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„ <br /> .. . ,..,. <br /> ,.+�,�� �xd;�`!f�Mk�:;��.::++ww� _--- -- <br /> � Y ...-..._” _�':�.:' __..... _ _ <br /> _____�__"—"_ '__"_ ' __ _' _ ._�_._�.a-1 .Y:nr'"` _"__�...._ .- <br /> _.. ' .�.. . -.— _'" <br /> '_-- -- --_ <br /> hk <br /> _,`''' . _— __ . . <br /> �- . . . . .' .. yll�..._ .y.y-��- .--. .__ .___.__.". <br /> ,ubst:intiul ly cyuivulent moitga�c insurancc covcrngc iti not uvuilublc. Borrowcr sh;dl pay to Lcndcr cach mnnth a �uni cyual m <br /> a�:-twclfU�of thc ycarly nwrtgagc insuruncc prcmium bcing'paid Gy'Horruwcr�ahcn thc mtiur�uuc ruvcri�gc lap,cd or ceuscd tu <br /> tx in ctfcrt.I.cudcr will uccc{�t, usc und retain thetir.payments ns ii lotis rc+erve in lieu ot' niurtga�c insurancc. l.oss reserve <br /> payn�cm, maq :in lun�cr bc rci�uirc�l, ut Ihc uptiun uf Lendcr,if nwrtgagc insurc�acc cuvcragc(in thc umuunt unJ i'ur thc�xricxl <br /> Umt I.cndcr re��uirc:rl providc� hy an inyurcr appravcd by I.cndcr ag�►in Ixcankti availalil� an�l is uhtuinrJ. 13��rruwcr �h;ill�ay � — <br /> �lic prcmiwos rcq�nrcd t��nmintuiu murtgabc intiurancc in�flcct,or tu pro��idc u iuss rescrve,until thr rcquir�mcnt li�r nw�YE�YC y <br /> inair�iuc�i�l� in,�rrnr�l�incc with nny wriucn ugrccnxcnt lxtwccn k�urrowcr aixl L.cndc�nr applir�ihl�law. <br /> 9. ynsWrcllou. I.cndcr ur itti iigent i»uy makc rcasonablc cntrir+uExm and in5periion+ut'�hc Prupctty. Li:ndcr �hall givc � <br /> Hnrruw•cr noli�c ut thc tiux+,1'ur priur ta un in,{xctiui� sperilying rca,onahlc cau�c for ihc im�x:c�io�i. <br /> 10. f.m�deme��tlo�r. The �llY1Cl'ClIS Of uny awurd or rlaim Fur nr r��me��uentiul. in cnnnection with naiy <br /> can�lcmnation or utl�rr tuliu�: �d�any� F�art u1'thc Propert}'. ��r fnr riinveyanre in licu u(roudemnation. urc hereby .istiiEued u►vJ .` <br /> slial l bc paiJ t��IAndcr. <br /> In Uu cvcnt�d'�i tuud takin�uf thc I'ru�x�1y, thc prurccds shull lsc upplicd tu thc yumti+ccured I�y thi+Sccurity Intitrumcnt, <br /> w•hi�tNer��r nut Ihcn du�:, with any cxccs. paid tu Aorrower. In the evcnt oF a paniul iaking of the F�raperty in which the fair <br /> markcl vulue.�f thc Praperty immediidcly betiur� �he takinb is cyual w or�;rcater thun th4;unaunt of thc sums sccurcd by this <br /> Sccurity leisirumcnt immuliately before thc taking, unlcys Borruwcr and Lcndcr uthcrwi�e agrec in writing,ihc+ums secu�ed by <br /> this Security instrument slr,dl be reduced by the amount uf the prcxeeds nwltiplied by the foUawing f'rartiun: la) the total <br /> amount of the sums,ccured immc:iiatcly beforc the taking, dividcd by lU! thc fair markct value uf the Prupeny inmxcliutcly <br /> befc�rc the ia�ing. Any balanoc sha�� bc Paid co B�rrowcr. In thc cvent of u partial taking of the Property in wliich the fair <br /> marL:ct value of the Prupetty imtnaiiately t►efore the taking is Ictis than the amaunt of the sums securcd immecliutely before th, <br /> taking,unlcsy Borrower and l.e�xlcr otl�erwise agrcc in writing or unlcss u�pplicable law otherwist providr.s, the procceds sttall <br /> be applled io ttx sums sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt whethcr or not thr.sums are then duc. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borro��•cr,or if, after noticc by Lender�o Bunou•er that lhe cundemnur uff�r, tu make an <br /> awurJ or setttc a daim for damages. Borrmr�cr fails to respond to l..�:ndcr within 3Q dayti altet lh� Jutc lhc nolicc iti gi�'en, <br /> Lender is autharized to collect and apply the pmceeds, ut its option,either to restor,►tian or repair of tho Propeny or to the sums <br /> secur�by Ihis SeCUrity Instrumcnt, wliether or not thcn duc. <br /> Uniess I.encler und Bonower othcrwisc agrcc in �vriting. any application of proceeds to principul tihu�llynot cxtend or <br /> postpone the due aate of the mondily payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such ► ments. <br /> 11. Bor�ox�er Not Released; Corl►earanee By Lender Not a 1ti'aicer.�xtension of the time for payment or modificatiorn <br /> of amorti�ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument g��anted by Lcnder to any successor in int�rest of Borro�ti�er sha.l! <br /> not opci•ate tc�release the liability of the original Borrowcr ur Barrower's succcsso� in interest.I.�:nder shaU not bc requi�ed ta <br /> mrnnxnce procec^dings ugainst any successor m interest or refuse ro extend time for payment or otherwise modify anwrtizatim� <br /> of the sunu �xuned by this Secunty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrowcr or Barrowcr's <br /> succeswrs in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be u waiver of or preclude th�a <br /> execcise of any right or rcmedy. <br /> 12. SuccGSS�urs and Assigas &►und; Jolnt And Several Liabillty; Co-signere. The covenlnts and a�reements of this <br /> Sccurity Instrument shall bi�d and benefit the successors and assigns of Lendcr and I3orrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> parag►uph 17. fiorrower's covenunts and Agreements shall be j Cint�and se feral.�Any Borrower who casigns this Securin� <br /> Instniment but does not execute che riuiC: iui ����-�ib:•:r"s s��='°-��s°.+ I""^!m_^t nnly t� moriLTUeC. �rant and conve thax <br /> Bor[ower's interest in the Propercy uncfer the terms of this Security Insttument;(b) is not pc�:sonally oblig�ted to pay the sams <br /> secured by this Sc:curity lnstcument; and(c)agrees that Lender and uny other Borrower muy agree to eatend, modify,farbear or <br /> make any eccommodations with regard to the ternis of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's conse�l. <br /> 13. Losn Cl�arges. If the luan secural by this Security instrument is subject to n law whlch sets msiximum loan charg�-�. <br /> nn�3 that law is finally inte�preted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan ezceed elie permitted limits,chen: (a)any sueh loan cl�arge shall be reduedd by the amount nexessary to roduce the cha.rge <br /> ro the permieted limir urd(b) any sums already collected from Borrower �vhich exceeded permitted IimiGs will i�e refunderl to <br /> Borrower.L.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by malcing a diaxt <br /> puyn�iu to Bomo�ver. If a refund n:duce3 principal, the reduction will be tre:itecl as a purtictl pmpuyment withaut wny <br /> prepaymcnt charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrument stiall be given by dclivering it or by m3iling <br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any uther addtess Borrower designntes by notice to Lender. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first c1a�s mzil to <br /> Lender's address stated herein or xny othcr address Lender designates by notice to Bonower.Any notice provided for 'sn ehis <br /> 5ecurity Instnrment shall be dcemed to ha��e been given to Borrower o�l.ender when given as providod in this paragraph. <br /> l�.C�►�erning I.Aw; S�eve�bility. This Security Instrument shafl be govemed by federal law and the law.of the <br /> jucisdiction in w+hich the Property is located. In the evenE that any provlsion or clause of this Sexurity Instrument ot th:Note <br /> given�effect wthoutathe confl t ng provisiona'Tothisfend the pPoviSions of this�c�urity fnst ment andtthe•Not a o d�larod <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Borrowa''s CoPY•Bonowcr shull be givcn onc conformed copy of rhe Note and af this Sccurity instn►ment. <br /> 17.Trsmsfer of the Property or a Beneficlal Intcrest in Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any inte�.rest in it <br /> is sold or trunsfcrrcd(or if a bencficia. interest in Bonower is sold or transfcrred and Botrower is not u natural person)without <br /> L.ender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, require immadiate payment in full of ull sun�s secural by this <br /> Security I�Ltrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibtted by federal law as of the date <br /> of this Socuriry Instcument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shaU provide a period of not <br /> less ttwn 30 days from the date thc notice is delivcred ar mailed within which Borcower must pAy all sums securod by this <br /> Security InstNment. IF Borrowcr fails to pay thesz sum!;prior to the expiration uf tliis period,Lendcr m�y invoke a��y rcmcdics <br /> }x;rmittcd by this Sec�trity Instrument without further notice ur demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. i3a�'uwer'9 itight to Reinsts�te. [f Bonower meets certain conditions, Borrou��r shull hnve the right to havc <br /> enforcemerrt of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the carlicr of: (a) 5 dAys (or such otlier period as <br /> applicable law m�►y spocify for reinstatement) before sale uf thc Property pursuant to a��,y power of s:ilo contained in this <br /> Security Instn��ncnt;or(b)cntry of a judgment cnforcing this Security Instmment. Tho�e ro�xiitions ure that F3orrower: (a)pays <br /> [.ender all sums which then �vould be due undr.r thi�Security Instrument and the Notc as if no acceleration h:id acurrcd; (b) <br /> cures any detault of any other covenantti or agrcements; (c) pays all expenses incurced in �nforcing this Security instrument, <br /> including, but not limited to, reasonablc attorneys' fee�s; and(d)takes such action ns Ixnder may rcasonubly reyu�rc to assurc <br /> - that thc lien of this Sccurity Instrument. I..ender's ri�hts in the Property and Borcowcr's obli�ntiun to pay thc sums securcd by <br /> ehis Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatementLby Bo��u��'PVP�h����ohc���en��i dshall <br /> obligatians sccurcd I�crcby shalt remain fuiiy ci?�nivc:��i�iti iawtc�aaivn..w.........«. .--.._._-• •---- .. <br />— not upply i n the a15e of accelerntion under parugraph 17. <br /> 19,Sale ot Note; Ctutnge of Loan Servicer. Thc Nntc or a panial intcrest in the Notc (tagcthcr with this Securiry <br /> Instn��nent)may be suld one or morc timcs without prior notice to Borrowcr. A sale►n�y result in u changc in thc entity(known <br /> a�the "Lo:�n Servicer")that cullects monthly paymcnts duc under thc Notc ared this Sccurity Instrument.There also►rwy bc one <br />-- or nx�rc changcs of thc Loan Serviccr unrelatcd to:�s:►le uf the Note.lf thcrc is a change of the Loan Serviccr, Aorrower will bc <br />= �iven written noticc uf the change in accordancc with para6raVh l4 above and applicable Isw.The notice will stat�the nanx and <br /> address of thc ncw l.oan 5crviccr and the address to wl�ich payments sl�uuld bc macfe. Thc notice will also contain any other <br /> - infom�aiion rcquircd by app��cablc law. <br /> -- Z0. �iazardous 5ubstances. Bonuwer shall nut causc or permit the prcsence. use, dispo�i. storage, or relcase of uny <br /> — Har•rrdous Substances on .�r in tlie Propeny. &�rrower ahaU not do, iwr alluw anyune else to do, anything offectin� tix <br /> v property that i5 in violatian of sny Envirommntal Law. The prcceding two untenees shail not apply to the presence, use. or <br /> stor,�bc on ihe F'ruperty of small yuantitics nf H;rr.urdous Substa►xcs that arc generrlly rcrugniuci w lx �ppropriatc to nom�l <br /> residentiat uscs and ta maintenancc of thc Property. <br /> - � .•`} �•: Fnrm 3021 9lSO <br /> — Pnpa J ol 4 + <br />