erected on tha Property Msured
<br /> a$«:�sy::.�.'�;ttre,ha�ards[naluded withfn the term"extended coverage';and such ather hazards a�Lender may require
<br /> end in a��ch amouMa and tor euch periadr�as Lender may requfro.
<br /> The insurance carrier providfng the InsurancA shail by chosen by Borrower subJect to approval by Lender provided�that
<br /> such aippra�ral ehall not be unreasonablywithheld.All tnsurance policies and renewals thereof shall be(n a iorm aooeptabte
<br /> to Lender and ahall Include a ytandard mortgage clause in tavor of and in a iam ecceptable to Lender Lender shall have the
<br /> right to hokl the pol�le�and renewals theroof,subJect to the terms of any mortqage,deed of trust or other security egreement
<br /> with e Uen which haa prio►ity o�►er this Deed o}Trust.
<br /> In the ev�eMat k�ss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insuranco carrfer and Lender.Lender may make proof of loes
<br /> it not made promptty by�rower.
<br /> If the Property Is abandoned by Borrowet o�if Borrow�fails to respond to Lender w!lhin 30 days from the date notice ie
<br /> mailed by La�der ta F3orrower that th�insurance carrier oftess to settie a clalm for insurance benefi�,Lender la authorized
<br /> to oollect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair dthe Property orto the sums secuned
<br /> by this Deed ot Trust.
<br />- 6. pr�swv�tbn�nd IlAatnt�nce ot Propety;Leaseholds:Condomtnfums;Plannecl unit DeNebprtNMs.BorrowAr
<br /> sha�l keep the Property in goQd repair and shall not commlt waste or permit lmpairment or deterioretion of the Property and
<br /> ahall comply wfth the pmvislona of any lease if this Deed ot 7fvst fs on a leasehold. If this Deed of Trust Is on a unft in a
<br /> condominium or a planned unit development,�orrower shati perform all of Borrower's obUgations under the declaration a
<br /> ��pt�ts cre�ting qr gove�ntng the condominfumn or planned unit devebpment,the byaaws and regu�ftaons of the condorn(nium
<br /> or plenned unit devetopment,and constitueM¢lxuments.
<br /> 7 Protect{on of L�ndK's S�curai�.9!6orrower faiis to perform the covenents and agreementa contained in�hi5 Deed
<br /> of Trust.or if any actlon or proceeding�s commenced which materiaily affocts Londer's ini�rest In the Property,then Lender,
<br />- at Lender's optlon,upon notice to&xrower,may make such appearances,disbu�se suct�sums,[nciud(r�g reaaonable attomeys'
<br /> fees,and take such action as fs necessary to p��iect Lende�'s fnterast.If Lender requlred mortgage Insura�ce as a condition
<br /> - of makIng the loan secured by thts Deed ofTrust,0orrower shall pay the premiums requiredto mairnain suct�insurance in etfect
<br /> untll s�,ch time a�s the requfrement br such Insurance terminates In accordance with Barower's and Lender's written agreemeM
<br /> - or appV3cable law
<br /> �.,..�.........�.ate�,.a�hv�ondsar nussuent to this nargareDh 7.With interest tlwereon,at the Note rate�shall become
<br /> _ �,.,o........»,.._..-•----, �..__.�---� -
<br />,; addit{onal Indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed�of Trust.Unless Borrower and Lander agree to other terma of payment,
<br /> ° such amounte shall be payeble upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereot.Nothing contained in this
<br />- paragr�ph 7 shall requlre Lender to incur any expense or tske any action hereunder.
<br /> - & Ins{�ectlon.Lender may make orcause to be made reasonable entrles upon and inspections of tha Property,provided
<br /> - that Lender shell give Borrotver notice prlor to any such{nspection speci4ying reasonable cause therebr related to Lender'a
<br />;� Interest In the Properry.
<br /> 9. Ccn�amnYtlan.The prxeeds of any awa►d or clafm for damages,direct or consequentiai,in connection wiih any
<br /> ; condemnation�r other taking of the Property,or pan thoreof,or br conveyance in lieu of co�demnation,are he►r�y assigned
<br /> = and ahell be pald to Lender,subJect to the terms of any mortgage,deed of tru�t or other security agreement with a Ilen which
<br /> , hae prloriry over thie Deed of Trust.
<br /> - PHiE 2
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